Andrew Lang (d. 31 Mart 1844 - ö. 20 Temmuz 1912) antropoloji alanında çalışmalar yapmış, İskoç asıllı, şiir, roman ve hikâye yazarı. Folk ve peri masalları koleksiyonu ile tanınmaktadır.
Andrew Lang FBA | |
![]() | |
Doğum | 31 Mart 1844 , , İskoç |
Ölüm | 20 Temmuz 1912 (68 yaşında) , Aberdeenshire, İskoç |
Meslek | Şair; roman; ; antropolojist |
Alma mater | St Andrews Üniversitesi |
Dönem | 19. üncü yüzyıl |
Tür | Çocuk edebiyatı |
Evlilik | (e. 1875) |


- St Leonards Magazine. 1863. This was a reprint of several articles that appeared in the St Leonards Magazine that Lang edited at St Andrews University. Includes the following Lang contributions: Pages 10–13, Dawgley Manor; A sentimental burlesque; Pages 25–26, Nugae Catulus; Pages 27–30, Popular Philosophies; pages 43–50 are ‘Papers by Eminent Contributors’, seven short parodies of which six are by Lang.
- The Ballads and Lyrics of Old France (1872)
- The Odyssey Of Homer Rendered Into English Prose (1879) translator with
- Aristotle's Politics Books I. III. IV. (VII.). The Text of Bekker. With an English translation by W. E. Bolland. Together with short introductory essays by A. Lang To page 106 are Lang's Essays, pp. 107–305 are the translation. Lang's essays without the translated text were later published as The Politics of Aristotle. Introductory Essays. 1886.
- The Folklore of France (1878)
- Specimens of a Translation of Theocritus. 1879.
- XXII Ballades in Blue China (1880)
- Oxford. Brief historical & descriptive notes (1880). 1915 vesiyonu resim çalışmalarını yapan .
- 'Theocritus Bion and Moschus. Rendered into English Prose with an Introductory Essay. 1880.
- Notes by Mr A. Lang on a collection of pictures by Mr J. E.Millais R.A. exhibited at the Fine Arts Society Rooms. 148 New Bond Street. 1881.
- . 1881.
- The Black Thief. A new and original drama (Adapted from the Irish) in four acts. (1882)
- Helen of Troy, her life and translation. Done into rhyme from the Greek books. 1882.
- The Most Pleasant and Delectable Tale of the Marriage of Cupid and Psyche (1882) ile.
- The Iliad of Homer, a prose translation (1883) ve ile.
- Custom and Myth (1884)
- (1884)
- Ballads and Verses Vain (1884) selected by
- Rhymes à la Mode (1884)
- Much Darker Days. By A. Huge Longway. (1884)
- Household tales; their origin, diffusion, and relations to the higher myths. [1884]. Separate pre-publication issue of the "introduction" to Bohn's edition of Grimm's Household tales.
- That Very Mab (1885) May Kendall ile.
- Books and Bookmen (1886)
- Letters to Dead Authors (1886)
- In the Wrong Paradise (1886) öyküler
- The Mark of Cain (1886) roman
- Lines on the inaugural meeting of the Shelley Society. Reprinted for private distribution from the Saturday Review of 13 March 1886 and edited by Thomas Wise (1886)
- La Mythologie Traduit de L'Anglais par Léon Léon Parmentier. Avec une préface par Charles Michel et des Additions de l'auteur. (1886)
- Almae matres (1887)
- He (1887 ile) parody
- (1887)
- Myth, Ritual and Religion (2 vols., 1887)
- Johnny Nut and the Golden Goose. Done into English from the French of Charles Deulin (1887)
- Grass of Parnassus. Rhymes old and new. (1888)
- Perrault's Popular Tales (1888)
- Gold of Fairnilee (1888)
- Pictures at Play or Dialogues of the Galleries (1888) with
- (1889)
- (1889) (illustrasyonlar )
- Letters on Literature (1889)
- Lost Leaders (1889)
- Ode to Golf. Contribution to On the Links; being Golfing Stories by various hands (1889)
- The Dead Leman and other tales from the French (1889) translator ile.
- (1890)
- (1890) with H.Rider Haggard
- Old Friends: Essays in Epistolary Parody (1890)
- The Strife of Love in a Dream, Being the Elizabethan Version of the First Book of the Hypnerotomachia of Francesco Colonna (1890)
- The Life, Letters and Diaries of Sir Stafford Northcote, 1st Earl of Iddesleigh (1890)
- (1890)
- How to Fail in Literature (1890)
- The Blue Poetry Book (1891)
- Essays in Little (1891)
- On Calais Sands (1891)
- (1892)
- The Library with a Chapter on Modern English Illustrated Books (1892) with
- William Young Sellar (1892)
- The True Story Book (1893)
- Homer and the Epic (1893)
- Prince Ricardo of Pantouflia (1893)
- Waverley Novels (by Walter Scott), 48 volumes (1893) editor
- St. Andrews (1893)
- Montezuma's Daughter (1893) with H.Rider Haggard
- (1893)
- The Tercentenary of Izaak Walton (1893)
- (1894)
- Ban and Arrière Ban (1894)
- Cock Lane and Common-Sense (1894)
- Memoir of R. F. Murray (1894)
- The Red True Story Book (1895)
- My Own Fairy Book (1895)
- Angling Sketches (1895)
- A Monk of Fife (1895)
- The Voices of Jeanne D'Arc (1895)
- The Animal Story Book (1896)
- The Poems and Songs of Robert Burns (1896) editor
- The Life and Letters of (1896) two volumes
- Pickle the Spy; or the Incognito of Charles, (1897)
- The Nursery Rhyme Book (1897)
- The Miracles of Madame Saint Katherine of Fierbois (1897) translator
- (1897)
- A Book of Dreams and Ghosts (1897)
- Pickle the Spy (1897)
- Modern Mythology (1897)
- The Companions of Pickle (1898)
- The Arabian Nights Entertainments (1898)
- The Making of Religion (1898)
- Selections from Coleridge (1898)
- Waiting on the Glesca Train (1898)
- The Red Book of Animal Stories (1899)
- Parson Kelly (1899) Co-written with
- The Homeric Hymns (1899) translator
- The Works of Charles Dickens in Thirty-four Volumes (1899) editor
- (1900)
- Prince Charles Edward (1900)
- Parson Kelly (1900)
- The Poems and Ballads of Sir Walter Scott, Bart (1900) editor
- A History of Scotland – From the Roman Occupation (1900–1907) four volumes
- Notes and Names in Books (1900)
- Alfred Tennyson (1901)
- Magic and Religion (1901)
- Adventures Among Books (1901)
- (1903)
- The Mystery of Mary Stuart (1901, new and revised ed., 1904)
- The Book of Romance (1902)
- The Disentanglers (1902)
- James VI and the Gowrie Mystery (1902)
- Notre-Dame of Paris (1902) translator
- The Young Ruthvens (1902)
- The Gowrie Conspiracy: the Confessions of Sprott (1902) editor
- (1901)
- Lyrics (1903)
- Social England Illustrated (1903) editor
- The Story of the Golden Fleece (1903)
- The Valet's Tragedy (1903)
- Social Origins (1903) with Primal Law by
- The Snowman and Other Fairy Stories (1903)
- Stella Fregelius: A Tale of Three Destinies (1903) with H.Rider Haggard
- (1904)
- Historical Mysteries (1904)
- The Secret of the Totem (1905)
- New Collected Rhymes (1905)
- John Knox and the Reformation (1905)
- The Puzzle of Dickens's Last Plot (1905)
- The Clyde Mystery. A Study in Forgeries and Folklore (1905)
- Adventures among Books (1905)
- Homer and His Age (1906)
- (1906)
- (1906)
- The Portraits and Jewels of Mary Stuart (1906)
- Life of Sir Walter Scott (1906)
- The Story of Joan of Arc (1906)
- New and Old Letters to Dead Authors (1906)
- Tales of a Fairy Court (1907)
- (1907)
- Poets' Country (1907) editor, with , , ,
- The King over the Water (1907)
- Tales of Troy and Greece (1907)
- The Origins of Religion (1908) essays
- The Book of Princes and Princesses (1908)
- Origins of Terms of Human Relationships (1908)
- Select Poems of (1908) editor
- The Maid of France (1908)
- Three Poets of French Bohemia (1908)
- The Red Book of Heroes (1909)
- The Marvellous Musician and Other Stories (1909)
- Sir George Mackenzie King's Advocate, of Rosehaugh, His Life and Times (1909)
- (1910)
- Does Ridicule Kill? (1910)
- Sir Walter Scott and the Border Minstrelsy (1910)
- The World of Homer (1910)
- The All Sorts of Stories Book (1911)
- Ballades and Rhymes (1911)
- Method in the Study of Totemism (1911)
- The Book of Saints and Heroes (1912)
- Shakespeare, Bacon and the Great Unknown (1912)
- A History of English Literature (1912)
- In Praise of Frugality (1912)
- Ode on a Distant Memory of Jane Eyre (1912)
- Ode to the Opening Century (1912)
Andrew Lang Peri Masalları
- (1889)
- (1890)
- (1892)
- (1894)
- (1897)
- (1900)
- (1901)
- (1903)
- (1904)
- (1906)
- (1907)
- (1910)
- İngilizce Vikipedi Edward Andrew Lang
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Andrew Lang d 31 Mart 1844 o 20 Temmuz 1912 antropoloji alaninda calismalar yapmis Iskoc asilli siir roman ve hikaye yazari Folk ve peri masallari koleksiyonu ile taninmaktadir Andrew Lang FBADogum31 Mart 1844 1844 03 31 IskocOlum20 Temmuz 1912 68 yasinda Aberdeenshire IskocMeslekSair roman antropolojistAlma materSt Andrews UniversitesiDonem19 uncu yuzyilTurCocuk edebiyatiEvlilik e 1875 Rumpelstiltskin Peri masallari koleksiyonundanAndrew Lang ofisinde calisirken Calismalari 1884 Mavi plak 1 Marloes Road Kensington LondraPrens su perisine tesekkur ederken 1884 eserinden renklendirme St Leonards Magazine 1863 This was a reprint of several articles that appeared in the St Leonards Magazine that Lang edited at St Andrews University Includes the following Lang contributions Pages 10 13 Dawgley Manor A sentimental burlesque Pages 25 26 Nugae Catulus Pages 27 30 Popular Philosophies pages 43 50 are Papers by Eminent Contributors seven short parodies of which six are by Lang The Ballads and Lyrics of Old France 1872 The Odyssey Of Homer Rendered Into English Prose 1879 translator with Aristotle s Politics Books I III IV VII The Text of Bekker With an English translation by W E Bolland Together with short introductory essays by A Lang To page 106 are Lang s Essays pp 107 305 are the translation Lang s essays without the translated text were later published as The Politics of Aristotle Introductory Essays 1886 The Folklore of France 1878 Specimens of a Translation of Theocritus 1879 XXII Ballades in Blue China 1880 Oxford Brief historical amp descriptive notes 1880 1915 vesiyonu resim calismalarini yapan Theocritus Bion and Moschus Rendered into English Prose with an Introductory Essay 1880 Notes by Mr A Lang on a collection of pictures by Mr J E Millais R A exhibited at the Fine Arts Society Rooms 148 New Bond Street 1881 1881 The Black Thief A new and original drama Adapted from the Irish in four acts 1882 Helen of Troy her life and translation Done into rhyme from the Greek books 1882 The Most Pleasant and Delectable Tale of the Marriage of Cupid and Psyche 1882 ile The Iliad of Homer a prose translation 1883 ve ile Custom and Myth 1884 1884 Ballads and Verses Vain 1884 selected by Rhymes a la Mode 1884 Much Darker Days By A Huge Longway 1884 Household tales their origin diffusion and relations to the higher myths 1884 Separate pre publication issue of the introduction to Bohn s edition of Grimm s Household tales 1885 1889 That Very Mab 1885 May Kendall ile Books and Bookmen 1886 Letters to Dead Authors 1886 In the Wrong Paradise 1886 oykuler The Mark of Cain 1886 roman Lines on the inaugural meeting of the Shelley Society Reprinted for private distribution from the Saturday Review of 13 March 1886 and edited by Thomas Wise 1886 La Mythologie Traduit de L Anglais par Leon Leon Parmentier Avec une preface par Charles Michel et des Additions de l auteur 1886 Almae matres 1887 He 1887 ile parody 1887 Myth Ritual and Religion 2 vols 1887 Johnny Nut and the Golden Goose Done into English from the French of Charles Deulin 1887 Grass of Parnassus Rhymes old and new 1888 Perrault s Popular Tales 1888 Gold of Fairnilee 1888 Pictures at Play or Dialogues of the Galleries 1888 with 1889 1889 illustrasyonlar Letters on Literature 1889 Lost Leaders 1889 Ode to Golf Contribution to On the Links being Golfing Stories by various hands 1889 The Dead Leman and other tales from the French 1889 translator ile 1890 1899 1890 1890 with H Rider Haggard Old Friends Essays in Epistolary Parody 1890 The Strife of Love in a Dream Being the Elizabethan Version of the First Book of the Hypnerotomachia of Francesco Colonna 1890 The Life Letters and Diaries of Sir Stafford Northcote 1st Earl of Iddesleigh 1890 1890 How to Fail in Literature 1890 The Blue Poetry Book 1891 Essays in Little 1891 On Calais Sands 1891 1892 The Library with a Chapter on Modern English Illustrated Books 1892 with William Young Sellar 1892 The True Story Book 1893 Homer and the Epic 1893 Prince Ricardo of Pantouflia 1893 Waverley Novels by Walter Scott 48 volumes 1893 editor St Andrews 1893 Montezuma s Daughter 1893 with H Rider Haggard 1893 The Tercentenary of Izaak Walton 1893 1894 Ban and Arriere Ban 1894 Cock Lane and Common Sense 1894 Memoir of R F Murray 1894 The Red True Story Book 1895 My Own Fairy Book 1895 Angling Sketches 1895 A Monk of Fife 1895 The Voices of Jeanne D Arc 1895 The Animal Story Book 1896 The Poems and Songs of Robert Burns 1896 editor The Life and Letters of 1896 two volumes Pickle the Spy or the Incognito of Charles 1897 The Nursery Rhyme Book 1897 The Miracles of Madame Saint Katherine of Fierbois 1897 translator 1897 A Book of Dreams and Ghosts 1897 Pickle the Spy 1897 Modern Mythology 1897 The Companions of Pickle 1898 The Arabian Nights Entertainments 1898 The Making of Religion 1898 Selections from Coleridge 1898 Waiting on the Glesca Train 1898 The Red Book of Animal Stories 1899 Parson Kelly 1899 Co written with The Homeric Hymns 1899 translator The Works of Charles Dickens in Thirty four Volumes 1899 editor1900 1909 1900 Prince Charles Edward 1900 Parson Kelly 1900 The Poems and Ballads of Sir Walter Scott Bart 1900 editor A History of Scotland From the Roman Occupation 1900 1907 four volumes Notes and Names in Books 1900 Alfred Tennyson 1901 Magic and Religion 1901 Adventures Among Books 1901 1903 The Mystery of Mary Stuart 1901 new and revised ed 1904 The Book of Romance 1902 The Disentanglers 1902 James VI and the Gowrie Mystery 1902 Notre Dame of Paris 1902 translator The Young Ruthvens 1902 The Gowrie Conspiracy the Confessions of Sprott 1902 editor 1901 Lyrics 1903 Social England Illustrated 1903 editor The Story of the Golden Fleece 1903 The Valet s Tragedy 1903 Social Origins 1903 with Primal Law by The Snowman and Other Fairy Stories 1903 Stella Fregelius A Tale of Three Destinies 1903 with H Rider Haggard 1904 Historical Mysteries 1904 The Secret of the Totem 1905 New Collected Rhymes 1905 John Knox and the Reformation 1905 The Puzzle of Dickens s Last Plot 1905 The Clyde Mystery A Study in Forgeries and Folklore 1905 Adventures among Books 1905 Homer and His Age 1906 1906 1906 The Portraits and Jewels of Mary Stuart 1906 Life of Sir Walter Scott 1906 The Story of Joan of Arc 1906 New and Old Letters to Dead Authors 1906 Tales of a Fairy Court 1907 1907 Poets Country 1907 editor with The King over the Water 1907 Tales of Troy and Greece 1907 The Origins of Religion 1908 essays The Book of Princes and Princesses 1908 Origins of Terms of Human Relationships 1908 Select Poems of 1908 editor The Maid of France 1908 Three Poets of French Bohemia 1908 The Red Book of Heroes 1909 The Marvellous Musician and Other Stories 1909 Sir George Mackenzie King s Advocate of Rosehaugh His Life and Times 1909 1910 1912 1910 Does Ridicule Kill 1910 Sir Walter Scott and the Border Minstrelsy 1910 The World of Homer 1910 The All Sorts of Stories Book 1911 Ballades and Rhymes 1911 Method in the Study of Totemism 1911 The Book of Saints and Heroes 1912 Shakespeare Bacon and the Great Unknown 1912 A History of English Literature 1912 In Praise of Frugality 1912 Ode on a Distant Memory of Jane Eyre 1912 Ode to the Opening Century 1912 Andrew Lang Peri Masallari 1889 1890 1892 1894 1897 1900 1901 1903 1904 1906 1907 1910 KaynakcaIngilizce Vikipedi Edward Andrew Lang