Himno Nacional de Guatemala (Türkçe: Guatemala Ulusal Marşı), Guatemala'nın ulusal marşıdır. Kübalı şair tarafından yazılıp, 1897 yılında Rafael Álvarez Ovalle tarafından bestelenmiştir.
Türkçe: Guatemala Ulusal Marşı | |
![]() | |
Ulusal Marşı | |
Güfte | , 1896 (Temmuz 1934'te tekrar düzenlendi) |
Beste | , <1888 |
Kabul tarihi | 19 Şubat 1897 |
Genellikle başlangıç cümlesinden dolayı "Guatemala Feliz!" diye de anılsa da resmî olarak böyle bir kullanım yoktur ve ülkede yalnızca "Himno Nacional" adıyla anılır.
Marş sözleri
Orijinal sözler (1897-1934)
| Güncel sözler (1934–günümüz)
- ^ "Don Rafael Alvarez". . 1 (17). Guatemala. 1897. s. 249. Erişim tarihi: 22 Ocak 2022.
- ^ "Unos versos dignos de un pueblo culto. (Segunda Parte) - Departamento de Educación Departamento de Educación". Departamento de Educación (İngilizce). 11 Mart 2014. 23 Ocak 2022 tarihinde kaynağından . Erişim tarihi: 22 Ocak 2022.
- ^ Cartilla cívica Libre al viento (İspanyolca). Editorial Piedra Santa. 1991. ss. 59-60. ISBN . 23 Mart 2022 tarihinde kaynağından . Erişim tarihi: 23 Mart 2022.
- ^ Ruano, José María Bonilla (1935). Anotaciones críticodidácticas sobre el poema del himno nacional de Guatemala (İspanyolca). Unión tipográfica. s. 12.
Dış bağlantılar
Wikimedia Commons'ta Himno Nacional de Guatemala ile ilgili ortam dosyaları bulunmaktadır. |
- Guatemala: Himno Nacional de Guatemala - Audio of the national anthem of Guatemala, with information and lyrics ()
- vocal 4 Mart 2016 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .
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Himno Nacional de Guatemala Turkce Guatemala Ulusal Marsi Guatemala nin ulusal marsidir Kubali sair tarafindan yazilip 1897 yilinda Rafael Alvarez Ovalle tarafindan bestelenmistir Himno Nacional de GuatemalaTurkce Guatemala Ulusal Marsi Guatemala Ulusal MarsiGufte 1896 Temmuz 1934 te tekrar duzenlendi Beste lt 1888Kabul tarihi19 Subat 1897 1897 02 19 Genellikle baslangic cumlesinden dolayi Guatemala Feliz diye de anilsa da resmi olarak boyle bir kullanim yoktur ve ulkede yalnizca Himno Nacional adiyla anilir Mars sozleriOrijinal sozler 1897 1934 Ispanyolca IngilizceI Guatemala feliz ya tus aras No sangrienta feroz el verdugo No hay cobardes que laman el yugo Ni tiranos que escupan tu faz Si manana tu suelo sagrado Lo profana invasion extranjera Tinta en sangre tu hermosa bandera De mortaja al audaz servira Coro I Tinta en sangre tu hermosa bandera De mortaja al audaz servira Que tu pueblo con anima fiera Antes muerto que esclavo sera II De tus viejas y duras cadenas Tu fundiste con mano iracunda El arado que el suelo fecunda Y la espada que salva el honor Nuestros padres lucharon un dia Encendidos en patrio ardimiento Te arrancaron del potro sangriento Y te alzaron un trono de amor Coro II Te arrancaron del potro sangriento Y te alzaron un trono de amor Que de patria al energico acento Muere el crimen y se hunde el error III Es tu ensena pedazo de cielo Entre nubes de nitida albura Y ay de aquel que con mano perjura Sus colores se atreva a manchar Que tus hijos valientes y altivos Ven con gozo en la ruda pelea El torrente de sangre que humea Del acero al vibrante chocar Coro III El torrente de sangre que humea De acero al vibrante chocar Que es tan solo el honor su presea Y el altar de la patria su altar IV Recostada en el ande soberbio De dos mares al ruido sonoro Bajo el ala de grana y de oro Te adormeces del bello quetzal Ave indiana que vive en tu escudo Paladion que protege tu suelo Ojala que remonte su vuelo Mas que el condor y el aguila real Coro IV Ojala que remonte su vuelo Mas que el condor y el aguila real Y en sus alas levante hasta el cielo Guatemala tu nombre inmortal I Happy Guatemala Your altars The fierce executioner no longer bloodies There are no cowards who lick the yoke Nor tyrants who spit on your face If tomorrow your sacred ground Is profaned by foreign invasion Stained in blood your beautiful flag Will serve as a shroud for the bold Chorus I Stained in blood your beautiful flag Will serve as a shroud for the bold May your people with fierce spirit Be rather dead than a slave II From your old and hard chains You smelted with an angry hand The plough that fertilises the soil And the sword that saves honour Our fathers fought one day Burning with national ardour They tore you from the bloody rack And lifted you a throne of love Chorus II They tore you from the bloody rack And lifted you a throne of love May from fatherland to the energetic focus Crime die and error sink III is a piece of heaven Between clouds of clear whiteness And woe to he who perjures with hand Dares to stain its colours May your brave and proud children See with joy in the rough fight The torrent of blood that emanates From the steel to the vibrant clash Chorus III The torrent of blood that emanates From the steel to the vibrant clash Which is only the honour of their medal And the altar of the fatherland their altar IV Lying on the superb Andes From two seas to the sonorous noise Under the wing of scarlet and gold You fall asleep to the beautiful quetzal Indian bird that lives on your coat of arm Palladium that protects your soil May it take its flight More than the condor and the golden eagle Chorus IV May it take its flight More than the condor and the golden eagle And on its wings lift up to the sky Guatemala your immortal name Guncel sozler 1934 gunumuz Ispanyolca IngilizceI Guatemala feliz que tus aras no profane jamas el verdugo ni haya esclavos que laman el yugo ni tiranos que escupan tu faz Si manana tu suelo sagrado lo amenaza invasion extranjera libre al viento tu hermosa bandera a vencer o a morir llamara Coro I Libre al viento tu hermosa bandera a vencer o a morir llamara que tu pueblo con anima fiera antes muerto que esclavo sera II De tus viejas y duras cadenas tu forjaste con mano iracunda el arado que el suelo fecunda y la espada que salva el honor Nuestros padres lucharon un dia encendidos en patrio ardimiento y lograron sin choque sangriento colocarte en un trono de amor Coro II Y lograron sin choque sangriento colocarte en un trono de amor que de patria en energico acento dieron vida al ideal redentor III Es tu ensena pedazo de cielo en que prende una nube su albura y ay de aquel que con ciega locura sus colores pretenda manchar Pues tus hijos valientes y altivos que veneran la paz cual presea nunca esquivan la ruda pelea si defienden su tierra y su hogar Coro III Nunca esquivan la ruda pelea si defienden su tierra y su hogar que es tan solo el honor su alma idea y el altar de la patria su altar IV Recostada en el ande soberbio de dos mares al ruido sonoro bajo el ala de grana y de oro te adormeces del bello Quetzal Ave indiana que vive en tu escudo paladion que protege tu suelo ojala que remonte su vuelo mas que el condor y el aguila real Coro IV Ojala que remonte su vuelo mas que el condor y el aguila real y en sus alas levante hasta el cielo Guatemala tu nombre inmortal I Happy Guatemala May your altars Never be profaned by the tormentor Nor there be slaves who lick the yoke Nor tyrants who spit on your face If tomorrow your sacred ground Is threatened by foreign invasion Free to the wind your beautiful flag Will call to victory or death Chorus I Free to the wind your beautiful flag Will call to victory or death May your people with fierce spirit Be rather dead than a slave II From your old and hard chains You forged with an angry hand The plough that fertilises the soil And the sword that saves honour Our fathers fought one day Burning with national ardour And managed without bloody clash To place you on a throne of love Chorus II And managed without bloody clash To place you on a throne of love Which from fatherland in energetic focus Gave life to the redemptive ideal III Your ensign is a piece of heaven In which a cloud catches its whiteness And woe to he who with blind madness Intends to stain its colours Because your brave and proud children Who worship peace as a prize Never dodge the rough fight If they defend their land and their home Chorus III Never dodge the rough fight If they defend their land and their home May only honour be their venerable idea And the altar of the fatherland their altar IV Lying on the superb Andes From two seas to the sonorous noise Under the wing of scarlet and gold You fall asleep to the beautiful quetzal Indian bird that lives on your coat of arms Palladium that protects your soil May it take its flight More than the condor and the golden eagle Chorus IV May it take its flight More than the condor and the golden eagle And on its wings lift up to the sky Guatemala your immortal name Kaynakca Don Rafael Alvarez 1 17 Guatemala 1897 s 249 Erisim tarihi 22 Ocak 2022 Unos versos dignos de un pueblo culto Segunda Parte Departamento de Educacion Departamento de Educacion Departamento de Educacion Ingilizce 11 Mart 2014 23 Ocak 2022 tarihinde kaynagindan Erisim tarihi 22 Ocak 2022 Cartilla civica Libre al viento Ispanyolca Editorial Piedra Santa 1991 ss 59 60 ISBN 978 99922 58 06 4 23 Mart 2022 tarihinde kaynagindan Erisim tarihi 23 Mart 2022 Ruano Jose Maria Bonilla 1935 Anotaciones criticodidacticas sobre el poema del himno nacional de Guatemala Ispanyolca Union tipografica s 12 Dis baglantilarWikimedia Commons ta Himno Nacional de Guatemala ile ilgili ortam dosyalari bulunmaktadir Guatemala Himno Nacional de Guatemala Audio of the national anthem of Guatemala with information and lyrics vocal 4 Mart 2016 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde