Gök Çemberi / Colure, astronomide, gökkürenin iki ana meridyeninden biridir.

Mavi = gündönümü gök çemberi

H = gündönümü gök çemberi
Ekinoks gök çemberi
Ekinoks gök çemberi, gök kutbundan ve iki ekinoksdan geçen göksel kürenin meridyen veya büyük dairesidir: Koç'un ilk noktası ve Terazi'nin ilk noktası.
Gündönümü gök çemberi
Gündönümü gök çemberi, kutuplardan ve iki gündönümünden geçen göksel kürenin meridyen veya büyük dairesidir: Gündönümünün ilk noktası. Gündönümü gök çemberi ile yakından uyumlu birkaç yıldız var: , ve Teta Scorpii. Bu, gündönümü gök çemberini Kuzey Göksel Kutup ve Kutup Yıldızı'nı işaret eder.
Ayrıca bakınız
- Cartography in the Traditional Islamic and South Asian Societies. The History of cartography. 2:1. University of Chicago Press. 1987. s. 28. ISBN . OCLC 13456456. Cartography in the Traditional Islamic and South Asian Societies. The History of cartography. 2:1. University of Chicago Press. 1987. s. 28. ISBN . OCLC 13456456. Cartography in the Traditional Islamic and South Asian Societies. The History of cartography. 2:1. University of Chicago Press. 1987. s. 28. ISBN . OCLC 13456456.
- Geminos's Introduction to the phenomena: a translation and study of a Hellenistic survey of astronomy. Princeton University Press. 2006. s. 130. ISBN . OCLC 70232402. Geminos's Introduction to the phenomena: a translation and study of a Hellenistic survey of astronomy. Princeton University Press. 2006. s. 130. ISBN . OCLC 70232402. Geminos's Introduction to the phenomena: a translation and study of a Hellenistic survey of astronomy. Princeton University Press. 2006. s. 130. ISBN . OCLC 70232402.
- The Secret Architecture of our Nation's Capital. Harper Collins. 1999. s. 98. ISBN . OCLC 50409366. The Secret Architecture of our Nation's Capital. Harper Collins. 1999. s. 98. ISBN . OCLC 50409366. The Secret Architecture of our Nation's Capital. Harper Collins. 1999. s. 98. ISBN . OCLC 50409366.
- Kaler, Jim. "Pi Aurigae." Pi Aurigae 29 Nisan 2019 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde . . Np 22 Şubat 2008. Ağ.
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Gok Cemberi Colure astronomide gokkurenin iki ana meridyeninden biridir Turuncu ekinoks gok cemberi Mavi gundonumu gok cemberiG ekinoks gok cemberi H gundonumu gok cemberiEkinoks gok cemberiEkinoks gok cemberi gok kutbundan ve iki ekinoksdan gecen goksel kurenin meridyen veya buyuk dairesidir Koc un ilk noktasi ve Terazi nin ilk noktasi Gundonumu gok cemberiGundonumu gok cemberi kutuplardan ve iki gundonumunden gecen goksel kurenin meridyen veya buyuk dairesidir Gundonumunun ilk noktasi Gundonumu gok cemberi ile yakindan uyumlu birkac yildiz var ve Teta Scorpii Bu gundonumu gok cemberini Kuzey Goksel Kutup ve Kutup Yildizi ni isaret eder Ayrica bakinizGok koordinat sistemi Ekliptik Gok kuresi Dogru yukselis Ekinoks GundonumuKaynakcaCartography in the Traditional Islamic and South Asian Societies The History of cartography 2 1 University of Chicago Press 1987 s 28 ISBN 978 0 226 31635 2 OCLC 13456456 Cartography in the Traditional Islamic and South Asian Societies The History of cartography 2 1 University of Chicago Press 1987 s 28 ISBN 978 0 226 31635 2 OCLC 13456456 Cartography in the Traditional Islamic and South Asian Societies The History of cartography 2 1 University of Chicago Press 1987 s 28 ISBN 978 0 226 31635 2 OCLC 13456456 Geminos s Introduction to the phenomena a translation and study of a Hellenistic survey of astronomy Princeton University Press 2006 s 130 ISBN 978 0 691 12339 4 OCLC 70232402 Geminos s Introduction to the phenomena a translation and study of a Hellenistic survey of astronomy Princeton University Press 2006 s 130 ISBN 978 0 691 12339 4 OCLC 70232402 Geminos s Introduction to the phenomena a translation and study of a Hellenistic survey of astronomy Princeton University Press 2006 s 130 ISBN 978 0 691 12339 4 OCLC 70232402 The Secret Architecture of our Nation s Capital Harper Collins 1999 s 98 ISBN 978 006095368 3 OCLC 50409366 The Secret Architecture of our Nation s Capital Harper Collins 1999 s 98 ISBN 978 006095368 3 OCLC 50409366 The Secret Architecture of our Nation s Capital Harper Collins 1999 s 98 ISBN 978 006095368 3 OCLC 50409366 Kaler Jim Pi Aurigae Pi Aurigae 29 Nisan 2019 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Np 22 Subat 2008 Ag