Sosyoloji profesörü. London School of Economics'in emekli üyesi. Barker, Information Network Focus on Religious Movements (INFORM) kurucusu ve kültler ve Yeni Dini Hareketler ile ilgili araştırmalarıyla tanınan bir akademisyendir.

Barker Hakkında Yazılanlar
- James A. Beckford and , eds., Challenging Religion: Essays in Honour of Eileen Barker (London: Routledge, 2003).
- Prof. , "Are There Objective and Scientific Studies of NRM?", , Center of Religious Studies, , , 2006.
Bazı Eserleri
- Barker, Eileen New Religious Movements: A Practical Introduction (Paperback) (October, 1990)
- Barker, Eileen (editor) Of Gods and Men: New Religious Movements in the West Macon, Georgia, U.S.A. 1984
- Barker, Eileen, "New Religions and New Religiosity," in New Religions and New Religiosity, Eileen Barker and Margit Warburg, eds., (Aarhus:Aarhus University Press, 1998), pp. 10–27.
Dış bağlantılar
- by Eileen Barker
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Sosyoloji profesoru London School of Economics in emekli uyesi Barker Information Network Focus on Religious Movements INFORM kurucusu ve kultler ve Yeni Dini Hareketler ile ilgili arastirmalariyla taninan bir akademisyendir Eileen BarkerBarker Hakkinda YazilanlarJames A Beckford and eds Challenging Religion Essays in Honour of Eileen Barker London Routledge 2003 Prof Are There Objective and Scientific Studies of NRM Center of Religious Studies 2006 Bazi EserleriBarker Eileen New Religious Movements A Practical Introduction Paperback October 1990 ISBN 0 11 340927 3 Barker Eileen editor Of Gods and Men New Religious Movements in the West Macon Georgia U S A 1984 ISBN 0 86554 095 0 Barker Eileen New Religions and New Religiosity in New Religions and New Religiosity Eileen Barker and Margit Warburg eds Aarhus Aarhus University Press 1998 pp 10 27 ISBN 87 7288 552 1Dis baglantilarby Eileen Barker