Hermione Norris (d. 12 Şubat 1967, Paddington, Londra), Tanınmış İngiliz aktris. Londra Tiyatro ve Oyunculuk Akademisi mezenudur. Oyunculuğa 1980'li yıllarda tiyatro ile başladı. 1998-2003 arasında rol aldığı komedi dizisi Karen Marsden karakterini canlandırdığı Cold Feet ile 2002 yapımı film Falling Apart ile bilinir.

Yılı | Başlık | Rolü | Ödülleri ve adaylıklar. |
1990 | Blood Rights | Virginia | |
1991 | 2 afleveringen ("Talent Contest" [1991] en "Poetry and Music" [1992]) | ||
Octavia | |||
Clarissa | Anna Howe | ||
1992 | The Count of Solar | Caroline | |
1993 | Celestine | 1 aflevering ("Jewel Robbery at the Grand Metropolitan") | |
Gail Myles | 1 aflevering ("Manslaughter") | ||
1994 | Under the Hammer | Anthea Bovington | 1 aflevering ("The Spectre at the Feast") |
Bobbie Croft | 1 aflevering | ||
1997 | Karen Marsden | ||
Hospital! | |||
See You Friday | Sophie | ||
Hermia Redcliffe | |||
Vanessa Del Ray | 1 aflevering ("The Whist Drive") | ||
Mary | 1 aflevering ("The Raven in the Foregate") | ||
1998 | Louise Golding | 1 aflevering ("Friends in High Places") | |
Victoria St. John | |||
Karen Marsden | 5 series (1998–2003) genomineerd voor de, als beste comédienne, 2002 | ||
1999 | Penny | 1 aflevering("New Beginnings") | |
Diane Palmer | 1 aflevering ("David Stockwell's Ghost") | ||
2000 | Killing Time: The Millennium Poem | Millennium Woman | |
2002 | Falling Apart | Clare | |
Carol Jordan | 3 series (2002–2005) | ||
2003 | Carol Goldsmith | ||
2006 | The Kindness of Strangers | Fiona Charters | |
3 series (2006–2007, 2008–) Won, als beste actrive, 2008 | |||
2007 | Beatrice Kingdom | 3 series (2007–2009) | |
2018 | Alice | Aflevering 1 t/m 4 (2018) |
Yılı | Başlık | Rolü |
2000 | Carolanne | |
2003 | Sarah | |
2005 | Priscilla |
Yılı | Başlık | Rolü | Prodüksiyon |
1989 | Helena | Mercury Theatre production. | |
1991 | Ann Whitfield | production. | |
Three Judgements in One | Dona Violante | Gate, Notting Hill production. | |
1994 | September Tide | Cherry | production. |
1995 | Helena | Royal Exchange production. | |
Reader | Secretary | production (World premiere) | |
1996 | Blinded by the Sun | Barbara | production. |
2005 | Petronella | Petronella | Short play for Old Vic's 24-hour play season |
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Hermione Norris d 12 Subat 1967 Paddington Londra Taninmis Ingiliz aktris Londra Tiyatro ve Oyunculuk Akademisi mezenudur Oyunculuga 1980 li yillarda tiyatro ile basladi 1998 2003 arasinda rol aldigi komedi dizisi Karen Marsden karakterini canlandirdigi Cold Feet ile 2002 yapimi film Falling Apart ile bilinir Hermione NorrisFilmografiTelevizyon Yili Baslik Rolu Odulleri ve adayliklar 1990 Blood Rights Virginia1991 2 afleveringen Talent Contest 1991 en Poetry and Music 1992 OctaviaClarissa Anna Howe1992 The Count of Solar Caroline1993 Celestine 1 aflevering Jewel Robbery at the Grand Metropolitan Gail Myles 1 aflevering Manslaughter 1994 Under the Hammer Anthea Bovington 1 aflevering The Spectre at the Feast Bobbie Croft 1 aflevering1997 Karen MarsdenHospital See You Friday SophieHermia RedcliffeVanessa Del Ray 1 aflevering The Whist Drive Mary 1 aflevering The Raven in the Foregate 1998 Louise Golding 1 aflevering Friends in High Places Victoria St JohnKaren Marsden 5 series 1998 2003 genomineerd voor de als beste comedienne 20021999 Penny 1 aflevering New Beginnings Diane Palmer 1 aflevering David Stockwell s Ghost 2000 Killing Time The Millennium Poem Millennium Woman2002 Falling Apart ClareCarol Jordan 3 series 2002 2005 2003 Carol Goldsmith2006 The Kindness of Strangers Fiona Charters3 series 2006 2007 2008 Won als beste actrive 20082007 Beatrice Kingdom 3 series 2007 2009 2018 Alice Aflevering 1 t m 4 2018 Filmler Yili Baslik Rolu2000 Carolanne2003 Sarah2005 PriscillaTiyatroYili Baslik Rolu Produksiyon1989 Helena Mercury Theatre production 1991 Ann Whitfield production Three Judgements in One Dona Violante Gate Notting Hill production 1994 September Tide Cherry production 1995 Helena Royal Exchange production Reader Secretary production World premiere 1996 Blinded by the Sun Barbara production 2005 Petronella Petronella Short play for Old Vic s 24 hour play seasonDis baglantilarIMDb de Hermione Norris