İstmiya Oyunları, (Antik Yunanca: Ἴσθμια ) Antik Yunanistan´da Korint Kanalı çevresinde her iki yılda bir kutlanan Panhellenik oyunlardır.
Eğer ilk Olimpiyat Oyunu´nun başlangıç tarihini M.Ö. 776 yılı olarak kabul edeӀirse İstmiya Oyunları´nın ilk kez M.Ö. 584 yılında oynandığını söylenebilir. Bu oyunların adı oynandığı bölge olan İstmus Korint - Korint Kıstağı teriminden gelir.
Bu oyunlarda en azından M.Ö. 5. yüzyıla kadar kazananlara bir çelenk hazırlanıp sunulmuştur. Bu çelenk çam yapraklarından oluşuyordu.
Bunun yanında kazananlar bir heykel ya da kaside ile de övülebilirlerdi. Kazanılan bu ödüller dışında Atina Meclisi kazananları fazladan 100 Drahmi ile de ödüllendirirdi.
Efsaneye göre bu oyunlar bir cenaze töreninin anısına düzenlenmektedir. Korint´in efsanevi kralı ve kurucusunun bulduğu bir ölüyü Korint Kıstağı üzerinde yakmasının ardından Atina kralı Theseus´un bu töreni Apollon´un anısına her yıl düzenli olarak gerçekleşen spor oyunları hâline getirmesi ile biçimlenmiştir.
M.Ö. 228'de ya da M.Ö. 229'da Romalılar´ın da bu oyunlara katılmalarına izin verilmiştir.
Korint daima İstmiya Oyunları´nın merkezi olmuştur. M.Ö. 146'da Korint, Romalılar tarafından yerle bir edildiğinde bile oyunlar başka devletler tarafından organize ediliyor olmuşsa da Korint´te devam etmiştir. Kentin M.Ö. 44 yılında Sezar tarafından tekrar kurulmasından sonra oyunlar M.Ö. 7 ve M.S. 3 yıllarında tamamen Korint´in ev sahipliği ile gerçekleştirilmiştir.
- Chariot yarışları
- Pankration
- Güreş
- Kadınların da katılma haklarının olduğu Müzik ve şiir yarışmaları.
Ünlü Atletler
M.Ö. 216'da Tebaili Cleistomachus aynı günde güreş, boks ve pankration dalındaki tüm karşılaşmaları kazanmıştır.
Eğer oyunların yapılacağı dönemde iki devlet arasında herhangi bir anlaşmazlık ya da savaş var ise ateşkes ilân edilir ve ülkenin dört bir yanından atletler Korint´e gelirlerdi. M.Ö. 412'de, Atina ile Korint savaş içinde olmalarına rağmen Atinalı atletler alışılageldiği biçimde spor müsabakalarına davert edilmişlerdir.
- ^ According to Solinus, the Isthmian Games were reconstituted in the 49th (Solinus, Wonders of the World 7.14 1 Ocak 2007 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .). The 49th Olympiad began in . The Olympic Games took place in July/August 4 Mart 2007 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .; the Isthmian Games in April/May of the second year of the Olympiad. The second year of the 49th Olympiad was from July/August 583 to July/August 582 BC. The date 582 BC is accepted by, for instance (under Isthmia).
- ^ σέλινον: Pindar, Isthmian Odes 2.16, 8.64.
- ^ “At the Isthmus the pine, and at Nemea celery became the prize to commemorate the sufferings of Palaemon and Archemorus.” (, Description of Greece 8.48.2).
- ^ “As he was marching up an ascent, from the top of which they expected to have a view of the army and of the strength of the enemy, there met him by chance a train of mules loaded with parsley; which his soldiers conceived to be an ominous occurrence or ill-boding token, because this is the herb with which we not unfrequently adorn the sepulchres of the dead; and there is a proverb derived from the custom, used of one who is dangerously sick, that he has need of nothing but parsley. So to ease their minds, and free them from any superstitious thoughts or forebodings of evil, Timoleon halted, and concluded an address suitable to the occasion, by saying, that a garland of triumph was here luckily brought them, and had fallen into their hands of its own accord, as an anticipation of victory: the same with which the Corinthians crown the victors in the Isthmian games, accounting chaplets of parsley the sacred wreath proper to their country; parsley being at that time still the emblem of victory at the Isthmian, as it is now at the Nemean sports; and it is not so very long ago that the pine first began to be used in its place.” “26. (1.) Ἀναβαίνοντι δ’ αὐτῷ πρὸς λόφον, ὃν ὑπερβαλόντες ἔμελλον κατ‑ όψεσθαι τὸ στράτευμα καὶ τὴν δύναμιν τῶν πολεμίων, ἐμβάλλουσιν ἡμίονοι (2.) σέλινα κομίζοντες, καὶ τοῖς στρατιώταις εἰσῆλθε πονηρὸν εἶναι τὸ ση‑ μεῖον, ὅτι τὰ μνήματα τῶν νεκρῶν εἰώθαμεν ἐπιεικῶς στεφανοῦν σελί‑ νοις· καὶ παροιμία τις ἐκ τούτου γέγονε, τὸν ἐπισφαλῶς νοσοῦντα δεῖσθαι (3.) [τοῦτον] τοῦ σελίνου. βουλόμενος οὖν αὐτοὺς ἀπαλλάξαι τῆς δεισιδαιμο‑ νίας καὶ τὴν δυσελπιστίαν ἀφελεῖν, ὁ Τιμολέων ἐπιστήσας τὴν πορείαν ἄλλα τε <πολλὰ> πρέποντα τῷ καιρῷ διελέχθη, καὶ τὸν στέφανον αὐτοῖς ἔφη πρὸ τῆς νίκης κομιζόμενον αὐτομάτως εἰς τὰς χεῖρας ἥκειν, ᾧπερ Κορίνθιοι στεφανοῦσι τοὺς Ἴσθμια νικῶντας, ἱερὸν καὶ πάτριον στέμμα (5) (4.) <τὸ> τοῦ σελίνου νομίζοντες. ἔτι γὰρ τότε τῶν Ἰσθμίων, ὥσπερ νῦν τῶν (5.) Νεμείων, τὸ σέλινον ἦν στέφανος, οὐ πάλαι δ’ ἡ πίτυς γέγονεν.” (Plutarch, Life of Timoleon 8 Şubat 2005 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .).
- ^ Todo: Oscar Broneer, ‘The Isthmian victory crown’, American Journal of Archaeology 66 (1962), pp.259–263.
- ^ Pausanias, Description of Greece 2.1.7 17 Mayıs 2020 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .. None of the statues have survived.
- ^ From Solon (638–558 BC) onwards, for he laid it down that “the victor in the Isthmian games was to be paid a hundred drachmas, and the Olympic victor five hundred” (Plutarch, Live of Solon 23.3). According to , Solon “diminished the honours paid to Athletes who were victorious in the games, fixing the prize for a victor at Olympia at five hundred drachmae, and for one who conquered at the Isthmian games at one hundred” (Diogenes Laertius, Lives of Philosophers 1.55: Solon 2 Eylül 2010 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .; Greek 11 Mart 2007 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .). For comparison: the daily wage for a skilled worked was approximately 1 drachma. Victors in the Isthmian games were not included in those athletes that were entitled to free meals in the [Prytaneion] (IG I3 131 29 Eylül 2007 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .).
- ^ Polybius, Histories 2.12.8.
- ^ Pausanias, Description of Greece 5.2.4.
- ^ Aristomache, a poetess from Erythraea, had won the prize at the Isthmian Games: … ὡς ἐν τῷ Σικυωνίων θησαυρῷ χρυσοῦν ἀνέκειτο βιβλίον Ἀριστομάχης ἀνάθημα τῆς Ἐρυθραίας ἐπικῷ … ποιήματι δὶς Ἴσθμια νενικηκυίας (Plutarch, Symposiacs/Quaestiones convivales 675b7–10 5.2 5 Ocak 2016 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .).
- ^ Pausanias, Description of Greece 6.15.3.
- ^ ”ἐς ὃ Ἰσθμικὰς σπονδὰς Κορινθίων ἐπαγγειλάντων” (Pausanias, Description of Greece 5.2.1).
- ^ Thucydides, 8.10.
Dış bağlantılar
- at the Hellenic Ministry of Culture3 Şubat 2007 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .. (İngilizce)
- .
- .
- Perseus Site Catalog: Isthmia.
- Britannica 1911: Classical games29 Mart 2007 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .
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Istmiya Oyunlari Antik Yunanca Ἴs8mia Antik Yunanistan da Korint Kanali cevresinde her iki yilda bir kutlanan Panhellenik oyunlardir Eger ilk Olimpiyat Oyunu nun baslangic tarihini M O 776 yili olarak kabul edeӀirse Istmiya Oyunlari nin ilk kez M O 584 yilinda oynandigini soylenebilir Bu oyunlarin adi oynandigi bolge olan Istmus Korint Korint Kistagi teriminden gelir Bu oyunlarda en azindan M O 5 yuzyila kadar kazananlara bir celenk hazirlanip sunulmustur Bu celenk cam yapraklarindan olusuyordu Bunun yaninda kazananlar bir heykel ya da kaside ile de ovulebilirlerdi Kazanilan bu oduller disinda Atina Meclisi kazananlari fazladan 100 Drahmi ile de odullendirirdi KokenEfsaneye gore bu oyunlar bir cenaze toreninin anisina duzenlenmektedir Korint in efsanevi krali ve kurucusunun buldugu bir oluyu Korint Kistagi uzerinde yakmasinin ardindan Atina krali Theseus un bu toreni Apollon un anisina her yil duzenli olarak gerceklesen spor oyunlari haline getirmesi ile bicimlenmistir GecmisiM O 228 de ya da M O 229 da Romalilar in da bu oyunlara katilmalarina izin verilmistir Korint daima Istmiya Oyunlari nin merkezi olmustur M O 146 da Korint Romalilar tarafindan yerle bir edildiginde bile oyunlar baska devletler tarafindan organize ediliyor olmussa da Korint te devam etmistir Kentin M O 44 yilinda Sezar tarafindan tekrar kurulmasindan sonra oyunlar M O 7 ve M S 3 yillarinda tamamen Korint in ev sahipligi ile gerceklestirilmistir YarismalarChariot yarislari Pankration Gures Kadinlarin da katilma haklarinin oldugu Muzik ve siir yarismalari Unlu AtletlerM O 216 da Tebaili Cleistomachus ayni gunde gures boks ve pankration dalindaki tum karsilasmalari kazanmistir GuvenlikEger oyunlarin yapilacagi donemde iki devlet arasinda herhangi bir anlasmazlik ya da savas var ise ateskes ilan edilir ve ulkenin dort bir yanindan atletler Korint e gelirlerdi M O 412 de Atina ile Korint savas icinde olmalarina ragmen Atinali atletler alisilageldigi bicimde spor musabakalarina davert edilmislerdir Notlar According to Solinus the Isthmian Games were reconstituted in the 49th Solinus Wonders of the World 7 14 1 Ocak 2007 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde The 49th Olympiad began in The Olympic Games took place in July August 4 Mart 2007 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde the Isthmian Games in April May of the second year of the Olympiad The second year of the 49th Olympiad was from July August 583 to July August 582 BC The date 582 BC is accepted by for instance under Isthmia selinon Pindar Isthmian Odes 2 16 8 64 At the Isthmus the pine and at Nemea celery became the prize to commemorate the sufferings of Palaemon and Archemorus Description of Greece 8 48 2 As he was marching up an ascent from the top of which they expected to have a view of the army and of the strength of the enemy there met him by chance a train of mules loaded with parsley which his soldiers conceived to be an ominous occurrence or ill boding token because this is the herb with which we not unfrequently adorn the sepulchres of the dead and there is a proverb derived from the custom used of one who is dangerously sick that he has need of nothing but parsley So to ease their minds and free them from any superstitious thoughts or forebodings of evil Timoleon halted and concluded an address suitable to the occasion by saying that a garland of triumph was here luckily brought them and had fallen into their hands of its own accord as an anticipation of victory the same with which the Corinthians crown the victors in the Isthmian games accounting chaplets of parsley the sacred wreath proper to their country parsley being at that time still the emblem of victory at the Isthmian as it is now at the Nemean sports and it is not so very long ago that the pine first began to be used in its place 26 1 Ἀnabainonti d aὐtῷ prὸs lofon ὃn ὑperbalontes ἔmellon kat opses8ai tὸ strateyma kaὶ tὴn dynamin tῶn polemiwn ἐmballoysin ἡmionoi 2 selina komizontes kaὶ toῖs stratiwtais eἰsῆl8e ponhrὸn eἶnai tὸ sh meῖon ὅti tὰ mnhmata tῶn nekrῶn eἰw8amen ἐpieikῶs stefanoῦn seli nois kaὶ paroimia tis ἐk toytoy gegone tὸn ἐpisfalῶs nosoῦnta deῖs8ai 3 toῦton toῦ selinoy boylomenos oὖn aὐtoὺs ἀpalla3ai tῆs deisidaimo nias kaὶ tὴn dyselpistian ἀfeleῖn ὁ Timolewn ἐpisthsas tὴn poreian ἄlla te lt pollὰ gt preponta tῷ kairῷ dielex8h kaὶ tὸn stefanon aὐtoῖs ἔfh prὸ tῆs nikhs komizomenon aὐtomatws eἰs tὰs xeῖras ἥkein ᾧper Korin8ioi stefanoῦsi toὺs Ἴs8mia nikῶntas ἱerὸn kaὶ patrion stemma 5 4 lt tὸ gt toῦ selinoy nomizontes ἔti gὰr tote tῶn Ἰs8miwn ὥsper nῦn tῶn 5 Nemeiwn tὸ selinon ἦn stefanos oὐ palai d ἡ pitys gegonen Plutarch Life of Timoleon 8 Subat 2005 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Todo Oscar Broneer The Isthmian victory crown American Journal of Archaeology 66 1962 pp 259 263 Pausanias Description of Greece 2 1 7 17 Mayis 2020 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde None of the statues have survived From Solon 638 558 BC onwards for he laid it down that the victor in the Isthmian games was to be paid a hundred drachmas and the Olympic victor five hundred Plutarch Live of Solon 23 3 According to Solon diminished the honours paid to Athletes who were victorious in the games fixing the prize for a victor at Olympia at five hundred drachmae and for one who conquered at the Isthmian games at one hundred Diogenes Laertius Lives of Philosophers 1 55 Solon 2 Eylul 2010 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Greek 11 Mart 2007 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde For comparison the daily wage for a skilled worked was approximately 1 drachma Victors in the Isthmian games were not included in those athletes that were entitled to free meals in the Prytaneion IG I3 131 29 Eylul 2007 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Polybius Histories 2 12 8 Pausanias Description of Greece 5 2 4 Aristomache a poetess from Erythraea had won the prize at the Isthmian Games ὡs ἐn tῷ Sikywniwn 8hsayrῷ xrysoῦn ἀnekeito biblion Ἀristomaxhs ἀna8hma tῆs Ἐry8raias ἐpikῷ poihmati dὶs Ἴs8mia nenikhkyias Plutarch Symposiacs Quaestiones convivales 675b7 10 5 2 5 Ocak 2016 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Pausanias Description of Greece 6 15 3 ἐs ὃ Ἰs8mikὰs spondὰs Korin8iwn ἐpaggeilantwn Pausanias Description of Greece 5 2 1 Thucydides 8 10 Dis baglantilarat the Hellenic Ministry of Culture3 Subat 2007 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Ingilizce Perseus Site Catalog Isthmia Britannica 1911 Classical games29 Mart 2007 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde