Elie Kedourie (1926, Bağdat - 1992, Washington) Yahudi asıllı İngiliz siyaset bilimci ve önde gelen bir tarihçi.
1926 yılında Bağdat’ta doğdu. Eğitim hayatının bir bölümünü Irak'ta geçirdi. 1947 yılında İngiltere’ye giden Kedourie, 1951’de Londra Üniversitesi’ne bağlı Londra Ekonomi Okulu’nun ekonomi bölümünü bitirdi. ABD, Avrupa ve İsrail’in çeşitli üniversitelerinde dersler verdi. Kedourie, 1964 yılında İngiltere'de üç aylık Middle Eastern Studies dergisini kurdu ve eşi Sylvia Haim ile birlikte editörlüğünü yaptı. 1992 yılında Karl Marx ve Hegel üzerine bir çalışma yaptığı dönemde Washington’da öldü.
- England and the Middle East: The Vital Years 1914–1921 (1956); later as England and the Middle East: the destruction of the Ottoman Empire 1914–1921
- Nationalism (1960); revize edilen hali 1993
- Afghani and 'Abduh: An essay on religious unbelief and political activism in modern Islam (1966)
- The Chatham House Version: And Other Middle Eastern Studies (1970)
- Nationalism in Asia and Africa (1970) editör
- Arabic Political Memoirs and Other Studies (1974)
- In the Anglo-Arab Labyrinth: The McMahon-Husayn Correspondence and its Interpretations 1914–1939 (1976)
- Middle Eastern Economy: Studies in Economics and Economic History (1976)
- The Jewish World: Revelation, Prophecy and History (1979) editor; as The Jewish World: History and Culture of the Jewish World (US)
- Islam in the Modern World and Other Studies (1980)
- Towards a Modern Iran; Studies in Thought, Politics and Society (1980) editor with Sylvia G. Haim
- Modern Egypt: Studies in Politics and Society (1980) editor
- Zionism and Arabism in Palestine and Israel (1982) editor with Sylvia G. Haim
- The Crossman Confessions and Other Essays in Politics, History and Religion (1984)
- Diamonds into Glass: The Government and the Universities (1988)
- Essays on the Economic History of the Middle East (1988) editor with Sylvia G. Haim
- Democracy and Arab Political Culture (1992)
- Politics in the Middle East (1992)
- Spain and the Jews: The Sephardi Experience, 1492 and after (1992)
- Hegel & Marx: Introductory Lectures (1995)
- ^ Fromkin, David. Barışa Son Veren Barış. Epilson Yayınları. s. 147.
- ^ a b c d e . TDVİA. 4 Ekim 2020 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi.
- ^ . 4 Ekim 2020 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi.
- ^ "Remembering Elie Kedourie: How One Analyst Spoke Truth to Power in the Middle East". Robert D. Kaplan, The National İnterest. 6 Mayıs 2020 tarihinde kaynağından .
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Elie Kedourie 1926 Bagdat 1992 Washington Yahudi asilli Ingiliz siyaset bilimci ve onde gelen bir tarihci 1926 yilinda Bagdat ta dogdu Egitim hayatinin bir bolumunu Irak ta gecirdi 1947 yilinda Ingiltere ye giden Kedourie 1951 de Londra Universitesi ne bagli Londra Ekonomi Okulu nun ekonomi bolumunu bitirdi ABD Avrupa ve Israil in cesitli universitelerinde dersler verdi Kedourie 1964 yilinda Ingiltere de uc aylik Middle Eastern Studies dergisini kurdu ve esi Sylvia Haim ile birlikte editorlugunu yapti 1992 yilinda Karl Marx ve Hegel uzerine bir calisma yaptigi donemde Washington da oldu EserleriEngland and the Middle East The Vital Years 1914 1921 1956 later as England and the Middle East the destruction of the Ottoman Empire 1914 1921 Nationalism 1960 revize edilen hali 1993 Afghani and Abduh An essay on religious unbelief and political activism in modern Islam 1966 The Chatham House Version And Other Middle Eastern Studies 1970 Nationalism in Asia and Africa 1970 editor Arabic Political Memoirs and Other Studies 1974 In the Anglo Arab Labyrinth The McMahon Husayn Correspondence and its Interpretations 1914 1939 1976 Middle Eastern Economy Studies in Economics and Economic History 1976 The Jewish World Revelation Prophecy and History 1979 editor as The Jewish World History and Culture of the Jewish World US Islam in the Modern World and Other Studies 1980 Towards a Modern Iran Studies in Thought Politics and Society 1980 editor with Sylvia G Haim Modern Egypt Studies in Politics and Society 1980 editor Zionism and Arabism in Palestine and Israel 1982 editor with Sylvia G Haim The Crossman Confessions and Other Essays in Politics History and Religion 1984 Diamonds into Glass The Government and the Universities 1988 Essays on the Economic History of the Middle East 1988 editor with Sylvia G Haim Democracy and Arab Political Culture 1992 Politics in the Middle East 1992 Spain and the Jews The Sephardi Experience 1492 and after 1992 Hegel amp Marx Introductory Lectures 1995 Kaynakca Fromkin David Barisa Son Veren Baris Epilson Yayinlari s 147 a b c d e TDVIA 4 Ekim 2020 tarihinde kaynagindan arsivlendi 4 Ekim 2020 tarihinde kaynagindan arsivlendi Remembering Elie Kedourie How One Analyst Spoke Truth to Power in the Middle East Robert D Kaplan The National Interest 6 Mayis 2020 tarihinde kaynagindan