Philosciidae, Isopoda takımına bağlı bir hayvan familyasıdır.
Philosciidae | |||||||||||||||
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Korunma durumu | |||||||||||||||
Değerlendirilmedi (IUCN 3.1) | |||||||||||||||
Biyolojik sınıflandırma | |||||||||||||||
Philosciidae familyasına bağlı cinsler (2023):
- Abebaioscia - Vandel, 1973
- Adeloscia - Vandel, 1977
- Alboscia - Schultz, 1995
- Anaphiloscia - Racovitza, 1907
- Anchiphiloscia - Stebbing, 1908
- Andenoniscus - Verhoeff, 1951
- Andricophiloscia - Vandel, 1973
- Androdeloscia - Leistikow, 1999
- Aphiloscia - Budde-Lund, 1908
- Araucoscia - Verhoeff, 1939
- Arcangeloscia - Schmalfuss & Ferrara, 1978
- Archaeoscia - Vandel, 1973
- Arhina - Budde-Lund, 1904
- Ashtonia - Vandel, 1973
- Atlantoscia - Ferrara and Taiti, 1981
- Australophiloscia - Green, 1990
- Baconaoscia - Vandel, 1981
- Barnardoscia - Taiti & Ferrara, 1982
- Benthana - Budde-Lund, 1908
- Benthanoides - Lemos de Castro, 1959
- Benthanops - Barnard, 1932
- Benthanoscia - Lemos de Castro, 1958
- Burmoniscus - Collinge, 1914
- Caraiboscia - Vandel, 1968
- Chaetophiloscia - Verhoeff, 1908
- Colombophiloscia - Vandel, 1968
- Congophiloscia - Arcangeli, 1950
- Ctenoscia - Verhoeff, 1928
- Cubanophiloscia - Vandel, 1973
- Dekanoscia - Verhoeff, 1936
- Didima - Budde-Lund, 1908
- Ecuadoroniscus - Vandel, 1968
- Erophiloscia - Vandel, 1972
- Eurygastor - Vandel, 1973
- Floridoscia - Schultz and C. Johnson, 1984
- Gabunoscia - Schmalfuss & Ferrara, 1978
- Hawaiioscia - Schultz, 1973
- Heroldia - Verhoeff, 1926
- Hoctunus - Mulaik, 1960
- Huntonia - Vandel, 1973
- Isabelloscia - Vandel, 1973
- Ischioscia - Verhoeff, 1928
- Javanoscia - Schultz, 1985
- Jimenezia - Vandel, 1973
- Laevophiloscia - Wahrberg, 1922
- Leonoscia - Ferrara & Schmalfuss, 1985
- Lepidoniscus - Verhoeff, 1908
- Leptophiloscia - Herold, 1931
- Leucophiloscia - Vandel, 1973
- Loboscia - Schmidt, 1998
- Metriogastor - Vandel, 1973
- Microphiloscia - Vandel, 1973
- Mirtana - Leistikow, 1997
- Nahia - Budde-Lund, 1908
- Nataloniscus - Ferrara & Taiti, 1985
- Natalscia - Verhoeff, 1942
- Nesoniscus - Verhoeff, 1926
- Nesophiloscia - Vandel, 1968
- Okeaninoscia - Vandel, 1977
- Oniscophiloscia - Wahrberg, 1922
- Oreades - Vandel, 1968
- Oroscia - Verhoeff, 1926
- Pacroscia - Vandel, 1981
- Palaioscia - Vandel, 1973
- Papuaphiloscia - Vandel, 1970
- Parachaetophiloscia - Cruz & Dalens, 1990
- Paraguascia - Schultz, 1995
- Parapacroscia - Vandel, 1981
- Paraphiloscia - Stebbing, 1900
- Parischioscia - Lemos de Castro, 1967
- Pentoniscus - Richardson, 1913
- Perinetia - Barnard, 1959
- Philoscia - Latreille, 1804
- Philoscina - Ferrara & Taiti, 1985
- Platycytoniscus - Herold, 1931
- Pleopodoscia - Verhoeff, 1942
- Plumasicola - Vandel, 1981
- Plymophiloscia - Wahrberg, 1922
- Portoricoscia - Leistikow, 1999
- Prosekia - Vandel, 1968
- Pseudophiloscia - Budde-Lund, 1904
- Pseudosetaphora - Ferrara & Taiti, 1986
- Pseudotyphloscia - Verhoeff, 1928
- Puteoscia - Vandel, 1981
- Rostrophiloscia - Arcangeli, 1932
- Sechelloscia - Taiti & Ferrara, 1980
- Serendibia - Manicastri & Taiti, 1987
- Setaphora - Budde-Lund, 1908
- Sinhaloscia - Manicastri & Taiti, 1987
- Stenopleonoscia - Herold, 1931
- Stephenoscia - Vandel, 1977
- Sulesoscia - Vandel, 1973
- Tenebrioscia - Schultz, 1985
- Thomasoniscus - Vandel, 1981
- Tiroloscia - Verhoeff, 1926
- Togoscia - Schmalfuss & Ferrara, 1978
- Tongoscia - Dalens, 1988
- Trichophiloscia - Arcangeli, 1950
- Troglophiloscia - Brian, 1929
- Tropicana - Manicastri and Taiti, 1987
- Tropiscia - Vandel, 1968
- Uluguroscia - Taiti & Ferrara, 1980
- Vandelophiloscia - Schmalfuss & Ferrara, 1978
- Verhoeffiella - Vandel, 1970
- Wahrbergia - Verhoeff, 1926
- Xiphoniscus - Vandel, 1968
- Zebrascia - Verhoeff, 1942
Konuyla ilgili yayınlar
- Schmalfuss, H. (2003). World catalog of terrestrial isopods (Isopoda: Oniscidea). Stuttgarter Beiträge zur Naturkunde. Serie A, 654: 1-341.
- Schotte, M.; Kensley, B. F.; Shilling, S. (1995 onwards). World list of Marine, Freshwater and Terrestrial Crustacea Isopoda. National Museum of Natural History Smithsonian Institution: Washington D.C., USA
- Martin, Joel W., and George E. Davis, 2001: An Updated Classification of the Recent Crustacea. Natural History Museum of Los Angeles, Science Series 39. 124.
- Parker, S.P. (ed). (1982). Synopsis and Classification of Living Organisms. McGraw-Hill, New York. 2 volumes.
- Leistikow, Andreas and Johann Wolfgang Wägele, 1999: Checklist of the terrestrial isopods of the new world (Crustacea, Isopoda, Oniscidea). Revista Brasileira Zoologie, vol. 16, no. 1. 1-72.
- Brandt, A.; Poore, G. C. B. (2003). Higher classification of the flabelliferan and related Isopoda based on a reappraisal of relationships. Invertebrate Systematics. 17: 893-923.
- Gärdenfors, Ulf, Hall, Ragnar, Hallingbäck, Tomas, Hansson, Hans G. & Hedström, Lars (2003) Djur, svampar och växter i Sverige 2003. Förteckning över antal arter per familj. ArtDatabanken Rapporterar 5, ArtDatabanken, Uppsala.
- Broly P., Serrano-Sánchez M. L., et al (2017) Fossil evidence of extended brood care in new Miocene Peracarida (Crustacea) from Mexico, Journal of Systematic Palaeontology 15, 1037-1049
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Philosciidae Isopoda takimina bagli bir hayvan familyasidir PhilosciidaeKorunma durumuDegerlendirilmedi IUCN 3 1 Biyolojik siniflandirmaAlem AnimaliaSube ArthropodaAlt sube CrustaceaSinif MalacostracaUst takim PeracaridaTakim IsopodaFamilya PhilosciidaeTaksonomiPhilosciidae familyasina bagli cinsler 2023 Abebaioscia Vandel 1973 Adeloscia Vandel 1977 Alboscia Schultz 1995 Anaphiloscia Racovitza 1907 Anchiphiloscia Stebbing 1908 Andenoniscus Verhoeff 1951 Andricophiloscia Vandel 1973 Androdeloscia Leistikow 1999 Aphiloscia Budde Lund 1908 Araucoscia Verhoeff 1939 Arcangeloscia Schmalfuss amp Ferrara 1978 Archaeoscia Vandel 1973 Arhina Budde Lund 1904 Ashtonia Vandel 1973 Atlantoscia Ferrara and Taiti 1981 Australophiloscia Green 1990 Baconaoscia Vandel 1981 Barnardoscia Taiti amp Ferrara 1982 Benthana Budde Lund 1908 Benthanoides Lemos de Castro 1959 Benthanops Barnard 1932 Benthanoscia Lemos de Castro 1958 Burmoniscus Collinge 1914 Caraiboscia Vandel 1968 Chaetophiloscia Verhoeff 1908 Colombophiloscia Vandel 1968 Congophiloscia Arcangeli 1950 Ctenoscia Verhoeff 1928 Cubanophiloscia Vandel 1973 Dekanoscia Verhoeff 1936 Didima Budde Lund 1908 Ecuadoroniscus Vandel 1968 Erophiloscia Vandel 1972 Eurygastor Vandel 1973 Floridoscia Schultz and C Johnson 1984 Gabunoscia Schmalfuss amp Ferrara 1978 Hawaiioscia Schultz 1973 Heroldia Verhoeff 1926 Hoctunus Mulaik 1960 Huntonia Vandel 1973 Isabelloscia Vandel 1973 Ischioscia Verhoeff 1928 Javanoscia Schultz 1985 Jimenezia Vandel 1973 Laevophiloscia Wahrberg 1922 Leonoscia Ferrara amp Schmalfuss 1985 Lepidoniscus Verhoeff 1908 Leptophiloscia Herold 1931 Leucophiloscia Vandel 1973 Loboscia Schmidt 1998 Metriogastor Vandel 1973 Microphiloscia Vandel 1973 Mirtana Leistikow 1997 Nahia Budde Lund 1908 Nataloniscus Ferrara amp Taiti 1985 Natalscia Verhoeff 1942 Nesoniscus Verhoeff 1926 Nesophiloscia Vandel 1968 Okeaninoscia Vandel 1977 Oniscophiloscia Wahrberg 1922 Oreades Vandel 1968 Oroscia Verhoeff 1926 Pacroscia Vandel 1981 Palaioscia Vandel 1973 Papuaphiloscia Vandel 1970 Parachaetophiloscia Cruz amp Dalens 1990 Paraguascia Schultz 1995 Parapacroscia Vandel 1981 Paraphiloscia Stebbing 1900 Parischioscia Lemos de Castro 1967 Pentoniscus Richardson 1913 Perinetia Barnard 1959 Philoscia Latreille 1804 Philoscina Ferrara amp Taiti 1985 Platycytoniscus Herold 1931 Pleopodoscia Verhoeff 1942 Plumasicola Vandel 1981 Plymophiloscia Wahrberg 1922 Portoricoscia Leistikow 1999 Prosekia Vandel 1968 Pseudophiloscia Budde Lund 1904 Pseudosetaphora Ferrara amp Taiti 1986 Pseudotyphloscia Verhoeff 1928 Puteoscia Vandel 1981 Rostrophiloscia Arcangeli 1932 Sechelloscia Taiti amp Ferrara 1980 Serendibia Manicastri amp Taiti 1987 Setaphora Budde Lund 1908 Sinhaloscia Manicastri amp Taiti 1987 Stenopleonoscia Herold 1931 Stephenoscia Vandel 1977 Sulesoscia Vandel 1973 Tenebrioscia Schultz 1985 Thomasoniscus Vandel 1981 Tiroloscia Verhoeff 1926 Togoscia Schmalfuss amp Ferrara 1978 Tongoscia Dalens 1988 Trichophiloscia Arcangeli 1950 Troglophiloscia Brian 1929 Tropicana Manicastri and Taiti 1987 Tropiscia Vandel 1968 Uluguroscia Taiti amp Ferrara 1980 Vandelophiloscia Schmalfuss amp Ferrara 1978 Verhoeffiella Vandel 1970 Wahrbergia Verhoeff 1926 Xiphoniscus Vandel 1968 Zebrascia Verhoeff 1942Konuyla ilgili yayinlarSchmalfuss H 2003 World catalog of terrestrial isopods Isopoda Oniscidea Stuttgarter Beitrage zur Naturkunde Serie A 654 1 341 Schotte M Kensley B F Shilling S 1995 onwards World list of Marine Freshwater and Terrestrial Crustacea Isopoda National Museum of Natural History Smithsonian Institution Washington D C USA Martin Joel W and George E Davis 2001 An Updated Classification of the Recent Crustacea Natural History Museum of Los Angeles Science Series 39 124 Parker S P ed 1982 Synopsis and Classification of Living Organisms McGraw Hill New York 2 volumes Leistikow Andreas and Johann Wolfgang Wagele 1999 Checklist of the terrestrial isopods of the new world Crustacea Isopoda Oniscidea Revista Brasileira Zoologie vol 16 no 1 1 72 Brandt A Poore G C B 2003 Higher classification of the flabelliferan and related Isopoda based on a reappraisal of relationships Invertebrate Systematics 17 893 923 Gardenfors Ulf Hall Ragnar Hallingback Tomas Hansson Hans G amp Hedstrom Lars 2003 Djur svampar och vaxter i Sverige 2003 Forteckning over antal arter per familj ArtDatabanken Rapporterar 5 ArtDatabanken Uppsala Broly P Serrano Sanchez M L et al 2017 Fossil evidence of extended brood care in new Miocene Peracarida Crustacea from Mexico Journal of Systematic Palaeontology 15 1037 1049Kaynakca GBIF 2 Ocak 2024 tarihinde kaynagindan Erisim tarihi 24 Temmuz 2024 PaleoBioDB 3 Ocak 2024 tarihinde kaynagindan Erisim tarihi 24 Temmuz 2024 30 Ekim 2013 tarihinde kaynagindan arsivlendi Erisim tarihi 15 Mayis 2022 Dis baglantilarWikimedia Commons ta Philosciidae ile ilgili coklu ortam belgeleri bulunur Vikitur de Philosciidae ile ilgili ayrintili taksonomik bilgiler bulunur Isopoda ile ilgili bu madde taslak seviyesindedir Madde icerigini genisleterek Vikipedi ye katki saglayabilirsiniz