Jeffery Deaver (d. 6 Mayıs 1950, Glen Ellyn, Illinois), Amerikalı gizem-suç öyküsü yazarıdır. Önce bir muhabir sonrasında ise avukat olarak çalışmıştır. The Bone Collector onun kitabından uyarlamadır.

Bağımsız çalışmalar
- Mistress of Justice (1992)
- The Lesson of Her Death (1993
- Praying for sleep (1994)
- A Maiden's Grave
- The Devil's Teardrop
- Speaking in Tongues
- The Blue Nowhere
- Garden of Beasts
- The Chopin Manuscript
- The Bodies left Behind
- Edge
- The october List
Rune Üçlemesi
- Manhattan is My beat
- Death of Blue Movie Star
- Hard News
John Pellam
- Shallow Graves
- Bloody River Blues
- Hell's Kitchen
Lincolm Rhymes
- The Empy Chair
- The Coffin Dancer
- Taş Maymun
- Vanished Man
- The Twelfth Card
- The Cold Moon
- The Broken Window
- The Burning Wire
- The Skin Collector
- The Steel Kiss
- The Burial Hour
Dış bağlantılar
- Jeffery Deaver's Official Web Site8 Kasım 2009 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .
- Fantastic Fiction Author Page8 Mart 2009 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .
- IMDb'de Jeffery Deaver
- Book Reviews8 Temmuz 2019 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .
- on
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Jeffery Deaver d 6 Mayis 1950 Glen Ellyn Illinois Amerikali gizem suc oykusu yazaridir Once bir muhabir sonrasinda ise avukat olarak calismistir The Bone Collector onun kitabindan uyarlamadir Jeffery DeaverBibliyografiBagimsiz calismalar Mistress of Justice 1992 The Lesson of Her Death 1993 Praying for sleep 1994 A Maiden s Grave The Devil s Teardrop Speaking in Tongues The Blue Nowhere Garden of Beasts The Chopin Manuscript The Bodies left Behind Edge The october ListRune Uclemesi Manhattan is My beat Death of Blue Movie Star Hard NewsJohn Pellam Shallow Graves Bloody River Blues Hell s KitchenLincolm Rhymes The Empy Chair The Coffin Dancer Tas Maymun Vanished Man The Twelfth Card The Cold Moon The Broken Window The Burning Wire The Skin Collector The Steel Kiss The Burial HourKaynakca Kemik KoleksiyoncusuDis baglantilarJeffery Deaver s Official Web Site8 Kasim 2009 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Fantastic Fiction Author Page8 Mart 2009 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde IMDb de Jeffery Deaver Book Reviews8 Temmuz 2019 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde on