Joan Guinjoan i Gispert (28 Kasım 1931 –1 Ocak 2019), İspanyol piyanist ve bestecidir. Katalan kökenlidir.
Joan Guinjoan | |
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Genel bilgiler | |
Doğum | 28 Kasım 1931 , İspanya |
Ölüm | 1 Ocak 2019 İspanya |
Meslekler | Piyanist, Besteci |
- Suite moderna (1960)
- Sinfonía de la imperial Tarraco (1961)
- Prélude (1961)
- Prélude nº 2 (1961)
- Momentos 1 (1961)
- Fantasie en do (1961)
- Escenas de niños (1961)
- El pinell de Dal (1962)
- Chez García Ramos (1962)
- Tentación (1963)
- Scherzo et trío (1963)
- Rayo de luna (1963)
- Prelude nº 3 (1963)
- Peces bermejos (1963)
- Nubes (1963)
- Concierto for piano and (1963)
- Jour jusqu'au sang (1964)
- Fantasy for clarinet and piano (1964)
- Canto espiritual indio (1964)
- Trois mouvementes pour piano, clarinette et percussion (1965)
- Triptique pour quintette à vent (1965)
- Tres pequeñas piezas (1965)
- Miniaturas (1965)
- Puntos cardinales (1966)
- Células nº 1 (1966)
- Células nº 2 (1966)
- Monólogo de Orestes (1968)
- Los cinco continentes (1968)
- Dynamiques-Rythmes (1968)
- Five studies for two pianos and percussion 1968)
- Células nº 3 (1968)
- Three pieces for clarinet alone (1969)
- Symphonic Suite of the Ballet Los cinco continentes (1969)
- Pentágono (1969)
- Musica intuitiva (1969)
- Fragmento (1969)
- Duet for cello and piano (1970)
- Bi-tematic (1970)
- Magma (1971)
- La rosa de los vientos (1971, revised in 1978)
- Tensión-Relax (1972)
- Retaule (1972)
- Diagramas (1972). Prize for composition of the city of Barcelona in 1972.
- Tríptico de Semana Santa (1973)
- Las moscas (1973)
- Improvisación I (1973)
- Ab origine (1974)
- Trama (1975, revised in 1983)
- Música para violonchelo y orquesta (1975, revised in 1980)
- Acta est fabula (1975)
- Variorum (1976)
- Retorno a Cataluña (1976)
- Por la esperanza (1976)
- Duelo (1976)
- Dígrafo (1976)
- Tzakol (1977)
- Magic (1977)
- Koan 77 (1977)
- El diario (1977)
- Ambiente nº 1 (1977)
- Phobos (1978)
- La rosa de los vientos. Second version in (1978). Prize for composition of the city of Barcelona in 1978.
- G.I.C. 1978 (1978)
- Divagante (1978)
- Cadenza (1978)
- Puzzle (1979)
- Prisma (1979)
- Phrase (1979)
- Jondo (1979)
- G.I.C. 1979 (1979)
- Neuma (1980)
- Microtono for violist solo (1980)
- Horitzo (1980)
- Croquis (1980)
- Au revoir, Barocco (1980)
- Tensión (1981)
- Trio per archi (1982)
- Foc d'aucell (1982)
- Diferencias (1983)
- Concerto n° 1 for piano and orchestra (1983). In memoriam Ernest Lluch.
- Vectorial (1985)
- Música para II (1985)
- Contrapunto alla mente (1985)
- Homenaje a Carmen Amaya (1986)
- Concerto N° 1 for violin and orchestra (1986)
- Nocturno (1987)
- In tribulatione mea invocavi dominum (1987). Dedicated to Pietat Homs.
- Resonancias (1988)
- Passim-Trío (1988)
- Concerto for bassoon and instrumental ensemble (Concierto para fagot y conjunto instrumental) (1989)
- Concerto for guitar and orchestra (1990)
- Trencadis (1991)
- Gaudí (1989-1992). Opera dedicated to Monique Gispert de Guinjoan, wife of the composer
- Nexus (1993)
- Trencadís (1994). Symphonic fragment of the ballet, taken from his opera Gaudí
- Self-Paráfrasis (1997). Dedicated to .
- Symphonie No 2 Ciutat de Tarragona (1998). Dedicated to Montserrat Icart.
- Pantonal (1998). In homage to the , dedicated to Isabel Guinjoan Cambra, niece of the composer
- Bi-temàtic (1998)
- Fanfarria (1999). Dedicated to the .
- Autógrafo (1999).
- Díptico para 8 violonchelos (2000). Dedicated to [Jacques Bernaerd.
- ^ "Fallece el compositor Joan Guinjoan". 2 Ocak 2019 tarihinde kaynağından . Erişim tarihi: 2 Ocak 2019.
Dış bağlantılar
- Alejandro Bustamante, violín. Joan Guinjoan, Concierto para violín y orquesta9 Ocak 2019 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde . (YouTube)
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![]() ![]() | Bir İspanyol'un biyografisi ile ilgili bu madde seviyesindedir. Madde içeriğini genişleterek Vikipedi'ye katkı sağlayabilirsiniz. |
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Joan Guinjoan i Gispert 28 Kasim 1931 1 Ocak 2019 Ispanyol piyanist ve bestecidir Katalan kokenlidir Joan GuinjoanGenel bilgilerDogum28 Kasim 1931 1931 11 28 IspanyaOlum1 Ocak 2019 IspanyaMesleklerPiyanist BesteciEserleriSuite moderna 1960 Sinfonia de la imperial Tarraco 1961 Prelude 1961 Prelude nº 2 1961 Momentos 1 1961 Fantasie en do 1961 Escenas de ninos 1961 El pinell de Dal 1962 Chez Garcia Ramos 1962 Tentacion 1963 Scherzo et trio 1963 Rayo de luna 1963 Prelude nº 3 1963 Peces bermejos 1963 Nubes 1963 Concierto for piano and 1963 Jour jusqu au sang 1964 Fantasy for clarinet and piano 1964 Canto espiritual indio 1964 Trois mouvementes pour piano clarinette et percussion 1965 Triptique pour quintette a vent 1965 Tres pequenas piezas 1965 Miniaturas 1965 Puntos cardinales 1966 Celulas nº 1 1966 Celulas nº 2 1966 Monologo de Orestes 1968 Los cinco continentes 1968 Dynamiques Rythmes 1968 Five studies for two pianos and percussion 1968 Celulas nº 3 1968 Three pieces for clarinet alone 1969 Symphonic Suite of the Ballet Los cinco continentes 1969 Pentagono 1969 Musica intuitiva 1969 Fragmento 1969 Duet for cello and piano 1970 Bi tematic 1970 Magma 1971 La rosa de los vientos 1971 revised in 1978 Tension Relax 1972 Retaule 1972 Diagramas 1972 Prize for composition of the city of Barcelona in 1972 Triptico de Semana Santa 1973 Las moscas 1973 Improvisacion I 1973 Ab origine 1974 Trama 1975 revised in 1983 Musica para violonchelo y orquesta 1975 revised in 1980 Acta est fabula 1975 Variorum 1976 Retorno a Cataluna 1976 Por la esperanza 1976 Duelo 1976 Digrafo 1976 Tzakol 1977 Magic 1977 Koan 77 1977 El diario 1977 Ambiente nº 1 1977 Phobos 1978 La rosa de los vientos Second version in 1978 Prize for composition of the city of Barcelona in 1978 G I C 1978 1978 Divagante 1978 Cadenza 1978 Puzzle 1979 Prisma 1979 Phrase 1979 Jondo 1979 G I C 1979 1979 Neuma 1980 Microtono for violist solo 1980 Horitzo 1980 Croquis 1980 Au revoir Barocco 1980 Tension 1981 Trio per archi 1982 Foc d aucell 1982 Diferencias 1983 Concerto n 1 for piano and orchestra 1983 In memoriam Ernest Lluch Vectorial 1985 Musica para II 1985 Contrapunto alla mente 1985 Homenaje a Carmen Amaya 1986 Concerto N 1 for violin and orchestra 1986 Nocturno 1987 In tribulatione mea invocavi dominum 1987 Dedicated to Pietat Homs Resonancias 1988 Passim Trio 1988 Concerto for bassoon and instrumental ensemble Concierto para fagot y conjunto instrumental 1989 Concerto for guitar and orchestra 1990 Trencadis 1991 Gaudi 1989 1992 Opera dedicated to Monique Gispert de Guinjoan wife of the composer Nexus 1993 Trencadis 1994 Symphonic fragment of the ballet taken from his opera Gaudi Self Parafrasis 1997 Dedicated to Symphonie No 2 Ciutat de Tarragona 1998 Dedicated to Montserrat Icart Pantonal 1998 In homage to the dedicated to Isabel Guinjoan Cambra niece of the composer Bi tematic 1998 Fanfarria 1999 Dedicated to the Autografo 1999 Diptico para 8 violonchelos 2000 Dedicated to Jacques Bernaerd Kaynakca Fallece el compositor Joan Guinjoan 2 Ocak 2019 tarihinde kaynagindan Erisim tarihi 2 Ocak 2019 Dis baglantilarAlejandro Bustamante violin Joan Guinjoan Concierto para violin y orquesta9 Ocak 2019 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde YouTube Besteci ile ilgili bu madde taslak seviyesindedir Madde icerigini genisleterek Vikipedi ye katki saglayabilirsiniz Bir Ispanyol un biyografisi ile ilgili bu madde taslak seviyesindedir Madde icerigini genisleterek Vikipedi ye katki saglayabilirsiniz