Cadı kültü hipotezi, Erken Modern dönemin cadı mahkemelerinin, Avrupa'nın Hristiyanlaşmasından sağ kurtulmuş olan Hristiyanlık öncesi, bir pagan dini bastırma girişimi olduğunu öne süren, günümüzde kabul görmeyen bir teoridir. Savunucularına göre, cadı kültünde, Hristiyanlar tarafından zulmedilen ve Şeytan olarak atıfta bulunulan boynuzlu bereket, yer altı, av ve avcı tanrısının etrafında cadıların Şabatı'nda dönülerek ibadet ediliyordu.

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Cadi kultu hipotezi Erken Modern donemin cadi mahkemelerinin Avrupa nin Hristiyanlasmasindan sag kurtulmus olan Hristiyanlik oncesi bir pagan dini bastirma girisimi oldugunu one suren gunumuzde kabul gormeyen bir teoridir Savunucularina gore cadi kultunde Hristiyanlar tarafindan zulmedilen ve Seytan olarak atifta bulunulan boynuzlu bereket yer alti av ve avci tanrisinin etrafinda cadilarin Sabati nda donulerek ibadet ediliyordu Francisco de Goya Witches Sabbat 1789 adli eserinde Seytan i iki yaninda Seytani cadilarla cevrili olarak tasvir eder Cadi kultu hipotezi bu tur hikayelerin boynuzlu bir tanriya saygi duyan gercek hayattaki bir pagan kultune dayandigini belirtir BibliyografyaBailey Michael D 2008 Review of Jonathan Barry and Owen Davies eds Witchcraft Historiography Magic Ritual and Witchcraft 3 1 81 85 Burr George L 1922 Review of Margaret Murray s The Witch Cult in Western Europe American Historical Review 27 4 ss 780 783 JSTOR 1837549 Burr George L 1935 Review of Margaret Murray s The God of the Witches American Historical Review 40 3 ss 491 492 JSTOR 1838913 1975 Europe s Inner Demons An Enquiry Inspired by the Great Witch Hunt Sussex and London Sussex University Press and Heinemann Educational Books ISBN 978 0435821838 Eliade Mircea 1975 Some Observations on European Witchcraft History of Religions University of Chicago 14 3 149 172 doi 10 1086 462721 Ginzburg Carlo 1983 1966 The Night Battles Witchcraft and Agrarian Cults in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries John and Anne Tedeschi translators Baltimore Johns Hopkins Press ISBN 978 0801843860 Ginzburg Carlo 1990 Pantheon ISBN 978 0394581637 Halliday W R 1922 Review of Margaret Murray s The Witch Cult in Western Europe Folklore 33 ss 224 230 Hughes Pennethorne 1952 Witchcraft Longmans Green 1999 Oxford and New York Oxford University Press ISBN 978 0192854490 2010 Writing the History of Witchcraft A Personal View Londra Equinox Publishing 12 2 239 262 doi 10 1558 pome v12i2 239 2011 Revisionism and Counter Revisionism in Pagan History Londra Equinox Publishing 13 2 225 256 doi 10 1558 pome v12i2 239 Jensen Gary 2007 The Path of the Devil Early Modern Witch Hunts Plymouth Rowman amp Littlefield ISBN 978 0 7425 46974 Klaniczay Gabor 1990 The Uses of Supernatural Power The Transformation of Popular Religion in Medieval and Early Modern Europe Susan Singerman translator Princeton Princeton University Press ISBN 978 0691073774 Loeb E M 1922 Review of The Witch Cult in Western Europe American Anthropologist 24 4 476 78 doi 10 1525 aa 1922 24 4 02a00150 Murray Margaret A 1962 1921 The Witch Cult in Western Europe Oxford Clarendon Press Murray Margaret A 1952 1931 The God of the Witches Londra Faber and Faber Murray Margaret A 1954 1954 The Divine King in England Noble Catherine 2005 From Fact to Fallacy The Evolution of Margaret Alice Murray s Witch Cult Theory The Pomegranate The International Journal of Pagan Studies Londra Equinox Publishing 7 1 5 26 doi 10 1558 pome v7i1 5 Purkiss Diane 1996 The Witch in History Early Modern and Twentieth Century Representations Abingdon Routledge ISBN 978 0415087629 Rose Elliot 1962 A Razor for a Goat A Discussion of Certain Problems in Witchcraft and Diabolism Toronto Runciman Steven 1962 Foreword Margaret Murray Ed The Witch Cult in Western Europe Oxford Clarendon Press Russell Jeffrey B Alexander Brooks 2007 A New History of Witchcraft Sorcerers Heretics and Pagans Londra Thames and Hudson ISBN 978 0 500 28634 0 Sheppard Kathleen L 2013 The Life of Margaret Alice Murray A Woman s Work in Archaeology New York Lexington Books ISBN 978 0 7391 7417 3 1994 Margaret Murray Who Believed Her and Why Folklore 105 ss 89 96 doi 10 1080 0015587x 1994 9715877 1971 Religion and the Decline of Magic Studies in Popular Beliefs in Sixteenth and Seventeenth Century England Londra Weidenfeld amp Nicolson Welbourn Terry 2011 T C Lethbridge The Man Who Saw the Future Winchester and Washington O Books ISBN 978 1 84694 500 7 Whitehouse Ruth 2012 13 Margaret Murray 1863 1963 Pioneer Egyptologist Feminist and First Female Archaeology Lecturer Archaeology International Ubiquity Press 16 2012 2013 120 127 doi 10 5334 ai 1608 2 Nisan 2015 tarihinde kaynagindan Erisim tarihi 25 Subat 2021 Wood Juliette 2001 Margaret Murray and the Rise of Wicca The Pomegranate A New Journal of Neopagan Thought 15 45 54 Valiente Doreen 1989 The Rebirth of Witchcraft Londra Robert Hale ISBN 978 0709037156