Neal Paul Hefti (29 Ekim 1922 - 11 Ekim 2008) Amerikalı caz trompetçisi, besteci ve aranjördü.The Odd Couple filmi ve ile Batman'in müziklerini bestelemiştir.
Neal Hefti | |
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Genel bilgiler | |
Doğum | Neal Paul Hefti 29 Ekim 1922 Hastings, Nebraska, ABD |
Ölüm | 11 Ekim 2008 (85 yaşında) Los Angeles, Kaliforniya, ABD |
Tarzlar | Swing |
Meslekler | Müzisyen, besteci, aranjör |
Çalgılar | Trompet |
İlişkili hareketler | , Count Basie |
- Swingin' on Coral Reef (Coral, 1953)
- Clifford Brown with Strings (Verve, 1955)
- Hefti, Hot and Hearty (Epic, 1955)
- Presenting Neal Hefti and His Orchestra (RCA, 1955)
- The Band with Young Ideas (Coral, 1956)
- Concert Miniatures (Vik, 1957)
- Pardon My Doo-Wah (Epic, 1958)
- Hollywood Songbook (Coral, 1958)
- Music USA Coral, 1959)
- A Salute to the Instruments (Cora, 1960)
- Light and Right (Columbia, 1960)
- Jazz Pops (Reprise, 1962)
- Themes from TV's Top 12 (Reprise, 1962)
- The Leisurely Loveliness of Neal Hefti and His Orchestra / Li'l Darlin (Movietone, 1964) / (20th Century Fox, 1965)
- Sex and The Single Girl soundtrack (Warner Bros., 1964)
- How To Murder Your Wife soundtrack (United Artists, 1965)
- Harlow soundtrack (Columbia, 1965)
- Lord Love a Duck soundtrack (United Artists, 1966)
- Boeing Boeing soundtrack (RCA Victor, 1966)
- Lord Love a Duck soundtrack (United Artists, 1966)
- Duel at Diablo soundtrack (United Artists, 1966)
- Hefti in Gotham City (RCA Victor, 1966)
- Batman Theme & Other Bat Songs (RCA Victor, 1966)
- Batman soundtrack (1966)
- Definitely Hefti! (United Artists, 1967)
- Barefoot in The Park soundtrack (Dot, 1967)
- Oh Dad, Poor Dad, Mama's Hung You in the Closet and I'm Feelin' So Sad (RCA, 1967)
- The Odd Couple soundtrack (Dot, 1968)
Dış bağlantılar
- Discogs'ta Neal Hefti diskografisi
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Neal Paul Hefti 29 Ekim 1922 11 Ekim 2008 Amerikali caz trompetcisi besteci ve aranjordu The Odd Couple filmi ve ile Batman in muziklerini bestelemistir Neal HeftiGenel bilgilerDogumNeal Paul Hefti 29 Ekim 1922 1922 10 29 Hastings Nebraska ABDOlum11 Ekim 2008 85 yasinda Los Angeles Kaliforniya ABDTarzlarSwingMesleklerMuzisyen besteci aranjorCalgilarTrompetIliskili hareketler Count BasieDiskografiAlbumleri Swingin on Coral Reef Coral 1953 Clifford Brown with Strings Verve 1955 Hefti Hot and Hearty Epic 1955 Presenting Neal Hefti and His Orchestra RCA 1955 The Band with Young Ideas Coral 1956 Concert Miniatures Vik 1957 Pardon My Doo Wah Epic 1958 Hollywood Songbook Coral 1958 Music USA Coral 1959 A Salute to the Instruments Cora 1960 Light and Right Columbia 1960 Jazz Pops Reprise 1962 Themes from TV s Top 12 Reprise 1962 The Leisurely Loveliness of Neal Hefti and His Orchestra Li l Darlin Movietone 1964 20th Century Fox 1965 Sex and The Single Girl soundtrack Warner Bros 1964 How To Murder Your Wife soundtrack United Artists 1965 Harlow soundtrack Columbia 1965 Lord Love a Duck soundtrack United Artists 1966 Boeing Boeing soundtrack RCA Victor 1966 Lord Love a Duck soundtrack United Artists 1966 Duel at Diablo soundtrack United Artists 1966 Hefti in Gotham City RCA Victor 1966 Batman Theme amp Other Bat Songs RCA Victor 1966 Batman soundtrack 1966 Definitely Hefti United Artists 1967 Barefoot in The Park soundtrack Dot 1967 Oh Dad Poor Dad Mama s Hung You in the Closet and I m Feelin So Sad RCA 1967 The Odd Couple soundtrack Dot 1968 Kaynakca Ed 1997 Concise s 590 ISBN 1 85227 745 9 Big Band Jazz G P Putnam s Sons New York 1974 AllMusic Ingilizce 14 Agustos 2013 tarihinde kaynagindan arsivlendi Erisim tarihi 30 Aralik 2018 Dis baglantilarDiscogs ta Neal Hefti diskografisi