Dave Jerden bir Amerikalı prodüktör, mühendis ve mikser gibi gibi görevi olan, alternatif rock, punk rock ve metal türündeki sanatçı ve gruplarla çalışmış prodüktördür. Ancak Jerden, kendisinden öncelikle bir mühendis olarak bahsetmeyi tercih ederek "prodöktür/yapımcı" teriminden hoşlanmadığını belirttir.

Jerden, mühendislik ve miksaj becerilerine 1970'lerin sonlarından başlayarak Hollywood, California'daki Eldorado Kayıt Stüdyolarında geliştirdi.Talking Heads, David Byrne, Frank Zappa, Mick Jagger, The Rolling Stones, Alice in Chains ve diğerleri gibi sanatçıların beğenilen ve başarılı kayıtlarını Mix ve müzik tasarımlarında bulundu.
Yapımcı olarak kariyeri 1980'lerin sonunda Jane's Addiction ve Alice In Chains'in albümleriyle başladı. Music Radar, bu albümlerin "hair metal grupların" hakim olduğu günümüzün hakim ses özelliklerine aykırı olduğunu ve Jerden'ın bu tür tanımlayıcı sesleri şekillendirmede önemli bir parmağı olduğunu belirtti. Jane's Addiction solisti Perry Farrell, "Dave harika bir adamdı" diye hatırladı, "ancak hamlelerimi nasıl alacağından her zaman emin değildim. "
Yapımcı ve mikser olarak Jerden, Fishbone, Anthrax, The Offspring, Meat Puppets, Social Distortion ve Red Hot Chili Peppers gibi sanatçılarla da çalıştı.
Jerden, Burbank, California'daki Tranzformer Studio'nun ortak sahibidir. İki çocuğu var: Michelle Jerden Forrest ve Bryan Jerden.
Seçkin diskografisi
- 1980: Remain in Light - Talking Heads (engineer, mixing)
- 1981: My Life in the Bush of Ghosts - David Byrne/Brian Eno (engineer)
- 1981: The Red and the Black - Jerry Harrison (producer, engineer)
- 1983: The Man From Utopia - Frank Zappa (engineer)
- 1983: Future Shock - Herbie Hancock (engineer, mixing)
- 1984: The Red Hot Chili Peppers - The Red Hot Chili Peppers (engineer)
- 1985: She's the Boss - Mick Jagger (engineer)
- 1986: Dirty Work - The Rolling Stones (engineer)
- 1987: Show Me - 54-40
- 1988: Nothing's Shocking - Jane's Addiction
- 1988: Life Sentence to Love - Legal Weapon (producer, engineer, mixing)
- 1989: Mother's Milk - Red Hot Chili Peppers (mixing)
- 1990: Social Distortion - Social Distortion
- 1990: Ritual de lo Habitual - Jane's Addiction
- 1990: Facelift - Alice in Chains
- 1991: Circa - Mary's Danish
- 1991: The Reality of My Surroundings - Fishbone
- 1991: Symbol of Salvation - Armored Saint
- 1991: Burning Time - Last Crack
- 1991: Swandive - Bullet LaVolta
- 1992: Break Like the Wind - Spinal Tap (mixing, producer)
- 1992: Somewhere Between Heaven and Hell - Social Distortion
- 1992: Dirt - Alice in Chains
- 1992: Rattlebone - Rattlebone
- 1992: That What Is Not - Public Image Ltd.
- 1993: Independent - Sacred Reich
- 1993: Sweet Water - Sweet Water
- 1993: Sound of White Noise - Anthrax
- 1993: Dig - Dig
- 1994: Love Spit Love - Love Spit Love
- 1995: Driver Not Included - Orange 9mm
- 1995: Hello - Poe
- 1995: Superfriends - Sweet Water
- 1996: Mata Leão - Biohazard
- 1996: Bar Chord Ritual - Rust
- 1997: Wacko Magneto - Ednaswap
- 1997: Hang-Ups - Goldfinger
- 1997: Ixnay on the Hombre - The Offspring
- 1998: Rattlebone - Rattlebone
- 1998: Americana - The Offspring
- 1998: Darkest Days - Stabbing Westward
- 1999: Suicide - Sweet Water
- 1999: Rev - Perry Farrell (mixing, engineer, producer)
- 1999: F=0 - Dis.Inc.
- 2000: Deviant - Pitchshifter
- 2001: The Pleasure and the Greed - Big Wreck
- 2001: Cringe - Cringe
- 2002: A Passage in Time - Authority Zero
- 2003: Before Everything & After - MxPx
- 2004: Dropbox - Dropbox
- 2013: Entitled - Richie Ramone
- 2015: Rare Breed - The Shrine
- ^ a b "Credits: Dave Jerden". Allmusic. Erişim tarihi: 6 Mayıs 2010.
- ^ Halbert (Ağustos 2001). "Nasty Habits". Classic Rock, 30. s. 56.
- ^ a b Saxon, Jonathan, “Dave Jerden (bonus): Really Wrong Productions," Tape Op - the Creative Music Recording Magazine, accessed February 1, 2015, http://tapeop.com/articles/86/dave-jerden/ 22 Aralık 2017 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde ..
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Dave Jerden bir Amerikali produktor muhendis ve mikser gibi gibi gorevi olan alternatif rock punk rock ve metal turundeki sanatci ve gruplarla calismis produktordur Ancak Jerden kendisinden oncelikle bir muhendis olarak bahsetmeyi tercih ederek prodoktur yapimci teriminden hoslanmadigini belirttir Jerden muhendislik ve miksaj becerilerine 1970 lerin sonlarindan baslayarak Hollywood California daki Eldorado Kayit Studyolarinda gelistirdi Talking Heads David Byrne Frank Zappa Mick Jagger The Rolling Stones Alice in Chains ve digerleri gibi sanatcilarin begenilen ve basarili kayitlarini Mix ve muzik tasarimlarinda bulundu Yapimci olarak kariyeri 1980 lerin sonunda Jane s Addiction ve Alice In Chains in albumleriyle basladi Music Radar bu albumlerin hair metal gruplarin hakim oldugu gunumuzun hakim ses ozelliklerine aykiri oldugunu ve Jerden in bu tur tanimlayici sesleri sekillendirmede onemli bir parmagi oldugunu belirtti Jane s Addiction solisti Perry Farrell Dave harika bir adamdi diye hatirladi ancak hamlelerimi nasil alacagindan her zaman emin degildim Yapimci ve mikser olarak Jerden Fishbone Anthrax The Offspring Meat Puppets Social Distortion ve Red Hot Chili Peppers gibi sanatcilarla da calisti Jerden Burbank California daki Tranzformer Studio nun ortak sahibidir Iki cocugu var Michelle Jerden Forrest ve Bryan Jerden Seckin diskografisi1980 Remain in Light Talking Heads engineer mixing 1981 My Life in the Bush of Ghosts David Byrne Brian Eno engineer 1981 The Red and the Black Jerry Harrison producer engineer 1983 The Man From Utopia Frank Zappa engineer 1983 Future Shock Herbie Hancock engineer mixing 1984 The Red Hot Chili Peppers The Red Hot Chili Peppers engineer 1985 She s the Boss Mick Jagger engineer 1986 Dirty Work The Rolling Stones engineer 1987 Show Me 54 40 1988 Nothing s Shocking Jane s Addiction 1988 Life Sentence to Love Legal Weapon producer engineer mixing 1989 Mother s Milk Red Hot Chili Peppers mixing 1990 Social Distortion Social Distortion 1990 Ritual de lo Habitual Jane s Addiction 1990 Facelift Alice in Chains 1991 Circa Mary s Danish 1991 The Reality of My Surroundings Fishbone 1991 Symbol of Salvation Armored Saint 1991 Burning Time Last Crack 1991 Swandive Bullet LaVolta 1992 Break Like the Wind Spinal Tap mixing producer 1992 Somewhere Between Heaven and Hell Social Distortion 1992 Dirt Alice in Chains 1992 Rattlebone Rattlebone 1992 That What Is Not Public Image Ltd 1993 Independent Sacred Reich 1993 Sweet Water Sweet Water 1993 Sound of White Noise Anthrax 1993 Dig Dig 1994 Love Spit Love Love Spit Love 1995 Driver Not Included Orange 9mm 1995 Hello Poe 1995 Superfriends Sweet Water 1996 Mata Leao Biohazard 1996 Bar Chord Ritual Rust 1997 Wacko Magneto Ednaswap 1997 Hang Ups Goldfinger 1997 Ixnay on the Hombre The Offspring 1998 Rattlebone Rattlebone 1998 Americana The Offspring 1998 Darkest Days Stabbing Westward 1999 Suicide Sweet Water 1999 Rev Perry Farrell mixing engineer producer 1999 F 0 Dis Inc 2000 Deviant Pitchshifter 2001 The Pleasure and the Greed Big Wreck 2001 Cringe Cringe 2002 A Passage in Time Authority Zero 2003 Before Everything amp After MxPx 2004 Dropbox Dropbox 2013 Entitled Richie Ramone 2015 Rare Breed The Shrine a b Credits Dave Jerden Allmusic Erisim tarihi 6 Mayis 2010 Halbert Agustos 2001 Nasty Habits Classic Rock 30 s 56 a b Saxon Jonathan Dave Jerden bonus Really Wrong Productions Tape Op the Creative Music Recording Magazine accessed February 1 2015 http tapeop com articles 86 dave jerden 22 Aralik 2017 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde ol section