Bu liste, 1993 yılında Billboard dergisi tarafından 1 numaraya yükselen şarkıları içerir.

Hafta | Şarkı | Sanatçı |
2 Ocak | "I Will Always Love You" | Whitney Houston |
9 Ocak | "I Will Always Love You" | Whitney Houston |
16 Ocak | "I Will Always Love You" | Whitney Houston |
23 Ocak | "I Will Always Love You" | Whitney Houston |
30 Ocak | "I Will Always Love You" | Whitney Houston |
6 Şubat | "I Will Always Love You" | Whitney Houston |
13 Şubat | "I Will Always Love You" | Whitney Houston |
20 Şubat | "I Will Always Love You" | Whitney Houston |
27 Şubat | "I Will Always Love You" | Whitney Houston |
6 Mart | "A Whole New World" | Peabo Bryson ve Regina Belle |
13 Mart | "Informer" | Snow |
20 Mart | "Informer" | Snow |
27 Mart | "Informer" | Snow |
3 Nisan | "Informer" | Snow |
10 Nisan | "Informer" | Snow |
17 Nisan | "Informer" | Snow |
24 Nisan | "Informer" | Snow |
1 Mayıs | "Freak Me" | Silk |
8 Mayıs | "Freak Me" | Silk |
15 Mayıs | "That's The Way Love Goes" | Janet Jackson |
22 Mayıs | "That's the Way Love Goes" | Janet Jackson |
29 Mayıs | "That's the Way Love Goes" | Janet Jackson |
5 Haziran | "That's the Way Love Goes" | Janet Jackson |
12 Haziran | "That's the Way Love Goes" | Janet Jackson |
19 Haziran | "That's the Way Love Goes" | Janet Jackson |
26 Haziran | "That's the Way Love Goes" | Janet Jackson |
3 Temmuz | "That's the Way Love Goes" | Janet Jackson |
10 Temmuz | "" | SWV |
17 Temmuz | "Weak" | SWV |
24 Temmuz | "Can't Help Falling in Love" | UB40 |
31 Temmuz | "Can't Help Falling in Love" | UB40 |
7 Ağustos | "Can't Help Falling in Love" | UB40 |
14 Ağustos | "Can't Help Falling in Love" | UB40 |
21 Ağustos | "Can't Help Falling in Love" | UB40 |
28 Ağustos | "Can't Help Falling in Love" | UB40 |
4 Eylül | "Can't Help Falling in Love" | UB40 |
11 Eylül | "" | Mariah Carey |
18 Eylül | "Dreamlover" | Mariah Carey |
25 Eylül | "Dreamlover" | Mariah Carey |
2 Ekim | "Dreamlover" | Mariah Carey |
9 Ekim | "Dreamlover" | Mariah Carey |
16 Ekim | "Dreamlover" | Mariah Carey |
23 Ekim | "Dreamlover" | Mariah Carey |
30 Ekim | "Dreamlover" | Mariah Carey |
6 Kasım | "I'd Do Anything for Love (but I Won't Do That)" | Meat Loaf |
13 Kasım | "I'd Do Anything for Love (but I Won't Do That)" | Meat Loaf |
20 Kasım | "I'd Do Anything for Love (but I Won't Do That)" | Meat Loaf |
27 Kasım | "I'd Do Anything for Love (but I Won't Do That)" | Meat Loaf |
4 Aralık | "I'd Do Anything for Love (but I Won't Do That)" | Meat Loaf |
11 Aralık | "Again" | Janet Jackson |
18 Aralık | "Again" | Janet Jackson |
25 Aralık | "Hero" | Mariah Carey |
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Bu liste 1993 yilinda Billboard dergisi tarafindan 1 numaraya yukselen sarkilari icerir Whitney Houston I Will Always Love You sarkisi ile dokuz hafta zirvede kaldi Sarki yilin en cok satan sarkisi oldu Rap sarkicisi Snow Informer sarkisi ile ilk bir numarasini elde etti Janet Jackson That s the Way Love Goes ve Again sarkilari ile toplamda on hafta zirvede kaldi Mariah Carey Dreamlover ve Hero sarkilari ile toplamda dokuz hafta bir numarada kaldi Hafta Sarki Sanatci2 Ocak I Will Always Love You Whitney Houston9 Ocak I Will Always Love You Whitney Houston16 Ocak I Will Always Love You Whitney Houston23 Ocak I Will Always Love You Whitney Houston30 Ocak I Will Always Love You Whitney Houston6 Subat I Will Always Love You Whitney Houston13 Subat I Will Always Love You Whitney Houston20 Subat I Will Always Love You Whitney Houston27 Subat I Will Always Love You Whitney Houston6 Mart A Whole New World Peabo Bryson ve Regina Belle13 Mart Informer Snow20 Mart Informer Snow27 Mart Informer Snow3 Nisan Informer Snow10 Nisan Informer Snow17 Nisan Informer Snow24 Nisan Informer Snow1 Mayis Freak Me Silk8 Mayis Freak Me Silk15 Mayis That s The Way Love Goes Janet Jackson22 Mayis That s the Way Love Goes Janet Jackson29 Mayis That s the Way Love Goes Janet Jackson5 Haziran That s the Way Love Goes Janet Jackson12 Haziran That s the Way Love Goes Janet Jackson19 Haziran That s the Way Love Goes Janet Jackson26 Haziran That s the Way Love Goes Janet Jackson3 Temmuz That s the Way Love Goes Janet Jackson10 Temmuz SWV17 Temmuz Weak SWV24 Temmuz Can t Help Falling in Love UB4031 Temmuz Can t Help Falling in Love UB407 Agustos Can t Help Falling in Love UB4014 Agustos Can t Help Falling in Love UB4021 Agustos Can t Help Falling in Love UB4028 Agustos Can t Help Falling in Love UB404 Eylul Can t Help Falling in Love UB4011 Eylul Mariah Carey18 Eylul Dreamlover Mariah Carey25 Eylul Dreamlover Mariah Carey2 Ekim Dreamlover Mariah Carey9 Ekim Dreamlover Mariah Carey16 Ekim Dreamlover Mariah Carey23 Ekim Dreamlover Mariah Carey30 Ekim Dreamlover Mariah Carey6 Kasim I d Do Anything for Love but I Won t Do That Meat Loaf13 Kasim I d Do Anything for Love but I Won t Do That Meat Loaf20 Kasim I d Do Anything for Love but I Won t Do That Meat Loaf27 Kasim I d Do Anything for Love but I Won t Do That Meat Loaf4 Aralik I d Do Anything for Love but I Won t Do That Meat Loaf11 Aralik Again Janet Jackson18 Aralik Again Janet Jackson25 Aralik Hero Mariah Carey