Amerikan istisnacılığı birbiri ile ilintili üç düşünceden biridir. Birincisi Amerika Birleşik Devletleri tarihi doğal olarak diğer milletlerinkinden farklıdır. Bu bakış açısında, Amerikan istisnacılığı Amerikan Devriminden köken almaktadır, bu şekilde siyasal bilimci Seymour Martin Lipset'in "ilk yeni millet" olarak adlandırdığı oluşuma yol açmış ve özgürlük, siyasal ve sosyal eşitlik, bireycilik, , demokrasi ve serbest girişimcilik değerleri üzerinde Amerikanizm adıyla, özgün bir Amerikan ideolojisi gelişmiştir. İkinci düşünce ABD'nin dünyayı dönüştürmek için benzersiz bir misyonu olduğudur. Abraham Lincoln'un (1863) ifade ettiği gibi, Amerikalılar "Tanrı'nın şahitliğindeki bu ülkenin yeni bir özgürlük doğuşu yaşamasını sağlayalım ve halkın, halk tarafından halk için yönetimi olduğu bu devlet yeryüzünden silinmesin." ifadesini gerçekleştirmekle görevlendirilmişlerdir. Üçüncü düşünceye göre tarihi ve misyonu Amerika Birleşik Devletleri'ne diğer uluslara göre bir üstünlük sunmaktadır.

Ayrıca bakınız
- ^ Winfried Fluck; Donald E. Pease; John Carlos Rowe (2011). Re-framing the Transnational Turn in American Studies. University Press of New England. s. 207. 8 Şubat 2017 tarihinde kaynağından . Erişim tarihi: 11 Kasım 2016.
- ^ American Exceptionalism: A Double-Edged Sword. 8 Şubat 2017 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde . Seymour Martin Lipset. New York, N.Y.: W.W. Norton & Co., Inc. 1996. p. 18. .
- ^ Seymour Martin Lipset, The first new nation (1963).
- ^ Lipset, American Exceptionalism, pp. 1, 17–19, 165–74, 197
- Bacevich, Andrew (2008). The Limits of Power: The End of American Exceptionalism. Metropolitan Books. ISBN .
- Bender, Thomas (2006). A Nation Among Nations: America's Place in World History. Hill & Wang. ISBN .
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- Dworkin, Ronald W. (1996). The Rise of the Imperial Self. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. ISBN .
- Hilfrich, Fabian (2012). Debating American Exceptionalism: Empire and Democracy in the Wake of the Spanish-American War. Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN .
- Hodgson, Godfrey (2009). The Myth of American Exceptionalism. Yale University Press. ISBN .
- Hughes, David. "Unmaking an exception: A critical genealogy of US exceptionalism." Review of International Studies (2015) 41#3 pp 527–551
- Madsen, Deborah L. (1998). American Exceptionalism. University Press of Mississippi. ISBN .
- Glickstein, Jonathan A. American Exceptionalism, American Anxiety: Wages, Competition, and Degraded Labor In The Antebellum United States (2002)
- Ferrie, Joseph P. The End of American Exceptionalism: Mobility in the US Since 1850, Journal of Economic Perspectives (Summer, 2005)
- Hellerman, Steven L. and Andrei S. Markovits (2001). Offside: Soccer and American Exceptionalism. Princeton University Press. ISBN . online version 25 Mayıs 2012 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .
- Ignatieff, Michael ed. (2005). American Exceptionalism and Human Rights. Princeton University Press. ISBN .
- Kagan, Robert (2003). Of Paradise and Power: America and Europe in the New World Order. Knopf. ISBN .
- Kammen, Michael. "The problem of American exceptionalism: A reconsideration." American Quarterly (1993) 45#1 pp. 1–43.
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- Krugman, Paul (2007). The Conscience of a Liberal. W. W. Norton. ISBN .
- LeBlanc, Paul and Tim Davenport (eds.), The "American Exceptionalism" of Jay Lovestone and His Comrades, 1929–1940: Dissident Marxism in the United States, Volume 1. Leiden, NL: Brill, 2015.
- Lipset, Seymour Martin (1997). American Exceptionalism: A Double-Edged Sword. W. W. Norton & Company. ISBN .
- Lipset, Seymour Martin. The First New Nation. Basic Books, 1955.
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- Lloyd, Brian. Left Out: Pragmatism, Exceptionalism, and the Poverty of American Marxism, 1890–1922. Johns Hopkins University Press, 1997.
- Noble, David (2002). Death of a Nation: American Culture and the End of Exceptionalism. University of Minnesota Press. ISBN .
- Restad, Hilde Eliassen, "Old Paradigms in History Die Hard in Political Science: U.S. Foreign Policy and American Exceptionalism", American Political Thought (Notre Dame), (Spring 2012), 1#1 pp53–76.
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- Schuck, Peter H., , Eds. Understanding America: The Anatomy of an Exceptional Nation, 704 pp, 2008,
- Shafer, Byron E., ed. Is America Different?: A New Look at American Exceptionalism (1991) endorses exceptionalism
- Soderlind, Sylvia, and James Taylor Carson, eds. American Exceptionalisms: From Winthrop to Winfrey (State University of New York Press; 2012) 268 pages; essays on the rhetoric of exceptionalism in American history, from John Winthrop's "city upon a hill" to the "war on terror".
- Swirski, Peter. American Utopia and Social Engineering in Literature, Social Thought, and Political History. New York, Routledge (2011)
- Tilman, Rick. "Thorstein Veblen's Views on American 'Exceptionalism': An Interpretation". Journal of Economic Issues. 39#1 2005. pp. 177+. online version 25 Mayıs 2012 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .
- Tomes, Robert. "American Exceptionalism in the Twenty-First Century" 18 Kasım 2016 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .. "Survival." 56#1. pp. 26–50.
- Turner, Frederick Jackson Richard W. Etulain ed. (1999). The Significance of the Frontier in American History, in Does The Frontier Experience Make America Exceptional?.
- Tyrrell, Ian. "American Exceptionalism in an Age of International History", American Historical Review Vol. 96, No. 4 (Oct., 1991), pp. 1031–55 in JSTOR 16 Mart 2016 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .
- Voss, Kim. The Making of American Exceptionalism: The Knights of Labor and Class Formation in the Nineteenth Century (1993) online version 25 Mayıs 2012 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .
- Wilentz, Sean. Against Exceptionalism: Class Consciousness and the American Labor Movement, 1790–1820, 26 Int'l Lab. & Working Class History 1 (1984)
- Wrobel, David M. (1996). The End Of American Exceptionalism: Frontier Anxiety From The Old West To The New Deal. University Press of Kansas. ISBN .
Temel kaynaklar
- Roberts, Timothy, and Lindsay DiCuirci. (Eds). American Exceptionalism. Volumes 1-4. London: Pickering & Chatto Publishers, 2012, 1552 p. A compilation of the primary sources on the subject of American exceptionalism, including pamphlets, sermons, newspaper and magazine articles from colonial period to 1900.
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- How the World Sees America 21 Eylül 2016 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .—Washington Post Feature
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Amerikan istisnaciligi birbiri ile ilintili uc dusunceden biridir Birincisi Amerika Birlesik Devletleri tarihi dogal olarak diger milletlerinkinden farklidir Bu bakis acisinda Amerikan istisnaciligi Amerikan Devriminden koken almaktadir bu sekilde siyasal bilimci Seymour Martin Lipset in ilk yeni millet olarak adlandirdigi olusuma yol acmis ve ozgurluk siyasal ve sosyal esitlik bireycilik demokrasi ve serbest girisimcilik degerleri uzerinde Amerikanizm adiyla ozgun bir Amerikan ideolojisi gelismistir Ikinci dusunce ABD nin dunyayi donusturmek icin benzersiz bir misyonu oldugudur Abraham Lincoln un 1863 ifade ettigi gibi Amerikalilar Tanri nin sahitligindeki bu ulkenin yeni bir ozgurluk dogusu yasamasini saglayalim ve halkin halk tarafindan halk icin yonetimi oldugu bu devlet yeryuzunden silinmesin ifadesini gerceklestirmekle gorevlendirilmislerdir Ucuncu dusunceye gore tarihi ve misyonu Amerika Birlesik Devletleri ne diger uluslara gore bir ustunluk sunmaktadir Alman profesor Sieglinde Lemke sunlari soylemektedir Ozgurluk Heykeli kendisini istisnai bir ulus olarak gorme duygusunun ABD nin dogal genislemesini hak goren icsellestirilmis misyonunu belirtir Ayrica bakinizKaynakca Winfried Fluck Donald E Pease John Carlos Rowe 2011 Re framing the Transnational Turn in American Studies University Press of New England s 207 8 Subat 2017 tarihinde kaynagindan Erisim tarihi 11 Kasim 2016 American Exceptionalism A Double Edged Sword 8 Subat 2017 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Seymour Martin Lipset New York N Y W W Norton amp Co Inc 1996 p 18 Seymour Martin Lipset The first new nation 1963 Lipset American Exceptionalism pp 1 17 19 165 74 197BibliografyaBacevich Andrew 2008 The Limits of Power The End of American Exceptionalism Metropolitan Books ISBN 0 8050 8815 6 Bender Thomas 2006 A Nation Among Nations America s Place in World History Hill amp Wang ISBN 0 8090 9527 0 Cheney Dick and Liz Cheney 2015 Threshold Editions ISBN 978 1 5011 1541 7 Dollinger Marc American Jewish Liberalism Revisited Two Perspectives Exceptionalism and Jewish Liberalism American Jewish History 2002 90 2 pp 161 online at Questia 8 Haziran 2013 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Dworkin Ronald W 1996 The Rise of the Imperial Self Rowman amp Littlefield Publishers ISBN 0 8476 8219 6 Hilfrich Fabian 2012 Debating American Exceptionalism Empire and Democracy in the Wake of the Spanish American War Palgrave Macmillan ISBN 978 0 230 39289 2 Hodgson Godfrey 2009 The Myth of American Exceptionalism Yale University Press ISBN 978 0 300 12570 2 Hughes David Unmaking an exception A critical genealogy of US exceptionalism Review of International Studies 2015 41 3 pp 527 551 Madsen Deborah L 1998 American Exceptionalism University Press of Mississippi ISBN 1 57806 108 3 Glickstein Jonathan A American Exceptionalism American Anxiety Wages Competition and Degraded Labor In The Antebellum United States 2002 Ferrie Joseph P The End of American Exceptionalism Mobility in the US Since 1850 Journal of Economic Perspectives Summer 2005 Hellerman Steven L and Andrei S Markovits 2001 Offside Soccer and American Exceptionalism Princeton University Press ISBN 0 691 07447 X online version 25 Mayis 2012 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Ignatieff Michael ed 2005 American Exceptionalism and Human Rights Princeton University Press ISBN 0 691 11647 4 KB1 bakim Fazladan yazi yazar listesi link Kagan Robert 2003 Of Paradise and Power America and Europe in the New World Order Knopf ISBN 1 4000 4093 0 Kammen Michael The problem of American exceptionalism A reconsideration American Quarterly 1993 45 1 pp 1 43 Koh Harold Hongju On American Exceptionalism 55 Stan L Rev 1479 2003 online17 Mayis 2013 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Krugman Paul 2007 The Conscience of a Liberal W W Norton ISBN 0 393 06069 1 LeBlanc Paul and Tim Davenport eds The American Exceptionalism of Jay Lovestone and His Comrades 1929 1940 Dissident Marxism in the United States Volume 1 Leiden NL Brill 2015 Lipset Seymour Martin 1997 American Exceptionalism A Double Edged Sword W W Norton amp Company ISBN 0 393 31614 9 Lipset Seymour Martin The First New Nation Basic Books 1955 Lipset Seymour Martin Still the Exceptional Nation The Wilson Quarterly 24 1 2000 pp 31 online version 25 Mayis 2012 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Lloyd Brian Left Out Pragmatism Exceptionalism and the Poverty of American Marxism 1890 1922 Johns Hopkins University Press 1997 Noble David 2002 Death of a Nation American Culture and the End of Exceptionalism University of Minnesota Press ISBN 978 0 8166 4080 5 Restad Hilde Eliassen Old Paradigms in History Die Hard in Political Science U S Foreign Policy and American Exceptionalism American Political Thought Notre Dame Spring 2012 1 1 pp53 76 Ross Dorothy Origins of American Social Science Cambridge University Press 1991 Ross Dorothy American Exceptionalism in A Companion to American Thought Richard W Fox and James T Kloppenberg eds London Blackwell Publishers Inc 1995 22 23 Schuck Peter H Eds Understanding America The Anatomy of an Exceptional Nation 704 pp 2008 ISBN 978 1 58648 561 0 Shafer Byron E ed Is America Different A New Look at American Exceptionalism 1991 endorses exceptionalism Soderlind Sylvia and James Taylor Carson eds American Exceptionalisms From Winthrop to Winfrey State University of New York Press 2012 268 pages essays on the rhetoric of exceptionalism in American history from John Winthrop s city upon a hill to the war on terror Swirski Peter American Utopia and Social Engineering in Literature Social Thought and Political History New York Routledge 2011 Tilman Rick Thorstein Veblen s Views on American Exceptionalism An Interpretation Journal of Economic Issues 39 1 2005 pp 177 online version 25 Mayis 2012 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Tomes Robert American Exceptionalism in the Twenty First Century 18 Kasim 2016 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Survival 56 1 pp 26 50 Turner Frederick Jackson Richard W Etulain ed 1999 The Significance of the Frontier in American History in Does The Frontier Experience Make America Exceptional KB1 bakim Fazladan yazi yazar listesi link Tyrrell Ian American Exceptionalism in an Age of International History American Historical Review Vol 96 No 4 Oct 1991 pp 1031 55 in JSTOR 16 Mart 2016 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Voss Kim The Making of American Exceptionalism The Knights of Labor and Class Formation in the Nineteenth Century 1993 online version 25 Mayis 2012 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Wilentz Sean Against Exceptionalism Class Consciousness and the American Labor Movement 1790 1820 26 Int l Lab amp Working Class History 1 1984 Wrobel David M 1996 The End Of American Exceptionalism Frontier Anxiety From The Old West To The New Deal University Press of Kansas ISBN 0 7006 0561 4 Temel kaynaklar Roberts Timothy and Lindsay DiCuirci Eds American Exceptionalism Volumes 1 4 London Pickering amp Chatto Publishers 2012 1552 p A compilation of the primary sources on the subject of American exceptionalism including pamphlets sermons newspaper and magazine articles from colonial period to 1900 Dis baglantilarHow the World Sees America 21 Eylul 2016 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Washington Post Feature Obama and American exceptionalism 4 Eylul 2011 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Glenn Greenwald Salon com Obama and the Burden of Exceptionalism 26 Temmuz 2013 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde The right to be different30 Kasim 2010 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Debate between and American Exceptionalism American Freedom 27 Kasim 2016 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde by The Montreal Review January 2013 American Exceptionalism 18 Kasim 2016 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde