52. Baeksang Sanat Ödülleri (Korece: 제52회 백상예술대상) 3 Haziran 2016'da Seul'deki Grand Peace Salonu, Kyung Hee Üniversitesi'nde yapıldı. ve Bae Suzy'nin sunuculuğunu yaptığı program, JTBC'de canlı yayınlandı. Ilgan Sports ve JTBC Plus tarafından organize edilen bu tören, Güney Kore'nin hem film hem de televizyonda mükemmelliği tanıyan tek ödül törenidir.
52. Baeksang Sanat Ödülleri | ||||
Sunucu | Shin Dong-yup Bae Suzy | |||
Tarih | 3 Haziran 2016 | |||
Yer | Grand Peace Salonu, Kyung Hee Üniversitesi, Seul | |||
Ülke | ||||
Resmî sitesi | baeksangartsawards | |||
Ağ | JTBC | |||
En çok kazanan | Sinema: Dongju: The Portrait of a Poet (2) Televizyon: Descendants of the Sun (3) Signal (3) | |||
En çok adaylık | Sinema: Coin Locker Girl (9) Suikast (9) Televizyon: Reply 1988 (14) | |||
Gecenin en yüksek onur ödülü olan Büyük Ödül (Daesang), film bölümünde yönetmen ve televizyon bölümünde dizi Descendants of the Sun'a verildi.
Ödüller ve adaylıklar

| |
Birden fazla galibiyeti olan filmler
Aşağıdaki filmler birden fazla galibiyet aldı:
Galibiyet | Filmler |
2 | Dongju: The Portrait of a Poet |
Birden fazla adaylığı olan filmler
Aşağıdaki filmler birden fazla adaylık aldı:
Aday | Filmer |
9 | Coin Locker Girl |
Suikast | |
8 | Taht |
7 | Dongju: The Portrait of a Poet |
Inside Men | |
Karşı Karşıya | |
5 | Office |
4 | Alice in Earnestland |
Minority Opinion | |
3 | Gizli Dosya |
Su Saek | |
The Priests | |
The Shameless | |
2 | A Melody to Remember |
A Midsummer's Fantasia | |
Like for Likes | |
Love, Lies | |
Madonna | |
Seni Hatırlıyorum | |
Şeytanın Günlüğü | |
Shadow Island | |
Steel Flower | |
The Beauty Inside | |
The Himalayas | |
The Silenced |

Birden fazla galibiyeti olan programlar
Aşağıdaki televizyon programları birden fazla galibiyet aldı:
Galibiyet | Televizyon programları |
3 | Descendants of the Sun |
Signal | |
2 | Reply 1988 |
Birden fazla adaylığı olan programlar
Aşağıdaki televizyon programları birden fazla adaylık aldı:
Aday | Televizyon programları |
14 | Reply 1988 |
10 | Descendants of the Sun |
8 | Signal |
Six Flying Dragons | |
5 | She Was Pretty |
4 | Who Are You: School 2015 |
3 | Oh My Ghostess |
Yong-pal | |
2 | Come Back Mister |
Comedy Big League | |
High Society | |
King of Mask Singer | |
Madame Antoine: The Love Therapist | |
Mask | |
My Little Television | |
Oh My Venus | |
One More Happy Ending | |
Remember | |
The Time We Were Not in Love | |
With You |
Özel ödüller
InStyle Moda Ödülü | iQIYI Küresel Yıldız Ödülü |
- ^ Kim, Yeon-ji; Kim, Jin-seok (9 Mayıs 2016). . koreajoongangdaily.joins.com (İngilizce). 27 Ekim 2020 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. Erişim tarihi: 31 Mayıs 2023.
- ^ Kim, Sang-hyuk (4 Haziran 2016). . n.news.naver.com (Korece). 6 Şubat 2021 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. Erişim tarihi: 31 Mayıs 2023.
- ^ . HanCinema. 2 Mayıs 2016. 4 Mayıs 2016 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. Erişim tarihi: 31 Mayıs 2023.
- ^ . HanCinema. 2 Mayıs 2016. 4 Mayıs 2016 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. Erişim tarihi: 31 Mayıs 2023.
Dış bağlantılar
- Resmî site
- 52. Baeksang Sanat Ödülleri Kazananlar Listesi 8 Nisan 2023 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .
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52 Baeksang Sanat Odulleri Korece 제52회 백상예술대상 3 Haziran 2016 da Seul deki Grand Peace Salonu Kyung Hee Universitesi nde yapildi ve Bae Suzy nin sunuculugunu yaptigi program JTBC de canli yayinlandi Ilgan Sports ve JTBC Plus tarafindan organize edilen bu toren Guney Kore nin hem film hem de televizyonda mukemmelligi taniyan tek odul torenidir 52 Baeksang Sanat OdulleriSunucuShin Dong yup Bae SuzyTarih3 Haziran 2016 2016 06 03 YerGrand Peace Salonu Kyung Hee Universitesi SeulUlke Guney KoreResmi sitesibaeksangartsawardsAgJTBCEn cok kazananSinema Dongju The Portrait of a Poet 2 Televizyon Descendants of the Sun 3 Signal 3 En cok adaylikSinema Coin Locker Girl 9 Suikast 9 Televizyon Reply 1988 14 lt 51 Baeksang Sanat Odulleri 53 gt Gecenin en yuksek onur odulu olan Buyuk Odul Daesang film bolumunde yonetmen ve televizyon bolumunde dizi Descendants of the Sun a verildi Oduller ve adayliklarLee Joon ik Buyuk Odul Daesang Film SahibiLee Byung hun En Iyi Erkek Oyuncu Sinema SahibiJeon Do yeon En Iyi Kadin Oyuncu Sinema SahibiLee Geung young En Iyi Yardimci Erkek Oyuncu Sinema SahibiRa Mi ran En Iyi Yardimci Kadin Oyuncu Sinema SahibiPark Jeong min En Iyi Yeni Erkek Oyuncu Sinema SahibiPark So dam En Iyi Yeni Kadin Oyuncu Sinema SahibiDo Kyung soo En Populer Erkek Oyuncu Sinema SahibiBae Suzy En Populer Kadin Oyuncu Sinema SahibiSinema Lee Joon ik yonetmen Dongju The Portrait of a Poet TahtSuikast Dongju The Portrait of a Poet Fourth Place Inside Men Karsi Karsiya Ryoo Seung wan Karsi Karsiya Choi Dong hoon Suikast Lee Joon ik Dongju The Portrait of a Poet Oh Seung wook The Shameless Woo Min ho Inside MenHan Jun hee Coin Locker Girl Ahn Gooc jin Alice in Earnestland Choi Seung yeun Su Saek Hong Won chan Office Kim Sung je Minority Opinion Ahn Gooc jin Alice in Earnestland Choi Dong hoon Suikast Kwak Kyung taek Han Seung woon Gizli Dosya Ryoo Seung wan Karsi Karsiya Shin Yeon shick Dongju The Portrait of a PoetEn Iyi Erkek Oyuncu En Iyi Kadin OyuncuLee Byung hun Inside Men Baek Yoon sik Inside Men Hwang Jung min Karsi Karsiya Song Kang ho Taht Yoo Ah in Taht Jeon Do yeon The Shameless Han Hyo joo The Beauty Inside Jun Ji hyun Suikast Kim Hye soo Coin Locker Girl Lee Jung hyun Alice in EarnestlandLee Geung young Minority Opinion Bae Seong woo Office Cho Jin woong Suikast Oh Dal su Karsi Karsiya Uhm Tae goo Coin Locker Girl Ra Mi ran The Himalayas Jang Young nam Gizli Dosya Jeon Hye jin Taht Ryu Hyun kyung Office Uhm Ji won The SilencedPark Jeong min Dongju The Portrait of a Poet Go Kyung pyo Coin Locker Girl Park Bo gum Coin Locker Girl Park Seo joon Seytanin Gunlugu Tae In ho Shadow Island Park So dam The Priests Jeong Ha dam Steel Flower Kim Sae byuk A Midsummer s Fantasia Kim Si eun Su Saek Kwon So hyun MadonnaDo Kyung soo Pure Love Bae Seong woo Office Baek Yoon sik Inside Men Cho Jin woong Suikast Cho Seung woo Inside Men Choi Min sik The Tiger Gang Dong won The Priests Go Kyung pyo Coin Locker Girl Ha Jung woo Suikast Hwang Jung min Karsi Karsiya Im Si wan A Melody to Remember Jung Woo sung Seni Hatirliyorum Kang Ha neul Dongju The Portrait of a Poet Kwon Sang woo Zoraki Dedektif Lee Byung hun Inside Men Lee Geung young Minority Opinion Lee Jung jae Suikast Oh Dal su Karsi Karsiya Park Bo gum Coin Locker Girl Park Jeong min Dongju The Portrait of a Poet Park Seo joon Seytanin Gunlugu Song Kang ho Taht Suho One Way Trip Tae In ho Shadow Island Uhm Tae goo Coin Locker Girl Yoo Ah in Taht Yoo Hae jin Fatal Intuition Yoo Seung ho Sihirbaz Yoo Yeon seok Love Lies Yoon Kye sang Minority Opinion Bae Suzy The Sound of a Flower Choi Ji woo Like for Likes Chun Woo hee Love Lies Go Ah sung A Melody to Remember Han Hyo joo The Beauty Inside Han Ye ri Love Guide for Dumpees Im Soo jung Gecmisin Izinde Jang Young nam Gizli Dosya Jeon Do yeon The Shameless Jeon Hye jin Taht Jun Ji hyun Suikast Jeong Ha dam Steel Flower Kang Ye won Insane Kim Go eun Memories of the Sword Kim Ha neul Seni Hatirliyorum Kim Hye soo Coin Locker Girl Kim Sae byuk A Midsummer s Fantasia Kim Si eun Su Saek Kwon So hyun Madonna Lee Jung hyun Alice in Earnestland Lee Mi yeon Like for Likes Lim Ji yeon The Treacherous Moon Chae won Mood of the Day Moon Geun young Taht Park Bo young You Call It Passion Park So dam The Priests Ra Mi ran The Himalayas Ryu Hyun kyung Office Shim Eun kyung Missing You Uhm Ji won The SilencedBirden fazla galibiyeti olan filmler Asagidaki filmler birden fazla galibiyet aldi Galibiyet Filmler2 Dongju The Portrait of a PoetBirden fazla adayligi olan filmler Asagidaki filmler birden fazla adaylik aldi Aday Filmer9 Coin Locker GirlSuikast8 Taht7 Dongju The Portrait of a PoetInside MenKarsi Karsiya5 Office4 Alice in EarnestlandMinority Opinion3 Gizli DosyaSu SaekThe PriestsThe Shameless2 A Melody to RememberA Midsummer s FantasiaLike for LikesLove LiesMadonnaSeni HatirliyorumSeytanin GunluguShadow IslandSteel FlowerThe Beauty InsideThe HimalayasThe SilencedYoo Ah in En Iyi Erkek Oyuncu Televizyon SahibiKim Hye soo En Iyi Kadin Oyuncu Televizyon SahibiRyu Jun yeol En Iyi Yeni Erkek Oyuncu Televizyon SahibiKim Go eun En Iyi Yeni Kadin Oyuncu Televizyon SahibiKim Gu ra En Iyi Erkek Sunucu SahibiKim Sook En Iyi Kadin Sunucu SahibiSong Joong ki En Populer Erkek Oyuncu Televizyon SahibiSong Hye kyo En Populer Kadin Oyuncu Televizyon SahibiTelevizyon Descendants of the Sun dizi Signal Descendants of the Sun Reply 1988 She Was Pretty Six Flying DragonsKing of Mask Singer MBC After School tvN My Little Television MBC Please Take Care of My Refrigerator JTBC Same Bed Different Dreams SBS Examination EBS Kim Je dong s Talk to You JTBC The Next Human The Secret Readers Club tvN Wind for School SBS Shin Won ho Reply 1988 Jung Dae yoon She Was Pretty Kim Won seok Signal Lee Eung bok Baek Sang hoon Descendants of the Sun Shin Kyung soo Six Flying Dragons Kim Eun hee Signal Kim Eun sook Kim Won seok Descendants of the Sun Kim Young hyun Park Sang yeon Six Flying Dragons Lee Woo jung Reply 1988 Yang Hee seung Oh My GhostessEn Iyi Kadin OyuncuYoo Ah in Six Flying Dragons Cho Jin woong Signal Joo Won Yong pal Namkoong Min Remember Song Joong ki Descendants of the Sun Kim Hye soo Signal Hwang Jung eum She Was Pretty Kim Hyun joo I Have a Lover Ra Mi ran Reply 1988 Song Hye kyo Descendants of the SunRyu Jun yeol Reply 1988 Ahn Jae hong Reply 1988 Byun Yo han Six Flying Dragons Lee Dong hwi Reply 1988 Yook Sung jae Who Are You School 2015 Kim Go eun Cheese in the Trap Lee Hye ri Reply 1988 Lee Sung kyung Flower of Queen Park So dam My First Time Ryu Hye young Reply 1988Kim Gu ra My Little Television Jung Jun ha Infinite Challenge Kim Sung joo King of Mask Singer Kim Young chul Real Man Yoon Jung soo With You Kim Sook With You Hong Yoon hwa People Looking for a Laugh Jang Do yeon Comedy Big League Oh Na mi Gag Concert Park Na rae Comedy Big LeagueSong Joong ki Descendants of the Sun Byun Yo han Six Flying Dragons Cho Jin woong Signal Jang Hyuk The Merchant Gaekju 2015 Jang Kyung ho One More Happy Ending Jin Goo Descendants of the Sun Jo Jung suk Oh My Ghostess Ju Ji hoon Mask Joo Won Yong pal Kim Young kwang D Day Lee Hyun woo Moorim School Lee Je hoon Signal Lee Jin wook The Time We Were Not in Love Lee Joon The Vampire Detective Lee Joon gi The Scholar Who Walks the Night Lee Sang yoon Second 20s Nam Joo hyuk Who Are You School 2015 Namkoong Min Remember Park Bo gum Reply 1988 Park Hae jin Cheese in the Trap Park Hyung sik High Society Park Seo joon She Was Pretty Rain Come Back Mister Ryu Jun yeol Reply 1988 Seo In guk Hello Monster Seo Kang joon Cheese in the Trap So Ji sub Oh My Venus Sung Joon Madame Antoine The Love Therapist Yoo Ah in Six Flying Dragons Yook Sung jae Who Are You School 2015 Song Hye kyo Descendants of the Sun Baek Jin hee My Daughter Geum Sa wol Choi Kang hee Glamorous Temptation Ha Ji won The Time We Were Not in Love Han Ye seul Madame Antoine The Love Therapist Hwang Jung eum She Was Pretty Jang Na ra One More Happy Ending Jung Eun ji Sassy Go Go Kang So ra Warm and Cozy Kim Go eun Cheese in the Trap Kim Hye soo Signal Kim Ji won Descendants of the Sun Kim So hyun Who Are You School 2015 Kim Tae hee Yong pal Lee Hye ri Reply 1988 Lee Sung kyung Cheese in the Trap Lee Yeon hee Splendid Politics Lim Ji yeon High Society Moon Chae won Goodbye Mr Black Moon Geun young The Village Achiara s Secret Oh Yeon seo Come Back Mister Park Bo young Oh My Ghostess Park Min young Remember Ra Mi ran Reply 1988 Ryu Hye young Reply 1988 Shin Min a Oh My Venus Shin Se kyung Six Flying Dragons Soo Ae Mask Uee Marriage ContractBirden fazla galibiyeti olan programlar Asagidaki televizyon programlari birden fazla galibiyet aldi Galibiyet Televizyon programlari3 Descendants of the SunSignal2 Reply 1988Birden fazla adayligi olan programlar Asagidaki televizyon programlari birden fazla adaylik aldi Aday Televizyon programlari14 Reply 198810 Descendants of the Sun8 SignalSix Flying Dragons5 She Was Pretty4 Who Are You School 20153 Oh My GhostessYong pal2 Come Back MisterComedy Big LeagueHigh SocietyKing of Mask SingerMadame Antoine The Love TherapistMaskMy Little TelevisionOh My VenusOne More Happy EndingRememberThe Time We Were Not in LoveWith YouOzel oduller InStyle Moda Odulu iQIYI Kuresel Yildiz OduluPark Bo gum Bae Suzy Song Joong ki Song Hye kyoKaynakca Kim Yeon ji Kim Jin seok 9 Mayis 2016 koreajoongangdaily joins com Ingilizce 27 Ekim 2020 tarihinde kaynagindan arsivlendi Erisim tarihi 31 Mayis 2023 Kim Sang hyuk 4 Haziran 2016 n news naver com Korece 6 Subat 2021 tarihinde kaynagindan arsivlendi Erisim tarihi 31 Mayis 2023 HanCinema 2 Mayis 2016 4 Mayis 2016 tarihinde kaynagindan arsivlendi Erisim tarihi 31 Mayis 2023 HanCinema 2 Mayis 2016 4 Mayis 2016 tarihinde kaynagindan arsivlendi Erisim tarihi 31 Mayis 2023 Dis baglantilarResmi site 52 Baeksang Sanat Odulleri Kazananlar Listesi 8 Nisan 2023 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde