Le Jeune Turc (Türkçe: Genç Türk Gazetesi); Ziya Şakir Soku'nun Suphi Nuri İleri ile birlikte 1908'de yayınlamaya başladığı, Giuseppe Volpi tarafından finanse edilerek 1918 yılına kadar Fransızca dilinde İstanbul'da neşriyata devam eden, İttihat ve Terakki yanlısı ve siyonist görüşlü Yahudi bir gazeteydi.
- ^ Yüksel, Ahmet (2020). "Sami Hochberg: A Zionist Journalist Author Printer Diplomat Spy". History Studies International Journal of History. 12 (4). ss. 2263-2297. doi:10.9737/hist.2020.920.
- ^ Lewental, D. Gershon (2010). "Le Jeune Turc". Encyclopedia of the Jews in the Islamic World. 29 Ekim 2020 tarihinde kaynağından . Erişim tarihi: 2 Haziran 2021.
- ^ Neville, Neville (1965). "Attempts at an Arab‐Zionist entente: 1913–1914". Middle Eastern Studies. 1 (3). ss. 238-267. doi:10.1080/00263206508700015.
- ^ Ozavcı, Ozan (2020). "A Jewish "Liberal" in Istanbul: Vladimir Jabotinsky, the Young Turks and the Zionist Press Network, 1908–1911". Jews, Liberalism, Antisemitism: A Global History. Springer International Publishing. ss. 289-314. ISBN .
- ^ Kieser, Hans-Lukas. Talaat Pasha: Father of Modern Turkey, Architect of Genocide. Princeton University Press. s. 180. ISBN .
The Ottoman press covered Talaat’s multiple denials of any wrongdoing by the central government in May and June 1914. After the discussion on 6 July, it attacked Emmanuil Emmanuilidis to undermine his credibility; the newspaper Le Jeune- Turc, in particular, excelled in doing so.171 Comparatively rich in topics, this Istanbul- based, Zionist- sponsored newspaper was devotedly pro- CUP and flattered “His Excellency Talaat Bey” almost daily.
- ^ Benbassa, Esther (1989). "Le sionisme dans l'Empire Ottoman à l'aube du 20e siècle". Vingtième Siècle, revue d'histoire. 24 (1). ss. 69-80. doi:10.3406/xxs.1989.2186.
- ^ Candel, Manuel M. (2015). El olivo que no ardió en Salónica. La Esfera de los Libros. ISBN . 2 Haziran 2021 tarihinde kaynağından . Erişim tarihi: 24 Aralık 2020.
- ^ Özyön, Arzu (Kış 2014). "Ziya Şair (Soku)'nun Selçuk Saraylarında Ömer Hayyam'ın Hayat ve Maceraları Adlı Romanının Tarihsel Roman Olarak İncelenmesi" (PDF). Turkish Studies. 9 (3). ss. 1135-1146. 16 Temmuz 2020 tarihinde kaynağından (PDF). Erişim tarihi: 11 Eylül 2017.
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Le Jeune Turc Turkce Genc Turk Gazetesi Ziya Sakir Soku nun Suphi Nuri Ileri ile birlikte 1908 de yayinlamaya basladigi Giuseppe Volpi tarafindan finanse edilerek 1918 yilina kadar Fransizca dilinde Istanbul da nesriyata devam eden Ittihat ve Terakki yanlisi ve siyonist goruslu Yahudi bir gazeteydi Kaynakca Yuksel Ahmet 2020 Sami Hochberg A Zionist Journalist Author Printer Diplomat Spy History Studies International Journal of History 12 4 ss 2263 2297 doi 10 9737 hist 2020 920 Lewental D Gershon 2010 Le Jeune Turc Encyclopedia of the Jews in the Islamic World 29 Ekim 2020 tarihinde kaynagindan Erisim tarihi 2 Haziran 2021 Neville Neville 1965 Attempts at an Arab Zionist entente 1913 1914 Middle Eastern Studies 1 3 ss 238 267 doi 10 1080 00263206508700015 Ozavci Ozan 2020 A Jewish Liberal in Istanbul Vladimir Jabotinsky the Young Turks and the Zionist Press Network 1908 1911 Jews Liberalism Antisemitism A Global History Springer International Publishing ss 289 314 ISBN 978 3 030 48240 4 Kieser Hans Lukas Talaat Pasha Father of Modern Turkey Architect of Genocide Princeton University Press s 180 ISBN 978 1 4008 8963 1 The Ottoman press covered Talaat s multiple denials of any wrongdoing by the central government in May and June 1914 After the discussion on 6 July it attacked Emmanuil Emmanuilidis to undermine his credibility the newspaper Le Jeune Turc in particular excelled in doing so 171 Comparatively rich in topics this Istanbul based Zionist sponsored newspaper was devotedly pro CUP and flattered His Excellency Talaat Bey almost daily Benbassa Esther 1989 Le sionisme dans l Empire Ottoman a l aube du 20e siecle Vingtieme Siecle revue d histoire 24 1 ss 69 80 doi 10 3406 xxs 1989 2186 Candel Manuel M 2015 El olivo que no ardio en Salonica La Esfera de los Libros ISBN 9788490604106 2 Haziran 2021 tarihinde kaynagindan Erisim tarihi 24 Aralik 2020 Ozyon Arzu Kis 2014 Ziya Sair Soku nun Selcuk Saraylarinda Omer Hayyam in Hayat ve Maceralari Adli Romaninin Tarihsel Roman Olarak Incelenmesi PDF Turkish Studies 9 3 ss 1135 1146 16 Temmuz 2020 tarihinde kaynagindan PDF Erisim tarihi 11 Eylul 2017