Etno-dinî grup bir milletin, yalnızca kendilerine ait bir dine sahip olması ve bu dini kutsal millî kurallar bütünü olarak saymasıdır.

1. seviye etno-dini grup | 2. seviye etno-dini grup | 3. seviye etno-dini grup |
- ^ a b Simon Harrison (2006). Fracturing Resemblances: Identity and Mimetic Conflict in Melanesia and the West. Berghahn Books. ss. 121-. ISBN . 16 Mayıs 2020 tarihinde kaynağından . Erişim tarihi: 20 Haziran 2020.
- ^ Allison, Christine (20 Şubat 2004). "Yazidis i: General". Encyclopædia Iranica. 29 Nisan 2011 tarihinde kaynağından . Erişim tarihi: 20 Ağustos 2010.
- ^ Arakelova, Victoria. "Ethno-Religious Communities Identity markers" (İngilizce). . 1 Ekim 2021 tarihinde kaynağından . Erişim tarihi: 20 Haziran 2020.
- ^ Paul R. Ehrlich; Anne H. Ehrlich (30 Haziran 2008). The Dominant Animal: Human Evolution and the Environment. Island Press. s. 315. ISBN .
- ^ "Anti-Discrimination (Amendment) Bill: Second Reading". Parliament of New South Wales. 12 Mayıs 2007. 4 Nisan 2011 tarihinde kaynağından . Erişim tarihi: 14 Şubat 2010.
- ^ Gareth Griffith (Şubat 2006). Sedition, Incitement and Vilification: Issues in the Current Debate (PDF). NSW Parliamentary Library Research Service. s. 52. ISBN . 11 Mayıs 2019 tarihinde kaynağından (PDF). Erişim tarihi: 14 Şubat 2010.
- ^ Villalón, Leonardo A., Islamic Society and State Power in Senegal: Disciples and Citizens in Fatick, p. 62, Cambridge University Press (2006), [1] 15 Eylül 2020 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .
- ^ , Edwin William Smith, Cyril Daryll Forde, , , , JSTOR (Organization), "Africa: journal of the International African Institute, Volume 63", pp 86–96, 270–1, Edinburgh University Press for the International African Institute, 1993
- ^ Kenton L. Sparks (1998). Ethnicity and Identity in Ancient Israel: Prolegomena to the Study of Ethnic Sentiments and Their Expression in the Hebrew Bible. Eisenbrauns. ss. 146-148. ISBN .
- ^ "Conversion and Marriage". (İngilizce). 24 Aralık 2007 tarihinde kaynağından . Erişim tarihi: 20 Haziran 2020.
- ^ Waxman, Dov (2006). The Pursuit of Peace and the Crisis of Israeli Identity: Defending/Defining the Nation. Springer. s. 115. ISBN .
- ^ Janzen, Rod; Stanton, Max (1 Eylül 2010). The Hutterites in North America (İngilizce). JHU Press. ISBN . 16 Mayıs 2020 tarihinde kaynağından . Erişim tarihi: 20 Haziran 2020.
- ^ Thomas 2006
- ^ Thiessen, Janis Lee (17 Haziran 2013). Manufacturing Mennonites: Work and Religion in Post-War Manitoba (İngilizce). University of Toronto Press. ISBN . 16 Mayıs 2020 tarihinde kaynağından . Erişim tarihi: 20 Haziran 2020.
- ^ Desplat, Patrick; Østebø, Terje (18 Nisan 2013). Muslim Ethiopia: The Christian Legacy, Identity Politics, and Islamic Reformism (İngilizce). Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN .
- ^ (1994). "Reviewed Work: Revolution and Genocide: On the Origins of the Armenian Genocide and the Holocaust by Robert F. Melson". . 16 (2). s. 377. JSTOR 40107201.
...both victimized groups [Armenians & Jews] were ethno-religious minorities...
- ^ Marty, Martin E. (1997). Religion, Ethnicity, and Self-Identity: Nations in Turmoil. University Press of New England. ."
- ^ Marty, Martin E. (1997). Religion, Ethnicity, and Self-Identity: Nations in Turmoil. University Press of New England. .
- ^ a b c Ponna Wignaraja; Akmal Hussain, (Ed.) (1989). The Challenge in South Asia: Development, Democracy and Regional Cooperation. United Nations University Press. s. 278. ISBN .
- ^ a b Hammond and Warner, p.59
- ^ Yang and Ebaugh, p.369
- ^ a b c d e Frith, T. (1 Eylül 2000). "Ethno-Religious Identity and Urban Malays in Malaysia". Asian Ethnicity. 1 (2). Routledge. ss. 117-129. doi:10.1080/713611705.
- ^ Minangkabau people 5 Mayıs 2015 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .. Encyclopædia Britannica. 2015 Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.
- ^ . 16 Mayıs 2020 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. Erişim tarihi: 24 Ocak 2016.
- ^ a b c d e Rabasa, Angel (2009). "The Ethno-Religious Landscape of East Africa". ss. 71-78. JSTOR 10.7249/mg782af.13.
- ^ Touraj Atabaki; Sanjyot Mehendale, (Ed.) (2004). Central Asia and the Caucasus:Transnationalism and Diaspora. Routledge. s. 165. ISBN .
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Etno dini grup bir milletin yalnizca kendilerine ait bir dine sahip olmasi ve bu dini kutsal milli kurallar butunu olarak saymasidir Geleneksel elbiseli Yezidi kizlar Yezidiler etno dini grupa ornektir Ornekleri1 seviye etno dini grup 2 seviye etno dini grup 3 seviye etno dini grupDurziler Yezidiler Zerdustler Sihler Yahudiler Karaylar Samiriler Amisler Nusayriler Valdocular Afarlar Ermeniler Kiptiler Hirvatlar Goralilar Yunanlar Huiler Malaylar Minangkabaular Mormonlar Somalililer Suriye Turkmenleri Uygurlar Rus Ortodoks Kilisesi Balililer MarunilerKaynakca a b Simon Harrison 2006 Fracturing Resemblances Identity and Mimetic Conflict in Melanesia and the West Berghahn Books ss 121 ISBN 978 1 57181 680 1 16 Mayis 2020 tarihinde kaynagindan Erisim tarihi 20 Haziran 2020 Allison Christine 20 Subat 2004 Yazidis i General Encyclopaedia Iranica 29 Nisan 2011 tarihinde kaynagindan Erisim tarihi 20 Agustos 2010 Arakelova Victoria Ethno Religious Communities Identity markers Ingilizce 1 Ekim 2021 tarihinde kaynagindan Erisim tarihi 20 Haziran 2020 Paul R Ehrlich Anne H Ehrlich 30 Haziran 2008 The Dominant Animal Human Evolution and the Environment Island Press s 315 ISBN 978 1 59726 096 1 Anti Discrimination Amendment Bill Second Reading Parliament of New South Wales 12 Mayis 2007 4 Nisan 2011 tarihinde kaynagindan Erisim tarihi 14 Subat 2010 Gareth Griffith Subat 2006 Sedition Incitement and Vilification Issues in the Current Debate PDF NSW Parliamentary Library Research Service s 52 ISBN 0 7313 1792 0 11 Mayis 2019 tarihinde kaynagindan PDF Erisim tarihi 14 Subat 2010 Villalon Leonardo A Islamic Society and State Power in Senegal Disciples and Citizens in Fatick p 62 Cambridge University Press 2006 9780521032322 1 15 Eylul 2020 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Edwin William Smith Cyril Daryll Forde JSTOR Organization Africa journal of the International African Institute Volume 63 pp 86 96 270 1 Edinburgh University Press for the International African Institute 1993 Kenton L Sparks 1998 Ethnicity and Identity in Ancient Israel Prolegomena to the Study of Ethnic Sentiments and Their Expression in the Hebrew Bible Eisenbrauns ss 146 148 ISBN 9781575060330 Conversion and Marriage www chabad org Ingilizce 24 Aralik 2007 tarihinde kaynagindan Erisim tarihi 20 Haziran 2020 Waxman Dov 2006 The Pursuit of Peace and the Crisis of Israeli Identity Defending Defining the Nation Springer s 115 ISBN 9781403983473 Janzen Rod Stanton Max 1 Eylul 2010 The Hutterites in North America Ingilizce JHU Press ISBN 9780801899256 16 Mayis 2020 tarihinde kaynagindan Erisim tarihi 20 Haziran 2020 Thomas 2006 Thiessen Janis Lee 17 Haziran 2013 Manufacturing Mennonites Work and Religion in Post War Manitoba Ingilizce University of Toronto Press ISBN 9781442660595 16 Mayis 2020 tarihinde kaynagindan Erisim tarihi 20 Haziran 2020 Desplat Patrick Ostebo Terje 18 Nisan 2013 Muslim Ethiopia The Christian Legacy Identity Politics and Islamic Reformism Ingilizce Palgrave Macmillan ISBN 9781137322081 1994 Reviewed Work Revolution and Genocide On the Origins of the Armenian Genocide and the Holocaust by Robert F Melson 16 2 s 377 JSTOR 40107201 both victimized groups Armenians amp Jews were ethno religious minorities Marty Martin E 1997 Religion Ethnicity and Self Identity Nations in Turmoil University Press of New England ISBN 0 87451 815 6 Marty Martin E 1997 Religion Ethnicity and Self Identity Nations in Turmoil University Press of New England ISBN 0 87451 815 6 a b c Ponna Wignaraja Akmal Hussain Ed 1989 The Challenge in South Asia Development Democracy and Regional Cooperation United Nations University Press s 278 ISBN 9780803996038 a b Hammond and Warner p 59 Yang and Ebaugh p 369 a b c d e Frith T 1 Eylul 2000 Ethno Religious Identity and Urban Malays in Malaysia Asian Ethnicity 1 2 Routledge ss 117 129 doi 10 1080 713611705 Minangkabau people 5 Mayis 2015 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Encyclopaedia Britannica 2015 Encyclopaedia Britannica Inc ebooks cambridge org 16 Mayis 2020 tarihinde kaynagindan arsivlendi Erisim tarihi 24 Ocak 2016 a b c d e Rabasa Angel 2009 The Ethno Religious Landscape of East Africa ss 71 78 JSTOR 10 7249 mg782af 13 Touraj Atabaki Sanjyot Mehendale Ed 2004 Central Asia and the Caucasus Transnationalism and Diaspora Routledge s 165 ISBN 9781134319947