Dendroaspis polylepis veya Kara mamba, Dendroaspis cinsine bağlı bir yılan türüdür.
Dendroaspis polylepis | |||||||||||||
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Korunma durumu | |||||||||||||
Asgari endişe altında (IUCN 3.1) | |||||||||||||
Biyolojik sınıflandırma | |||||||||||||
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İkili adlandırma | |||||||||||||
Dendroaspis polylepis Günther, 1864 | |||||||||||||
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Sinonimler | |||||||||||||

İnce, uzun ve silindir şeklindedir. Başı tabutumsu, gözleri orta boydadır. Tipik yetişkin uzunluğu 2-3 metre (6 ft 7 in-9 ft 10 in) aralığında olsa da 4,3-4,5 metre (14 ft 1 in-14 ft 9 in) uzunluğa erişebilir. Afrika'daki zehirli en uzun yılandır. Zehirli yılanlar genelinde ise en uzun olan Ophiophagus hannahdan sonra gelir. Ön dişleri maksillada olup 6,5 milimetre (0,26 in) uzunluğa erişebilir Kuyruğu uzun ve incedir. Kaydedilen gövde ağırlığı ortalama 1,6 kilogram (3,5 lb) ağırlığında olsa da türün incelenen yedisinin ortalama ağırlığı 1,03 kilogram (2,3 lb) olup, 1,01 metre (3 ft 4 in) uzunluğu ve 520 gram (18 oz) ağırlığı ile 2,57 metre (8 ft 5 in) uzunluğu ve 2,4 kilogram (5,3 lb) ağırlığı arasında değişkenlik göstermiştir.
Konuyla ilgili yayınlar
- Boycott, R.C. (1992) An Annotated Checklist of the Amphibians and Reptiles of Swaziland.: The Conservation Trust of Swaziland
- Broadley, Donald G. and F. P. D. Cotterill. (2004) The reptiles of southeast Katanga, an overlooked 'hot spot'. [Congo].: African Journal of Herpetology 53 (1): 35-61
- Broadley,D.G. (1962) On some reptile collections from the North-Western and North-Eastern Districts of Southern Rhodesia 1958-1961, with descriptions of four new lizards.: Occ. Pap. Nat. Mus. South. Rhodesia 26 (B): 787-843
- Dobiey, M. & Vogel, G. (2007) Venomous Snakes of Africa/Giftschlangen Afrikas.: Terralog 15, Edition Chimaira, Frankfurt am Main, 150 pp.
- Laita, Mark (2013) Serpentine.: Abrams and PQ Blackwell, Auckland, New Zealand, 200
- LeBreton, Matthew (1999) A working checklist of the herpetofauna of Cameroon.: Netherlands Committee for IUCN, 160 pp.
- Loveridge,A. (1957) On a third collection of reptiles taken in Tanganyika by C.J.P. Ionides, Esq.: Tanganyika Notes and Records 43: 1-19
- Monzel, Markus M (2012) Gifte, Gifttiere, Menschen – eine Geschichte voller (Miss)Verständnisse.: Draco 13 (51): 4-25
- Phelps, Tony (2002) A study of the Black Mamba (Dendroaspis polylepis) in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, with particular reference to long-term-refugia.: Herpetological Bulletin (80):7-19
- Spawls, S., Branch,B. (1995) The Dangerous Snakes of Africa.: Blandford, London, 192 pp.
- Trape, J.-F. & Mané, Y. (2006) Guide des serpents d’Afrique occidentale. Savane et désert. [Senegal, Gambia, Mauritania, Mali, Burkina Faso, Niger].: IRD Editions, Paris, 226 pp.
- Valverde, J. (2008) Mambas.: Reptilia (Münster) 13 (70): 18-25
- Venter, Jan A.; Werner Conradie (2015) A checklist of the reptiles and amphibians found in protected areas along the South African Wild Coast, with notes on conservation implications: Koedoe 57 (1): 1-25. doi: 10.4102/koedoe.v57i1.1247
- Armitage, W. W. (1965) Observations on Differences in Morphology and Behavior of Dendroaspis angusticeps and Dendroaspis polylepis.: Jour. Herp. Ass. Afr. (1): 12-16
- Broadley, D.G.; Doria, C.T. & Wigge, J. (2003) Snakes of Zambia. An Atlas and Field Guide.: Edition Chimaira, Frankfurt, 280 pp. [review in Sauria 26 (3): 21]
- CASTOE, Todd A.; ERIC N. SMITH, RAFE M. BROWN and CHRISTOPHER L. PARKINSON (2007) Higher-level phylogeny of Asian and American coralsnakes, their placement within the Elapidae (Squamata), and the systematic affinities of the enigmatic Asian coralsnake Hemibungarus calligaster (Wiegmann, 1834).: Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 151, 809–831
- Largen, M.J.; Spawls, S. (2010) Amphibians and Reptiles of Ethiopia and Eritrea.: Edition Chimaira, Frankfurt, 694 pp.
- Pitman,C.R.S. (1974) A guide to the snakes of Uganda.: Codicote, Wheldon & Wesley, L., 290 pp
- Trape, J.-F. & Mané, Y. (2004) Les serpents des environs de Bandafassi (Sénégal oriental).: Bull. Soc. Herp. France 109: 5-34
- Auerbach,R.D. (1987) The Amphibians and Reptiles of Botswana.: Mokwepa Consultants, Botswana, 295 pp.
- Bauer, Aaron M.; Branch, William R. & Haacke, Wulf D. (1993) The herpetofauna of the Kamanjab area and adjacent Damaraland, Namibia.: Madoqua (Windhoek) 18 (2): 117-145.
- Broadley, D.G. (1959) The herpetology of Southern Rhodesia. Part I--the snakes.: Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard 120 (1): 1-100 [reprint 1972]
- Broadley, D.G. (1961) Snakes of Southem Rhodesia. 11. The Black Mamba (Dendroaspis polylepis polylepis).: Afr. Wild Life 15: 299-302.
- Chifundera, K. (1990) Snakes of Zaire and their bites.: Afr. Stud. Monogr. (Kyoto) 10(3): 137-157.
- Chirio, L. & Lebreton, M. (2007) Atlas des reptiles du Cameroun.: MNHN, IRD, Paris 688 pp.
- Diochot, Sylvie; Anne Baron, Miguel Salinas, Dominique Douguet, Sabine Scarzello, Anne-Sophie Dabert-Gay, Delphine Debayle, Valérie Friend, Abdelkrim Alloui, Michel Lazdunski & Eric Lingueglia (2012) Black mamba venom peptides target acid-sensing ion channels to abolish pain.: Nature 490: 552–555
- Föhrenbach,H. (1982) Dendroaspis polylepis in Westafrika.: Herpetofauna 4 (17): 34
- Günther,A. (1864) Report on a collection of reptiles and fishes made by Dr. Kirk in the Zambesi and Nyassa Regions.: Proc. Zool. Soc. London 1864: 303-314 [310]
- Herrmann, H.-W.; W.R. Branch (2013) Fifty years of herpetological research in the Namib Desert and Namibia with an updated and annotated species checklist.: Journal of Arid Environments 93: 94–115
- Lanza, B. (1990) Amphibians and reptiles of the Somali Democratic Republic: check list and biogeography.: Biogeographia, 14: 407-465 [1988]
- Loveridge,A. (1936) African reptiles and amphibians in the Field Museum of Natural History.: Zool. Ser. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, 22 (1): 1-122
- MARITZ, B. & ALEXANDER, G.J. (2010) Dendroaspis polylepis polylepis (Gu¨nther, 1864).: African Herp News (51): 27-28
- Peters, Wilhem Carl Hartwig (1873) Über zwei Giftschlangen aus Afrika und über neue oder weniger bekannte Gattungen und Arten von Batrachiern.: Monatsber. königl. Akad. Wiss. Berlin. 1873 (Mai): 411-418
- TRAPE, JEAN-FRANÇOIS & CELLOU BALDÉ (2014) A checklist of the snake fauna of Guinea, with taxonomic changes in the genera Philothamnus and Dipsadoboa (Colubridae) and a comparison with the snake fauna of some other West African countries.: Zootaxa 3900 (3): 301–338
- Trape, J.-F.; Mané, Y. & Baldé, C. (2005) La mamba noir Dendroaspis polylepis (Serpentes: Elapidae) en Afrique de l’Ouest.: Bull. Soc. Herp. France 115: 31-36
- Trutnau, Ludwig & Alfred Wallner (2014) Beobachtungenj an der Schwarzen Mamba, Dendroaspis polylepis, im Terrarium.: Terraria Elaphe 2014 (4): 76-80
- BAYNHAM, T. (2010) Dendroaspis polylepis polylepis (Gu¨nther, 1864).: African Herp News (51): 25-27
- Broadley, D. G. & HOWELL, K. M. (1991) A check list of the reptiles of Tanzania, with synoptic keys.: Syntarsus 1: 1—70
- Broadley, D.G. (1991) The Herpetofauna of Northern Mwinilunga Distr., Northw. Zambia.: Arnoldia Zimbabwe 9 (37): 519-538
- Böhme, Wolfgang, Mark-Oliver Rödel, Christian Brede & Philipp Wagner (2011) The reptiles (Testudines, Squamata, Crocodylia) of the forested southeast of the Republic Guinea (Guinée forestière), wit a country-wide checklist.: Bonn zoological Bulletin 60 (1): 35-61
- Frank, Norman & Ramus, Erica (1995) A Complete Guide to Scientific and Common Names of Reptiles and Amphibians of the World.: Pottsville: N G Publishing Inc., 377 pp.
- Haagner,G.V.; Branch,W.R. & Haagner,A.J.F. (2000) Notes on a collection of reptiles from Zambia and adjacent areas of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.: Annals of the Eastern Cape Museum 1: 1 – 25
- Jacobsen, Niels H.G.; Errol W. Pietersen & Darren W. Pietersen (2010) A preliminary herpetological survey of the Vilanculos Coastal Wildlife Sanctuary on the San Sebastian Peninsula, Vilankulo, Mozambique.: Herpetology Notes 3: 181-193
- Loveridge, A. (1956) On snakes collected in the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan by J.S. Owen, Esq.: Sudan Notes Rec. 36: 37-56 [1955]
- Pietersen, Darren W. Pietersen, Errol W. Haacke, Wulf D. (2013) First herpetological appraisal of the Parque Nacional de Banhine, Gaza Province, southern Mozambique.: Annals of the Ditsong National Museum of Natural History 3: 153-163
- Spawls, S.; Howell, K.; Drewes, R.C. & Ashe, J. (2002) A field guide to the reptiles of East Africa.: Academic Press, 543 pp. [reviews in HR 34: 396 and Afr. J. Herp. 51; 147]
- David, Patrick, and Ivan Ineich, 1999: Les serpents venimeux du monde: systematique et repartition. Dumerilia, vol. 3. 3-499.
- ^ "Dendroaspis polylepis". Bütünleştirilmiş Taksonomik Bilgi Sistemi.
- ^ Branch, W.R.; Trape, J.-F.; Luiselli, L.; Spawls, S.; Penner, J.; Howell, K.; Msuya, C.A.; Ngalason, W. (2021). "Dendroaspis polylepis". IUCN Tehdit Altındaki Türlerin Kırmızı Listesi. 2021: e.T177584A15627370. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2021-2.RLTS.T177584A15627370.en
. Erişim tarihi: 19 Kasım 2021.
- ^ Uetz, Peter; Hallermann, Jakob. "Dendroaspis polylepis Günther, 1864". . 29 Ekim 2015 tarihinde kaynağından . Erişim tarihi: 10 Eylül 2018.
- ^ "GBIF". 27 Aralık 2022 tarihinde kaynağından . Erişim tarihi: 25 Mart 2024.
- ^ a b Spawls, Stephen; Howell, Kim; Drewes, Robert; Ashe, James (2017). A Field Guide to the Reptiles of East Africa (2.2yayıncı=Bloomsbury bas.). ss. 1201-1202. ISBN .
- ^ a b Marais, Johan (2004). A complete guide to the snakes of southern Africa (New bas.). Struik. ss. 95-97. ISBN .
- ^ Haagner, G. V.; Morgan, D. R. (1993). "The maintenance and propagation of the Black mamba Dendroaspis polylepis at the Manyeleti Reptile Centre, Eastern Transvaal". International Zoo Yearbook. 32 (1): 191-196. doi:10.1111/j.1748-1090.1993.tb03534.x.
- ^ . National Geographic Society. 10 Eylül 2010. 1 Mart 2021 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. Erişim tarihi: 12 Mart 2021.
- ^ "Black Mamba Facts". . 23 Aralık 2014. 5 Şubat 2021 tarihinde kaynağından . Erişim tarihi: 12 Mart 2021.
- ^ a b Mattison, Chris (1987). Snakes of the World. Facts on File, Inc. ss. 84, 120. ISBN .
- ^ FitzSimons, Vivian F. M. (1970). A Field Guide to the Snakes of Southern Africa (Second bas.). HarperCollins. ss. 167-169. ISBN .
- ^ . National Geographic. 10 Eylül 2010. 30 Mayıs 2017 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. Erişim tarihi: 3 Aralık 2010.
- ^ Branch, W. R.; Haagner, G. V.; Shine, R. (1995). "Is there an ontogenetic shift in mamba diet? Taxonomic confusion and dietary records for black and green mambas (Dendroaspis: Elapidae)". Herpetological Natural History. 3: 171-178.
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Dendroaspis polylepis veya Kara mamba Dendroaspis cinsine bagli bir yilan turudur Dendroaspis polylepisKorunma durumuAsgari endise altinda IUCN 3 1 Biyolojik siniflandirmaAlem AnimaliaSube ChordataSinif SquamataFamilya ElapidaeCins DendroaspisTur D polylepisIkili adlandirmaDendroaspis polylepisGunther 1864SinonimlerDendroaspis polylepis polylepis Gunther 1864 Dendraspis polylepis Gunther 1864 Dendraspis angusticeps Boulenger 1896 Dendraspis antinorii Peters 1873 Dendroaspis polylepis antinorii Peters 1873 OzelliklerKara mamba ornegi Ince uzun ve silindir seklindedir Basi tabutumsu gozleri orta boydadir Tipik yetiskin uzunlugu 2 3 metre 6 ft 7 in 9 ft 10 in araliginda olsa da 4 3 4 5 metre 14 ft 1 in 14 ft 9 in uzunluga erisebilir Afrika daki zehirli en uzun yilandir Zehirli yilanlar genelinde ise en uzun olan Ophiophagus hannahdan sonra gelir On disleri maksillada olup 6 5 milimetre 0 26 in uzunluga erisebilir Kuyrugu uzun ve incedir Kaydedilen govde agirligi ortalama 1 6 kilogram 3 5 lb agirliginda olsa da turun incelenen yedisinin ortalama agirligi 1 03 kilogram 2 3 lb olup 1 01 metre 3 ft 4 in uzunlugu ve 520 gram 18 oz agirligi ile 2 57 metre 8 ft 5 in uzunlugu ve 2 4 kilogram 5 3 lb agirligi arasinda degiskenlik gostermistir Konuyla ilgili yayinlarBoycott R C 1992 An Annotated Checklist of the Amphibians and Reptiles of Swaziland The Conservation Trust of Swaziland Broadley Donald G and F P D Cotterill 2004 The reptiles of southeast Katanga an overlooked hot spot Congo African Journal of Herpetology 53 1 35 61 Broadley D G 1962 On some reptile collections from the North Western and North Eastern Districts of Southern Rhodesia 1958 1961 with descriptions of four new lizards Occ Pap Nat Mus South Rhodesia 26 B 787 843 Dobiey M amp Vogel G 2007 Venomous Snakes of Africa Giftschlangen Afrikas Terralog 15 Edition Chimaira Frankfurt am Main 150 pp Laita Mark 2013 Serpentine Abrams and PQ Blackwell Auckland New Zealand 200 LeBreton Matthew 1999 A working checklist of the herpetofauna of Cameroon Netherlands Committee for IUCN 160 pp Loveridge A 1957 On a third collection of reptiles taken in Tanganyika by C J P Ionides Esq Tanganyika Notes and Records 43 1 19 Monzel Markus M 2012 Gifte Gifttiere Menschen eine Geschichte voller Miss Verstandnisse Draco 13 51 4 25 Phelps Tony 2002 A study of the Black Mamba Dendroaspis polylepis in KwaZulu Natal South Africa with particular reference to long term refugia Herpetological Bulletin 80 7 19 Spawls S Branch B 1995 The Dangerous Snakes of Africa Blandford London 192 pp Trape J F amp Mane Y 2006 Guide des serpents d Afrique occidentale Savane et desert Senegal Gambia Mauritania Mali Burkina Faso Niger IRD Editions Paris 226 pp Valverde J 2008 Mambas Reptilia Munster 13 70 18 25 Venter Jan A Werner Conradie 2015 A checklist of the reptiles and amphibians found in protected areas along the South African Wild Coast with notes on conservation implications Koedoe 57 1 1 25 doi 10 4102 koedoe v57i1 1247 Armitage W W 1965 Observations on Differences in Morphology and Behavior of Dendroaspis angusticeps and Dendroaspis polylepis Jour Herp Ass Afr 1 12 16 Broadley D G Doria C T amp Wigge J 2003 Snakes of Zambia An Atlas and Field Guide Edition Chimaira Frankfurt 280 pp review in Sauria 26 3 21 CASTOE Todd A ERIC N SMITH RAFE M BROWN and CHRISTOPHER L PARKINSON 2007 Higher level phylogeny of Asian and American coralsnakes their placement within the Elapidae Squamata and the systematic affinities of the enigmatic Asian coralsnake Hemibungarus calligaster Wiegmann 1834 Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 151 809 831 Largen M J Spawls S 2010 Amphibians and Reptiles of Ethiopia and Eritrea Edition Chimaira Frankfurt 694 pp Pitman C R S 1974 A guide to the snakes of Uganda Codicote Wheldon amp Wesley L 290 pp Trape J F amp Mane Y 2004 Les serpents des environs de Bandafassi Senegal oriental Bull Soc Herp France 109 5 34 Auerbach R D 1987 The Amphibians and Reptiles of Botswana Mokwepa Consultants Botswana 295 pp Bauer Aaron M Branch William R amp Haacke Wulf D 1993 The herpetofauna of the Kamanjab area and adjacent Damaraland Namibia Madoqua Windhoek 18 2 117 145 Broadley D G 1959 The herpetology of Southern Rhodesia Part I the snakes Bull Mus Comp Zool Harvard 120 1 1 100 reprint 1972 Broadley D G 1961 Snakes of Southem Rhodesia 11 The Black Mamba Dendroaspis polylepis polylepis Afr Wild Life 15 299 302 Chifundera K 1990 Snakes of Zaire and their bites Afr Stud Monogr Kyoto 10 3 137 157 Chirio L amp Lebreton M 2007 Atlas des reptiles du Cameroun MNHN IRD Paris 688 pp Diochot Sylvie Anne Baron Miguel Salinas Dominique Douguet Sabine Scarzello Anne Sophie Dabert Gay Delphine Debayle Valerie Friend Abdelkrim Alloui Michel Lazdunski amp Eric Lingueglia 2012 Black mamba venom peptides target acid sensing ion channels to abolish pain Nature 490 552 555 Fohrenbach H 1982 Dendroaspis polylepis in Westafrika Herpetofauna 4 17 34 Gunther A 1864 Report on a collection of reptiles and fishes made by Dr Kirk in the Zambesi and Nyassa Regions Proc Zool Soc London 1864 303 314 310 Herrmann H W W R Branch 2013 Fifty years of herpetological research in the Namib Desert and Namibia with an updated and annotated species checklist Journal of Arid Environments 93 94 115 Lanza B 1990 Amphibians and reptiles of the Somali Democratic Republic check list and biogeography Biogeographia 14 407 465 1988 Loveridge A 1936 African reptiles and amphibians in the Field Museum of Natural History Zool Ser Field Mus Nat Hist Chicago 22 1 1 122 MARITZ B amp ALEXANDER G J 2010 Dendroaspis polylepis polylepis Gu nther 1864 African Herp News 51 27 28 Peters Wilhem Carl Hartwig 1873 Uber zwei Giftschlangen aus Afrika und uber neue oder weniger bekannte Gattungen und Arten von Batrachiern Monatsber konigl Akad Wiss Berlin 1873 Mai 411 418 TRAPE JEAN FRANCOIS amp CELLOU BALDE 2014 A checklist of the snake fauna of Guinea with taxonomic changes in the genera Philothamnus and Dipsadoboa Colubridae and a comparison with the snake fauna of some other West African countries Zootaxa 3900 3 301 338 Trape J F Mane Y amp Balde C 2005 La mamba noir Dendroaspis polylepis Serpentes Elapidae en Afrique de l Ouest Bull Soc Herp France 115 31 36 Trutnau Ludwig amp Alfred Wallner 2014 Beobachtungenj an der Schwarzen Mamba Dendroaspis polylepis im Terrarium Terraria Elaphe 2014 4 76 80 BAYNHAM T 2010 Dendroaspis polylepis polylepis Gu nther 1864 African Herp News 51 25 27 Broadley D G amp HOWELL K M 1991 A check list of the reptiles of Tanzania with synoptic keys Syntarsus 1 1 70 Broadley D G 1991 The Herpetofauna of Northern Mwinilunga Distr Northw Zambia Arnoldia Zimbabwe 9 37 519 538 Bohme Wolfgang Mark Oliver Rodel Christian Brede amp Philipp Wagner 2011 The reptiles Testudines Squamata Crocodylia of the forested southeast of the Republic Guinea Guinee forestiere wit a country wide checklist Bonn zoological Bulletin 60 1 35 61 Frank Norman amp Ramus Erica 1995 A Complete Guide to Scientific and Common Names of Reptiles and Amphibians of the World Pottsville N G Publishing Inc 377 pp Haagner G V Branch W R amp Haagner A J F 2000 Notes on a collection of reptiles from Zambia and adjacent areas of the Democratic Republic of the Congo Annals of the Eastern Cape Museum 1 1 25 Jacobsen Niels H G Errol W Pietersen amp Darren W Pietersen 2010 A preliminary herpetological survey of the Vilanculos Coastal Wildlife Sanctuary on the San Sebastian Peninsula Vilankulo Mozambique Herpetology Notes 3 181 193 Loveridge A 1956 On snakes collected in the Anglo Egyptian Sudan by J S Owen Esq Sudan Notes Rec 36 37 56 1955 Pietersen Darren W Pietersen Errol W Haacke Wulf D 2013 First herpetological appraisal of the Parque Nacional de Banhine Gaza Province southern Mozambique Annals of the Ditsong National Museum of Natural History 3 153 163 Spawls S Howell K Drewes R C amp Ashe J 2002 A field guide to the reptiles of East Africa Academic Press 543 pp reviews in HR 34 396 and Afr J Herp 51 147 David Patrick and Ivan Ineich 1999 Les serpents venimeux du monde systematique et repartition Dumerilia vol 3 3 499 Kaynakca Dendroaspis polylepis Butunlestirilmis Taksonomik Bilgi Sistemi Branch W R Trape J F Luiselli L Spawls S Penner J Howell K Msuya C A Ngalason W 2021 Dendroaspis polylepis IUCN Tehdit Altindaki Turlerin Kirmizi Listesi 2021 e T177584A15627370 doi 10 2305 IUCN UK 2021 2 RLTS T177584A15627370 en Erisim tarihi 19 Kasim 2021 Uetz Peter Hallermann Jakob Dendroaspis polylepis Gunther 1864 29 Ekim 2015 tarihinde kaynagindan Erisim tarihi 10 Eylul 2018 GBIF 27 Aralik 2022 tarihinde kaynagindan Erisim tarihi 25 Mart 2024 a b Spawls Stephen Howell Kim Drewes Robert Ashe James 2017 A Field Guide to the Reptiles of East Africa 2 2yayinci Bloomsbury bas ss 1201 1202 ISBN 978 1 4729 3561 8 a b Marais Johan 2004 A complete guide to the snakes of southern Africa New bas Struik ss 95 97 ISBN 978 1 86872 932 6 Haagner G V Morgan D R 1993 The maintenance and propagation of the Black mamba Dendroaspis polylepis at the Manyeleti Reptile Centre Eastern Transvaal International Zoo Yearbook 32 1 191 196 doi 10 1111 j 1748 1090 1993 tb03534 x National Geographic Society 10 Eylul 2010 1 Mart 2021 tarihinde kaynagindan arsivlendi Erisim tarihi 12 Mart 2021 Black Mamba Facts 23 Aralik 2014 5 Subat 2021 tarihinde kaynagindan Erisim tarihi 12 Mart 2021 a b Mattison Chris 1987 Snakes of the World Facts on File Inc ss 84 120 ISBN 978 0 8160 1082 0 FitzSimons Vivian F M 1970 A Field Guide to the Snakes of Southern Africa Second bas HarperCollins ss 167 169 ISBN 978 0 00 212146 0 National Geographic 10 Eylul 2010 30 Mayis 2017 tarihinde kaynagindan arsivlendi Erisim tarihi 3 Aralik 2010 Branch W R Haagner G V Shine R 1995 Is there an ontogenetic shift in mamba diet Taxonomic confusion and dietary records for black and green mambas Dendroaspis Elapidae Herpetological Natural History 3 171 178 Dis baglantilarWikimedia Commons ta Kara mamba ile ilgili coklu ortam belgeleri bulunur Vikitur de Kara mamba ile ilgili ayrintili taksonomik bilgiler bulunur