Bu maddenin içeriğinin Türkçeleştirilmesi veya doğrultusunda düzeltilmesi gerekmektedir. Bu maddedeki yazım ve noktalama yanlışları ya da anlatım bozuklukları giderilmelidir. (Yabancı sözcükler yerine Türkçe karşılıklarının kullanılması, karakter hatalarının düzeltilmesi, dilbilgisi hatalarının düzeltilmesi vs.) Düzenleme yapıldıktan sonra bu şablon kaldırılmalıdır. |
Ateş fırtınası veya Alev fırtınası bir yangının felakete dönüşmesini sağlayan ve şiddetlenerek devam etmesini sağlayan bir doğa fenomeni. Ateş fırtınasında sırasında yangın kendi rüzgâr sistemini oluşturuyor ve bu rüzgârları şiddetlendirerek içine çekiyor. Genelde bu doğa fenomeni doğal yollarla meydana geliyor, özellikle çalı yangınlarından ve orman yangınlarından oluşuyor. , Büyük , veya 1906 San Francisco depreminden sonra oluşan yangın, doğal yollarla oluşan alev fırtınalarından birkaç örnek. Ateş fırtınası ayrıca kasıtlı bir şekilde patlayıcı maddeler sonucunda oluşturulabillir, bu yöntemlerden arasında ve var. Kasıtlı bir şekilde oluşan alev fırtınaları arasında , Dresden bombardımanı, Tokyo bombardımanı ve Hiroşima'ya atom bombası saldırısı sonucu oluşan alev fırtınaları gösterilebillir.


Ateş fırtınası baca etkisi sonucu oluşan bir fenomen. Oluşan alevler, çevredeki havayı içine daha çok çekerek, daha da güçleniyor ve sert rüzgârların esmesini sağlıyor. Bu hava akımı ateşin yakınlarında veya üstünde esen bir jet stream sonucu daha çok güçlenebillir. Ateşin etrafında oluşan sert rüzgârlar, tekrar alevlerin içine esmesi sonucu, ateş fırtınasının daha da güçlenmesini sağlıyabillir.
This would seem to prevent the firestorm from spreading on the wind, but the tremendous turbulence also created causes the strong surface inflow winds to change direction erratically. This wind shear is capable of producing small tornado- or -like circulations called which can also dart around erratically, damage or destroy houses and buildings, and quickly spread the fire to areas outside the central area of the fire. A firestorm may also develop into a and induce true tornadoes. Probably, this is true for the .
The greater draft of a firestorm draws in greater quantities of oxygen, which significantly increases combustion, thereby also substantially increasing the production of heat. The intense heat of a firestorm manifests largely as radiated heat (infrared radiation) which ignites flammable material at a distance ahead of the fire itself. This also serves to expand the area and the intensity of the firestorm. Violent, erratic wind drafts suck movables into the fire, while people and animals caught close or under the fire die for lack of available oxygen.[] Radiated heat from the fire can melt asphalt, metal, and glass, and turn street tarmac into flammable hot liquid. The very high temperatures replicate the conditions of a ,[] where anything that might possibly burn does so readily, until the firestorm runs out of fuel.
Besides the enormous ash cloud produced by a firestorm, under the right conditions, it can also induce condensation, forming a or "fire cloud". A large pyrocumulus can grow into a and produce lightning, which can set off further fires. Apart from forest fires, pyrocumulus clouds can also be produced by .
In Australia, the prevalence of eucalyptus trees that have oil in their leaves results in forest fires that are noted for their extremely tall and intense flame front. Hence the bush fires appear more as a firestorm than a simple forest fire. Sometimes, emission of combustible gases from swamps (e.g., ) has a similar effect. For instance, methane explosions enforced the Peshtigo Fire.
In cities
The same underlying combustion physics can also apply to man-made structures such as cities during war or disaster.
Firestorms are thought to have been part of the mechanism of large urban fires such as the , the , the , and the fires resulting from the and the .[] Firestorms were also created by the raids of World War II in cities like , and .
City / Event | Date of the firestorm | Notes |
(Germany) | 27 July 1943 | 46,000 dead. |
(Germany) | 13 February 1945 | maximum of 25,000 dead. |
(Japan) | 9-10 March 1945 | Firestorm covering 16 milkare (41 km2). 267,171 buildings destroyed, 83,793 dead. The most devastating air raid in history with destruction greater than the , although with fewer casualties. |
(Japan) | 6 August 1945 | Firestorm covering 4,4 milkare (11 km2). The proportion of firestorm victims who survived the initial blast can never be known. |

is a technique designed to damage a target, generally an urban area, through the use of , caused by , rather than from the blast effect of large bombs. Such raids often employ both incendiary devices and high explosives. The high explosive destroys roofs making it easier for the incendiary devices to penetrate the structures and cause fires and the high explosives disrupt the ability of firefighters to douse the fires.
Although simple incendiary bombs have been used to destroy buildings since the start of gunpowder warfare, World War II saw the first use of from the air to destroy the ability of the enemy to wage war. , and many other British cities were firebombed during the Blitz. Most large German cities were extensively firebombed starting in 1942 and almost all large Japanese cities were firebombed during the last six months of World War II. However as , the officer commanding from 1942 through to the end of the war in Europe, pointed in his post war analysis, although many attempts were made to create deliberate man made firestorms during World War II few attempts succeed:
The Germans again and again missed their chance, ... of setting our cities ablaze by a concentrated attack. Coventry was adequately concentrated in point of space, but all the same there was little concentration in point of time, and nothing like the fire tornadoes of Hamburg or Dresden ever occurred in this country. But they did do us enough damage to teach us the principle of concentration, the principle of starting so many fires at the same time that no fire fighting services, however efficiently and quickly they were reinforced by the fire brigades of other towns could get them under control.
— ,
Ayrıca bakınız
- ^ Weaver & Biko.
- ^ a b Gess & Lutz 2003, s. []
- ^ Kartman & Brown 1971, s. 48.
- ^ a b c d e Harris 2005, s. 83
- ^ Frankland & Webster 1961, ss. 260-261.
- ^ Neutzner 2010, s. 70.
- ^ a b Michael D. Gordin (2007). Five days in August: how World War II became a nuclear war. Princeton University Press. s. 21. ISBN .
- ^ McRaney & McGahan 1980, s. 24.
- Gess, Denise; Lutz, William (2003) [2002], Firestorm at Peshtigo: A Town, Its People, and the Deadliest Fire in American History, ISBN
- Frankland, Noble; Webster, Charles (1961), The Strategic Air Offensive Against Germany, 1939-1945, Volume II: Endeavour, Part 4, Londra: Her Majesty's Stationary Office, ss. 260-261
- Harris, Arthur (2005), Bomber Offensive (First, Collins 1947 bas.), Pen & Sword military classics, s. 83, ISBN
- Kartman, Ben; Brown, Leonard (1971), Disaster!, Essay Index Reprint Series, Ayer Publishing, s. 48, ISBN
- McRaney, W.; McGahan, J. (6 Ağustos 1980), (PDF), Science Applications, Inc, s. 24, 24 Haziran 2006 tarihinde kaynağından (PDF) arşivlendi, erişim tarihi: 5 Nisan 2012
- Neutzner, Matthias (2010), Abschlussbericht der Historikerkommission zu den Luftangriffen auf Dresden zwischen dem 13. und 15. Februar 1945 (PDF), Landeshauptstadt Dresden, s. 70, 21 Mayıs 2012 tarihinde kaynağından (PDF) arşivlendi, erişim tarihi: 7 Haziran 2011
- Pyne, Stephen J. (2001), Year of the Fires: The Story of the Great Fires of 1910, Viking-Penguin Press, ISBN
- Weaver, John; Biko, Dan, Firestone Induced Tornado, 1 Eylül 2010 tarihinde kaynağından , erişim tarihi: 12 Ocak 2020
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Bu maddenin iceriginin Turkcelestirilmesi veya Turkce dilbilgisi ve kurallari dogrultusunda duzeltilmesi gerekmektedir Bu maddedeki yazim ve noktalama yanlislari ya da anlatim bozukluklari giderilmelidir Yabanci sozcukler yerine Turkce karsiliklarinin kullanilmasi karakter hatalarinin duzeltilmesi dilbilgisi hatalarinin duzeltilmesi vs Duzenleme yapildiktan sonra bu sablon kaldirilmalidir Ates firtinasi veya Alev firtinasi bir yanginin felakete donusmesini saglayan ve siddetlenerek devam etmesini saglayan bir doga fenomeni Ates firtinasinda sirasinda yangin kendi ruzgar sistemini olusturuyor ve bu ruzgarlari siddetlendirerek icine cekiyor Genelde bu doga fenomeni dogal yollarla meydana geliyor ozellikle cali yanginlarindan ve orman yanginlarindan olusuyor Buyuk veya 1906 San Francisco depreminden sonra olusan yangin dogal yollarla olusan alev firtinalarindan birkac ornek Ates firtinasi ayrica kasitli bir sekilde patlayici maddeler sonucunda olusturulabillir bu yontemlerden arasinda ve var Kasitli bir sekilde olusan alev firtinalari arasinda Dresden bombardimani Tokyo bombardimani ve Hirosima ya atom bombasi saldirisi sonucu olusan alev firtinalari gosterilebillir sirasinda olusan bir ates firtinasiMekanizmAtes firtinasi ates 1 havanin yukselmesi 2 sert siddetli ruzgar 3 Ates firtinasi baca etkisi sonucu olusan bir fenomen Olusan alevler cevredeki havayi icine daha cok cekerek daha da gucleniyor ve sert ruzgarlarin esmesini sagliyor Bu hava akimi atesin yakinlarinda veya ustunde esen bir jet stream sonucu daha cok guclenebillir Atesin etrafinda olusan sert ruzgarlar tekrar alevlerin icine esmesi sonucu ates firtinasinin daha da guclenmesini sagliyabillir This would seem to prevent the firestorm from spreading on the wind but the tremendous turbulence also created causes the strong surface inflow winds to change direction erratically This wind shear is capable of producing small tornado or like circulations called which can also dart around erratically damage or destroy houses and buildings and quickly spread the fire to areas outside the central area of the fire A firestorm may also develop into a and induce true tornadoes Probably this is true for the The greater draft of a firestorm draws in greater quantities of oxygen which significantly increases combustion thereby also substantially increasing the production of heat The intense heat of a firestorm manifests largely as radiated heat infrared radiation which ignites flammable material at a distance ahead of the fire itself This also serves to expand the area and the intensity of the firestorm Violent erratic wind drafts suck movables into the fire while people and animals caught close or under the fire die for lack of available oxygen kaynak belirtilmeli Radiated heat from the fire can melt asphalt metal and glass and turn street tarmac into flammable hot liquid The very high temperatures replicate the conditions of a kaynak belirtilmeli where anything that might possibly burn does so readily until the firestorm runs out of fuel Besides the enormous ash cloud produced by a firestorm under the right conditions it can also induce condensation forming a or fire cloud A large pyrocumulus can grow into a and produce lightning which can set off further fires Apart from forest fires pyrocumulus clouds can also be produced by In Australia the prevalence of eucalyptus trees that have oil in their leaves results in forest fires that are noted for their extremely tall and intense flame front Hence the bush fires appear more as a firestorm than a simple forest fire Sometimes emission of combustible gases from swamps e g has a similar effect For instance methane explosions enforced the Peshtigo Fire In citiesThe same underlying combustion physics can also apply to man made structures such as cities during war or disaster Firestorms are thought to have been part of the mechanism of large urban fires such as the the the and the fires resulting from the and the kaynak belirtilmeli Firestorms were also created by the raids of World War II in cities like and City Event Date of the firestorm Notes Germany 27 July 1943 46 000 dead Germany 13 February 1945 maximum of 25 000 dead Japan 9 10 March 1945 Firestorm covering 16 milkare 41 km2 267 171 buildings destroyed 83 793 dead The most devastating air raid in history with destruction greater than the although with fewer casualties Japan 6 August 1945 Firestorm covering 4 4 milkare 11 km2 The proportion of firestorm victims who survived the initial blast can never be known Firebombing Braunschweig burning after aerial firebombing attack in 1944 is a technique designed to damage a target generally an urban area through the use of caused by rather than from the blast effect of large bombs Such raids often employ both incendiary devices and high explosives The high explosive destroys roofs making it easier for the incendiary devices to penetrate the structures and cause fires and the high explosives disrupt the ability of firefighters to douse the fires Although simple incendiary bombs have been used to destroy buildings since the start of gunpowder warfare World War II saw the first use of from the air to destroy the ability of the enemy to wage war and many other British cities were firebombed during the Blitz Most large German cities were extensively firebombed starting in 1942 and almost all large Japanese cities were firebombed during the last six months of World War II However as the officer commanding from 1942 through to the end of the war in Europe pointed in his post war analysis although many attempts were made to create deliberate man made firestorms during World War II few attempts succeed The Germans again and again missed their chance of setting our cities ablaze by a concentrated attack Coventry was adequately concentrated in point of space but all the same there was little concentration in point of time and nothing like the fire tornadoes of Hamburg or Dresden ever occurred in this country But they did do us enough damage to teach us the principle of concentration the principle of starting so many fires at the same time that no fire fighting services however efficiently and quickly they were reinforced by the fire brigades of other towns could get them under control Ayrica bakinizWildfireNotlar Weaver amp Biko a b Gess amp Lutz 2003 s sayfa belirt Kartman amp Brown 1971 s 48 a b c d e Harris 2005 s 83 Frankland amp Webster 1961 ss 260 261 Neutzner 2010 s 70 a b Michael D Gordin 2007 Five days in August how World War II became a nuclear war Princeton University Press s 21 ISBN 0 691 12818 9 McRaney amp McGahan 1980 s 24 KaynakcaGess Denise Lutz William 2003 2002 Firestorm at Peshtigo A Town Its People and the Deadliest Fire in American History ISBN 978 0 8050 7293 8 Frankland Noble Webster Charles 1961 The Strategic Air Offensive Against Germany 1939 1945 Volume II Endeavour Part 4 Londra Her Majesty s Stationary Office ss 260 261 Harris Arthur 2005 Bomber Offensive First Collins 1947 bas Pen amp Sword military classics s 83 ISBN 1 84415 210 3 Kartman Ben Brown Leonard 1971 Disaster Essay Index Reprint Series Ayer Publishing s 48 ISBN 978 0 8369 2280 6 McRaney W McGahan J 6 Agustos 1980 PDF Science Applications Inc s 24 24 Haziran 2006 tarihinde kaynagindan PDF arsivlendi erisim tarihi 5 Nisan 2012 Neutzner Matthias 2010 Abschlussbericht der Historikerkommission zu den Luftangriffen auf Dresden zwischen dem 13 und 15 Februar 1945 PDF Landeshauptstadt Dresden s 70 21 Mayis 2012 tarihinde kaynagindan PDF arsivlendi erisim tarihi 7 Haziran 2011 Pyne Stephen J 2001 Year of the Fires The Story of the Great Fires of 1910 Viking Penguin Press ISBN 0 670 89990 9 Weaver John Biko Dan Firestone Induced Tornado 1 Eylul 2010 tarihinde kaynagindan erisim tarihi 12 Ocak 2020