Gey pornografisi, izleyicide cinsel etki yaratmak amacıyla erkekler arasında yapılan seksi yansıtmadır. Lezbiyen pornografisi, gey pornosunun önemli bir uzantısı ve devamıdır. Gey pornografisi, tanım olarak eşcinsel pornosu olsa da yalnız erkek eşcinselleri kapsamaktadır.

Kesin gey materyalleri, eğer tarihöncesi değilse Antik Yunan'a kadar dayanmaktadır. Modern dünyada gey pornografi sanayiisi ev yapımı videolar, DVD, kablolu kanallar ve internet ortamındaki resim ve filmlere dayanmaktadr. Gey pornografisi, pornografi endüstrinin büyük çoğunluğunu oluşturur.
Gey pornosu izleyicileri ilk olarak gey ve biseksüel erkeklerdir. Ağustos 2005 tarihinde porno yıldızı Jenna Jameson, bayan izleyicilerinin dikkatini gey pornosuna çekecek olan Club Thrust adlı web sitesini kurdu. "Yaoi" olarak bilinen gey porno içerikli manga romanları da mevcuttur, fakat bunlar heteroseksüel kadınlar tarafından yazılır ve onlara yöneliktir. Ayrıca bazı biseksüel kadınlar ve lezbiyenler de gey pornosundan hoşlanmakta özellikle kadınsı olan gey ürünlerine ilgi duyarlar.
Önemli filmler

- (, 1971)
- The Back Row (Jerry Douglas, 1972)
- L.A. Plays Itself (, 1972)
- Nights in Black Leather ( ve , 1973)
- Falconhead (, 1977)
- Dune Buddies (, 1978) Hand in Hand Films
- The Other Side of Aspen 1-5 ( (1-2), (3-5), 1979-2001) Falcon Studios
- (Matt Sterling, 1984)
- (Steve Scott, 1983)
- Les Minets Sauvages (, 1984)
- My Masters (Christopher Rage, 1986)
- Powertool (John Travis, 1986)
- Big Guns (William Higgins, 1988)
- Carnival in Rio (, 1989)
- Idol Eyes (Matt Sterling, 1990) Huge Video
- More of a Man (Jerry Douglas, 1994) All Worlds Video
- Flashpoint (John Rutherford, 1994) Falcon Studios
- Frisky Summer 1-4 (George Duroy, 1995-2002) Bel Ami
- Flesh and Blood (Jerry Douglas, 1996) All Worlds Video
- Naked Highway (Wash West, 1997)
- Three Brothers (Gino Colbert, 1998) Gino Pictures
- Descent (, 1999)
- (, 1999) Cazzo Film
- Fallen Angel (Bruce Cam, 1997) Titan Media
- DreamBoy (, 2003)
- (, 2005) Lucas Entertainment
- 's 20 Load Weekend (, 2004)
- Wrong Side of the Tracks (, 2006)
- Season One (, 2004-06)
- The Series (, 2004-06)
Konuyla ilgili yayınlar
Akademik çalışmalar
- Bronski, Michael (2003). Pulp Friction: Uncovering the Golden Age of Gay Male Pulps. New York: St. Martin's Griffin.
- Burger, John R. (1995). One-Handed Histories: The Eroto-Politics of Gay Male Video Pornography. New York: Haworth Press.
- Cante, Richard C. (March 2008). Gay Men and the Forms of Contemporary US Culture. London: Ashgate Publishing. . Chapters 4-6.
- Delany, Samuel R. (1999). Times Square Red, Times Square Blue. New York: New York University Press.
- Dyer, Richard (Spring 1994). "Idol Thoughts: Orgasm and Self-Reflexivity in Gay Pornography". The Critical Quarterly 36 (1): 49–62. doi:10.1111/j.1467-8705.1994.tb01012.x.
- Dyer, Richard (2002 [1992]), "Coming to Terms: Gay Pornography", written at London; New York, Only Entertainment (2nd ed.), Routledge, 121-134.
- Kendall, Christopher N. (2004). Gay Male Pornography: An Issue of Sex Discrimination. Vancouver, BC: UBC Press.
- John, Elton (2005). Goodbye Yellow Dick Mold - The Control of AIDS in the Gay Porn Industry. Yerrinshire: Rock Hudson Liberace Museum.
- Moore, Patrik (2004). Beyond Shame: Reclaiming the Abandoned History of Radical Gay Sexuality. Boston: Beacon Press.
- Morrison, Todd G. (2004). Eclectic Views on Gay Male Pornography: Pornucopia. Binghamton, NY: Harrington Park Press.
- Slade, Joseph W. (2001). Pornography and Sexual Representation: A Reference Guide. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press.
- Stevenson, Jack. (Fall 1997). "From the Bedroom to the Bijou: A Secret History of American Gay Sex Cinema". Film Quarterly 51 (1): 24–31. doi:10.1525/fq.1997.51.1.04a00040.
- Thomas, Joe A. (2000), "Gay Male Video Pornography: Past, Present, and Future", written at New *York, in Ronald John Weitzer, Sex for Sale: Prostitution, Pornography, and the Sex Industry, Routledge, 49-66.
- Waugh, Thomas (2004). Lust Unearthed: Vintage Gay Graphics from the Patrick DuBek Collection. Vancouver: Arsenal Pulp Press.
- Waugh, Thomas (2002). Out/lines: Underground Gay Graphics from before Stonewall. Vancouver: Arsenal Pulp Press.
- Waugh, Thomas (1996). Hard to Imagine: Gay Male Eroticism in Photography and Film from their Beginnings to Stonewall. New York: Columbia University Press.
- Williams, Linda (2004). Porn Studies. Durham: Duke University Press.
- Edmonson, Roger (2000). Clone: The Life and Legacy of , Gay Superstar. Alyson Books. .
- Edmonson, Roger; Jerry Douglas (1998). Boy in the Sand: , All-American Sex Star. Alyson Books. .
- Isherwood, Charles (1996). Wonder Bread & Ecstasy: The Life and Death of . Alyson Books. .
- Larue, Chi Chi; John Erich (1997). Making It Big: Sex Stars, Porn Films and Me. Alyson Publications. .
- Beyond Vanilla. (Claes Lilja, 2001)
- Gay Sex in the 70s. (Joseph F. Lovett, 2005)
- That Man: Peter Berlin. (Jim Tushinski, 2005)
- ^ It is estimated that one-third to one-half of the $2.5 billion adult industry is gay sales and rentals. Mickey Skee. 1997. "Tricks of the Trade." Frontiers 16 (August 22):43.
- ^ "". 11 Şubat 2007 tarihinde kaynağından . Erişim tarihi: 11 Ekim 2008.
dış bağlantı () - ^ . 7 Ağustos 2007 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. Erişim tarihi: 11 Ekim 2008.
dış bağlantı () - ^ "Amusing Toronto Star Article" (İngilizce). 16 Şubat 2012 tarihinde kaynağından . Erişim tarihi: 11 Ekim 2008.
- ^ 'Men of Israel': The new box-office stud? 7 Şubat 2011 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde ., Los Angeles Times blog, 27 Haziran 2009.
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Gey pornografisi izleyicide cinsel etki yaratmak amaciyla erkekler arasinda yapilan seksi yansitmadir Lezbiyen pornografisi gey pornosunun onemli bir uzantisi ve devamidir Gey pornografisi tanim olarak escinsel pornosu olsa da yalniz erkek escinselleri kapsamaktadir Gey film setinde Kesin gey materyalleri eger tarihoncesi degilse Antik Yunan a kadar dayanmaktadir Modern dunyada gey pornografi sanayiisi ev yapimi videolar DVD kablolu kanallar ve internet ortamindaki resim ve filmlere dayanmaktadr Gey pornografisi pornografi endustrinin buyuk cogunlugunu olusturur IzleyiciGey pornosu izleyicileri ilk olarak gey ve biseksuel erkeklerdir Agustos 2005 tarihinde porno yildizi Jenna Jameson bayan izleyicilerinin dikkatini gey pornosuna cekecek olan Club Thrust adli web sitesini kurdu Yaoi olarak bilinen gey porno icerikli manga romanlari da mevcuttur fakat bunlar heteroseksuel kadinlar tarafindan yazilir ve onlara yoneliktir Ayrica bazi biseksuel kadinlar ve lezbiyenler de gey pornosundan hoslanmakta ozellikle kadinsi olan gey urunlerine ilgi duyarlar Onemli filmlerLucas Entertainment in Men of Israel filmini cekerken yonetmen Michael Lucas kast uyeleriyle cekimleri konusmakta Yahudi modellerin kullanildigi ilk yetiskin filmi Men of Israel in cekimleri yapilirken 1970 ler 1971 The Back Row Jerry Douglas 1972 L A Plays Itself 1972 Nights in Black Leather ve 1973 Falconhead 1977 Dune Buddies 1978 Hand in Hand Films The Other Side of Aspen 1 5 1 2 3 5 1979 2001 Falcon Studios1980 ler Matt Sterling 1984 Steve Scott 1983 Les Minets Sauvages 1984 My Masters Christopher Rage 1986 Powertool John Travis 1986 Big Guns William Higgins 1988 Carnival in Rio 1989 1990 lar Idol Eyes Matt Sterling 1990 Huge Video More of a Man Jerry Douglas 1994 All Worlds Video Flashpoint John Rutherford 1994 Falcon Studios Frisky Summer 1 4 George Duroy 1995 2002 Bel Ami Flesh and Blood Jerry Douglas 1996 All Worlds Video Naked Highway Wash West 1997 Three Brothers Gino Colbert 1998 Gino Pictures Descent 1999 1999 Cazzo Film Fallen Angel Bruce Cam 1997 Titan Media2000 ler DreamBoy 2003 2005 Lucas Entertainment s 20 Load Weekend 2004 Wrong Side of the Tracks 2006 Season One 2004 06 The Series 2004 06 Konuyla ilgili yayinlarAkademik calismalar Bronski Michael 2003 Pulp Friction Uncovering the Golden Age of Gay Male Pulps New York St Martin s Griffin Burger John R 1995 One Handed Histories The Eroto Politics of Gay Male Video Pornography New York Haworth Press Cante Richard C March 2008 Gay Men and the Forms of Contemporary US Culture London Ashgate Publishing ISBN 0 7546 7230 1 Chapters 4 6 Delany Samuel R 1999 Times Square Red Times Square Blue New York New York University Press Dyer Richard Spring 1994 Idol Thoughts Orgasm and Self Reflexivity in Gay Pornography The Critical Quarterly 36 1 49 62 doi 10 1111 j 1467 8705 1994 tb01012 x Dyer Richard 2002 1992 Coming to Terms Gay Pornography written at London New York Only Entertainment 2nd ed Routledge 121 134 Kendall Christopher N 2004 Gay Male Pornography An Issue of Sex Discrimination Vancouver BC UBC Press John Elton 2005 Goodbye Yellow Dick Mold The Control of AIDS in the Gay Porn Industry Yerrinshire Rock Hudson Liberace Museum Moore Patrik 2004 Beyond Shame Reclaiming the Abandoned History of Radical Gay Sexuality Boston Beacon Press Morrison Todd G 2004 Eclectic Views on Gay Male Pornography Pornucopia Binghamton NY Harrington Park Press Slade Joseph W 2001 Pornography and Sexual Representation A Reference Guide Westport Conn Greenwood Press Stevenson Jack Fall 1997 From the Bedroom to the Bijou A Secret History of American Gay Sex Cinema Film Quarterly 51 1 24 31 doi 10 1525 fq 1997 51 1 04a00040 Thomas Joe A 2000 Gay Male Video Pornography Past Present and Future written at New York in Ronald John Weitzer Sex for Sale Prostitution Pornography and the Sex Industry Routledge 49 66 Waugh Thomas 2004 Lust Unearthed Vintage Gay Graphics from the Patrick DuBek Collection Vancouver Arsenal Pulp Press Waugh Thomas 2002 Out lines Underground Gay Graphics from before Stonewall Vancouver Arsenal Pulp Press Waugh Thomas 1996 Hard to Imagine Gay Male Eroticism in Photography and Film from their Beginnings to Stonewall New York Columbia University Press Williams Linda 2004 Porn Studies Durham Duke University Press Biyografiler Edmonson Roger 2000 Clone The Life and Legacy of Gay Superstar Alyson Books ISBN 1 55583 529 5 Edmonson Roger Jerry Douglas 1998 Boy in the Sand All American Sex Star Alyson Books ISBN 1 55583 457 4 Isherwood Charles 1996 Wonder Bread amp Ecstasy The Life and Death of Alyson Books ISBN 1 55583 383 7 Larue Chi Chi John Erich 1997 Making It Big Sex Stars Porn Films and Me Alyson Publications ISBN 1 55583 392 6 Dokumanlar Beyond Vanilla Claes Lilja 2001 Gay Sex in the 70s Joseph F Lovett 2005 That Man Peter Berlin Jim Tushinski 2005 Kaynakca It is estimated that one third to one half of the 2 5 billion adult industry is gay sales and rentals Mickey Skee 1997 Tricks of the Trade Frontiers 16 August 22 43 http www timesonline co uk 11 Subat 2007 tarihinde kaynagindan Erisim tarihi 11 Ekim 2008 baslik dis baglanti yardim 7 Agustos 2007 tarihinde kaynagindan arsivlendi Erisim tarihi 11 Ekim 2008 baslik dis baglanti yardim Amusing Toronto Star Article Ingilizce 16 Subat 2012 tarihinde kaynagindan Erisim tarihi 11 Ekim 2008 Men of Israel The new box office stud 7 Subat 2011 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Los Angeles Times blog 27 Haziran 2009