Margaret Lindsay, Lady Huggins (14 Ağustos 1848, Dublin - 24 Mart 1915, Londra), veya doğum adıyla Margaret Lindsay Murray, İrlandalı-İngiliz bilimsel araştırmacı ve astronomdu. Kocası William Huggins ile birlikte spektroskopi alanında öncüydü ve Atlas of Representative Stellar Spectra'yı (1899) birlikte yazdılar.

- ^ Hockey, Thomas; Trimble, Virginia; Williams, Thomas R., (Ed.) (2009). "Huggins, Margaret Lindsay Murray". The Biographical Encyclopedia of Astronomers. New York: . ISBN . 11 Aralık 2013 tarihinde kaynağından . Erişim tarihi: 22 Ağustos 2012.
- ^ Unravelling Starlight: William and Margaret Huggins and the Rise of the New Astronomy. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press. 2011. ISBN .
- ^ "Dame Margaret Lindsay Huggins". . . 76 (4): 278-282. 1916. doi:10.1093/mnras/76.4.278a.
- ^ "Lady Huggins". . 38 (488): 254-256. 1915.
- ^ Cannon (1915). "Lady Huggins". . 38 (490): 323-324.
- ^ Whiting (1915). "Lady Huggins". The Astrophysical Journal. 42 (1): 1-3. doi:10.1086/142188. 5 Ocak 2023 tarihinde kaynağından . Erişim tarihi: 5 Ocak 2023.
- ^ Chant (1915). "Death of Lady Huggins". . 9 (4): 149-150.
- ^ An Atlas of Representative Stellar Spectra from 4870 to 3300. Wesley. 1899.
- ^ Women in Science: Antiquity through the Nineteenth Century, A Biographical Dictionary with Annotated Bibliography. Cambridge: . 1986. ss. 101-102.
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Margaret Lindsay Lady Huggins 14 Agustos 1848 Dublin 24 Mart 1915 Londra veya dogum adiyla Margaret Lindsay Murray Irlandali Ingiliz bilimsel arastirmaci ve astronomdu Kocasi William Huggins ile birlikte spektroskopi alaninda oncuydu ve Atlas of Representative Stellar Spectra yi 1899 birlikte yazdilar Margaret Lindsay HugginsKaynakca Hockey Thomas Trimble Virginia Williams Thomas R Ed 2009 Huggins Margaret Lindsay Murray The Biographical Encyclopedia of Astronomers New York ISBN 978 0 387 31022 0 11 Aralik 2013 tarihinde kaynagindan Erisim tarihi 22 Agustos 2012 Unravelling Starlight William and Margaret Huggins and the Rise of the New Astronomy Cambridge England Cambridge University Press 2011 ISBN 978 1 107 00229 6 Dame Margaret Lindsay Huggins 76 4 278 282 1916 doi 10 1093 mnras 76 4 278a Lady Huggins 38 488 254 256 1915 Cannon 1915 Lady Huggins 38 490 323 324 Whiting 1915 Lady Huggins The Astrophysical Journal 42 1 1 3 doi 10 1086 142188 5 Ocak 2023 tarihinde kaynagindan Erisim tarihi 5 Ocak 2023 Chant 1915 Death of Lady Huggins 9 4 149 150 An Atlas of Representative Stellar Spectra from 4870 to 3300 Wesley 1899 Women in Science Antiquity through the Nineteenth Century A Biographical Dictionary with Annotated Bibliography Cambridge 1986 ss 101 102