Non scholae, sed vitae discimus, "okul için değil, yaşam için öğreniriz" anlamına gelen Latince bir deyiştir.

Pek çok okulun mottosu olmuştur:
Adelaide High School, Archbishop Molloy High School, Carroll College (Montana), the Convent of the Visitation, Hathaway Brown School, Hermann-Böse-Gymnasium, State University - Higher School of Economics, Hugo Treffner Gymnasium, İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi, Mount Hermon School Darjeeling, Oslo katedralskole, Plymouth High School for Girls, Queen's College, Taunton, Sir Winston Churchill High School, Southland Boys' High School, Spence School, the University of Nueva Caceres ve West Elgin Secondary School.
Ayrıca bakınız
- Lucius Annaeus Seneca, Epistulae morales ad Lucilium, Epistula CVI.
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Non scholae sed vitae discimus okul icin degil yasam icin ogreniriz anlamina gelen Latince bir deyistir Hermann Bose Gymnasium Pek cok okulun mottosu olmustur Adelaide High School Archbishop Molloy High School Carroll College Montana the Convent of the Visitation Hathaway Brown School Hermann Bose Gymnasium State University Higher School of Economics Hugo Treffner Gymnasium Istanbul Bilgi Universitesi Mount Hermon School Darjeeling Oslo katedralskole Plymouth High School for Girls Queen s College Taunton Sir Winston Churchill High School Southland Boys High School Spence School the University of Nueva Caceres ve West Elgin Secondary School Ayrica bakinizLucius Annaeus Seneca Epistulae morales ad Lucilium Epistula CVI Kaynakca