Mareşal John Denton Pinkstone French, 1st Earl of Ypres , , , , , , (d. 28 Eylül 1852 – ö. 22 Mayıs 1925), Britanya Ordusu'nun bir subayı. II. Boer Savaşı'nda süvari birliğini kumanda etti. 1912'de Genelkurmay Başkanı oldu.

Kariyer başlangıcı
French’in ailesi, İrlanda'da önemli mülkleri bulunan French/De Freyne ailesiyle akrabaydı. John French, Komutan John Tracy William French ve Margaret French'in oğlu olarak doğdu. 1866'de Kraliyet Donanması'na katılmadan önce Harrow ve Portsmouth'ta eğitim gördü.
- ^ Heathcote, p. 130
- ^ . French Family Association. 13 Eylül 2015 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. Erişim tarihi: 14 Mayıs 2013.
- ^ Bond & Cave 2009, p52
- ^ a b "John French, 1st Earl of Ypres". Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. 1 Ocak 2016 tarihinde kaynağından . Erişim tarihi: 5 Şubat 2012.
- ^ "FRENCH, Sir John Denton Pinkstone, (1852–1925), 1st Earl of Ypres, Field Marshal". Liddell Hart Centre for Military Archives. 7 Şubat 2012 tarihinde kaynağından . Erişim tarihi: 5 Şubat 2012.
French'in kitapları
- Report of General Sir John French upon his inspection of the Canadian Military Forces. Ottawa, 1910.
- The despatches of Sir John French: I Mons, II the Marne, III The Aisne, IV Flanders. London: Chapman & Hall, 1914.
- The despatches of Lord French...And a complete list of the officers and men mentioned. London: Chapman & Hall, 1917.
- The German and small nations: an interview with Lord French. London: J J Keliher & Co, 1917.
- 1914. London: Constable & Co, 1919.
- Some war diaries, addresses and correspondence. Ed. Maj The Hon Edward Gerald French (son). London: Herbert Jenkins, 1937.
Konuyla ilgili yayınlar
- Bond, Brian; Cave, Nigel (2009). Haig – A Reappraisal 70 Years On (essay on Haig and French by Ian Beckett). Pen & Sword.
- Cassar, George H. (1985). The Tragedy of Sir John French. University of Delaware Press. ISBN . 11 Ekim 2014 tarihinde kaynağından . Erişim tarihi: 15 Temmuz 2013.
- Chisholm, Cecil (1915). Sir John French: an authentic biography. London: Herbert Jenkins. 24 Eylül 2009 tarihinde kaynağından . Erişim tarihi: 15 Temmuz 2013.
- Clark, Alan (1961). The Donkeys: a History of the BEF in 1915. Hutchison and Co. ISBN .
- De Groot, Gerard (1988). Douglas Haig 1861–1928. Larkfield, Maidstone: Unwin Hyman. ISBN .
- Dodsworth, Francis (1900). Major General J D P French. London: Soldiers of the Queen Library.
- French, Edward Gerald (son) (1931). The Life of Field Marshal Sir John French, First Earl of Ypres. London: Cassell & Co.
- French, Edward Gerald (son) (1936). French replies to Haig. London: Hutchinson & Co.
- French, Edward Gerald (son) (1960). The Kitchener-French dispute: a last word. Glasgow: William Maclellan.
- Goldman, Charles Sydney (1902). With General French and the cavalry in South Africa. Londra: Macmillan and co.
- Heathcote, Tony (1999). The British Field Marshals 1736–1997. Pen & Sword Books Ltd. ISBN .
- Holmes, Richard (2004). The Little Field Marshal: A Life of Sir John French. Weidenfeld & Nicolson. ISBN .
- Jeffery, Keith (2006). Field Marshal Sir Henry Wilson: A Political Soldier. Oxford University Press. ISBN .
- Jerrold, Walter Copeland (1915). Field Marshal Sir John French: the story of his life and battles. London: W A Hammond.
- Maydon, John George (1901). French's Cavalry campaign in South Africa. London: C A Pearson. ISBN .
- Napier, Robert M (1914). Sir John French and Sir John Jellicoe: their lives and careers. London: Patriotic Publishing Co.
- Neillands, Robin (2006). The Death of Glory: the Western Front 1915. London: John Murray. ISBN .
- Rae, Archibald (1914). General French and Admiral Jellicoe. London: Collins.
- Reid, Walter (2006). Architect of Victory: Douglas Haig. Edinburgh: Birlinn. ISBN .
- Spears, Sir Edward (1930). Liaison 1914. Eyre & Spottiswood. ISBN .
- Tuchman, Barbara (1962). The Guns of August. Random House. ISBN .
- Terraine, John (1960). Mons, The Retreat to Victory. Wordsworth Military Library, London. ISBN .
- Terraine, John (1978). To Win a War. Londra: Sidgwick & Jackson. ISBN .
- Walker, Jonathan (2012). The Blue Beast. Power & Passion in the Great War. Stroud: The History Press. ISBN .
- Wallace, Richard Horatio Edgar (1914). Field Marshal Sir John French and his campaign. London: George Newnes.
- Wallace, Richard Horatio Edgar (1914–1915). The standard history of the war, comprising the official despatches from General French and staff, with descriptive narrative. 4 vols. London: George Newnes.
- Woodward, David R (1998). Field Marshal Sir William Robertson. Westport Connecticut & London: Praeger. ISBN .
- Wells, John (1987). The immortal Warrior Britain’s first and last battleship. Kenneth Mason. s. 148. ISBN .
Dış bağlantılar
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- National Portrait Gallery 30 Eylül 2007 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .
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Maresal John Denton Pinkstone French 1st Earl of Ypres d 28 Eylul 1852 o 22 Mayis 1925 Britanya Ordusu nun bir subayi II Boer Savasi nda suvari birligini kumanda etti 1912 de Genelkurmay Baskani oldu John FrenchKariyer baslangiciFrench in ailesi Irlanda da onemli mulkleri bulunan French De Freyne ailesiyle akrabaydi John French Komutan John Tracy William French ve Margaret French in oglu olarak dogdu 1866 de Kraliyet Donanmasi na katilmadan once Harrow ve Portsmouth ta egitim gordu Kaynakca Heathcote p 130 French Family Association 13 Eylul 2015 tarihinde kaynagindan arsivlendi Erisim tarihi 14 Mayis 2013 Bond amp Cave 2009 p52 a b John French 1st Earl of Ypres Oxford Dictionary of National Biography 1 Ocak 2016 tarihinde kaynagindan Erisim tarihi 5 Subat 2012 FRENCH Sir John Denton Pinkstone 1852 1925 1st Earl of Ypres Field Marshal Liddell Hart Centre for Military Archives 7 Subat 2012 tarihinde kaynagindan Erisim tarihi 5 Subat 2012 French in kitaplari Report of General Sir John French upon his inspection of the Canadian Military Forces Ottawa 1910 The despatches of Sir John French I Mons II the Marne III The Aisne IV Flanders London Chapman amp Hall 1914 The despatches of Lord French And a complete list of the officers and men mentioned London Chapman amp Hall 1917 The German and small nations an interview with Lord French London J J Keliher amp Co 1917 1914 London Constable amp Co 1919 Some war diaries addresses and correspondence Ed Maj The Hon Edward Gerald French son London Herbert Jenkins 1937 Konuyla ilgili yayinlar Bond Brian Cave Nigel 2009 Haig A Reappraisal 70 Years On essay on Haig and French by Ian Beckett Pen amp Sword Cassar George H 1985 The Tragedy of Sir John French University of Delaware Press ISBN 0 87413 241 X 11 Ekim 2014 tarihinde kaynagindan Erisim tarihi 15 Temmuz 2013 Chisholm Cecil 1915 Sir John French an authentic biography London Herbert Jenkins 24 Eylul 2009 tarihinde kaynagindan Erisim tarihi 15 Temmuz 2013 Clark Alan 1961 The Donkeys a History of the BEF in 1915 Hutchison and Co ISBN 978 0712650359 De Groot Gerard 1988 Douglas Haig 1861 1928 Larkfield Maidstone Unwin Hyman ISBN 978 0044401926 Dodsworth Francis 1900 Major General J D P French London Soldiers of the Queen Library French Edward Gerald son 1931 The Life of Field Marshal Sir John French First Earl of Ypres London Cassell amp Co French Edward Gerald son 1936 French replies to Haig London Hutchinson amp Co French Edward Gerald son 1960 The Kitchener French dispute a last word Glasgow William Maclellan Goldman Charles Sydney 1902 With General French and the cavalry in South Africa Londra Macmillan and co Heathcote Tony 1999 The British Field Marshals 1736 1997 Pen amp Sword Books Ltd ISBN 0 85052 696 5 Holmes Richard 2004 The Little Field Marshal A Life of Sir John French Weidenfeld amp Nicolson ISBN 0 297 84614 0 Jeffery Keith 2006 Field Marshal Sir Henry Wilson A Political Soldier Oxford University Press ISBN 978 0 19 820358 2 Jerrold Walter Copeland 1915 Field Marshal Sir John French the story of his life and battles London W A Hammond Maydon John George 1901 French s Cavalry campaign in South Africa London C A Pearson ISBN 978 1290667067 Napier Robert M 1914 Sir John French and Sir John Jellicoe their lives and careers London Patriotic Publishing Co Neillands Robin 2006 The Death of Glory the Western Front 1915 London John Murray ISBN 978 0 7195 6245 7 Rae Archibald 1914 General French and Admiral Jellicoe London Collins Reid Walter 2006 Architect of Victory Douglas Haig Edinburgh Birlinn ISBN 1 84158 517 3 Spears Sir Edward 1930 Liaison 1914 Eyre amp Spottiswood ISBN 978 0304352289 Tuchman Barbara 1962 The Guns of August Random House ISBN 978 0345476098 Terraine John 1960 Mons The Retreat to Victory Wordsworth Military Library London ISBN 1 84022 240 9 Terraine John 1978 To Win a War Londra Sidgwick amp Jackson ISBN 0 304 35321 3 Walker Jonathan 2012 The Blue Beast Power amp Passion in the Great War Stroud The History Press ISBN 978 0 752465975 Wallace Richard Horatio Edgar 1914 Field Marshal Sir John French and his campaign London George Newnes Wallace Richard Horatio Edgar 1914 1915 The standard history of the war comprising the official despatches from General French and staff with descriptive narrative 4 vols London George Newnes Woodward David R 1998 Field Marshal Sir William Robertson Westport Connecticut amp London Praeger ISBN 0 275 95422 6 Wells John 1987 The immortal Warrior Britain s first and last battleship Kenneth Mason s 148 ISBN 0 85937 333 9 Dis baglantilarWikimedia Commons ta John French 1 Ypres kontu ile ilgili ortam dosyalari bulunmaktadir National Portrait Gallery 30 Eylul 2007 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde