İnna Mikhailovna Çurikova (Rusça: И́нна Миха́йловна Чу́рикова, 5 Ekim 1943, Başkurt - 14 Ocak 2023, Moskova), Rus aktris.
İnna Çurikova | |
![]() Çurikova 2018'de | |
Doğum | İnna Mikhailovna Çurikova 5 Ekim 1943 Belebey, Başkurt, Sovyetler Birliği |
Ölüm | 14 Ocak 2023 (79 yaşında) Moskova, Rusya |
Meslek | Oyuncu |
Etkin yıllar | 1965-2023 |
Evlilik | Gleb Panfilov |
- Clouds over Borsk (Тучи над Борском) (1963) as Raika, classmate Olya
- Walking the Streets of Moscow (Я шагаю по Москве) (1963) as girl participating in the playful contest
- Jack Frost (Морозко) (1964) as Marfúshka
- Where are you now, Maxim? (Где ты теперь, Максим?) (1964) as Angelica
- Cook (Стряпуха) (1965) as Barbara
- Thirty Three (Тридцать три) (1965) as Rose Lyubashkina
- Head nurse (Старшая сестра) (1966) as Nelly
- The Elusive Avengers (Неуловимые мстители) (1966) as blond Josy
- No Path Through Fire (В огне брода нет) (1967) as Tanya Tetkina
- Nachalo (film) (Начало) (1970) as P`asha Stroganova/Joan of Arc
- Request to speak (Прошу слова) (1967) as Elizabeth A. Uvarovа, chairman of the City Council
- The Very Same Munchhausen (Тот самый Мюнхгаузен) (1979) as Jakobina von Munchhausen
- The Theme (Тема) (1979) as Sasha Nikolaeva, museum guide
- Valentina (Валентина) (1981) as Anna V. Khoroshih, barmaid
- Wartime Romance (Военно-полевой роман)(1983) as Vera
- Vassa (Васса) (1983) as Vassa Zheleznova
- Dead Souls (Мертвые души) (1984) as Lady, nice in every respect
- Courier (Курьер) (1987) as Lydia Alekseevna, Ivan's mother
- Mother (Мать) (1990) as Pelagea Nilovna Vlassovna, Pavel's mother
- Adam's Rib (Ребро Адама) (1990) as Nina Elizarovna
- Casanova's Raincoat (Плащ Казановы) (1993) as Chloe
- The Year of the Dog (Год Собаки) (1994) as Vera Morozova
- Assia and the Hen with the Golden Eggs (Курочка Ряба) (1994) as Asya Klyachina
- Shirli-Myrli (Ширли-Мырли) (1995) as Praskoviya Alekseyevna Krolikova
- Bless the Woman (Благословите женщину) (2003) as Kunina
- The Idiot (Идиот) (2003) as Lizveta Prokof'yevna Yepanchina, general Yepanchin's wife
- Casus belli (Казус белли) (2003) as Masha
- Narrow bridge (Узкий мост) (2004) as Rose Borisovna
- Moscow Saga (Московская сага) (2004) as Mary Gradova
- The First Circle (В круге первом) (2005) as Gerasimovich’s Wife
- Spiral staircase (Винтовая лестница) (2005) as Olga Mikhalovna
- Carnival Night-2, or 50 years later (Карнавальная ночь-2 или 50 лет спустя) (2006) as Inessa
- Guilty Without Fault (Без вины виноватые) (2008) as Helena Kruchinina, a famous actress
- Secrets of Palace Overturns. Part 7. "Vivat, Anna!" (Тайны дворцовых переворотов. Фильм 7. "Виват, Анна!") (2008) as Anna Ioanovna
- Burnt by the Sun 2: Сitadel (Утомленные солнцем 2: Цитадель) (2011) as old woman
- ^ . 8 Nisan 2011 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. Erişim tarihi: 6 Ocak 2011.
- ^ . RIA Novosti (Rusça). 14 Ocak 2023. 14 Ocak 2023 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. Erişim tarihi: 14 Ocak 2023.
- ^ Richard Taylor, Nancy Wood, Julian Graffy, Dina Iordanova (2019). The BFI Companion to Eastern European and Russian Cinema. Bloomsbury. s. 1969. ISBN .
Dış bağlantılar
- IMDb'de İnna Çurikova
- Inna Churikova - Baba Yaga and Joan of Arc6 Ocak 2008 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .
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Inna Mikhailovna Curikova Rusca I nna Miha jlovna Chu rikova 5 Ekim 1943 Baskurt 14 Ocak 2023 Moskova Rus aktris Inna CurikovaCurikova 2018 deDogumInna Mikhailovna Curikova 5 Ekim 1943 1943 10 05 Belebey Baskurt Sovyetler BirligiOlum14 Ocak 2023 79 yasinda Moskova RusyaMeslekOyuncuEtkin yillar1965 2023EvlilikGleb PanfilovFilmografiClouds over Borsk Tuchi nad Borskom 1963 as Raika classmate Olya Walking the Streets of Moscow Ya shagayu po Moskve 1963 as girl participating in the playful contest Jack Frost Morozko 1964 as Marfushka Where are you now Maxim Gde ty teper Maksim 1964 as Angelica Cook Stryapuha 1965 as Barbara Thirty Three Tridcat tri 1965 as Rose Lyubashkina Head nurse Starshaya sestra 1966 as Nelly The Elusive Avengers Neulovimye mstiteli 1966 as blond Josy No Path Through Fire V ogne broda net 1967 as Tanya Tetkina Nachalo film Nachalo 1970 as P asha Stroganova Joan of Arc Request to speak Proshu slova 1967 as Elizabeth A Uvarova chairman of the City Council The Very Same Munchhausen Tot samyj Myunhgauzen 1979 as Jakobina von Munchhausen The Theme Tema 1979 as Sasha Nikolaeva museum guide Valentina Valentina 1981 as Anna V Khoroshih barmaid Wartime Romance Voenno polevoj roman 1983 as Vera Vassa Vassa 1983 as Vassa Zheleznova Dead Souls Mertvye dushi 1984 as Lady nice in every respect Courier Kurer 1987 as Lydia Alekseevna Ivan s mother Mother Mat 1990 as Pelagea Nilovna Vlassovna Pavel s mother Adam s Rib Rebro Adama 1990 as Nina Elizarovna Casanova s Raincoat Plash Kazanovy 1993 as Chloe The Year of the Dog God Sobaki 1994 as Vera Morozova Assia and the Hen with the Golden Eggs Kurochka Ryaba 1994 as Asya Klyachina Shirli Myrli Shirli Myrli 1995 as Praskoviya Alekseyevna Krolikova Bless the Woman Blagoslovite zhenshinu 2003 as Kunina The Idiot Idiot 2003 as Lizveta Prokof yevna Yepanchina general Yepanchin s wife Casus belli Kazus belli 2003 as Masha Narrow bridge Uzkij most 2004 as Rose Borisovna Moscow Saga Moskovskaya saga 2004 as Mary Gradova The First Circle V kruge pervom 2005 as Gerasimovich s Wife Spiral staircase Vintovaya lestnica 2005 as Olga Mikhalovna Carnival Night 2 or 50 years later Karnavalnaya noch 2 ili 50 let spustya 2006 as Inessa Guilty Without Fault Bez viny vinovatye 2008 as Helena Kruchinina a famous actress Secrets of Palace Overturns Part 7 Vivat Anna Tajny dvorcovyh perevorotov Film 7 Vivat Anna 2008 as Anna Ioanovna Burnt by the Sun 2 Sitadel Utomlennye solncem 2 Citadel 2011 as old womanKaynakca berlinale de 8 Nisan 2011 tarihinde kaynagindan arsivlendi Erisim tarihi 6 Ocak 2011 RIA Novosti Rusca 14 Ocak 2023 14 Ocak 2023 tarihinde kaynagindan arsivlendi Erisim tarihi 14 Ocak 2023 Richard Taylor Nancy Wood Julian Graffy Dina Iordanova 2019 The BFI Companion to Eastern European and Russian Cinema Bloomsbury s 1969 ISBN 1838718494 KB1 bakim Birden fazla ad yazar listesi link Dis baglantilarIMDb de Inna Curikova Inna Churikova Baba Yaga and Joan of Arc6 Ocak 2008 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde