Aphodiini, altfamilyasına bağlı bir hayvan oymağıdır.
Aphodiini | |||||||||||||||
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Korunma durumu | |||||||||||||||
Değerlendirilmedi (IUCN 3.1) | |||||||||||||||
Biyolojik sınıflandırma | |||||||||||||||
Aphodiini oymağına bağlı cinsler (2023):
- Acrossus - Mulsant, 1842
- Agoliinus - Schmidt, 1913
- Agrilinellus - Dellacasa, Dellacasa and Gordon, 2008
- Alloblackburneus - Bordat, 2009
- Aphodius - Illiger, 1798
- Ballucus - Gordon and Skelley, 2007
- Blackburneus - Schmidt, 1913
- Calamosternus - Motschulsky, 1859
- Caligodorus - Gordon and Skelley, 2007
- Cephalocyclus - Dellacasa, Gordon and Dellacasa, 1998
- Chilothorax - Motschulsky, 1859
- Cinacanthus - Schmidt, 1913
- Coelotrachelus - Schmidt, 1913
- Colobopterus - Mulsant, 1842
- Cryptoscatomaseter - Gordon and Skelley, 2007
- Dellacasiellus - Gordon and Skelley, 2007
- Dialytellus - Brown, 1929
- Dialytes - Harold, 1869
- Dialytodius - Gordon and Skelley, 2007
- Diapterna - Horn, 1887
- Drepanacanthoides - Schmidt, 1913
- Eupleurus - Mulsant, 1842
- Flaviellus - Gordon and Skelley, 2007
- Geomyphilus - Gordon and Skelley, 2007
- Haroldiellus - Gordon and Skelley, 2007
- Hornietus - Stebnicka, 2000
- Irrasinus - Gordon and Skelley, 2007
- Labarrus - Mulsant and Rey, 1870
- Lechorodius - Gordon and Skelley, 2007
- Liothorax - Motschulsky, 1859
- Luxolinus - Gordon and Skelley, 2007
- Maculaphodius - Gordon and Skelley, 2007
- Melinopterus - Mulsant, 1842
- Mendidius - Harold, 1868
- Merogyrus - Gordon and Skelley, 2007
- Neotrichonotulus - Dellacasa, Gordon and Dellacasa, 2004
- Nialaphodius - Kolbe, 1908
- Oscarinus - Gordon and Skelley, 2007
- Otophorus - Mulsant, 1842
- Oxyomus - Dejean, 1833
- Pardalosus - Gordon and Skelley, 2007
- Phaeaphodius - Reitter, 1892
- Planolinellus - Dellacasa and Dellacasa, 2005
- Planolinoides - Dellacasa and Dellacasa, 2005
- Planolinus - Mulsant and Rey, 1870
- Pseudagolius - Schmidt, 1913
- Rugaphodius - Gordon and Skelley, 2007
- Scabrostomus - Gordon and Skelley, 2007
- Schaefferellus - Gordon and Skelley, 2007
- Setodius - Gordon and Skelley, 2007
- Stenotothorax - Schmidt, 1913
- Strigodius - Gordon and Skelley, 2007
- Tetraclipeoides - Schmidt, 1913
- Teuchestes - Mulsant, 1842
- Trichonotulus - Bedel, 1911
- Xeropsamobeus - Saylor, 1937
- ^ "ITIS". 1 Haziran 2023 tarihinde kaynağından . Erişim tarihi: 23 Kasım 2023.
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Aphodiini altfamilyasina bagli bir hayvan oymagidir AphodiiniKorunma durumuDegerlendirilmedi IUCN 3 1 Biyolojik siniflandirmaAlem AnimaliaSube ArthropodaSinif InsectaTakim ColeopteraFamilya ScarabaeidaeAlt familya Oymak Aphodiini Leach 1815TaksonomiAphodiini oymagina bagli cinsler 2023 Acrossus Mulsant 1842 Agoliinus Schmidt 1913 Agrilinellus Dellacasa Dellacasa and Gordon 2008 Alloblackburneus Bordat 2009 Aphodius Illiger 1798 Ballucus Gordon and Skelley 2007 Blackburneus Schmidt 1913 Calamosternus Motschulsky 1859 Caligodorus Gordon and Skelley 2007 Cephalocyclus Dellacasa Gordon and Dellacasa 1998 Chilothorax Motschulsky 1859 Cinacanthus Schmidt 1913 Coelotrachelus Schmidt 1913 Colobopterus Mulsant 1842 Cryptoscatomaseter Gordon and Skelley 2007 Dellacasiellus Gordon and Skelley 2007 Dialytellus Brown 1929 Dialytes Harold 1869 Dialytodius Gordon and Skelley 2007 Diapterna Horn 1887 Drepanacanthoides Schmidt 1913 Eupleurus Mulsant 1842 Flaviellus Gordon and Skelley 2007 Geomyphilus Gordon and Skelley 2007 Haroldiellus Gordon and Skelley 2007 Hornietus Stebnicka 2000 Irrasinus Gordon and Skelley 2007 Labarrus Mulsant and Rey 1870 Lechorodius Gordon and Skelley 2007 Liothorax Motschulsky 1859 Luxolinus Gordon and Skelley 2007 Maculaphodius Gordon and Skelley 2007 Melinopterus Mulsant 1842 Mendidius Harold 1868 Merogyrus Gordon and Skelley 2007 Neotrichonotulus Dellacasa Gordon and Dellacasa 2004 Nialaphodius Kolbe 1908 Oscarinus Gordon and Skelley 2007 Otophorus Mulsant 1842 Oxyomus Dejean 1833 Pardalosus Gordon and Skelley 2007 Phaeaphodius Reitter 1892 Planolinellus Dellacasa and Dellacasa 2005 Planolinoides Dellacasa and Dellacasa 2005 Planolinus Mulsant and Rey 1870 Pseudagolius Schmidt 1913 Rugaphodius Gordon and Skelley 2007 Scabrostomus Gordon and Skelley 2007 Schaefferellus Gordon and Skelley 2007 Setodius Gordon and Skelley 2007 Stenotothorax Schmidt 1913 Strigodius Gordon and Skelley 2007 Tetraclipeoides Schmidt 1913 Teuchestes Mulsant 1842 Trichonotulus Bedel 1911 Xeropsamobeus Saylor 1937Kaynakca ITIS 1 Haziran 2023 tarihinde kaynagindan Erisim tarihi 23 Kasim 2023 Dis baglantilarWikimedia Commons ta Aphodiini ile ilgili coklu ortam belgeleri bulunur Vikitur de Aphodiini ile ilgili ayrintili taksonomik bilgiler bulunur ile ilgili bu madde taslak seviyesindedir Madde icerigini genisleterek Vikipedi ye katki saglayabilirsiniz