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Kim Hyo-jin (Hangul: 김효진; d. 10 Şubat 1984), Güney Koreli oyuncu.
Kim Hyo-jin | |
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Doğum | 10 Şubat 1984 Güney Kore |
Meslek | Oyuncu |
Etkin yıllar | 1999-günümüz |
Evlilik | Yoo Ji-tae (e. 2011) |
- The Legend of the Evil Lake (2003)
- Everybody Has Secrets (2004)
- Marrying the Mafia II (2005)
- Barefoot Ki-bong (2006)
- Mr. Wacky (2006)
- Five Senses of Eros (2009)
- Jeon Woo-chi: The Taoist Wizard (cameo, 2009)
- Life is Peachy (2010)
- The Taste of Money (2012)
- Horny Family (2013)
- In My End Is My Beginning (2013)
- Marriage Blue (2013)
- Genome Hazard (2014)
Televizyon draması
- Love Story (SBS, 1999)
- Secret (SBS, 2000)
- Gibb's Family (MBC, 2000)
- RNA (KBS, 2000)
- Golbangi (SBS, 2000)
- Medical Center (SBS, 2001)
- Wuri's Family (MBC, 2001–2002)
- Magic (SBS, 2004)
- Hong Kong Express (SBS, 2005)
- Ice Girl (KBS, 2005)
- I Am Happy (SBS, 2008)
- Telecinema: A Dream Comes True (SBS, 2009)
- Mary Stayed Out All Night (KBS, 2010)
- Strangers 6 (WOWOW/Channel A, 2012)
- A Midsummer Night's Dream (2009)
- Fool for Love (2010)
- "Bei Mir Bist Du Schoen" (Everybody Has Secrets OST, 2004)
- "(I Love You) For Sentimental Reasons" (Everybody Has Secrets OST, 2004)
- "눈을 뜨면" (A Dream Comes True OST, 2009)
- 2004 SBS Entertainment Awards: Best New Actress in a Sitcom (Wuri's Family)
- 2004 Golden Cinematography Awards: Best New Actress (Everybody Has Secrets)
- 2012 Asia Model Festival Awards: Model Star Award
Dış bağlantılar
- X'te Kim Hyo-jin
- Kim Hyo-jin 14 Nisan 2016 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde . at Namoo Actors
- IMDb'de Kim Hyo-jin
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Bu maddenin daha dogru ve guvenilir bilgi sunmasi icin guncellenmesi gerekmektedir Daha fazla bilgi icin tartisma sayfasina bakiniz Mayis 2020 Kim Hyo jin Hangul 김효진 d 10 Subat 1984 Guney Koreli oyuncu Kim Hyo jinDogum10 Subat 1984 40 yasinda Guney KoreMeslekOyuncuEtkin yillar1999 gunumuzEvlilikYoo Ji tae e 2011 FilmografiFilm The Legend of the Evil Lake 2003 Everybody Has Secrets 2004 Marrying the Mafia II 2005 Barefoot Ki bong 2006 Mr Wacky 2006 Five Senses of Eros 2009 Jeon Woo chi The Taoist Wizard cameo 2009 Life is Peachy 2010 The Taste of Money 2012 Horny Family 2013 In My End Is My Beginning 2013 Marriage Blue 2013 Genome Hazard 2014 Televizyon dramasi Love Story SBS 1999 Secret SBS 2000 Gibb s Family MBC 2000 RNA KBS 2000 Golbangi SBS 2000 Medical Center SBS 2001 Wuri s Family MBC 2001 2002 Magic SBS 2004 Hong Kong Express SBS 2005 Ice Girl KBS 2005 I Am Happy SBS 2008 Telecinema A Dream Comes True SBS 2009 Mary Stayed Out All Night KBS 2010 Strangers 6 WOWOW Channel A 2012 Tiyatro A Midsummer Night s Dream 2009 Fool for Love 2010 Diskografi Bei Mir Bist Du Schoen Everybody Has Secrets OST 2004 I Love You For Sentimental Reasons Everybody Has Secrets OST 2004 눈을 뜨면 A Dream Comes True OST 2009 2004 SBS Entertainment Awards Best New Actress in a Sitcom Wuri s Family 2004 Golden Cinematography Awards Best New Actress Everybody Has Secrets 2012 Asia Model Festival Awards Model Star AwardDis baglantilarX te Kim Hyo jin Kim Hyo jin 14 Nisan 2016 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde at Namoo Actors IMDb de Kim Hyo jin