Colubrinae, Colubridae familyasına bağlı bir sürüngen altfamilyasıdır.
Colubrinae | |||||||||||
![]() Elaphe quatuorlineata | |||||||||||
Korunma durumu | |||||||||||
Değerlendirilmedi (IUCN 3.1) | |||||||||||
Biyolojik sınıflandırma | |||||||||||
Colubrinae altfamilyasına bağlı cinsler (2022):
- Aeluroglena - Boulenger, 1898
- Aprosdoketophis - Wallach, Lanza and Nistri, 2010
- Archelaphe - Schulz, Böhme and Tillack, 2011
- Argyrogena - Werner, 1924
- Arizona - Kennicott in Baird, 1859
- Bamanophis - Schätti and Trape, 2008
- Bogertophis - Dowling and Price, 1988
- Boiga - Fitzinger, 1826
- Cemophora - Cope, 1860
- Chilomeniscus - Cope, 1860
- Chionactis - Cope, 1860
- Chironius - Fitzinger, 1826
- Coelognathus - Fitzinger, 1843
- Coluber - Linnaeus, 1758
- Colubroelaps - Orlov, Kharin, Ananjeva, T. T. Nguyen and T. Q. Nguyen, 2009
- Conopsis - Günther, 1858
- Coronella - Laurenti, 1768
- Crotaphopeltis - Fitzinger, 1843
- Cyclophiops - Boulenger, 1888
- Dasypeltis - Wagler, 1830
- Dendrophidion - Fitzinger, 1843
- Dipsadoboa - Günther, 1858
- Dispholidus - Duvernoy, 1832
- Dolichophis - Gistel, 1868
- Drymarchon - Fitzinger, 1843
- Drymobius - Fitzinger, 1843
- Drymoluber - Amaral, 1930
- Dryocalamus - Günther, 1858
- Eirenis - Jan, 1863
- Elachistodon - Reinhardt, 1863
- Elaphe - Fitzinger in Wagler, 1833
- Euprepiophis - Fitzinger, 1843
- Ficimia - Gray, 1849
- Geagras - Cope, 1876
- Gonyosoma - Wagler, 1828
- Gyalopion - Cope, 1860
- Hapsidophrys - Fischer, 1856
- Hemerophis - Schätti and Utiger, 2001
- Hemorrhois - F. Boie, 1826
- Hierophis - Fitzinger, 1843
- Lampropeltis - Fitzinger, 1843
- Leptodrymus - Amaral, 1927
- Leptophis - Bell, 1825
- Lepturophis - Boulenger, 1900
- Liopeltis - Fitzinger, 1843
- Lycodon - H. Boie in Fitzinger, 1827
- Lytorhynchus - Peters, 1862
- Macroprotodon - Guichenot, 1850
- Mastigodryas - Amaral, 1935
- Meizodon - Fischer, 1856
- Mopanveldophis - Figueroa, McKelvy, Grismer, Bell and Lailvaux, 2016
- Muhtarophis - Avci, Ilgaz, Rajabizadeh, Yilmaz, Üzüm, Adriaens, Kumlutas and Olgun, 2015
- Oligodon - H. Boie in Fitzinger, 1826
- Oocatochus - Helfenberger, 2001
- Opheodrys - Fitzinger, 1843
- Oreocryptophis - Utiger, Schätti and Helfenberger, 2005
- Orientocoluber - Kharin, 2011 [1081476
- Orthriophis - Utiger, Helfenberger, Schätti, Schmidt, Ruf and Ziswiler, 2002
- Oxybelis - Wagler, 1830
- Pantherophis - Fitzinger, 1843
- Philothamnus - A. Smith, 1847
- Phrynonax - Cope, 1862
- Phyllorhynchus - Stejneger, 1890
- Pituophis - Holbrook, 1842
- Platyceps - Blyth, 1860
- Pseudelaphe - Mertens and Rosenberg, 1943
- Pseudoficimia - Bocourt, 1883
- Ptyas - Fitzinger, 1843
- Rhamnophis - Günther, 1862
- Rhinobothryum - Wagler, 1830
- Rhinocheilus - Baird and Girard, 1853
- Rhynchocalamus - Günther, 1864
- Salvadora - Baird and Girard, 1853
- Scaphiophis - Peters, 1870
- Scolecophis - Fitzinger, 1843
- Senticolis - Dowling and Fries, 1987
- Simophis - Peters, 1860
- Sonora - Baird and Girard, 1853
- Spalerosophis - Jan, 1865
- Spilotes - Wagler, 1830
- Stegonotus - A. M. C. Duméril, Bibron and A. H. A. Duméril, 1854
- Stenorrhina - A. M. C. Duméril, 1853
- Stichophanes - Wang, Messenger, Zhao and Zhu, 2014
- Symphimus - Cope, 1870
- Sympholis - Cope, 1862
- Tantilla - Baird and Girard, 1853
- Tantillita - H. M. Smith, 1941
- Telescopus - Wagler, 1830
- Thelotornis - A. Smith, 1849
- Thrasops - Hallowell, 1857
- Toxicodryas - Hallowell, 1857
- Trimorphodon - Cope, 1861
- Wallaceophis - Mirza, Vyas, Patel, Maheta and Sanap, 2016
- Xenelaphis - Günther, 1864
- Xyelodontophis - Broadley and Wallach, 2002
- Zamenis - Wagler, 1830
- ^ "ITIS". 23 Nisan 2022 tarihinde kaynağından . Erişim tarihi: 16 Temmuz 2022.
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Colubrinae Colubridae familyasina bagli bir surungen altfamilyasidir ColubrinaeElaphe quatuorlineataKorunma durumuDegerlendirilmedi IUCN 3 1 Biyolojik siniflandirmaAlem AnimaliaSube ChordataSinif SquamataFamilya ColubridaeAlt familya Colubrinae Oppel 1811TaksonomiColubrinae altfamilyasina bagli cinsler 2022 Aeluroglena Boulenger 1898 Aprosdoketophis Wallach Lanza and Nistri 2010 Archelaphe Schulz Bohme and Tillack 2011 Argyrogena Werner 1924 Arizona Kennicott in Baird 1859 Bamanophis Schatti and Trape 2008 Bogertophis Dowling and Price 1988 Boiga Fitzinger 1826 Cemophora Cope 1860 Chilomeniscus Cope 1860 Chionactis Cope 1860 Chironius Fitzinger 1826 Coelognathus Fitzinger 1843 Coluber Linnaeus 1758 Colubroelaps Orlov Kharin Ananjeva T T Nguyen and T Q Nguyen 2009 Conopsis Gunther 1858 Coronella Laurenti 1768 Crotaphopeltis Fitzinger 1843 Cyclophiops Boulenger 1888 Dasypeltis Wagler 1830 Dendrophidion Fitzinger 1843 Dipsadoboa Gunther 1858 Dispholidus Duvernoy 1832 Dolichophis Gistel 1868 Drymarchon Fitzinger 1843 Drymobius Fitzinger 1843 Drymoluber Amaral 1930 Dryocalamus Gunther 1858 Eirenis Jan 1863 Elachistodon Reinhardt 1863 Elaphe Fitzinger in Wagler 1833 Euprepiophis Fitzinger 1843 Ficimia Gray 1849 Geagras Cope 1876 Gonyosoma Wagler 1828 Gyalopion Cope 1860 Hapsidophrys Fischer 1856 Hemerophis Schatti and Utiger 2001 Hemorrhois F Boie 1826 Hierophis Fitzinger 1843 Lampropeltis Fitzinger 1843 Leptodrymus Amaral 1927 Leptophis Bell 1825 Lepturophis Boulenger 1900 Liopeltis Fitzinger 1843 Lycodon H Boie in Fitzinger 1827 Lytorhynchus Peters 1862 Macroprotodon Guichenot 1850 Mastigodryas Amaral 1935 Meizodon Fischer 1856 Mopanveldophis Figueroa McKelvy Grismer Bell and Lailvaux 2016 Muhtarophis Avci Ilgaz Rajabizadeh Yilmaz Uzum Adriaens Kumlutas and Olgun 2015 Oligodon H Boie in Fitzinger 1826 Oocatochus Helfenberger 2001 Opheodrys Fitzinger 1843 Oreocryptophis Utiger Schatti and Helfenberger 2005 Orientocoluber Kharin 2011 1081476 Orthriophis Utiger Helfenberger Schatti Schmidt Ruf and Ziswiler 2002 Oxybelis Wagler 1830 Pantherophis Fitzinger 1843 Philothamnus A Smith 1847 Phrynonax Cope 1862 Phyllorhynchus Stejneger 1890 Pituophis Holbrook 1842 Platyceps Blyth 1860 Pseudelaphe Mertens and Rosenberg 1943 Pseudoficimia Bocourt 1883 Ptyas Fitzinger 1843 Rhamnophis Gunther 1862 Rhinobothryum Wagler 1830 Rhinocheilus Baird and Girard 1853 Rhynchocalamus Gunther 1864 Salvadora Baird and Girard 1853 Scaphiophis Peters 1870 Scolecophis Fitzinger 1843 Senticolis Dowling and Fries 1987 Simophis Peters 1860 Sonora Baird and Girard 1853 Spalerosophis Jan 1865 Spilotes Wagler 1830 Stegonotus A M C Dumeril Bibron and A H A Dumeril 1854 Stenorrhina A M C Dumeril 1853 Stichophanes Wang Messenger Zhao and Zhu 2014 Symphimus Cope 1870 Sympholis Cope 1862 Tantilla Baird and Girard 1853 Tantillita H M Smith 1941 Telescopus Wagler 1830 Thelotornis A Smith 1849 Thrasops Hallowell 1857 Toxicodryas Hallowell 1857 Trimorphodon Cope 1861 Wallaceophis Mirza Vyas Patel Maheta and Sanap 2016 Xenelaphis Gunther 1864 Xyelodontophis Broadley and Wallach 2002 Zamenis Wagler 1830Kaynakca ITIS 23 Nisan 2022 tarihinde kaynagindan Erisim tarihi 16 Temmuz 2022 Dis baglantilarWikimedia Commons ta Colubrinae ile ilgili coklu ortam belgeleri bulunur Vikitur de Colubrinae ile ilgili ayrintili taksonomik bilgiler bulunur Colubridae ile ilgili bu madde taslak seviyesindedir Madde icerigini genisleterek Vikipedi ye katki saglayabilirsiniz