Cihatçılık veya cihatçı hareket, Batı dünyasını tehdit eden ve İslamcı bir çerçevede gerçekleştirilen silahlı faaliyetleri tanımlama amacıyla 21. yüzyılda Batı dillerinde oluşturulan bir ihtira.

- ^ Hammer, Olav; Rothstein, Mikael (2012). "16". The Cambridge Companion to New Religious Movements (İngilizce). Cambridge University Press. s. 263. 3 Haziran 2016 tarihinde kaynağından . Erişim tarihi: 25 Temmuz 2016.
Konuyla ilgili yayınlar
- Abbas, Tahir (2007). Islamic Political Radicalism: A European Perspective. Edinburgh University Press. ISBN .
- Akbarzadeh, Shahram (2010). Islam and Political Violence: Muslim Diaspora and Radicalism in the West. I B Tauris & Co Ltd. ISBN .
- Al-Rasheed, Madawi (2009). Dying for Faith: Religiously Motivated Violence in the Contemporary World. I B Tauris & Co Ltd. ISBN .
- Aslan, Reza (2010). Global Jihadism. ISBN .
- Brachman, Jarret (2008). Global jihadism: theory and practice. vol. 10 of Cass series on political violence, Taylor & Francis. ISBN .
- Coolsaet, Rik (2008). Jihadi Terrorism and the Radicalisation Challenge in Europe. Ashgate. ISBN .
- Hegghammer, Thomas (2010). Jihad in Saudi Arabia: Violence and Pan-Islamism since 1979. Cambridge University Press. ISBN .
- Khosrokhavar, Farhad (2009). Inside Jihadism: Understanding Jihadi Movements Worldwide. Paradigm. ISBN .
- Lahoud, Nelly (2010). The Jihadis' Path to Self-destruction. C Hurst & Co Publishers Ltd. ISBN .
- Lohlker (ed.), Rüdiger (2013). Jihadism: Online Discourses and Representations. Vienna University Press. ISBN .
- Lohlker (ed.), Rüdiger (2012). New Approaches to the Analysis of Jihadism. Vienna University Press. ISBN .
- Malik, S. K. (1986). The Quranic Concept of War (PDF). Himalayan Books. ISBN . 7 Haziran 2016 tarihinde kaynağından (PDF). Erişim tarihi: 25 Temmuz 2016.
- Pargeter, Alison (2008). The New Frontiers of Jihad: Radical Islam in Europe. I B Tauris & Co Ltd. ISBN .
- Ranstorp, Magnus (2009). Understanding Violent Radicalisation. Routledge. ISBN .
- Rhodes, Darion (2014). Salafist-Takfiri Jihadism: the Ideology of the Caucasus Emirate. .
- Sageman, Marc (2008). Leaderless Jihad: Terror Networks in the Twenty-first Century. University of Pennsylvania Press. ISBN .
- Sanchez, James (2007). Who's Who in Al-Qaeda & Jihadi Movements in South and Southeast Asia 19,906 Key Individuals, Organizations, Incidents, and Linkages. Lulu. ISBN .
- Vertigans, Stephen (2007). Militant Islam: A Sociology of Characteristics, Causes and Consequences. Routledge. ISBN .
- de Pommereau, Isabelle (2015). To fight homegrown jihadis, Germany takes lesson from battle with neo-Nazis. The Christian Science Monitor. 10 Temmuz 2016 tarihinde kaynağından . Erişim tarihi: 25 Temmuz 2016.
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Cihatcilik veya cihatci hareket Bati dunyasini tehdit eden ve Islamci bir cercevede gerceklestirilen silahli faaliyetleri tanimlama amaciyla 21 yuzyilda Bati dillerinde olusturulan bir ihtira 1990 larin sonlarindan itibaren bazi cihatci gruplar tarafindan kullanilan siyah sancak Kaynakca Hammer Olav Rothstein Mikael 2012 16 The Cambridge Companion to New Religious Movements Ingilizce Cambridge University Press s 263 3 Haziran 2016 tarihinde kaynagindan Erisim tarihi 25 Temmuz 2016 Konuyla ilgili yayinlarAbbas Tahir 2007 Islamic Political Radicalism A European Perspective Edinburgh University Press ISBN 978 0 7486 2528 4 Akbarzadeh Shahram 2010 Islam and Political Violence Muslim Diaspora and Radicalism in the West I B Tauris amp Co Ltd ISBN 978 1 84511 473 2 Al Rasheed Madawi 2009 Dying for Faith Religiously Motivated Violence in the Contemporary World I B Tauris amp Co Ltd ISBN 978 1 84511 687 3 Aslan Reza 2010 Global Jihadism ISBN 978 3 639 25006 0 Brachman Jarret 2008 Global jihadism theory and practice vol 10 of Cass series on political violence Taylor amp Francis ISBN 978 0 415 45241 0 Coolsaet Rik 2008 Jihadi Terrorism and the Radicalisation Challenge in Europe Ashgate ISBN 978 0 7546 7217 3 Hegghammer Thomas 2010 Jihad in Saudi Arabia Violence and Pan Islamism since 1979 Cambridge University Press ISBN 978 0 521 51858 1 Khosrokhavar Farhad 2009 Inside Jihadism Understanding Jihadi Movements Worldwide Paradigm ISBN 978 1 59451 616 0 Lahoud Nelly 2010 The Jihadis Path to Self destruction C Hurst amp Co Publishers Ltd ISBN 978 1 84904 062 4 Lohlker ed Rudiger 2013 Jihadism Online Discourses and Representations Vienna University Press ISBN 978 3 8471 0068 3 KB1 bakim Fazladan yazi yazar listesi link Lohlker ed Rudiger 2012 New Approaches to the Analysis of Jihadism Vienna University Press ISBN 978 3 89971 900 0 KB1 bakim Fazladan yazi yazar listesi link Malik S K 1986 The Quranic Concept of War PDF Himalayan Books ISBN 81 7002 020 4 7 Haziran 2016 tarihinde kaynagindan PDF Erisim tarihi 25 Temmuz 2016 Pargeter Alison 2008 The New Frontiers of Jihad Radical Islam in Europe I B Tauris amp Co Ltd ISBN 978 1 84511 391 9 Ranstorp Magnus 2009 Understanding Violent Radicalisation Routledge ISBN 978 0 415 55630 9 Rhodes Darion 2014 Salafist Takfiri Jihadism the Ideology of the Caucasus Emirate Sageman Marc 2008 Leaderless Jihad Terror Networks in the Twenty first Century University of Pennsylvania Press ISBN 978 0 8122 4065 8 Sanchez James 2007 Who s Who in Al Qaeda amp Jihadi Movements in South and Southeast Asia 19 906 Key Individuals Organizations Incidents and Linkages Lulu ISBN 978 1 4303 1473 8 Vertigans Stephen 2007 Militant Islam A Sociology of Characteristics Causes and Consequences Routledge ISBN 978 0 415 41246 9 de Pommereau Isabelle 2015 To fight homegrown jihadis Germany takes lesson from battle with neo Nazis The Christian Science Monitor 10 Temmuz 2016 tarihinde kaynagindan Erisim tarihi 25 Temmuz 2016