Cyril Leo Heraclius, Prens Toumanoff (Rusça: Кирилл Львович Туманов; 13 Ekim 1913 – 4 Şubat 1997), Rusya doğumlu Amerikalı tarihçi ve soy bilimci, özellikle Orta Çağ Gürcistan, Ermenistan, İran ve Bizans İmparatorluğu'nun soy bilimi ve tarihi konusunda uzmandır. Çalışmaları Batı dünyasında Orta Çağ Kafkasya üzerine yapılan çalışmaları önemli ölçüde etkilemiştir. Cyril Toumanoff 1997 yılında Roma'da 83 yaşında öldü. Roma'da 'da bulunan Malta Şövalyeleri'nin şapeline gömüldü.
Cyril Toumanoff | |
Doğum | 13 Ekim 1913 Rusya |
Ölüm | 4 Şubat 1997 (83 yaşında) |
Milliyet | Amerikalı |
Meslek | Tarihçi |
- "On the Relationship between the Founder of the Empire of Trebizond and the Georgian Queen Thamar", Speculum 15 (1940).
- "Medieval Georgian Historical Literature (VIIth-XVth Centuries)", Traditio 1 (1943).
- "The Old Manuscript of the Georgian Annals: The Queen Anne Codex (QA) 1479-1495", Traditio 5 (1947)
- "The Early Bagratids. remarks in connexion with some recent publications", Le Museon 62 (1949).
- "The Fifteenth-Century Bagratids and the institution of Collegial Sovereignty in Georgia", Traditio 7 (1949–1951)
- "Christian Caucasia between Byzantium and Iran. New light from Old Sources", Traditio 10 (1954).
- (Fransızca) "La noblesse géorgienne sa genèse et sa structure", Rivista Araldica, Sett (1956).
- "Chronology of the Kings of Abasgia and Other Problems", Le Museon 69 (1956)
- "Caucasia and Byzantine Studies", Traditio 12 (1956)
- "The Bagratids of Iberia from the Eighth to the Eleventh Century", Le Museon 74 (1961)
- "The dates of the Pseudo-Moses of Chorence", Handes Amsorya 75 (1961)
- Studies in Christian Caucasian History (Georgetown University Press, 1963).
- "Armenia and Georgia", in The Cambridge Medieval History IV (1966).
- "Chronology of the Early Kings of Iberia", Traditio 25 (1969).
- The Order of Malta and the Russian Empire (Rome, 1969) with Olgerd de Sherbowitz-Wetzor.
- "The Mamikonids and the Liparitids", Armeniaca Venise (1969).
- "The Third-Century Armenian Arsacids: A chronological and Genealogical Commentary", 6 (1969): 233-281.
- "Caucasia and Byzantium", Traditio 27 (1971)
- (Fransızca) "L’Ordre de Malte dans l’Empire de Russie : Grand-Prieuré Catholique de Russie", Rivista Araldica (maggio-giugno 1973)
- (Fransızca) Manuel de généalogie et de chronologie pour l’histoire de la Caucasie chrétienne (Arménie, Géorgie, Albanie) (Rome: Aquila, 1976).
- (Fransızca) "Aransahikides ou Haykides? Derniers rois de Siounie", Handes Amsorya (1976)
- (Fransızca) Catalogue de la Noblesse titrée de l’Empire de Russie (Rome, 1982).
- (Fransızca) Les Maisons Princières Géorgiennes de l’Empire de Russie (Rome, 1983).
- "The Albanian Royal Succession", Le Museon 97 (1984).
- The Social Myth: Introduction to Byzantinism (Rome: Viella, 1984).
- "Heraclids and the Arsacids", Revue des Études Arméniennes 19 (1985).
- "Problems of Aransahikid Genealogy", Le Museon 98 (1985).
- (Fransızca) Les dynasties de la Caucasie chrétienne de l’Antiquité jusqu’au XIXe siècle ; Tables généalogiques et chronologiques, *Rome, 1990).
- ^ a b Robert H. Hewsen. "In Memoriam: Cyril Toumanoff." Journal of the Society for Armenian Studies. Vol. 8, 1995, 5–7.
- ^ (Rusça) А. А. Шумков, М. Ю. Медведев (1997), Дворянский календарь: справочная родословная книга российского дворянства, т. 4, с. 102. Санкт-Петербургское Дворянское Собрание.
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Cyril Leo Heraclius Prens Toumanoff Rusca Kirill Lvovich Tumanov 13 Ekim 1913 4 Subat 1997 Rusya dogumlu Amerikali tarihci ve soy bilimci ozellikle Orta Cag Gurcistan Ermenistan Iran ve Bizans Imparatorlugu nun soy bilimi ve tarihi konusunda uzmandir Calismalari Bati dunyasinda Orta Cag Kafkasya uzerine yapilan calismalari onemli olcude etkilemistir Cyril Toumanoff 1997 yilinda Roma da 83 yasinda oldu Roma da da bulunan Malta Sovalyeleri nin sapeline gomuldu Cyril ToumanoffDogum13 Ekim 1913 1913 10 13 RusyaOlum4 Subat 1997 83 yasinda MilliyetAmerikaliMeslekTarihciYayinlari On the Relationship between the Founder of the Empire of Trebizond and the Georgian Queen Thamar Speculum 15 1940 Medieval Georgian Historical Literature VIIth XVth Centuries Traditio 1 1943 The Old Manuscript of the Georgian Annals The Queen Anne Codex QA 1479 1495 Traditio 5 1947 The Early Bagratids remarks in connexion with some recent publications Le Museon 62 1949 The Fifteenth Century Bagratids and the institution of Collegial Sovereignty in Georgia Traditio 7 1949 1951 Christian Caucasia between Byzantium and Iran New light from Old Sources Traditio 10 1954 Fransizca La noblesse georgienne sa genese et sa structure Rivista Araldica Sett 1956 Chronology of the Kings of Abasgia and Other Problems Le Museon 69 1956 Caucasia and Byzantine Studies Traditio 12 1956 The Bagratids of Iberia from the Eighth to the Eleventh Century Le Museon 74 1961 The dates of the Pseudo Moses of Chorence Handes Amsorya 75 1961 Studies in Christian Caucasian History Georgetown University Press 1963 Armenia and Georgia in The Cambridge Medieval History IV 1966 Chronology of the Early Kings of Iberia Traditio 25 1969 The Order of Malta and the Russian Empire Rome 1969 with Olgerd de Sherbowitz Wetzor The Mamikonids and the Liparitids Armeniaca Venise 1969 The Third Century Armenian Arsacids A chronological and Genealogical Commentary 6 1969 233 281 Caucasia and Byzantium Traditio 27 1971 Fransizca L Ordre de Malte dans l Empire de Russie Grand Prieure Catholique de Russie Rivista Araldica maggio giugno 1973 Fransizca Manuel de genealogie et de chronologie pour l histoire de la Caucasie chretienne Armenie Georgie Albanie Rome Aquila 1976 Fransizca Aransahikides ou Haykides Derniers rois de Siounie Handes Amsorya 1976 Fransizca Catalogue de la Noblesse titree de l Empire de Russie Rome 1982 Fransizca Les Maisons Princieres Georgiennes de l Empire de Russie Rome 1983 The Albanian Royal Succession Le Museon 97 1984 The Social Myth Introduction to Byzantinism Rome Viella 1984 Heraclids and the Arsacids Revue des Etudes Armeniennes 19 1985 Problems of Aransahikid Genealogy Le Museon 98 1985 Fransizca Les dynasties de la Caucasie chretienne de l Antiquite jusqu au XIXe siecle Tables genealogiques et chronologiques Rome 1990 Kaynakca a b Robert H Hewsen In Memoriam Cyril Toumanoff Journal of the Society for Armenian Studies Vol 8 1995 5 7 Rusca A A Shumkov M Yu Medvedev 1997 Dvoryanskij kalendar spravochnaya rodoslovnaya kniga rossijskogo dvoryanstva t 4 s 102 Sankt Peterburgskoe Dvoryanskoe Sobranie