Philip Morin Freneau (2 Ocak 1752 – 18 Aralık 1832), Amerikalı şair, milliyetçi, (aynı zamanda Federalist olarak da bilinmektedir), polemikçi, gemi kaptanı ve gazete editörü, bazen "Devrimin Şairi" olarak anılmaktadır.

- ^ Spelled Phillip Frenau in Oxford's Poetry of Slavery Anthology (2003).
- Mary Weatherspoon Bowden. Philip Freneau (Twayne's United States authors series; TUSAS 260) (1976)
- Jane Donahue Eberwein, ed. Early American Poetry: Selections from Bradstreet, Taylor, Dwight, Freneau and Bryant (1978)
- Elliott, Emory. Revolutionary Writers: Literature and Authority in the New Republic, 1725-1810. Oxford University Press, 1982. 324 pp.
- Lewis Gaston Leary. That Rascal Freneau: A study in literary failure (1971)
- Nickson, Richard. Philip Freneau: Poet of the Revolution.
- Trenton: New Jersey Hist. Comm., 1981. 36 pp.
- Pasley, Jeffrey L. "The Two National Gazettes: Newspapers and the Embodiment of American Political Parties." Early American Literature 2000 35(1): 51-86. ISSN 0012-8163
- Vitzthum, Richard C. Land and Sea: The Lyric Poetry of Philip Freneau, University of Minnesota Press, 1978. 197 pp.
- Harper's Encyclopædia of United States History, , 1905
- Anthology of American Literature Ninth Edition Vol. 1, Pearson Prentice Hall, 2007.
- "THE HOUSE OF NIGHT" (1779, revised 1786), A Vision, by Philip Freneau
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Philip Morin Freneau 2 Ocak 1752 18 Aralik 1832 Amerikali sair milliyetci ayni zamanda Federalist olarak da bilinmektedir polemikci gemi kaptani ve gazete editoru bazen Devrimin Sairi olarak anilmaktadir Philip FreneauKaynakca Spelled Phillip Frenau in Oxford s Poetry of Slavery Anthology 2003 KaynakcaMary Weatherspoon Bowden Philip Freneau Twayne s United States authors series TUSAS 260 1976 Jane Donahue Eberwein ed Early American Poetry Selections from Bradstreet Taylor Dwight Freneau and Bryant 1978 Elliott Emory Revolutionary Writers Literature and Authority in the New Republic 1725 1810 Oxford University Press 1982 324 pp Lewis Gaston Leary That Rascal Freneau A study in literary failure 1971 Nickson Richard Philip Freneau Poet of the Revolution Trenton New Jersey Hist Comm 1981 36 pp Pasley Jeffrey L The Two National Gazettes Newspapers and the Embodiment of American Political Parties Early American Literature 2000 35 1 51 86 ISSN 0012 8163 Vitzthum Richard C Land and Sea The Lyric Poetry of Philip Freneau University of Minnesota Press 1978 197 pp Harper s Encyclopaedia of United States History 1905 Anthology of American Literature Ninth Edition Vol 1 Pearson Prentice Hall 2007 THE HOUSE OF NIGHT 1779 revised 1786 A Vision by Philip Freneau