Hide, bir haneyi geçindirmeye yeterli arazi miktarını temsil etmeyi amaçlayan bir İngiliz arazi ölçü birimiydi. Geleneksel olarak 120 akre (49 ha) olarak alınıyordu ancak aslında gıda-kira (Eski İngilizce: feorm) yükümlülükleri, köprülerin ve tahkimatların bakım ve onarımı, ordu için insan gücü (Eski İngilizce: fyrd) ve en nihayetinde (Eski İngilizce: geld) de dahil bir değer ve vergi değerlendirmesi ölçüsüydü. Hide'ın hesaplama yöntemi artık muğlaktır zira aynı hide'a sahip farklı mülkler, aynı kontlukta bile dikkate değer ölçüde değişebilir. İngiltere'nin Normanlar tarafından fethinin ardından, hide'lık değerlendirmeleri 1086 tarihli Domesday Kitabı'nda kaydedildi ve genellikle yılda 1 sterlin gelir üreten toprakların 1 hide olarak değerlendirilmesi eğilimi vardı. Norman kralları, bu birimi 12. yüzyılın sonuna kadar vergi değerlendirmeleri için kullanmaya devam ettiler.
Hide, 4 veya 'e bölünmüştür. Bu nedenle hide, toprak büyüklüğü bakımından Danelaw'da kullanılan bir birim olan ile eşdeğerdi.
- ^ Russ Rowlett. "Hide". How Many? A Dictionary of Units of Measurement. 2 Eylül 2018 tarihinde kaynağından . Erişim tarihi: 3 Kasım 2017.
- Bailey, Keith, The Hidation of Buckinghamshire, in Records of Buckinghamshire, Vol.32, 1990 (pp. 1–22)
- Brandon, Peter, (Ed.) (1978). The South Saxons. Chichester: Phillimore. ISBN .
- Charles-Edwards, T. M., Kinship, Status and the Origins of the Hide in Past & Present, Vol. 36 1972 (pp. 3–33)
- Darby, Henry C., Domesday England, Cambridge University Press, 1977
- Darby, Henry C.; The Domesday Geography of Eastern England, Cambridge university Pree, 1971
- Delbrück, Hans, trans. Walter Renfroe Jr. History of the Art of War, Volume III: Medieval Warfare (Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press, 1982)
- Faith, Rosamund J., The English Peasantry and the Growth of Lordship, London. 1997
- Faith, Rosamund J., Hide, article in The Blackwell Encyclopaedia of Anglo-Saxon England, ed: Michael Lapidge et al., London. 2001
- (1963). An Introduction to Domesday Book. Longman.
- Green, J. A.: The Last Century of Danegeld in The English Historical Review Vol.96, no.379 (April 1981) pp. 241–258
- Harvey, Sally P. J,: "Domesday Book and Anglo-Norman Governance" in Transactions of the Royal Historical Society 5th series, Vol. 25 (1975) pp. 175–193
- Harvey, Sally P. J,: "Taxation and the Economy" in Domesday Studies edited by J. C. Holt. Woodbridge. 1987
- Hollister, C. Warren (1962). Anglo-Saxon Military Institutions on the Eve of the Norman Conquest. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
- Lennard, Reginald: "The origin of the Fiscal Carucate" in The Economic History Review Vol. 14, No. 1 (1944) pp. 51–63
- Lipson, E.,The Economic History of England, Volume 1, (12th edition; London, 1959)
- (1897). Domesday Book and Beyond. Three essays in the early history of England. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Erişim tarihi: 4 Mart 2014.
- Powicke, Michael (1962). Military Obligation in Medieval England. Oxford: Oxford University Press..
- Stenton, Frank M., Anglo-Saxon England (3rd ed.), Oxford University Press, 1971
Konuyla ilgili yayınlar
- Bridbury, A. R. (1990) "Domesday Book: a Re-interpretation", in: English Historical Review, Vol. 105, No. 415. [Apr. 1990], pp. 284–309
- Darby, Henry C. & Campbell, Eila M. J. (1961) The Domesday Geography of South Eastern England
- Darby, Henry C. & Maxwell, I. S. (1962) The Domesday Geography of Northern England
- Darby, Henry C. & Finn, R. Welldon (1967) The Domesday Geography of South West England
- Darby, Henry C. (1971) The Domesday Geography of Eastern England, 3rd ed.
- Darby, Henry C. & Terrett, I. B. (1971) The Domesday Geography of Midland England, 2nd ed.
- Hamshere, J. D. (1987) "Regressing Domesday Book: Tax Assessments of Domesday England, in: The Economic History Review, New series, Vol. 40, No. 2. [May 1987], pp. 247–251
Holland, Arthur W. (1911). "Hide". Encyclopædia Britannica. 13 (11. bas.). ss. 450–451.
- Leaver, R. A. (1988) "Five Hides in Ten Counties: a Contribution to the Domesday Regression Debate", in: The Economic History Review, New series, Vol. 41, No. 4, [Nov. 1988], pp. 525–542
- McDonald, John & Snooks, Graeme D. (1985) "Were the Tax Assessments of Domesday England Artificial?: the Case of Essex", in: The Economic History Review, New series, Vol. 38, No. 3, [Aug. 1985], pp. 352–372
- Snooks, Graeme D. and McDonald, John. Domesday Economy: a New Approach to Anglo-Norman History. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1986
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Hide bir haneyi gecindirmeye yeterli arazi miktarini temsil etmeyi amaclayan bir Ingiliz arazi olcu birimiydi Geleneksel olarak 120 akre 49 ha olarak aliniyordu ancak aslinda gida kira Eski Ingilizce feorm yukumlulukleri koprulerin ve tahkimatlarin bakim ve onarimi ordu icin insan gucu Eski Ingilizce fyrd ve en nihayetinde Eski Ingilizce geld de dahil bir deger ve vergi degerlendirmesi olcusuydu Hide in hesaplama yontemi artik muglaktir zira ayni hide a sahip farkli mulkler ayni kontlukta bile dikkate deger olcude degisebilir Ingiltere nin Normanlar tarafindan fethinin ardindan hide lik degerlendirmeleri 1086 tarihli Domesday Kitabi nda kaydedildi ve genellikle yilda 1 sterlin gelir ureten topraklarin 1 hide olarak degerlendirilmesi egilimi vardi Norman krallari bu birimi 12 yuzyilin sonuna kadar vergi degerlendirmeleri icin kullanmaya devam ettiler Hide 4 veya e bolunmustur Bu nedenle hide toprak buyuklugu bakimindan Danelaw da kullanilan bir birim olan ile esdegerdi KaynakcaOzel Russ Rowlett Hide How Many A Dictionary of Units of Measurement 2 Eylul 2018 tarihinde kaynagindan Erisim tarihi 3 Kasim 2017 GenelBailey Keith The Hidation of Buckinghamshire in Records of Buckinghamshire Vol 32 1990 pp 1 22 Brandon Peter Ed 1978 The South Saxons Chichester Phillimore ISBN 0 85033 240 0 Charles Edwards T M Kinship Status and the Origins of the Hide in Past amp Present Vol 36 1972 pp 3 33 Darby Henry C Domesday England Cambridge University Press 1977 Darby Henry C The Domesday Geography of Eastern England Cambridge university Pree 1971 Delbruck Hans trans Walter Renfroe Jr History of the Art of War Volume III Medieval Warfare Lincoln NE University of Nebraska Press 1982 Faith Rosamund J The English Peasantry and the Growth of Lordship London 1997 Faith Rosamund J Hide article in The Blackwell Encyclopaedia of Anglo Saxon England ed Michael Lapidge et al London 2001 1963 An Introduction to Domesday Book Longman Green J A The Last Century of Danegeld in The English Historical Review Vol 96 no 379 April 1981 pp 241 258 Harvey Sally P J Domesday Book and Anglo Norman Governance in Transactions of the Royal Historical Society 5th series Vol 25 1975 pp 175 193 Harvey Sally P J Taxation and the Economy in Domesday Studies edited by J C Holt Woodbridge 1987 Hollister C Warren 1962 Anglo Saxon Military Institutions on the Eve of the Norman Conquest Oxford Clarendon Press Lennard Reginald The origin of the Fiscal Carucate in The Economic History Review Vol 14 No 1 1944 pp 51 63 Lipson E The Economic History of England Volume 1 12th edition London 1959 1897 Domesday Book and Beyond Three essays in the early history of England Cambridge Cambridge University Press Erisim tarihi 4 Mart 2014 Powicke Michael 1962 Military Obligation in Medieval England Oxford Oxford University Press Stenton Frank M Anglo Saxon England 3rd ed Oxford University Press 1971Konuyla ilgili yayinlarBridbury A R 1990 Domesday Book a Re interpretation in English Historical Review Vol 105 No 415 Apr 1990 pp 284 309 Darby Henry C amp Campbell Eila M J 1961 The Domesday Geography of South Eastern England Darby Henry C amp Maxwell I S 1962 The Domesday Geography of Northern England Darby Henry C amp Finn R Welldon 1967 The Domesday Geography of South West England Darby Henry C 1971 The Domesday Geography of Eastern England 3rd ed Darby Henry C amp Terrett I B 1971 The Domesday Geography of Midland England 2nd ed Hamshere J D 1987 Regressing Domesday Book Tax Assessments of Domesday England in The Economic History Review New series Vol 40 No 2 May 1987 pp 247 251 Holland Arthur W 1911 Hide Encyclopaedia Britannica 13 11 bas ss 450 451 Leaver R A 1988 Five Hides in Ten Counties a Contribution to the Domesday Regression Debate in The Economic History Review New series Vol 41 No 4 Nov 1988 pp 525 542 McDonald John amp Snooks Graeme D 1985 Were the Tax Assessments of Domesday England Artificial the Case of Essex in The Economic History Review New series Vol 38 No 3 Aug 1985 pp 352 372 Snooks Graeme D and McDonald John Domesday Economy a New Approach to Anglo Norman History Oxford Clarendon Press 1986 0 19 828524 8