Nobu McCarthy (evlilik öncesi soyadıyla Atsumi; d. 13 Kasım 1934 - ö. 6 Nisan 2002), Japon-Kanadalı oyuncu, tiyatro yönetmeni ve modeldir.
Nobu McCarthy | |
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Doğum | Nobu Atsumi 13 Kasım 1934 Ottawa, Ontario, Kanada |
Ölüm | 6 Nisan 2002 (67 yaşında) Londrina, Brezilya |
Ölüm sebebi | Aort anevrizması |
Milliyet | Japon asıllı Kanadalı |
Evlilik | David McCarthy (e. 1955; b. 1970) William Cuthbert (e. 1976; ö. 2002) |
- Gaijin 2 (2002)
- Any day now (2000)
- Last Chance (1999)
- Painted desert (1993)
- De sópitu un estrañu (1990)
- Sablera de China (1990)
- Ann Jillian (1990)
- The Wash (1988)
- (1987)
- Karate Kid II (1986)
- Vacaciones nel mar (1980-1983)
- Arnold (1982)
- Quincy M.Y. (1979)
- Hawaii 5-0 (1978)
- Vida y milagros del capitán Miller (1976)
- Farewell to Manzanar (1976)
- Happy Days (1976)
- El caballeru azul (1976)
- El magu (1974)
- Kung fu (1973)
- Lost Flight (1970)
- (1969-1970)
- Lladrón ensin destín (1969)
- Felony Squad (1968)
- Batman (1968)
- L'axente de CIPOL (1967)
- Les aventures de Tarzán (1966)
- Jim West (1966)
- Mr. Ed (1965)
- (1959-1965)
- The Bing Crosby Show (1965)
- Bob Hope Presents The Chrystal Theatre (1965)
- Breaking Point (1964)
- Amores con un estrañu (1963)
- Caravana (1962)
- Axedrez fatal (1962)
- Follow the sun (1961-1962)
- Laramie (1961)
- Dos amores (1961)
- Adventures in Paradise (1959-1961)
- The Islanders (1960)
- Wall Like a Dragon (1960)
- Johnny Staccato (1959)
- Five Gates to Hell (1959)
- Investigación submarín (1959)
- The Red Skelton Show (1959)
- Playhouse 90 (1959)
- Tokyo after Dark (1959)
- Poni Express (1959)
- Tu, Kimi y yo (1958)
- Ente dos pasiones (1958)
- Meet McGraw (1958)
Dış bağlantılar
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Nobu McCarthy evlilik oncesi soyadiyla Atsumi d 13 Kasim 1934 o 6 Nisan 2002 Japon Kanadali oyuncu tiyatro yonetmeni ve modeldir Nobu McCarthyDogumNobu Atsumi 13 Kasim 1934 1934 11 13 Ottawa Ontario KanadaOlum6 Nisan 2002 67 yasinda Londrina BrezilyaOlum sebebiAort anevrizmasiMilliyetJapon asilli KanadaliEvlilikDavid McCarthy e 1955 b 1970 William Cuthbert e 1976 o 2002 FilmografiGaijin 2 2002 Any day now 2000 Last Chance 1999 Painted desert 1993 De sopitu un estranu 1990 Sablera de China 1990 Ann Jillian 1990 The Wash 1988 1987 Karate Kid II 1986 Vacaciones nel mar 1980 1983 Arnold 1982 Quincy M Y 1979 Hawaii 5 0 1978 Vida y milagros del capitan Miller 1976 Farewell to Manzanar 1976 Happy Days 1976 El caballeru azul 1976 El magu 1974 Kung fu 1973 Lost Flight 1970 1969 1970 Lladron ensin destin 1969 Felony Squad 1968 Batman 1968 L axente de CIPOL 1967 Les aventures de Tarzan 1966 Jim West 1966 Mr Ed 1965 1959 1965 The Bing Crosby Show 1965 Bob Hope Presents The Chrystal Theatre 1965 Breaking Point 1964 Amores con un estranu 1963 Caravana 1962 Axedrez fatal 1962 Follow the sun 1961 1962 Laramie 1961 Dos amores 1961 Adventures in Paradise 1959 1961 The Islanders 1960 Wall Like a Dragon 1960 Johnny Staccato 1959 Five Gates to Hell 1959 Investigacion submarin 1959 The Red Skelton Show 1959 Playhouse 90 1959 Tokyo after Dark 1959 Poni Express 1959 Tu Kimi y yo 1958 Ente dos pasiones 1958 Meet McGraw 1958 Dis baglantilarIMDb de Nobu McCarthyJapon oyuncu ile ilgili bu madde taslak seviyesindedir Madde icerigini genisleterek Vikipedi ye katki saglayabilirsiniz