Adolf Hitler'in bu bibliyografyası, yalnızca İngilizce ve kurgusal olmayan bir bibliyografyadır. Hitler hakkında yazılmış binlerce kitap var; bu nedenle, bu her şeyi kapsayan bir liste değildir. Listeyi daha kolay yönetilebilir hale getirmek için liste gruplara ayrılmıştır.

Hitler'in yazdığı
- Hitler, A. (1925). Mein Kampf.
- Der Hitler-Prozeß vor dem Volksgericht in München [The Hitler Trial Before the People's Court in Munich]. 1924. OCLC 638670803.
- Hitler, A. (1935). Zweites Buch (çev.) Hitler's Second Book: The Unpublished Sequel to Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler. (Enigma Books: New York, 2006.ISBN'si )
- Hitler, A. (1945). My Political Testament. VikiKaynak Sürümü
- Hitler, A. (1945). My Private Will and Testament.. VikiKaynak Sürümü
- Hitler, A., et al. (1971). Unmasked: Two Confidential Interviews with Hitler in 1931. Chatto & Windus ISBN'si
- Hitler, A., et al. (1974). Hitler's Letters and Notes. Harper & Satır.ISBN'si
- Hitler, A., et al. (2000). Hitler's Letters and Notes Enigma Books.ISBN'si
Hitler'in konuşmaları
- Baynes, N. (1942). , April 1922 – August 1939 V1. London, Oxford University Press. ISBN
- Baynes, N. (1942). The Speeches of Adolf Hitler, April 1922 – August 1939 V2. London, Oxford University Press. ISBN
- (1990). . Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers, Inc. ISBN
- Domarus, M. (1992). . Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers, Inc. ISBN
- Domarus, M. (1996). . Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers, Inc. ISBN
- Domarus, M. (2004). . Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers, Inc. ISBN
- Miguel, M. (2004). . Miguel Melo Phipps Publishers, Inc. ISBN
- Domarus, M., Romane, P., ed. (2007). The Essential Hitler: Speeches and Commentary. ISBN
- Domarus, M. (2007). The Complete Hitler: A Digital Desktop Reference to His Speeches & Proclamations 1932–1945. ISBN
- Hitler, Adolf (1973) [1941]. Roussy de Sales, Raoul de (ed.). My New Order: A collection of Hitler's speeches. New York: Octagon Books. ISBN .
Hitler'in biyografileri
- (1971, Abridged) [1952]. Hitler: A Study in Tyranny. Bantam Books.
- Cross, Colin (1973). Adolf Hitler. Hodder and Stoughton.
- Davidson, Eugene (1977). The Making of Adolf Hitler. Macmillan Pub. Co.
- Davidson, Eugene (1996). Unmaking of Adolf Hitler. Univ. of Missouri Pr.
- Eberle, Henrik & Uhl, Matthias (2005). The Secret Dossier Prepared for Stalin from the Interrogations of Hitler's Personal Aides. New York: Public Affairs.
- Fest, Joachim (2002) [1974]. Hitler. Harvest Books.
- Fuchs, Thomas (2000). A Concise Biography of Adolf Hitler. Berkley.
- (2002). The Life and Death of Adolf Hitler. Clarion Books.
- Gogerly, Liz (2003). Adolf Hitler. Heinemann/Raintree.
- Hant, Claus (2010). . Londra: Quartet Books. ISBN .
- Heiber, Helmut (1972) [1961]. Adolf Hitler: A Short Biography. Berg Pub Ltd.
- (1944). Der Fuehrer: Hitler's Rise to Power. Beacon Press.
- Heiden, Konrad (1936). Hitler: A Biography. A.A. Knopf.
- Heyes, Eileen (1994). Adolf Hitler. Millbrook Pr.
- (2000). Hitler: Study of a Revolutionary?. Routledge.
- Kershaw, Ian (1999). Hitler: 1889–1936: Hubris. New York: W. W. Norton & Company. ISBN .
- Kershaw, Ian (2000). Hitler, 1936–1945: Nemesis. New York; London: W. W. Norton & Company. ISBN .
- Kershaw, Ian (2008). Hitler: A Biography. New York: W. W. Norton & Company. ISBN .
- Kubizek, August (1976). The Young Hitler I Knew. Greenwood. ISBN .
- Longerich, Peter (2019). Hitler: A Life. New York: Oxford University Press. ISBN .
- Marrin, Albert (1987). Hitler. Penguin Books
- Maser, Werner (1973). Hitler: Legend, Myth & Reality. Harper & Row.
- Nicholls, David (2000). Adolf Hitler: A Biographical Companion. ABC-Clio Inc.
- (1973). The Life and Death of Adolf Hitler. Cape.
- Price, Billy F. (1984). Adolf Hitler: The Unknown Artist. Stephen Cook.
- Shirer, William (1961). The Rise and Fall of Adolf Hitler. Scholastic.
- Simms, Brendan (2019). Hitler: Only the World Was Enough. Allen Lane.
- Smith, Bradley F. (1967). Adolf Hitler: His Family, Childhood, and Youth. Hoover Institution Press.
- Smith, Gene (1973) The Horns of the Moon: A short biography of Adolf Hitler. New York City: Charterhouse.
- Stalcup, Brenda (2000). Adolf Hitler. Greenhaven Pr.
- (1992) [1975]. Hitler: The Führer and the People. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1992.
- Tames, Richard (1998). Adolf Hitler: An Unauthorized Biography. Heinemann Library.
- (1976). Adolf Hitler. Doubleday.
- (2016). Hitler: Volume I: Ascent (1889–1939). The Bodley Head Ltd.
- Ullrich, Volker (2020). Hitler: Volume II: Downfall (1939-45). The Bodley Head Ltd.
- (2017) Becoming Hitler: The Making of a Nazi. New York: Basic Books.
- Wepman, Dennis (1989). Adolf Hitler. Chelsea House Pub.
- Williams, John F. (2005). Corporal Hitler and the Great War 1914–1918: The List Regiment. Frank Cass.
- Wilson, A. N. (2012). Hitler: A Short Biography. Basic Books.
Hitler'in illüstrasyonları
- Bildendienst, Cigaretten (1979) [1936]. Adolf Hitler: Pictures of the Life of the Fuhrer. Northstar Commemoratives.
- Blundell, Nigel (1995). Pictorial History of Adolf Hitler. World Pubns.
- Hook, Alex (2004). Illustrated History of the Third Reich. TAJ Books.
- Kelly, Maurice E. (1990). Adolf Hitler. Olympic Marketing Corp.
- Lang, Jochen (1973). Hitler Close-Up: Hitler in Words and Pictures Macmillan.
- (1979). Sieg Heil: An illustrated history of Germany from Bismarck to Hitler. Bonanza Books.
- Matanle, Ivor (1983). Adolf Hitler: A Photographic Documentary. Crescent Books, New York. ASIN: B000GOW0PI
- Toland, John (1978). Hitler: The Pictorial Documentary of His Life Doubleday.
Hitler'in sağlığı hakkında kitaplar
- Binion, Rudolph (1976). Hitler Among the Germans. Northern Illinois University Press.
- Doyle, D. (2005). "Adolf Hitler's Medical Care" (PDF). . 35 (1): 75-82. 18 Kasım 2017 tarihinde kaynağından (PDF). Erişim tarihi: 17 Ekim 2021.
- Eberle, Henrik & Neumann, Hans-Joachim (2012). Was Hitler ILL?: A Final Diagnosis. Polity.
- Heston, Leonard L. (1980). The Medical Casebook of Adolf Hitler: His Illnesses, Doctors, and Drugs. Stein & Day Pub.
- (1972).: The Secret Wartime Report. Basic Books.
- (2004). The Man Who Invented Hitler: The Making of the Fuhrer (sic). Headline Book Publishing.
- (1943). : With Predictions of His Future Behavior and Suggestions for Dealing with Him Now and After Germany's Surrender.
- (1999). : The Search for the Origins of His Evil. Harper Perennial.
- Rudolph, Christin-Désirée (2016). Das Leck der Hitler-Thesen: Eine Psychopathographie. Rheine: Rudolph. ISBN .
- Schwaab, Edleff H. (1992). Hitler's Mind: A Plunge into Madness. New York: Praeger. ISBN .
- Victor, George (1999). Hitler: The Pathology of Evil. Potomac Books.
- (1993) [1977]. : Adolf Hitler. Da Capo Press.
- Zalampas, Sherree O. (1990). Adolf Hitler: A Psychological Interpretation of His Views on Architecture, Art, and Music. Bowling Green, Ohio: Bowling Green University Popular Press. ISBN .
Hitler'in vejeteryanlığı hakkında kitaplar
- (2004). Hitler: Neither Vegetarian Nor Animal Lover. Pythagorean Books.
- Ferguson, Ron (2001). Hitler Was A Vegetarian. Famedram Publishers Ltd.
- Wilson, B. (1996). [sic] New Statesman, volume 127 issue 4406 page 40.
Doğrudan Hitler ile ilgili kitaplar
- Anderson, Ken (1995). Hitler and the Occult. Prometheus Books.
- (1973). Hitler's Last Days: An Eye-Witness Account. . Translated by Sandra Bance.
- Bullock, Alan (1991). . HarperCollins.
- (1978). Hitler: A Study in Personality and Politics. Edward Arnold.
- Cornish, Kimberley (1998). . Londra: Century. ISBN .
- Corvaja, Santi (2001). Hitler and Mussolini: The Secret Meetings. Enigma Books.
- (1969). Military Life of Adolf Hitler, Führer of Germany. F. Watts.
- (1989). In Hitler's Shadow: West German Historians and the Attempt to Escape from the Nazi Past. Pantheon.
- Evans, Richard J. (2001). Lying About Hitler: Basic Books.
- (1983). The Meaning of Hitler Harvard University Press.
- Heiber, Helmut; Glantz, David M., (Ed.) (2002). Hitler and His Generals: Military Conferences 1942–1945: The First Complete Stenographic Record of the Military Situation Conferences, from Stalingrad to Berlin. Londra: Greenhill. ISBN .
- (2000). Hitler's Vienna. Oxford University Press.
- Jäckel, Eberhard (2000) [1969]. Hitler's World View: A Blueprint for Power. Oxford University Press.
- (1999) [1995]. The Last Days of Hitler: Legend, Evidence and Truth. Brockhampton Press.
- Kershaw, Ian (1987) The 'Hitler Myth': Image and Reality in the Third Reich. Oxford University Press.
- (2004). Hitler's Children. Sutton Publishing.
- Knopp, Guido (1998). Hitler's Henchmen. Sutton Publishing.
- (1995). . Veritas Aeterna Press.
- Lukacs, John (1998). The Hitler of History. Vintage.
- Lee, Stephen J. (1998). Hitler and Nazi Germany. Routledge.
- (2001). Hitler. Basic Book.
- McDonough, Frank (2003). Hitler and the Rise of the Nazi Party. Longman.
- Mitcham, Samuel W., Jr. (1996). Why Hitler?: The Genesis of the Third Reich. Westport, Connecticut: Praeger.
- (2006). Killing Hitler. Cape.
- Novak, Ben (2014). Hitler and Abductive Logic: The Strategy of a Tyrant. Lexington Books.
- Petrova, Ada (1995). The Death of Hitler: The Full Story With New Evidence from Secret Russian Archives. W. W. Norton & Co Inc.
- (2012). The Dark Charisma of Adolf Hitler: Leading Millions into the Abyss. Ebury Publishing.
- Rich, Norman (1992). Hitler's War Aims: Ideology, the Nazi State, and the Course of Expansion. W. W. Norton & Company.
- (1938). The House That Hitler Built. Harper & Brothers.
- (1985) Imagining Hitler Indiana University Press.
- (2008). Hitler's Private Library: The Books that Shaped his Life Alfred A. Knopf. ASIN: B001J1S894
- (2004). The Women Who Knew Hitler: The Private Life of Adolf Hitler. Carroll & Graf.
- (1971). Hitler: The Man and the Military Leader Quadrangle Books. ASIN: B00LDYD3YM
- (1961). Hitler and Nazism. Franklin Watts Inc.
- (2004). Hitler and Nazi Germany: A History. Prentice Hall.
- (2004) [2002]. Hitler and the Power of Aesthetics. Overlook Press.
- Stackelberg, Roderick (1999). Hitler's Germany. Routledge.
- (2015). Hitler at Home. Yale University Press – analyzing his homes in Berlin, Munich, and Obersalzberg
- (2003) [1971]. Hitler as Military Commander. Barnsley: Pen & Sword. ISBN .
- Trevor-Roper, H. (1992) [1947]. The Last Days of Hitler. University Of Chicago Press.
- (1996). . Addison-Wesley. ISBN .
- (2010). Hitler's Foreign Policy, 1933–1939: The Road to World War II. Enigma Books. 978-1-929631-91-9
- (2001). Hitler: Profile of a Dictator. Routledge.
- (1949). : A History of the Relations between Hitler and Mussolini. Oxford University Press.
- (2003). Hitler and the Holocaust. Modern Library. .
- Zitelmann, Rainer (2000) [1987]. Hitler: The Policies of Seduction. London House 2000, .
Dolaylı olarak Hitler ile ilgili kitaplar
- (1970).The German Dictatorship: The Origins, Structure, and Effects of National Socialism. New York: Praeger Publishers. ASIN: B001QKCJKW
- (1987). Hitler and the Collapse of Weimar Germany Translated by V. R. Berghahn. Providence: Berg. .
- (2001). The Hitler State: The Foundation and Development Of The Internal Structure Of The Third Reich. Longman. .
- , Wippermann, Wolfgang (1991). The Racial State: Germany 1933-1945. Cambridge University Press.
- (1983) [1949]. "The German Foreign Office from Neurath to Ribbentrop". Craig, Gordon A.; (Ed.). Documents on German foreign Policy, 1918–1945, from the archives of the German Foreign Ministry. ss. 435-436. OCLC 21151259.
- Crozier, Andrew J. (1988). Appeasement and Germany's Last Bid for Colonies. Londra: Macmillan Press. ISBN .
- (1976). A Holocaust Reader. New York: Behrman House. ISBN .
- Dawidowicz, Lucy (1986) [1975]. . Bantam Books. ISBN .
- , , et al. (2008). . Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt.
- (2014). Guarding Hitler: The Secret World of the Führer. Londra: Pen and Sword Military. ISBN .
- Fest, Joachim (2004). Inside Hitler's Bunker: The Last Days of the Third Reich. Farrar, Straus and Giroux.
- Fest, Joachim (1996). : The German Resistance to Hitler, 1933–1945. Weidenfeld & Nicolson.
- (1993). National Socialist Rule in Germany: The Führer State 1933–1945. Blackwell Pub.
- Herzstein, Robert E. (1974). Adolf Hitler and the German Trauma, 1913–1945;: An Interpretation of the Nazi Phenomenon. Putnam.
- (2000) [1979]. Hitler's Personal Security: Protecting the Führer 1921–1945. New York: Da Capo Press. ISBN .
- Kershaw, Ian (2000). The Nazi Dictatorship: Problems and Perspectives of Interpretation. Arnold Publishers.
- (2005). Unholy Alliance: A History of Nazi Involvement with the Occult. Continuum.
- (2014). Atatürk in the Nazi Imagination. Harvard University Press.
- (2000). Inside Hitler's High Command. University Press of Kansas.
- (1992). Hitler's Commanders. Cooper Publishing Group.
- Nicholls, Anthony James (2000). Weimar and the Rise of Hitler. Palgrave Macmillan.
- (2001) [1978]. Bunker. Da Capo Press.
- Orlow, Dietrich (2008). The Nazi Party, 1919–1945: A Complete History. Enigma Books.
- Rees, Laurence (1999). . New Press.
- Röpke, Wilhelm (1946). The Solution to the German Problem. G. P. Putnam's Sons. OCLC 403661.
- Roth, J. et al. (2000). The Holocaust Chronicle 27 Kasım 2005 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .. Publications International, Ltd.
- Shirer, William (1994) [1960]. . Gramercy.
- Shirer, William (1979). . Viking.
- Strobl, Gerwin (2000). The Germanic Isle: Nazi Perceptions of Britain. Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press. ISBN .
- (1967). [1951] Defeat in the East: Russia Conquers - January to May 1945. Ballantine Books.
Hitler'i tanıyan veya Hitler için çalışan kişilerin anıları
- Baur, Hans (2013) [1956]. I was Hitler's Pilot. Frontline Books. ASIN: B00FOGG0ZE
- Dietrich, Otto (1955). The Hitler I Knew: Memoirs of the Third Reich's Press Chief. Henry Regnery Company.
- , Krause, Karl Wilhelm, Plaim, Anna (2018) Living with Hitler: Accounts of Hitler's Household Staff. Greenhill Books. ASIN: B07FKHB1ZJ
- (1967). With Hitler and Mussolini: Memoirs of a Nazi Interpreter. Hutchinson, London. ASIN: B000DCOS76
- Hanfstaengl, Ernst (1994) [1957]. Hitler: The Missing Years. Arcade Publishing.
- (1939) I Was Hitler's Buddy 31 Mayıs 2022 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .. New Republic.
- (2011) [1955]. Hitler was my Friend: The Memoirs of Hitler's Photographer Frontline Books. ASIN: B00FOGFZYG
- Junge, Traudl (2003) Until the Final Hour: Hitler's Last Secretary. Weidenfeld & Nicolson. ASIN: B00A39ET8C
- Kempka, Erich (2010) [1951]. I was Hitler's Chauffeur. Frontline Books.
- Kubizek, August (1976). The Young Hitler I Knew. Greenwood. ISBN .
- Linge, Heinz (2009) [1980]. With Hitler to the End: The Memoirs of Adolf Hitler's Valet. Frontline Books. ASIN: B00HESTJC6
- (2011). I Knew Hitler. Archive Media Publishing.
- Misch, Rochus (2014). Hitler's Last Witness: The Memoirs of Hitler's Bodyguard. Frontline Books.
- Riefenstahl, Leni (1993). Leni Riefenstahl: A Memoir. St Martin's Press.
- Schacht, Hjalmar (1955). My First Seventy-Six Years. Allan Wingate. ASIN : B0007IWY90
- (1951). Hitler's Interpreter: The Secret History of German Diplomacy 1935-1945. William Heinemann. ASIN: B01MCYE8RP
- Schroeder, Christa (2009) [1985]. He was my Chief: The Memoirs of Adolf Hitler's Secretary. Frontline Books. ASIN: B00CBJXZA0
- Speer, Albert (1997). : Memoirs Simon & Schuster.
- Strasser, Otto (1940). Hitler and I. New York: AMS Press. ASIN: B000H7K6AK
- Von Below, Nicolaus (2010) [1980]. At Hitler's Side: The Memoirs of Hitler's Luftwaffe Adjutant 1937–1945. Frontline Books. ASIN: B00XYX8VEC
- Von Ribbentrop, Joachim (1954). The Ribbentrop Memoirs. Weidenfeld and Nicolson. ASIN: B071NW4SYQ
- Wagener, Otto (1985). [1978]. Memoirs of a Confidant Yale University Press
- Aigner, Dietrich "Hitler's Ultimate Aims – A Programme of World Dominion?" pages 251–266 from Aspects of the Third Reich edited by H.W. Koch, Macmillan: London, 1985.
- Bankier, David "Hitler and the Policy-Making Process on the Jewish Question" pages 1–20 from Holocaust and Genocide Studies, Volume 3, 1988.
- Bloch, Eduard "My Patient, Hitler" pages 35–37 from Collier's, March 15, 1941.
- Bloch, Eduard "My Patient, Hitler" pages 69–73 from Collier's, March 22, 1941.
- Binion, Rudolph "Hitler's Concept of "Lebensraum": the Psychological Basis" pages 187–215 from History of Childhood Quarterly, Volume 1, 1973.
- Binion, R. "Foam on the Hitler Wave" pages 552–558 from Journal of Modern History, Volume 46, 1974.
- Bracher, K.D. "The Role of Hitler: Perspectives of Interpretation" pages 193–212 from Fascism: A Reader's Guide, edited by , Harmondsworth, 1979.
- Broszat, M. "Hitler and the Genesis of the 'Final Solution': An Assessment of David Irving's Theses" pages 73–125 from Yad Vashem Studies, Volume 13,1979; reprinted pages 390–429 in Aspects of the Third Reich edited by H.W. Koch, London: Macmillan, 1985, .
- Bullock, A. "Hitler and the Origins of the Second World War" pages 221–246 from European Diplomacy Between Two Wars, 1919–1939, edited by , Chicago: Quadrangle Books, 1972.
- Carr, William "The Hitler Image in the Last Half-Century" pages 462–488 from Aspects of the Third Reich, edited by H.W. Koch, Macmillan: London, 1985.
- Erikson, Erik "The Legend of Hitler's Youth" pages 370–396 from Political Man and Social Man edited by Robert Paul Wolff, New York, 1966.
- Fest, J. "On Remembering Adolf Hitler" pages 19–34 from Encounter, Volume 41, October 1973.
- Hale, Oron James "Adolf Hitler: Taxpayer" pages 830–842 from American Historical Review, Volume 60, 1955.
- Hauner, Milan "Did Hitler Want World Domination?" pages 15–32 from Journal of Contemporary History. Volume 13, 1978.
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- Hoffmann, Peter "Hitler's Personal Security" pages 151–171 from Police Forces In History, edited by , Beverly Hills, 1975.
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Adolf Hitler in bu bibliyografyasi yalnizca Ingilizce ve kurgusal olmayan bir bibliyografyadir Hitler hakkinda yazilmis binlerce kitap var bu nedenle bu her seyi kapsayan bir liste degildir Listeyi daha kolay yonetilebilir hale getirmek icin liste gruplara ayrilmistir Mein Kampf Hitler in ilk kitabiHitler in yazdigiHitler A 1925 Mein Kampf Der Hitler Prozess vor dem Volksgericht in Munchen The Hitler Trial Before the People s Court in Munich 1924 OCLC 638670803 Hitler A 1935 Zweites Buch cev Hitler s Second Book The Unpublished Sequel to Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler Enigma Books New York 2006 978 1 929631 61 2ISBN si 978 1 929631 61 2 Hitler A 1945 My Political Testament VikiKaynak Surumu Hitler A 1945 My Private Will and Testament VikiKaynak Surumu Hitler A et al 1971 Unmasked Two Confidential Interviews with Hitler in 1931 Chatto amp Windus 0 7011 1642 0ISBN si 0 7011 1642 0 Hitler A et al 1974 Hitler s Letters and Notes Harper amp Satir 0 06 012832 1ISBN si 0 06 012832 1 Hitler A et al 2000 Hitler s Letters and Notes Enigma Books 978 1 929631 66 7ISBN si 978 1 929631 66 7Hitler in konusmalariBaynes N 1942 April 1922 August 1939 V1 London Oxford University Press ISBN 0 598 75893 3 Baynes N 1942 The Speeches of Adolf Hitler April 1922 August 1939 V2 London Oxford University Press ISBN 0 598 75894 1 1990 Bolchazy Carducci Publishers Inc ISBN 0 86516 227 1 Domarus M 1992 Bolchazy Carducci Publishers Inc ISBN 0 86516 229 8 Domarus M 1996 Bolchazy Carducci Publishers Inc ISBN 0 86516 230 1 Domarus M 2004 Bolchazy Carducci Publishers Inc ISBN 0 86516 231 X Miguel M 2004 Miguel Melo Phipps Publishers Inc ISBN 0 86516 231 X Domarus M Romane P ed 2007 The Essential Hitler Speeches and Commentary ISBN 0 86516 665 X Domarus M 2007 The Complete Hitler A Digital Desktop Reference to His Speeches amp Proclamations 1932 1945 ISBN 0 86516 658 7 Hitler Adolf 1973 1941 Roussy de Sales Raoul de ed My New Order A collection of Hitler s speeches New York Octagon Books ISBN 0 374 93918 7 Hitler in biyografileri 1971 Abridged 1952 Hitler A Study in Tyranny Bantam Books 1 56852 036 0 Cross Colin 1973 Adolf Hitler Hodder and Stoughton 0 340 10911 4 Davidson Eugene 1977 The Making of Adolf Hitler Macmillan Pub Co 0 8262 1117 8 Davidson Eugene 1996 Unmaking of Adolf Hitler Univ of Missouri Pr 0 8262 1045 7 Eberle Henrik amp Uhl Matthias 2005 The Secret Dossier Prepared for Stalin from the Interrogations of Hitler s Personal Aides New York Public Affairs 978 1 58648 366 1 Fest Joachim 2002 1974 Hitler Harvest Books 0 15 602754 2 Fuchs Thomas 2000 A Concise Biography of Adolf Hitler Berkley 0 425 17340 2 2002 The Life and Death of Adolf Hitler Clarion Books 0 395 90371 8 Gogerly Liz 2003 Adolf Hitler Heinemann Raintree 0 7398 5256 6 Hant Claus 2010 Londra Quartet Books ISBN 978 0 7043 7182 8 Heiber Helmut 1972 1961 Adolf Hitler A Short Biography Berg Pub Ltd 0 85496 123 2 1944 Der Fuehrer Hitler s Rise to Power Beacon Press 0 8070 5665 0 Heiden Konrad 1936 Hitler A Biography A A Knopf Heyes Eileen 1994 Adolf Hitler Millbrook Pr 1 56294 343 X 2000 Hitler Study of a Revolutionary Routledge 0 415 16358 7 Kershaw Ian 1999 Hitler 1889 1936 Hubris New York W W Norton amp Company ISBN 978 0 393 04671 7 Kershaw Ian 2000 Hitler 1936 1945 Nemesis New York London W W Norton amp Company ISBN 978 0 393 04994 7 Kershaw Ian 2008 Hitler A Biography New York W W Norton amp Company ISBN 978 0 393 06757 6 Kubizek August 1976 The Young Hitler I Knew Greenwood ISBN 0 8371 8664 1 Longerich Peter 2019 Hitler A Life New York Oxford University Press ISBN 978 0 19 005673 5 Marrin Albert 1987 Hitler Penguin Books 0 670 81546 2 Maser Werner 1973 Hitler Legend Myth amp Reality Harper amp Row 0 06 012831 3 Nicholls David 2000 Adolf Hitler A Biographical Companion ABC Clio Inc 0 87436 965 7 1973 The Life and Death of Adolf Hitler Cape 0 224 00927 3 Price Billy F 1984 Adolf Hitler The Unknown Artist Stephen Cook 0 9612894 0 6 Shirer William 1961 The Rise and Fall of Adolf 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1918 The List Regiment Frank Cass 0 415 35855 8 Wilson A N 2012 Hitler A Short Biography Basic Books 978 0 465 03128 3Hitler in illustrasyonlariBildendienst Cigaretten 1979 1936 Adolf Hitler Pictures of the Life of the Fuhrer Northstar Commemoratives 0 910667 04 7 Blundell Nigel 1995 Pictorial History of Adolf Hitler World Pubns 1 57215 137 4 Hook Alex 2004 Illustrated History of the Third Reich TAJ Books 978 1844060306 Kelly Maurice E 1990 Adolf Hitler Olympic Marketing Corp 0 908240 88 0 Lang Jochen 1973 Hitler Close Up Hitler in Words and Pictures Macmillan 978 0671069629 1979 Sieg Heil An illustrated history of Germany from Bismarck to Hitler Bonanza Books 0 517 27787 5 Matanle Ivor 1983 Adolf Hitler A Photographic Documentary Crescent Books New York ASIN B000GOW0PI Toland John 1978 Hitler The Pictorial Documentary of His Life Doubleday 978 0385045469Hitler in sagligi hakkinda kitaplarBinion Rudolph 1976 Hitler Among the Germans Northern Illinois University Press 978 0875805313 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for Colonies Londra Macmillan Press ISBN 978 0 312 01546 6 1976 A Holocaust Reader New York Behrman House ISBN 978 0 87441 219 2 Dawidowicz Lucy 1986 1975 Bantam Books ISBN 978 0 553 34532 2 et al 2008 Deutsche Verlags Anstalt 2014 Guarding Hitler The Secret World of the Fuhrer Londra Pen and Sword Military ISBN 978 1 78159 305 9 Fest Joachim 2004 Inside Hitler s Bunker The Last Days of the Third Reich Farrar Straus and Giroux 0 374 13577 0 Fest Joachim 1996 The German Resistance to Hitler 1933 1945 Weidenfeld amp Nicolson 0 297 81774 4 1993 National Socialist Rule in Germany The Fuhrer State 1933 1945 Blackwell Pub 0 631 16858 3 Herzstein Robert E 1974 Adolf Hitler and the German Trauma 1913 1945 An Interpretation of the Nazi Phenomenon Putnam 0 399 11286 3 2000 1979 Hitler s Personal Security Protecting the Fuhrer 1921 1945 New York Da Capo Press ISBN 978 0 30680 947 7 Kershaw Ian 2000 The Nazi Dictatorship Problems and Perspectives of Interpretation Arnold Publishers 0 340 76028 1 2005 Unholy Alliance A History of Nazi Involvement with the Occult Continuum 0 8264 1409 5 2014 Ataturk in the Nazi Imagination Harvard University Press 978 0 674 74485 1 2000 Inside Hitler s High Command University Press of Kansas 0 7006 1187 8 1992 Hitler s Commanders Cooper Publishing Group 978 1442211537 Nicholls Anthony James 2000 Weimar and the Rise of Hitler Palgrave Macmillan 0 312 23351 5 2001 1978 Bunker Da Capo Press 0 306 80958 3 Orlow Dietrich 2008 The Nazi Party 1919 1945 A Complete History Enigma Books 978 1 929631 57 5 Rees Laurence 1999 New Press 1 56584 551 X Ropke Wilhelm 1946 The Solution to the German Problem G P Putnam s Sons OCLC 403661 Roth J et al 2000 The Holocaust Chronicle 27 Kasim 2005 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Publications International Ltd 0 7853 2963 3 Shirer William 1994 1960 Gramercy 0 517 10294 3 Shirer William 1979 Viking 0 14 005182 1 Strobl Gerwin 2000 The Germanic Isle Nazi Perceptions of Britain Cambridge United Kingdom Cambridge 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s Chauffeur Frontline Books 1848325509 Kubizek August 1976 The Young Hitler I Knew Greenwood ISBN 0 8371 8664 1 Linge Heinz 2009 1980 With Hitler to the End The Memoirs of Adolf Hitler s Valet Frontline Books ASIN B00HESTJC6 2011 I Knew Hitler Archive Media Publishing 1 908 53800 7 Misch Rochus 2014 Hitler s Last Witness The Memoirs of Hitler s Bodyguard Frontline Books 978 1848327498 Riefenstahl Leni 1993 Leni Riefenstahl A Memoir St Martin s Press 978 0312098438 Schacht Hjalmar 1955 My First Seventy Six Years Allan Wingate ASIN B0007IWY90 1951 Hitler s Interpreter The Secret History of German Diplomacy 1935 1945 William Heinemann ASIN B01MCYE8RP Schroeder Christa 2009 1985 He was my Chief The Memoirs of Adolf Hitler s Secretary Frontline Books ASIN B00CBJXZA0 Speer Albert 1997 Memoirs Simon amp Schuster 0 684 82949 5 Strasser Otto 1940 Hitler and I New York AMS Press ASIN B000H7K6AK Von Below Nicolaus 2010 1980 At Hitler s Side The Memoirs of Hitler s Luftwaffe Adjutant 1937 1945 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