Ha Dong-hoon (Korece: 하동훈; d. 20 Ağustos 1979), daha çok bilinen sahne adıyla Haha (Korece: 하하), Güney koreli şarkıcı,rapçi,sunucu ve RGP üyesi. Daha çok MBC'nin Infinite Challenge ve SBS'in Running Man gibi ünlü programlarda yardımcı sunucu olarak yer alması ile bilinir. Ayrıca kendi programı "Ya Man TV" nin sunucusudur.
Haha 하하 | |
![]() | |
Doğum | Ha Dong-hoon (하동훈) 20 Ağustos 1979 Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg, Batı Almanya |
Meslek |
Evlilik | (e. 2012) |
Çocuk(lar) | Ha Dream, Ha Soul, Ha Song |
Müzikal kariyeri | |
Tarzlar | |
Etkin yıllar | 2001 – günümüz 2008 – 2010 (askerde) |
Müzik şirketi | Quan Entertainment |
İlişkili hareketler | |
Haha (komedyen) | |
Hangıl | 하동훈 |
Hanja | 河東勳 |
Latin harfleriyle yazımı | Ha Dong-hun |
McCune-Reischauer | Ha Tonghun |
Yıl | Başlık | Rol |
2005 | Love in Magic | Park Dong-sun |
2006 | My Boss, My Teacher | Jin Soo |
Who Slept with Her? | Ahn Myeong-seop | |
Holy Daddy | Ha Dong-hoon | |
2007 | The Friends | Halibut |
Happily N'Ever After | Mambo | |
2015 | MBC Chuseok Movie Special : Begin Again | Dan Mulligan |
2016 | Life Risking Romance |
Televizyon sunuculuğu
Devam eden programlar
Yıl | Başlık | Rol | Kanal |
2010-günümüz | Running Man | yardımcı sunucu | SBS |
2017-günümüz | Big Picture | yardımcı sunucu | Naver Corporation |
2019-günümüz | sunucu | EBS 1 | |
Rewind | takımlider | Channel A | |
düzenli üye | Lifetime Korea | ,||
MC | Channel A |
Eski programları
Yıl | Başlık | Kanal |
2002-03 | What's up YO! | Mnet |
2005-18 | Infinite Challenge | MBC |
2006-08 | Music Bank | KBS2 |
2007-08 | Happy Shares Company | KBS2 |
2010 | HahaMong Show | SBS |
2012-13 | Haha's 19TV Mutiny | MBC |
2012-13 | Porridge Making Woman, Undying Man | QTV |
2015 | Invisible Man | KBS |
2015 | Ya Man TV | Mnet |
2015 | Law of the Jungle | SBS |
2016-17 | Talk Road | JTBC |
2017 | High School Rapper | Mnet |
2017 | Secret Variety Training Institute | MBC |
2017-18 | Everybody is Dating Except Me | SBS Plus |
2018 | Royale Adventure | Clash Royale Korea YouTube |
2018 | How Are You.MOV | JTBC |
2019 | Shopping Cart Savior | tvN, O'live |
Earthian Live | Channel A | |
Na Na Land | xtvN |
Bulunduğu programlar
Yıl | Başlık | Kanal |
2002-03 | <i id="mwAg8">Nonstop</i> | MBC |
2005-07 | <i id="mwAhk">X-Man</i> | SBS |
2006 | <i id="mwAiI">Nonstop</i> | MBC |
2007 | <i id="mwAis">Yi San</i> | MBC |
2008 | Music Bank | KBS2 |
2010 | Win Win | KBS |
<i id="mwAkY">Happy Together</i> | KBS2 | |
2011 | Music Bank | KBS2 |
<i id="mwAlo">Happy Together</i> | KBS2 | |
2012 | Weekly Idol | MBC |
<i id="mwAm4">Happy Together</i> | KBS2 | |
Hello Counselor | KBS World | |
You Hee-yeol's Sketchbook | KBS2 | |
Weekly Idol | MBC | |
Go Show | SBS | |
<i id="mwApw">Happy Together</i> | KBS2 | |
Hello Counselor | KBS World | |
You Hee-yeol's Sketchbook | KBS2 | |
Star Life Theatre | KBS | |
You Hee-yeol's Sketchbook | KBS2 | |
2013 | <i id="mwAsg">Happy Together</i> | KBS2 |
The Genius (TV series) | tvN | |
Moonlight Prince | KBS2 | |
<i id="mwAuQ">Happy Together</i> | KBS2 | |
You Hee-yeol's Sketchbook | KBS2 | |
2014 | <i id="mwAvc">Happy Together</i> | KBS2 |
Abnormal Summit | JTBC | |
2015 | The Girl Who Sees Smells | SBS |
You Hee-yeol's Sketchbook | KBS2 | |
<i id="mwAx0">Healing Camp</i> | SBS | |
2016 | Same Bed, Different Dreams | SBS |
Hurry Up, Brother | ZRTG | |
Battle Trip | KBS2 | |
Two Yoo Project Sugar Man | JTBC | |
XTM Rebound | TVing | |
2017 | <i id="mwA1U">Happy Together</i> | KBS2 |
Human Documentary People is Good | MBC | |
<i id="mwA2c">I Can See Your Voice 4</i> | Mnet | |
<i id="mwA3A">Radio Star</i> | MBC | |
Temporary Idols | SBS, Netflix | |
2018 | <i id="mwA4U">Mom's Diary: My Ugly Duckling</i> | SBS |
One Night Food Trip 2018 | Olive | |
Let's Eat Dinner Together | JTBC | |
Knowing Bros | JTBC | |
Same Bed, Different Dreams 2: You Are My Destiny | SBS | |
Kim Je Dong's Talk To You 2 | JTBC | |
Wednesday Food Talk | tvN | |
Video Star | MBC | |
My Brain-fficial (뇌피셜) | History Korea | |
Lovely Horribly | KBS2 | |
<i id="mwA-I">Happy Together</i> | KBS2 | |
<i id="mwA-0">I Live Alone</i> | MBC | |
Life Bar | tvN | |
Carefree Travelers Season 2 | JTBC | |
Eat in Style | SBS | |
Please Take Care of My Refrigerator | JTBC |
Bulunduğu müzik videolar
- 2002: 700–5425
- 2003: Binggrae
- 2007: Lotte Card CO., LTD.
- 2008: TriGem Computer Inc.
- 2010: Shinhan Financial Group Co., Ltd.
- 2012: SKY
- 2013: Coca-Cola
- 2013: BRINICLE
- 2014: Coca-Cola
- 2018: K-Fresh Zone (Lee Kwang-soo ile)
Dış bağlantılar
- Official Website 1 Ekim 2018 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .
- X'te Haha (Korece)
- Instagram'da Haha
- HanCinema'da Haha
- Korean Movie Database'te Haha
- KBS World Biography 27 Şubat 2021 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .
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Ha Dong hoon Korece 하동훈 d 20 Agustos 1979 daha cok bilinen sahne adiyla Haha Korece 하하 Guney koreli sarkici rapci sunucu ve RGP uyesi Daha cok MBC nin Infinite Challenge ve SBS in Running Man gibi unlu programlarda yardimci sunucu olarak yer almasi ile bilinir Ayrica kendi programi Ya Man TV nin sunucusudur Haha 하하DogumHa Dong hoon 하동훈 20 Agustos 1979 44 yasinda Stuttgart Baden Wurttemberg Bati AlmanyaMesleksarkicirapcisozyazariyapimcikomedyenoyuncusunucuEvlilik e 2012 Cocuk lar Ha Dream Ha Soul Ha SongMuzikal kariyeriTarzlarK popelectropophip hopEtkin yillar2001 2001 gunumuz 2008 2008 2010 askerde Muzik sirketiQuan EntertainmentIliskili hareketlerDavichi PsyHaha komedyen Hangil하동훈Hanja河東勳Latin harfleriyle yazimiHa Dong hunMcCune ReischauerHa TonghunFilmografiFilm Yil Baslik Rol2005 Love in Magic Park Dong sun2006 My Boss My Teacher Jin SooWho Slept with Her Ahn Myeong seopHoly Daddy Ha Dong hoon2007 The Friends HalibutHappily N Ever After Mambo2015 MBC Chuseok Movie Special Begin Again Dan Mulligan2016 Life Risking RomanceTelevizyon sunuculugu Devam eden programlar Yil Baslik Rol Kanal2010 gunumuz Running Man yardimci sunucu SBS2017 gunumuz Big Picture yardimci sunucu Naver Corporation2019 gunumuz ko sunucu EBS 1Rewind takimlider Channel A ko duzenli uye ko Lifetime Korea ko MC Channel AEski programlari Yil Baslik Kanal2002 03 What s up YO Mnet2005 18 Infinite Challenge MBC2006 08 Music Bank KBS22007 08 Happy Shares Company KBS22010 HahaMong Show SBS2012 13 Haha s 19TV Mutiny MBC2012 13 Porridge Making Woman Undying Man QTV2015 Invisible Man KBS2015 Ya Man TV Mnet2015 Law of the Jungle SBS2016 17 Talk Road JTBC2017 High School Rapper Mnet2017 Secret Variety Training Institute MBC2017 18 Everybody is Dating Except Me SBS Plus2018 Royale Adventure Clash Royale Korea YouTube2018 How Are You MOV JTBC2019 Shopping Cart Savior tvN O liveEarthian Live Channel ANa Na Land xtvNBulundugu programlar Yil Baslik Kanal2002 03 lt i id mwAg8 gt Nonstop lt i gt MBC2005 07 lt i id mwAhk gt X Man lt i gt SBS2006 lt i id mwAiI gt Nonstop lt i gt MBC2007 lt i id mwAis gt Yi San lt i gt MBC2008 Music Bank KBS22010 Win Win KBS lt i id mwAkY gt Happy Together lt i gt KBS22011 Music Bank KBS2 lt i id mwAlo gt Happy Together lt i gt KBS22012 Weekly Idol MBC lt i id mwAm4 gt Happy Together lt i gt KBS2Hello Counselor KBS WorldYou Hee yeol s Sketchbook KBS2Weekly Idol MBCGo Show SBS lt i id mwApw gt Happy Together lt i gt KBS2Hello Counselor KBS WorldYou Hee yeol s Sketchbook KBS2Star Life Theatre KBSYou Hee yeol s Sketchbook KBS22013 lt i id mwAsg gt Happy Together lt i gt KBS2The Genius TV series tvNMoonlight Prince KBS2 lt i id mwAuQ gt Happy Together lt i gt KBS2You Hee yeol s Sketchbook KBS22014 lt i id mwAvc gt Happy Together lt i gt KBS2Abnormal Summit JTBC2015 The Girl Who Sees Smells SBSYou Hee yeol s Sketchbook KBS2 lt i id mwAx0 gt Healing Camp lt i gt SBS2016 Same Bed Different Dreams SBSHurry Up Brother ZRTGBattle Trip KBS2Two Yoo Project Sugar Man JTBCXTM Rebound TVing2017 lt i id mwA1U gt Happy Together lt i gt KBS2Human Documentary People is Good MBC lt i id mwA2c gt I Can See Your Voice 4 lt i gt Mnet lt i id mwA3A gt Radio Star lt i gt MBCTemporary Idols SBS Netflix2018 lt i id mwA4U gt Mom s Diary My Ugly Duckling lt i gt SBSOne Night Food Trip 2018 OliveLet s Eat Dinner Together JTBCKnowing Bros JTBCSame Bed Different Dreams 2 You Are My Destiny SBSKim Je Dong s Talk To You 2 JTBCWednesday Food Talk tvNVideo Star MBCMy Brain fficial 뇌피셜 History KoreaLovely Horribly KBS2 lt i id mwA I gt Happy Together lt i gt KBS2 lt i id mwA 0 gt I Live Alone lt i gt MBCLife Bar tvNCarefree Travelers Season 2 JTBCEat in Style SBSPlease Take Care of My Refrigerator JTBCBulundugu muzik videolar 2010 Stay 스테이 Your Name Is Love 2011 Leessang Kyuksantawoo 격산타우 2012 Geeks amp Soyou Officially Missing You Too 2013 PSY 싸이 Gentleman diger Infinite Challenge uyeleri ile 2014 Park Ji yoon Beep 2015 Jinusean Tell Me One More Time 2017 Turbo Hot Sugar Reklamlar2002 700 5425 2003 OTTOGI CORPORATION 3Minute 2003 Binggrae 2007 Lotte Card CO LTD 2008 TriGem Computer Inc 2010 Shinhan Financial Group Co Ltd 2012 SKY 2013 Coca Cola 2013 BRINICLE 2014 Coca Cola 2018 K Fresh Zone Lee Kwang soo ile Kaynakca Episodes 50 and 94 Haha mentions that he is from Germany by telling a German foreigner and the Running Man crew respectively About cast MBC Korece 23 Subat 2014 tarihinde kaynagindan arsivlendi Erisim tarihi 1 Mart 2017 Dis baglantilarOfficial Website 1 Ekim 2018 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde X te Haha Korece Instagram da Haha HanCinema da Haha Korean Movie Database te Haha KBS World Biography 27 Subat 2021 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde