Marabut (Arapça: مَربوط marbūṭ veya Arapça: مُرابِط murābiṭ), Batı Afrika'da ve (tarihsel olarak) Mağrip'te Müslüman dini liderlere ve öğreticilere verilen isimdir.

- ^ Roncoli, Carla Roncoli; Kirshen, Paul; Kirshen, Paul; Ingram, Keith (Haziran 2002). "Reading the Rains: Local Knowledge and Rainfall Forecasting in Burkina Faso". Society and Natural Resources. 15 (2). ss. 409-427. doi:10.1080/08941920252866774.
Marabouts are Islamic spiritualists who are also believed to have the capacity to foresee but not control the future. These spiritualists range from conventional Islamic clerics (Limam) who are versed in the Koran and preside over services at local mosques, to local healers and diviners who mix Islam with indigenous beliefs and practices. Some marabouts practices resemble those of getba, with Islamic verses replacing cowries. Most marabouts receive gifts or money for their services, with the most respected and renowned marabouts drawing substantial income from their practice. However, these practices are generally disapproved by Islamic orthodoxy.
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Marabut Arapca م ربوط marbuṭ veya Arapca م راب ط murabiṭ Bati Afrika da ve tarihsel olarak Magrip te Musluman dini liderlere ve ogreticilere verilen isimdir Senagalli bir marabut 1890Kaynakca Roncoli Carla Roncoli Kirshen Paul Kirshen Paul Ingram Keith Haziran 2002 Reading the Rains Local Knowledge and Rainfall Forecasting in Burkina Faso Society and Natural Resources 15 2 ss 409 427 doi 10 1080 08941920252866774 Marabouts are Islamic spiritualists who are also believed to have the capacity to foresee but not control the future These spiritualists range from conventional Islamic clerics Limam who are versed in the Koran and preside over services at local mosques to local healers and diviners who mix Islam with indigenous beliefs and practices Some marabouts practices resemble those of getba with Islamic verses replacing cowries Most marabouts receive gifts or money for their services with the most respected and renowned marabouts drawing substantial income from their practice However these practices are generally disapproved by Islamic orthodoxy