Andrew Beardmore (d. 16 Ocak 1980) trance ve yapımcı-DJ. Andy Moor, geçmişte birçok takma isim (Dub Disorder, Dwight van Man, Sworn) kullandı ve Indigo, , Lewis & Moor, , Whiteroom ve Zoo DJ gibi grupların bir parçasıydı. Ayrıca 'deki dans müziği tutkunları tarafından 2005 ve 2006'da dünyanın en iyi 30. dj olarak seçildi. Şu anda 18. sıradadır. Andy Moor, Kanadalı dj ile "Angelicus" şarkısına yaptığı remiks ile Aralık 2008'de Grammy Ödülleri'ne aday gösterildi.
Andy Moor | |
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Genel bilgiler | |
Doğum | Andrew Beardmore 16 Ocak 1980 ![]() |
Tarzlar | Trance, progresif trance, elektronik |
Meslekler | DJ, Prodüktör, Remixer |
Etkin yıllar | 1999-günümüze |
Müzik şirketi | AVA Recordings |
Resmî site | Resmî site |
Ayrıca Britney Spears, Avril Lavigne, Paul Oakenfold, Brian Eno, Tiësto ve gibi ünlü isimler için çeşitli şarkılar yapmış ve remikslemiştir.
- Andy Moor - "Passenger" ()
- Andy Moor - "Violent City" ()
- Bill Hamel pres. Innate and Andy Moor - "Barotek" (Sunkissed Records)
- (Co-Production) - "Melodica" ()
- Andy Moor pres : Sworn - "Dark Amendments" ()
- Lewis and Moor - "Byte" (Intrinsic Records)
- Leama (Co-Production) - "Requiem for a Dream" )
- Andy Moor - "Crazy Lady EP - No More" ()
- Andy Moor - "Crazy Lady EP - Athena" ()
- Midnorth vs Austin Leeds - "Soul Workout" ()
- Indigo - "Division" (EQ Records)
- - "Beyond the Sound (feat Maria Naylor)" (Primal Beats)
- Sworn - "U Don't Feel" (Vinyl Vice)
- - "Shades of Blue/Red/Yellow" (Primal Beats)
- - "Complex Synth Problems" ()
- - "Fact of the Matter" ()
- Adam White & Andy Moor presents The Whiteroom - "The White Room" (Liquid Asset)
- Whiteroom - "Someday (feat. Amy Cooper)" (Woom Recordings)
- Andy Moor - "Halycon" ()
- feat. Andy Moor - "Air for Life" ()
- vs Andy Moor - "Control Me" (Pangea Recordings)
- Andy Moor vs. - "YearZero" (AVA Recordings)
- Markus Schulz feat. Andy Moor - "Daydream" (Armada)
- - "Angry Skies (Tilt's Re-Activation remix)" ()
- Andy Moor - "Fake Awake" (/AVA Recordings)
- Andy Moor Ft. Carrie Skipper - "So Much More" (AVA Recordings)
- Ashley Wallbridge & Andy Moor feat. Meighan Nealon - "Faces" (AVA Recordings)
- Medway - "My Release (Andy Moor remix)" ()
- Shimmon vs 3rd Degree - "Dark Feelin' (Andy moor remix)" (Tune Inn Records)
- Coda - "Take Me (Andy Moor remix)" (Decipher Records)
- Stripped Inc. - "Glitterball (Andy Moor remix)" ()
- EveryDayDowners - "This World (Andy Moor remix)" (Pangea Recordings)
- 2 Players - "Signet (Leama & Moor remix)" ()
- Little Wonder - "Eclipse (Leama & Moor remix)" ()
- Arthur Baker - "1000 Years (Andy Moor remix)" (Tommy Boy Silver Label)
- Sonorous - "Second Sun (Leama & Moor remix)" ()
- Main Element - "Forme (Leama & Moor remix)" ()
- Insight - "Prophecy (Innate and Andy Moor remix)" (Sunkissed Records)
- Radiohead - "Go to Sleep (Zoo DJ's bootleg)" (White)
- Leftfield - "Open Up (Zoo DJ's bootleg)" (White)
- Chemical Brothers - "Asleep By Day (Zoo DJ's bootleg)" (White)
- Paul Oakenfold - "Zoo York (Leama & Moor remix)" )
- Avril Lavigne - "I'm With You (Leama & Moor bootleg" (White)
- Nelly Furtado - "Powerless (Leama & Moor bootleg" (White)
- Brian Eno - "The Ending (Leama & Moor remix) ()
- Orbital - "Belfast (Leama & Moor re-make) (White)
- Li Kwan - "Point Zero (Leama & Moor remix) (Liquid Asset)
- Ridgewalkers - "Find (feat. El) (Andy Moor remix) (Armada/)
- Starkid - "Crayons (Leama & Moor "In Loving Memory of Starkid" remix)" ()
- Vector 13 - "G.H.L.I.S (Leama & Moor remix) (Algorithm Records)
- Space Manoeuvres - "Stage 1 (Leama & Moor remix) (Tirade Records)
- Space Manoeuvres - "7th Planet (Leama & Moor remix) ()
- Tiesto - "A Tear in the Open (Leama & Moor remix) ()
- Tiesto - "UR (Leama & Moor remix)" (Black Hole Recordings)
- Filo and Peri - "Closer Now (Leama & Moor remix)"
- Jose Zamora vs Damian DP - "Transatlantic (Andy Moor remix)" ()
- Above and Beyond pres. Tranquility Base - "Getting Away (Leama & Moor remix)" ()
- Luminary - "My World (Whiteroom remix)" ()
- 2005: Luminary - "Wasting (Andy Moor remix)" (Sound Piercing)
- Britney Spears - "Someday (Andy Moor remix)" (Jive Records)
- Yellow Blackboard - "Supafly (Andy Moor remix)" (SOG Chrome)
Delerium - "Angelicus (Andy Moor remix)" ()
Andy Moor vs. - "YearZero (Andy Moor's 'First Light' remix)" (AVA Recordings)
Nadia Ali - "Love Story (Andy Moor Remix)"
- ^ Andy Moor 22 Mart 2009 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .
Dış bağlantılar
- Resmi Websitesi 31 Temmuz 2009 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .
- AVA Recordings 31 Temmuz 2009 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .
- MoorMusic Myspace 19 Ağustos 2009 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .
- Tilt Website 31 Temmuz 2009 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .
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Andrew Beardmore d 16 Ocak 1980 trance ve yapimci DJ Andy Moor gecmiste bircok takma isim Dub Disorder Dwight van Man Sworn kullandi ve Indigo Lewis amp Moor Whiteroom ve Zoo DJ gibi gruplarin bir parcasiydi Ayrica deki dans muzigi tutkunlari tarafindan 2005 ve 2006 da dunyanin en iyi 30 dj olarak secildi Su anda 18 siradadir Andy Moor Kanadali dj ile Angelicus sarkisina yaptigi remiks ile Aralik 2008 de Grammy Odulleri ne aday gosterildi Andy MoorGenel bilgilerDogumAndrew Beardmore 16 Ocak 1980 44 yasinda Birlesik KrallikTarzlarTrance progresif trance elektronikMesleklerDJ Produktor RemixerEtkin yillar1999 gunumuzeMuzik sirketiAVA RecordingsResmi siteResmi site Ayrica Britney Spears Avril Lavigne Paul Oakenfold Brian Eno Tiesto ve gibi unlu isimler icin cesitli sarkilar yapmis ve remikslemistir DiskografiSingle 2000 Andy Moor Passenger Andy Moor Violent City 2001 Bill Hamel pres Innate and Andy Moor Barotek Sunkissed Records Co Production Melodica Andy Moor pres Sworn Dark Amendments Lewis and Moor Byte Intrinsic Records 2002 Leama Co Production Requiem for a Dream Andy Moor Crazy Lady EP No More Andy Moor Crazy Lady EP Athena Midnorth vs Austin Leeds Soul Workout Indigo Division EQ Records Beyond the Sound feat Maria Naylor Primal Beats 2004 Sworn U Don t Feel Vinyl Vice Shades of Blue Red Yellow Primal Beats Complex Synth Problems Fact of the Matter Adam White amp Andy Moor presents The Whiteroom The White Room Liquid Asset 2005 Whiteroom Someday feat Amy Cooper Woom Recordings Andy Moor Halycon feat Andy Moor Air for Life 2006 vs Andy Moor Control Me Pangea Recordings 2007 Andy Moor vs YearZero AVA Recordings Markus Schulz feat Andy Moor Daydream Armada Angry Skies Tilt s Re Activation remix 2008 Andy Moor Fake Awake AVA Recordings Andy Moor Ft Carrie Skipper So Much More AVA Recordings 2009 Ashley Wallbridge amp Andy Moor feat Meighan Nealon Faces AVA Recordings Remiksler 2001 Medway My Release Andy Moor remix Shimmon vs 3rd Degree Dark Feelin Andy moor remix Tune Inn Records Coda Take Me Andy Moor remix Decipher Records Stripped Inc Glitterball Andy Moor remix 2003 EveryDayDowners This World Andy Moor remix Pangea Recordings 2 Players Signet Leama amp Moor remix Little Wonder Eclipse Leama amp Moor remix Arthur Baker 1000 Years Andy Moor remix Tommy Boy Silver Label Sonorous Second Sun Leama amp Moor remix Main Element Forme Leama amp Moor remix Insight Prophecy Innate and Andy Moor remix Sunkissed Records Radiohead Go to Sleep Zoo DJ s bootleg White Leftfield Open Up Zoo DJ s bootleg White 2004 Chemical Brothers Asleep By Day Zoo DJ s bootleg White Paul Oakenfold Zoo York Leama amp Moor remix Avril Lavigne I m With You Leama amp Moor bootleg White Nelly Furtado Powerless Leama amp Moor bootleg White Brian Eno The Ending Leama amp Moor remix Orbital Belfast Leama amp Moor re make White Li Kwan Point Zero Leama amp Moor remix Liquid Asset Ridgewalkers Find feat El Andy Moor remix Armada Starkid Crayons Leama amp Moor In Loving Memory of Starkid remix Vector 13 G H L I S Leama amp Moor remix Algorithm Records Space Manoeuvres Stage 1 Leama amp Moor remix Tirade Records 2005 Space Manoeuvres 7th Planet Leama amp Moor remix Tiesto A Tear in the Open Leama amp Moor remix Tiesto UR Leama amp Moor remix Black Hole Recordings Filo and Peri Closer Now Leama amp Moor remix Jose Zamora vs Damian DP Transatlantic Andy Moor remix Above and Beyond pres Tranquility Base Getting Away Leama amp Moor remix Luminary My World Whiteroom remix 2005 Luminary Wasting Andy Moor remix Sound Piercing Britney Spears Someday Andy Moor remix Jive Records Yellow Blackboard Supafly Andy Moor remix SOG Chrome 2006 Delerium Angelicus Andy Moor remix 2007 Andy Moor vs YearZero Andy Moor s First Light remix AVA Recordings 2009 Nadia Ali Love Story Andy Moor Remix Kaynakca Andy Moor 22 Mart 2009 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde last fmDis baglantilarResmi Websitesi 31 Temmuz 2009 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde AVA Recordings 31 Temmuz 2009 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde MoorMusic Myspace 19 Agustos 2009 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Tilt Website 31 Temmuz 2009 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde