Fucked Up, Toronto, Kanadalı hardcore punk müzik grubu. 2009 yılında kazanmışlardır.
Fucked Up | |
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Genel bilgiler | |
Başladığı yer | Toronto, Kanada |
Tarzlar | Hardcore punk Experimental rock |
Etkin yıllar | 2001-günümüze |
Müzik şirketi | , , |
İlişkili hareketler | Career Suicide Ruination No Warning |
Resmî site | Fucked Up blog sayfası |
Üyeler | Damian Abraham Jonah Falco Mike Haliechuk Sandy Miranda Josh Zucker Ben Cook |
2001 sonlarına doğru verdikleri ilk konserleri ile sesini duyurmayı başaran grup kariyerine 2002 yılında yayınladıkları Demo Tapeisimli teklisiyle başlamıştır. Grubun adlandırmasıyla görevleriyle grup üyeleri; 10.000 Mermer (Mike Heleychuk, Gitar), Toplama Kampı (Josh Zucker, vokal), Hardal Gazı (Sandy Miranda, bas gitar) ve Chris Callahan'dır.
- Damian Abraham
- Jonah Falco
- Mike Haliechuk
- Sandy Miranda
- Josh Zucker
- Ben Cook
- 2006 (/Deranged Records)
- 2008 ()
Tekli ve demolar
- 2002 Demo tape (self-released)
- 2002 No Pasaran 7" ()
- 2003 Police 7" (Deranged Records)
- 2003 Baiting the Public 7" (Deranged Records)
- 2004 Dance of Death 7" (Deranged Records)
- 2004 Litany 7" EP (Test Pattern Records, repressed on Havoc in 2006)
- 2004 Split with 7" (Deep Six Records)
- 2005 Dangerous Fumes 7" (fake version, self-released)
- 2005 Generation 7" (Slasher Records)
- 2005 Mix Tape Volume One (Hidden World/Deranged Records)
- 2005 Black Cross 7" (Burning Sensation)
- 2005 Black Army 7" (Burning Sensation)
- 2005 "Dropout" from Generations: A Hardcore Compilation CD (Revelation Records)
- 2006 Fucked Up Tape cassette tape (Harsh Brutal Cold Productions - reissued by Trujaca Fala Records in 2007)
- 2006 Triumph of Life 7" ( / UK)
- 2006 Triumph of Life 3 song CD ( / UK)
- 2006 Dangerous Fumes 7" (Deranged Records)
- 2006 Dangerous Fumes 7" (Hate Records; German Edition)
- 2006 Mix Tape Volume II cassette tape (Deranged Records)
- 2006 Dolly Mixture 7" (Fucked Up Records) - two covers of
- 2006 Shop Assistants 7" (Fucked Up Records) - two covers of
- 2006 Humos Peligrosos 7" (La Vida es un Mus) - actually a different version of Dangerous Fumes 7"
- 2006 Hoxton Cunts 7" ("A techno 7" that has fake cover and labels on it done to make fun of the band/Vice.")
- 2006 Two Snakes 7" (Fucked Up Records)
- 2006 Since You've Been Gone 10" (bootleg)
- 2007 Hidden World 8 Track (Welfare Records)
- 2007 Toronto FC 7" Split with (No Future)
- 2007 Year of the Pig 12" ()
- 2007 David Christmas 7" (Hidden World Records)
- 2008 Split with Think I Care 7" (Eating Rat Records)
- 2008 2007 halloween weekend dvd
- 2008 Year of the Pig American Edit 7" (Matador Records / What's Your Rupture)
- 2008 Year of the Pig UK Edit 7" (Matador Records / What's Your Rupture)
- 2008 Year of the Pig Japanese Edit 7" (Matador Records / What's Your Rupture)
- 2008 Crooked Head/I Hate Summer 7" (Matador Records)
- 2008 Royal swan 7" split with 7" (Matador Records)
- 2008 Two Snakes 7" (HG Fact)
- 2009 Mixtape #3 (self-released)
- 2009 No Epiphany 7" (Matador Records)
- 2009 Singles Compilation Tape (Trujaca Fala)
- 2010 Couple Tracks 7 (Matador Records)
- 2010 David's Plan 7"
- 2010 "Daytrotter Sessions" 7" (two-song bootleg)
- 2010 "Daytrotter Sessions" 7" (three-song official release for Record Store Day) (Matador Records)
- 2010 "Reel Live" reel-to-reel tape (Welfare Records)
- 2010 Split with 12" (Best of Both Records)
Dış bağlantılar
- Fucked Up blog sayfası 22 Ekim 2012 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .
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Fucked Up Toronto Kanadali hardcore punk muzik grubu 2009 yilinda kazanmislardir Fucked UpGenel bilgilerBasladigi yerToronto KanadaTarzlarHardcore punk Experimental rockEtkin yillar2001 gunumuzeMuzik sirketi Iliskili hareketlerCareer Suicide Ruination No WarningResmi siteFucked Up blog sayfasiUyelerDamian Abraham Jonah Falco Mike Haliechuk Sandy Miranda Josh Zucker Ben CookKariyer2001 sonlarina dogru verdikleri ilk konserleri ile sesini duyurmayi basaran grup kariyerine 2002 yilinda yayinladiklari Demo Tapeisimli teklisiyle baslamistir Grubun adlandirmasiyla gorevleriyle grup uyeleri 10 000 Mermer Mike Heleychuk Gitar Toplama Kampi Josh Zucker vokal Hardal Gazi Sandy Miranda bas gitar ve Chris Callahan dir UyelerDamian Abraham Jonah Falco Mike Haliechuk Sandy Miranda Josh Zucker Ben CookDiskografiAlbumler 2006 Deranged Records 2008 Tekli ve demolar 2002 Demo tape self released 2002 No Pasaran 7 2003 Police 7 Deranged Records 2003 Baiting the Public 7 Deranged Records 2004 Dance of Death 7 Deranged Records 2004 Litany 7 EP Test Pattern Records repressed on Havoc in 2006 2004 Split with 7 Deep Six Records 2005 Dangerous Fumes 7 fake version self released 2005 Generation 7 Slasher Records 2005 Mix Tape Volume One Hidden World Deranged Records 2005 Black Cross 7 Burning Sensation 2005 Black Army 7 Burning Sensation 2005 Dropout from Generations A Hardcore Compilation CD Revelation Records 2006 Fucked Up Tape cassette tape Harsh Brutal Cold Productions reissued by Trujaca Fala Records in 2007 2006 Triumph of Life 7 UK 2006 Triumph of Life 3 song CD UK 2006 Dangerous Fumes 7 Deranged Records 2006 Dangerous Fumes 7 Hate Records German Edition 2006 Mix Tape Volume II cassette tape Deranged Records 2006 Dolly Mixture 7 Fucked Up Records two covers of 2006 Shop Assistants 7 Fucked Up Records two covers of 2006 Humos Peligrosos 7 La Vida es un Mus actually a different version of Dangerous Fumes 7 2006 Hoxton Cunts 7 A techno 7 that has fake cover and labels on it done to make fun of the band Vice 2006 Two Snakes 7 Fucked Up Records 2006 Since You ve Been Gone 10 bootleg 2007 Hidden World 8 Track Welfare Records 2007 Toronto FC 7 Split with No Future 2007 Year of the Pig 12 2007 David Christmas 7 Hidden World Records 2008 Split with Think I Care 7 Eating Rat Records 2008 2007 halloween weekend dvd 2008 Year of the Pig American Edit 7 Matador Records What s Your Rupture 2008 Year of the Pig UK Edit 7 Matador Records What s Your Rupture 2008 Year of the Pig Japanese Edit 7 Matador Records What s Your Rupture 2008 Crooked Head I Hate Summer 7 Matador Records 2008 Royal swan 7 split with 7 Matador Records 2008 Two Snakes 7 HG Fact 2009 Mixtape 3 self released 2009 No Epiphany 7 Matador Records 2009 Singles Compilation Tape Trujaca Fala 2010 Couple Tracks 7 Matador Records 2010 David s Plan 7 2010 Daytrotter Sessions 7 two song bootleg 2010 Daytrotter Sessions 7 three song official release for Record Store Day Matador Records 2010 Reel Live reel to reel tape Welfare Records 2010 Split with 12 Best of Both Records Dis baglantilarFucked Up blog sayfasi 22 Ekim 2012 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde