Ophiolepididae, Amphilepidida takımına bağlı bir hayvan familyasıdır.
Ophiolepididae | |||||||||||
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Korunma durumu | |||||||||||
Değerlendirilmedi (IUCN 3.1) | |||||||||||
Biyolojik sınıflandırma | |||||||||||
Konuyla ilgili yayınlar
- Ljungman, A. (1867). Ophiuroidea viventia huc usque cognita enumerat. Öfversigt af Kgl. Vetenskaps-Akademiens Förhandlingar 1866. 23(9): 303-336.
- Matsumoto H. (1915) A new classification of Ophiuroidea: with description of genera and species, Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 67, 43-92
- Clark W. B., Twitchell M. W. (1915) The Mesozoic and Cenozoic Echinodermata of the United States, United States Geological Survey Bulletin 54, 1-341
- Berry C.T. (1941) Cretaceous ophiurans from Texas, Journal of Paleontology 15 1, 61-67
- Spencer W. K., Wright C.W. (1966) Asterozoans, Moore R.C. ed, Treatise on invertebrate paleontology, Echinodermata, University of Kansas Press and the Geological Society of America 3 1, U4-U107
- Jagt J. W. M. (2000) Late Cretaceous-Early Paleocene echinoderms and the K/T boundary in the southeast Netherlands and the northeast Belgium. - part 3: Ophiuroids, Scripta Geologica 21, 1-179
- Donovan S. K., Portell R. W., et al (2005) Lower Miocene echinoderms of Jamaica, West Indies, Scripta Geologica 129, 91-135
- Storc R., Zitt J. (2008) Late Turonian ophiuroids (Echinodermata) from the Bohemian Cretaceous Basin, Czech Republic, Bulletin of Geosciences 83 2, 123-140
- Thuy B., Kroh A. (2011) Barremian ophiuroids from the Serre de Bleyton (Drôme, SE France), Annalen des Naturhistorisches Museums in Wien, Serie A 113, 777-807
- Thuy B., Klompmaker A. A., et al (2012) Late Triassic (Rhaetian) ophiuroides from Winterswijk, the Netherlands; with comments on the systematic position of Aplocoma (Echinodermata, Ophiolepididae), Zoosymposia 7, 163-172
- Parker, S.P. (ed). (1982). Synopsis and Classification of Living Organisms. McGraw-Hill, New York. 2 volumes.
- O'Hara, T. D.; Hugall, A. F.; Thuy, B.; Stöhr, S.; Martynov, A. V. (2017). Restructuring higher taxonomy using broad-scale phylogenomics: The living Ophiuroidea. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 107: 415-430
- ^ . 24 Haziran 2021 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. Erişim tarihi: 2 Temmuz 2024.
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Ophiolepididae Amphilepidida takimina bagli bir hayvan familyasidir Ophiolepididae Yasadigi donem araligi 301 0 myo Gunumuz PreYeYeOSDCPTJKPgNKorunma durumuDegerlendirilmedi IUCN 3 1 Biyolojik siniflandirmaAlem AnimaliaSube EchinodermataSinif OphiuroideaTakim AmphilepididaFamilya OphiolepididaeKonuyla ilgili yayinlarLjungman A 1867 Ophiuroidea viventia huc usque cognita enumerat Ofversigt af Kgl Vetenskaps Akademiens Forhandlingar 1866 23 9 303 336 Matsumoto H 1915 A new classification of Ophiuroidea with description of genera and species Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 67 43 92 Clark W B Twitchell M W 1915 The Mesozoic and Cenozoic Echinodermata of the United States United States Geological Survey Bulletin 54 1 341 Berry C T 1941 Cretaceous ophiurans from Texas Journal of Paleontology 15 1 61 67 Spencer W K Wright C W 1966 Asterozoans Moore R C ed Treatise on invertebrate paleontology Echinodermata University of Kansas Press and the Geological Society of America 3 1 U4 U107 Jagt J W M 2000 Late Cretaceous Early Paleocene echinoderms and the K T boundary in the southeast Netherlands and the northeast Belgium part 3 Ophiuroids Scripta Geologica 21 1 179 Donovan S K Portell R W et al 2005 Lower Miocene echinoderms of Jamaica West Indies Scripta Geologica 129 91 135 Storc R Zitt J 2008 Late Turonian ophiuroids Echinodermata from the Bohemian Cretaceous Basin Czech Republic Bulletin of Geosciences 83 2 123 140 Thuy B Kroh A 2011 Barremian ophiuroids from the Serre de Bleyton Drome SE France Annalen des Naturhistorisches Museums in Wien Serie A 113 777 807 Thuy B Klompmaker A A et al 2012 Late Triassic Rhaetian ophiuroides from Winterswijk the Netherlands with comments on the systematic position of Aplocoma Echinodermata Ophiolepididae Zoosymposia 7 163 172 Parker S P ed 1982 Synopsis and Classification of Living Organisms McGraw Hill New York 2 volumes O Hara T D Hugall A F Thuy B Stohr S Martynov A V 2017 Restructuring higher taxonomy using broad scale phylogenomics The living Ophiuroidea Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 107 415 430Kaynakca 24 Haziran 2021 tarihinde kaynagindan arsivlendi Erisim tarihi 2 Temmuz 2024 Dis baglantilarWikimedia Commons ta Ophiolepididae ile ilgili coklu ortam belgeleri bulunur Vikitur de Ophiolepididae ile ilgili ayrintili taksonomik bilgiler bulunur Amphilepidida ile ilgili bu madde taslak seviyesindedir Madde icerigini genisleterek Vikipedi ye katki saglayabilirsiniz