Barrington Ainsworth Levy (d. 30 Nisan 1964)Jamaikalı bir reggae ve dancehall sanatçısıdır.

Albüm İsmi | Çıkış Yılı | Müzik Şirketi |
Bounty Hunter | 1979 | Jah Life Records |
Shine Eye Gal | 1979 | Burning Sounds |
Shaolin Temple | 1979 | Jah Guidance |
1979 | ||
Robin Hood | 1980 | Greensleeves Records |
Doh Ray Me | 1980 | JB |
Run Come Ya! | 1981 | Jah Life Records |
21 Girls Salute | 1982 | Jah Life Record |
Poor Man Style | 1983 | |
Barrington Levy's Life Style | 1983 | GG's |
Teach Me Culture | 1983 | Live & Learn |
Money Move | 1983 | Powerhouse |
1984 | Greensleeves Records | |
Barrington Levy Meets Frankie Paul ( ile birlikte) | 1984 | Arrival |
Barrington Levy | 1984 | Clocktower |
Prison Oval Rock | 1985 | |
Open Book | 1985 | |
Clash of the 80s (Cocoa Tea ile birlikte) | 1986 | Cornerstone |
Love The Life You Live | 1988 | Time
Live and Learn Presents: Beres Hammond & Barrington Levy ( ile birlikte) | 1990 | Live and Learn |
The Barrington Levy Collection | 1990 | Greensleeves Records |
Divine | 1991 | Island Records (sub. division Mango Records) |
Turning Point | 1992 | Greensleeves Records |
Barrington | 1993 | |
Time Capsule | 1996 | RAS Records |
Living Dangerously | 1998 | Breakaway Records |
Too Experienced: The Best of Barrington Levy (Derleme Albüm) | 1998 | VP Records |
DuetsDJ Counteraction | 1995 2000 | Greensleeves Records |
Under Me Sensi | 2000 | Greensleeves Records |
This Is Crucial Reggae: Barrington Levy | 2004 | |
Wanted (CD & DVD) | 2005 | 2B1 |
Love Your Brother Man: The Early Years (Derleme Albüm) | 2005 | |
Teach The Youth (Derleme Albüm) Reggae albüm listesinde 10 numarada yer aldı | 2008 | VP Records |
Sweet Reggae Music (Derleme Albüm) | 2012 | VP Records |
Acousticalevy | 2015 | DDP |
- ^ . AllMusic (İngilizce). 18 Haziran 2012 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. Erişim tarihi: 28 Nisan 2021.
- ^ . AllMusic. 3 Temmuz 2012 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi.
- ^ . AllMusic. 28 Nisan 2021 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi.
- ^ . AllMusic. 15 Mayıs 2016 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi.
- ^ . AllMusic. 28 Nisan 2021 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi.
- ^ . AllMusic. 28 Nisan 2021 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi.
- ^ . Black Grooves. 14 Ekim 2013 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi.
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Barrington Ainsworth Levy d 30 Nisan 1964 Jamaikali bir reggae ve dancehall sanatcisidir Barrington Levy Geel Belcika daDiskografiAlbumler Album Ismi Cikis Yili Muzik SirketiBounty Hunter 1979 Jah Life RecordsShine Eye Gal 1979 Burning SoundsShaolin Temple 1979 Jah Guidance1979Robin Hood 1980 Greensleeves RecordsDoh Ray Me 1980 JBRun Come Ya 1981 Jah Life Records21 Girls Salute 1982 Jah Life RecordPoor Man Style 1983Barrington Levy s Life Style 1983 GG sTeach Me Culture 1983 Live amp LearnMoney Move 1983 Powerhouse1984 Greensleeves RecordsBarrington Levy Meets Frankie Paul ile birlikte 1984 ArrivalBarrington Levy 1984 ClocktowerPrison Oval Rock 1985Open Book 1985Clash of the 80s Cocoa Tea ile birlikte 1986 CornerstoneLove The Life You Live 1988 TimeLive and Learn Presents Beres Hammond amp Barrington Levy ile birlikte 1990 Live and LearnThe Barrington Levy Collection 1990 Greensleeves RecordsDivine 1991 Island Records sub division Mango Records Turning Point 1992 Greensleeves RecordsBarrington 1993Time Capsule 1996 RAS RecordsLiving Dangerously 1998 Breakaway RecordsToo Experienced The Best of Barrington Levy Derleme Album 1998 VP RecordsDuetsDJ Counteraction 1995 2000 Greensleeves RecordsUnder Me Sensi 2000 Greensleeves RecordsThis Is Crucial Reggae Barrington Levy 2004Wanted CD amp DVD 2005 2B1Love Your Brother Man The Early Years Derleme Album 2005Teach The Youth Derleme Album Reggae album listesinde 10 numarada yer aldi 2008 VP RecordsSweet Reggae Music Derleme Album 2012 VP RecordsAcousticalevy 2015 DDPKaynakca AllMusic Ingilizce 18 Haziran 2012 tarihinde kaynagindan arsivlendi Erisim tarihi 28 Nisan 2021 AllMusic 3 Temmuz 2012 tarihinde kaynagindan arsivlendi AllMusic 28 Nisan 2021 tarihinde kaynagindan arsivlendi AllMusic 15 Mayis 2016 tarihinde kaynagindan arsivlendi AllMusic 28 Nisan 2021 tarihinde kaynagindan arsivlendi AllMusic 28 Nisan 2021 tarihinde kaynagindan arsivlendi Black Grooves 14 Ekim 2013 tarihinde kaynagindan arsivlendi