Mepiprazol, İspanya'da pazarlanan ve ek antidepresan özelliklere sahipfenilpiperazin grubunun anksiyolitik bir ilacıdır. 5-HT2A ve α1-adrenerjik reseptör antagonisti olarak görev yapar ve geri alımını inhibe eder ve serotonin, dopamin ve norepinefrin salınımını değişen oranlarda indükler ve bir serotonin antagonisti ve geri alım inhibitörü (SARI) olarak tanımlanmıştır.İrritabl bağırsak sendromu (IBS) olan hastalarda mepiprazolün kontrollü klinik denemeleri yapılmıştır ve ilacın bazı hastalarda IBS semptomlarını hafifletmede bazı yararları olduğu görülmüştür.Trazodon, nefazodon ve etoperidon gibi diğer fenilpiperazinlere benzer şekilde, mepiprazol olarak üretir.
- ^ a b "Mepiprazole, a new psychotropic drug: effects on uptake and retention of monoamines in rat brain synaptosomes". Psychopharmacology. 48 (3): 295-301. August 1976. doi:10.1007/BF00496865. (PMID) 9660.
- ^ J. Elks (14 Kasım 2014). The Dictionary of Drugs: Chemical Data: Chemical Data, Structures and Bibliographies. Springer. ss. 768-. ISBN .
- ^ Swiss Pharmaceutical Society (2000). Index Nominum 2000: International Drug Directory (Book with CD-ROM). Boca Raton: Medpharm Scientific Publishers. ISBN .
- ^ Pöldinger W (1975). "Clinical trial of 3-methyl-5-(beta-N'-(N-m-chlorophenylpiperazino)ethyl)-pyrazole dihydrochloride (Mepiprazol) in the therapy of psychovegetative disorders". International Pharmacopsychiatry. 10 (1): 1-8. doi:10.1159/000468162. (PMID) 1095510.
- ^ "[A controlled double-blind crossover study of the efficacy of mepiprazol (EMD 16.923) and of diazepam in the treatment of neurotic disorders]". Acta Psychiatrica Belgica (Fransızca). 75 (3): 320-33. May 1975. (PMID) 769484.
- ^ "[Psychopharmological research with EMD 16-923 in patients with different degrees of anxiety]". Neurología, Neurocirugía, Psiquiatría (İspanyolca). 17 (1): 29-33. 1976. (PMID) 1052713.
- ^ "Evidence that blood pressure reduction by serotonin antagonists is related to alpha receptor blockade in spontaneously hypertensive rats". Hypertension. 5 (5): 676-81. 1983. doi:10.1161/01.hyp.5.5.676. (PMID) 6311738.
- ^ "Central action of mepiprazole". Polish Journal of Pharmacology and Pharmacy. 32 (4): 475-84. 1980. (PMID) 7255266.
- ^ a b "The effect of mepiprazole on central monoamine neurons. Evidence for increased 5-hydroxytryptamine and dopamine receptor activity". European Journal of Pharmacology. 35 (1): 93-108. January 1976. doi:10.1016/0014-2999(76)90304-6. (PMID) 943291.
- ^ Fagiolini (2012). "Rediscovering Trazodone for the Treatment of Major Depressive Disorder". CNS Drugs. 26 (12): 1033-1049. doi:10.1007/s40263-012-0010-5. ISSN 1172-7047. (PMC) 3693429 $2. (PMID) 23192413.
- ^ "Controlled clinical trial of mepiprazole in irritable bowel syndrome". The British Medical Journal. 4 (5935): 16-8. October 1974. doi:10.1136/bmj.4.5935.16. (PMC) 1612118 $2. (PMID) 4609545.
- ^ "1-m-Chlorophenylpiperazine is an active metabolite common to the psychotropic drugs trazodone, etoperidone and mepiprazole". The Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology. 34 (10): 674-5. October 1982. doi:10.1111/j.2042-7158.1982.tb04701.x. (PMID) 6128394.
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Mepiprazol Ispanya da pazarlanan ve ek antidepresan ozelliklere sahipfenilpiperazin grubunun anksiyolitik bir ilacidir 5 HT2A ve a1 adrenerjik reseptor antagonisti olarak gorev yapar ve geri alimini inhibe eder ve serotonin dopamin ve norepinefrin salinimini degisen oranlarda indukler ve bir serotonin antagonisti ve geri alim inhibitoru SARI olarak tanimlanmistir Irritabl bagirsak sendromu IBS olan hastalarda mepiprazolun kontrollu klinik denemeleri yapilmistir ve ilacin bazi hastalarda IBS semptomlarini hafifletmede bazi yararlari oldugu gorulmustur Trazodon nefazodon ve etoperidon gibi diger fenilpiperazinlere benzer sekilde mepiprazol olarak uretir Kaynakca a b Mepiprazole a new psychotropic drug effects on uptake and retention of monoamines in rat brain synaptosomes Psychopharmacology 48 3 295 301 August 1976 doi 10 1007 BF00496865 PMID 9660 J Elks 14 Kasim 2014 The Dictionary of Drugs Chemical Data Chemical Data Structures and Bibliographies Springer ss 768 ISBN 978 1 4757 2085 3 Swiss Pharmaceutical Society 2000 Index Nominum 2000 International Drug Directory Book with CD ROM Boca Raton Medpharm Scientific Publishers ISBN 3 88763 075 0 Poldinger W 1975 Clinical trial of 3 methyl 5 beta N N m chlorophenylpiperazino ethyl pyrazole dihydrochloride Mepiprazol in the therapy of psychovegetative disorders International Pharmacopsychiatry 10 1 1 8 doi 10 1159 000468162 PMID 1095510 A controlled double blind crossover study of the efficacy of mepiprazol EMD 16 923 and of diazepam in the treatment of neurotic disorders Acta Psychiatrica Belgica Fransizca 75 3 320 33 May 1975 PMID 769484 Psychopharmological research with EMD 16 923 in patients with different degrees of anxiety Neurologia Neurocirugia Psiquiatria Ispanyolca 17 1 29 33 1976 PMID 1052713 Evidence that blood pressure reduction by serotonin antagonists is related to alpha receptor blockade in spontaneously hypertensive rats Hypertension 5 5 676 81 1983 doi 10 1161 01 hyp 5 5 676 PMID 6311738 Central action of mepiprazole Polish Journal of Pharmacology and Pharmacy 32 4 475 84 1980 PMID 7255266 a b The effect of mepiprazole on central monoamine neurons Evidence for increased 5 hydroxytryptamine and dopamine receptor activity European Journal of Pharmacology 35 1 93 108 January 1976 doi 10 1016 0014 2999 76 90304 6 PMID 943291 Fagiolini 2012 Rediscovering Trazodone for the Treatment of Major Depressive Disorder CNS Drugs 26 12 1033 1049 doi 10 1007 s40263 012 0010 5 ISSN 1172 7047 PMC 3693429 2 PMID 23192413 Controlled clinical trial of mepiprazole in irritable bowel syndrome The British Medical Journal 4 5935 16 8 October 1974 doi 10 1136 bmj 4 5935 16 PMC 1612118 2 PMID 4609545 1 m Chlorophenylpiperazine is an active metabolite common to the psychotropic drugs trazodone etoperidone and mepiprazole The Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology 34 10 674 5 October 1982 doi 10 1111 j 2042 7158 1982 tb04701 x PMID 6128394