Numaralı Antlaşmalar (İngilizce Numbered Treaties [çoğul] Numbered Treaty [tekil] ya da Post-Confederation Treaties), Kanada'da Kanada yerlileri ile Kanada Monarşisi (Victoria, VII. Edward ya da V. George) arasında 1871 den 1921 e kadar yapılan 11 antlaşmadan oluşan antlaşmalar silsilesidir. tarafından politika hazırlanmış, yetkili Antlaşma komiserleri (Treaty Commissioners) de bu antlaşmaları onaylamıştır. ile yönetilen anltlaşmalar tarafından denetlenir.
- - Ağustos 1871
- - Ağustos 1871
- - Ekim 1873
- - Eylül 1874
- - Eylül 1875 (ek: 1908–1910)
- - Ağustos–Eylül 1876 (ek: Şubat 1889)
- - Eylül 1877
- - Temmuz 1899 (imzalama ve ek: 1901)
- - Temmuz 1905
- - Ağustos 1906
- - Haziran 1921

- ^ a b "Numbered Treaty Overview". (Formerly Canadian Institute for Historical Microreproductions). Canada in the Making. 13 Ocak 2010 tarihinde kaynağından . Erişim tarihi: 16 Kasım 2009.
The Numbered Treaties - also called the Land Cession or Post-Confederation Treaties - were signed between 1871 and 1921, and granted the federal government large tracts of land throughout the Prairies, Canadian North and Northwestern Ontario for white settlement and industrial use. In exchange for the land, Canada promised to give the Aboriginal peoples various items: cash, blankets, tools, farming supplies, and so on. The impact of these treaties can be still felt in modern times.
- ^ . Indian and Northern Affairs Canada. 28 Ağustos 2011 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. Erişim tarihi: 16 Kasım 2009.
Before Confederation, the Dominion of Canada signed treaties with First Nations. Since Confederation, the Government of Canada continues to negotiate modern treaties. Treaty relationships provide a resource for resolving long-standing claims and disputes and for improved cooperation between the Government of Canada and First Nations. Indian and Northern Affairs Canada (INAC) is the federal department responsible for negotiating and implementing treaties (including comprehensive and specific land claims). INAC also maintains a centre of expertise for understanding Canada's historic treaties with First Peoples.
- ^ . Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat. Government of Canada. 7 Ekim 2002. 22 Ağustos 2007 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. Erişim tarihi: 16 Kasım 2009.
Although all Crown lands in Canada are owned by Her Majesty, the administration of these lands is assigned to departments, agencies, and Crown corporations to support the delivery of government programs. These organizations are commonly referred to as custodians.
- Asch, Michael (1998). Aboriginal and treaty rights in Canada : essays on law, equality, and respect for difference. University of British Columbia Press. ISBN . 8 Kasım 2012 tarihinde kaynağından . Erişim tarihi: 1 Ocak 2013.
Dış bağlantılar
- Numbered Treaties 18 Şubat 2012 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde . (The Government of Manitoba)
- (Natural Resources Canada)
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Numarali Antlasmalar Ingilizce Numbered Treaties cogul Numbered Treaty tekil ya da Post Confederation Treaties Kanada da Kanada yerlileri ile Kanada Monarsisi Victoria VII Edward ya da V George arasinda 1871 den 1921 e kadar yapilan 11 antlasmadan olusan antlasmalar silsilesidir tarafindan politika hazirlanmis yetkili Antlasma komiserleri Treaty Commissioners de bu antlasmalari onaylamistir ile yonetilen anltlasmalar tarafindan denetlenir Agustos 1871 Agustos 1871 Ekim 1873 Eylul 1874 Eylul 1875 ek 1908 1910 Agustos Eylul 1876 ek Subat 1889 Eylul 1877 Temmuz 1899 imzalama ve ek 1901 Temmuz 1905 Agustos 1906 Haziran 1921Treaty ve numarali antlasmalari anma icin cikarilan ve uzerinde Kralice Victoria nin resmi bulunan Kizilderili Reisleri Madalyasi Indian Chiefs Medal Kaynakca a b Numbered Treaty Overview Canadiana org Formerly Canadian Institute for Historical Microreproductions Canada in the Making 13 Ocak 2010 tarihinde kaynagindan Erisim tarihi 16 Kasim 2009 The Numbered Treaties also called the Land Cession or Post Confederation Treaties were signed between 1871 and 1921 and granted the federal government large tracts of land throughout the Prairies Canadian North and Northwestern Ontario for white settlement and industrial use In exchange for the land Canada promised to give the Aboriginal peoples various items cash blankets tools farming supplies and so on The impact of these treaties can be still felt in modern times Indian and Northern Affairs Canada 28 Agustos 2011 tarihinde kaynagindan arsivlendi Erisim tarihi 16 Kasim 2009 Before Confederation the Dominion of Canada signed treaties with First Nations Since Confederation the Government of Canada continues to negotiate modern treaties Treaty relationships provide a resource for resolving long standing claims and disputes and for improved cooperation between the Government of Canada and First Nations Indian and Northern Affairs Canada INAC is the federal department responsible for negotiating and implementing treaties including comprehensive and specific land claims INAC also maintains a centre of expertise for understanding Canada s historic treaties with First Peoples Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat Government of Canada 7 Ekim 2002 22 Agustos 2007 tarihinde kaynagindan arsivlendi Erisim tarihi 16 Kasim 2009 Although all Crown lands in Canada are owned by Her Majesty the administration of these lands is assigned to departments agencies and Crown corporations to support the delivery of government programs These organizations are commonly referred to as custodians BibliyografyaAsch Michael 1998 Aboriginal and treaty rights in Canada essays on law equality and respect for difference University of British Columbia Press ISBN 0 7748 0581 1 8 Kasim 2012 tarihinde kaynagindan Erisim tarihi 1 Ocak 2013 Dis baglantilarNumbered Treaties 18 Subat 2012 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde The Government of Manitoba Natural Resources Canada