Champlevé, (Fransızca anlamı "yükseltilmiş alan") genellikle bakır olmak üzere metal yüzeyini bezemek için kullanılan derin oymalı eski bir mine tekniği. Bu teknikte metal üzerine açılan oyuk, yuva ve deliklere renkli cam hamuru doldurulur ve fırınlanır.

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Konuyla ilgili yayınlar
- Bruce-Mitford, Rupert L. S. and Raven, Sheila, The Corpus of Late Celtic Hanging Bowls with an account of the bowls found in Scandinavia, 2005, OUP
- Campbell, Marian. An Introduction to Medieval Enamels, 1983, HMSO for V&A Museum,
- Cosgrove, Maynard Giles, The enamels of China and Japan, champlevé and cloisonné, London, Hale, 1974.
- Hildburgh, Walter Leo, Medieval Spanish enamels and their relation to the origin and the development of copper champlevé enamels of the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, London, Oxford university press, 1936.
- Osborne, Harold (ed), The Oxford Companion to the Decorative Arts, 1975, OUP,
- O'Neill, J. P. and Egan T., (eds.), Enamels of Limoges, 1100-1350 (Metropolitan Museum of Art exhibition catalogue), Yale, 1996.
- Susan Youngs (ed), "The Work of Angels", Masterpieces of Celtic Metalwork, 6th-9th centuries AD, 1989, British Museum Press, London,
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Champleve Fransizca anlami yukseltilmis alan genellikle bakir olmak uzere metal yuzeyini bezemek icin kullanilan derin oymali eski bir mine teknigi Bu teknikte metal uzerine acilan oyuk yuva ve deliklere renkli cam hamuru doldurulur ve firinlanir Champleve teknigiyle islenmis bir nesne 12 yuzyil Ayrica bakinizCloisonneKonuyla ilgili yayinlarBruce Mitford Rupert L S and Raven Sheila The Corpus of Late Celtic Hanging Bowls with an account of the bowls found in Scandinavia 2005 OUP Campbell Marian An Introduction to Medieval Enamels 1983 HMSO for V amp A Museum 0 11 290385 1 Cosgrove Maynard Giles The enamels of China and Japan champleve and cloisonne London Hale 1974 Hildburgh Walter Leo Medieval Spanish enamels and their relation to the origin and the development of copper champleve enamels of the twelfth and thirteenth centuries London Oxford university press 1936 Osborne Harold ed The Oxford Companion to the Decorative Arts 1975 OUP 0 19 866113 4 O Neill J P and Egan T eds Enamels of Limoges 1100 1350 Metropolitan Museum of Art exhibition catalogue Yale 1996 Susan Youngs ed The Work of Angels Masterpieces of Celtic Metalwork 6th 9th centuries AD 1989 British Museum Press London 0 7141 0554 6