Pierre Boulez (26 Mart 1925, Montbrison Loire – 5 Ocak 2016, Baden-Baden), Fransız besteci, koro şefi, yazar ve piyanist.

İlk yılları
Boulez 26 Mart 1925'te , Fransa'da dünyaya geldi. Katolik olarak yetiştirildi ancak sonradan ateist oldu. Çocukluğunda piyano dersleri ve matematik dersleri almaya başladı. Daha sonra Lyon'da müzik eğitimine devam etti. Ardından Paris Konservatuvarı'nda Olivier Messiaen ve Andrée Vaurabourg'un gözetiminde müzik kariyerine devam etti.
Seçilmiş eserleri
- (1946)
- Le visage nuptial (soprano, alto, 1946/51/88–89)
- (1947–48)
- Le soleil des eaux (soprano solo, mixed choir, orchestra, 1948/50/58/65)
- Livre pour quatuor (string quartet, 1948–49, rev. 2011–12)
- (1951)
- , Livres I et II
- Le marteau sans maître
- (1955–57/63 ...)
- (soprano ve orkestra, 1957–89)
- Figures, doubles, prismes (1957–68)
- Éclat/Multiples (ensemble, 1965–70)
- Domaines ( solo, 1968–69)
- Domaines (, 1968–69)
- Cummings ist der Dichter
- (1974–75)
- Messagesquisse (yedi çello, 1976–77)
- Notations (1978/1999–...)
- 1980–84
- Dialogue de l'ombre double 1982–85
- Dérive 1 (1984)
- Dérive 2 (1988–2006)
- ...explosante-fixe...
- 1996–98
- Dialogue de l'ombre double 1985/1995
- 2, 1998
- Une page d'éphéméride (piano, 2005)
- Anon. 2008. "Pierre Boulez—Every Composer Chooses His Fathers". In Talking to Kinky and Karlheinz—170 Musicians Get Vocal on the Music Show, edited by Anni Heino, 254–62. Sydney: ABC Books. .
- Barulich, Frances. 1988. "Pierre Boulez by Dominique Jameux; Pierre Boulez und sein Werk by Theo Hirsbrunner; Pierre Boulez: A Symposium edited by William Glock; Orientations: Collected Writings by Pierre Boulez edited and with an introduction by Jean-Jacques Nattiez and translated by Martin Cooper; Éclats/Boulez edited by Claude Samuel with the collaboration of Jacqueline Muller; Pierre Boulez: Eine Festschrift zum 60. Geburtstag am 26. März 1985 edited by Josef Häusler; Boulez in Bayreuth/Boulez à Bayreuth: Der Jahrhundert-Ring/The Centenary 'Ring'/Le 'Ring' du centenaire Histoire d'un 'Ring' Entretiens sur la 'Tétralogie du centenaire': Pierre Boulez, Jeffrey Tate, Jean-Jacques Nattiez" [book review]. Notes 2nd series, 45, no. 1 (September): 48–52.
- Blaustein, Susan. 1989. "The Survival of Aesthetics: Books by Boulez, Delio, Rochberg". Perspectives of New Music 27, no. 1 (Winter): 272–303.
- Boulez, Pierre. 1971. Boulez on Music Today, translate by Susan Bradshaw and Richard Rodney Bennett. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press. ; London: Faber.
- Boulez, Pierre 1981. Orientations: Collected Writings, collected and edited by Jean-Jacques Nattiez, translated by Martin Cooper. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. . New edition, translated by Martin Cooper from the second French edition of Points de repère, London and Boston: Faber & Faber, 1986. (cased); (pbk).
- Boulez, Pierre. 1986. "Sonate, que me veux-tu?" (1960). In his Orientations: Collected Writings, translated by, 143–154. London: . .
- Boulez, Pierre. 1991a. "Schoenberg is Dead" (1952). In his Stocktakings from an Apprenticeship, collected and presented by Paule Thévenin, translated by Stephen Walsh, with an introduction by Robert Piencikowski, 209–14. Oxford: Clarendon Press; New York: Oxford University Press.
- Boulez, Pierre. 1991b. "Possibly..." (1952). In his Stocktakings from an Apprenticeship, collected and presented by Paule Thévenin, translated by Stephen Walsh, with an introduction by Robert Piencikowski, 111–40. Oxford: Clarendon Press; New York: Oxford University Press.
- Boulez, Pierre. 1991c. "Alea" (1957). In his Stocktakings from an Apprenticeship, collected and presented by Paule Thévenin, translated by Stephen Walsh, with an introduction by Robert Piencikowski, 26–38. Oxford: Clarendon Press; New York: Oxford University Press.
- Boulez, Pierre. 1995. Points de repère. I: Imaginer, edited by Jean-Jacques Nattiez and Sophie Galaise, with the collaboration of Robert Piecikowski. Musique/passé/présent. Paris: Bourgois.
- Boulez, Pierre. 2005a. Points de repère. II: Regards sur autrui, edited by Jean-Jacques Nattiez and Sophie Galaise. Musique/passé/présent. Paris: Bourgois.
- Boulez, Pierre. 2005b. Points de repère. III: Leçons de musique: Deux décennies d'enseignement au Collège de France, edited by Jean-Jacques Nattiez, preface by Jonathan Goldman, foreword by Michel Fouculta. Musique/passé/présent. Paris: Bourgois.
- Boulez, Pierre, and Dan Albertson. 2007. ". . .'ouvert', encore. . .". Contemporary Music Review 26, nos. 3–4 (June–August):.339–40.
- Burnham, Scott G. "Beethoven, Ludwig van, §19: Posthumous influence and reception (iii) Political reception.", Grove Music Online, ed. L. Macy. (Subscription access).
- Di Pietro, Rocco. 2001. Dialogues with Boulez. Lanham, Md.:The Scarecrow Press, Inc.
- Ewen, David. 1971. "Pierre Boulez". In David Ewen, Composers of Tomorrow's Music: A Non-technical Introduction to the Musical Avant-garde Movement, 78–93. New York: Dodd, Mead & Co.
- . 1973. "Two Pianos: Boulez, Structures, Book 2". The Musical Times 114, no. 1562 (April): 390.
- Griffiths, Paul. 1995. Modern Music and After: Directions Since 1945. London: Oxford University Press. (cloth); (pbk)
- . 1971. "A Clear View". Musical Times 112, no. 1540 (June): 557.
- Hayes, Malcolm. 1992. Review of Stocktakings from an Apprenticeship by Pierre Boulez; Stephen Walsh. Tempo new series, no. 180 (Mar. 1992): 29–30.
- Heinemann, Stephen. 1993. "Pitch-Class Set Multiplication in Boulez's Le Marteau sans maître". DMA thesis. Seattle: University of Washington.
- Heinemann, Stephen. 1998. "Pitch-Class Set Multiplication in Theory and Practice". Music Theory Spectrum 20, no. 1 (Spring): 72–96. (accessed 17 June 2008)
- Hopkins, G. W., and Paul Griffiths. 2006. "Pierre Boulez", Grove Music Online ed. L. Macy. (Subscription access)
- Humbertclaude Eric. 1999. La Transcription dans Boulez et Murail : de l'oreille à l'éveil, Paris: Harmattan.
- Jameux, Dominique. 1991. Pierre Boulez, translated by Susan Bradshaw. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press. London: Faber. .
- Kimmelman, Michael. 2010. "Boulez's Gentler Roar 11 Haziran 2015 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .". New York Times (6 January) (Accessed 22 January 2013).
- Koblyakov, Lev. 1977. "P. Boulez Le marteau sans maître: Analysis of Pitch Structure". Zeitschrift für Musiktheorie 8, no. 1:24–39.
- Koblyakov, Lev. 1981. "The World of Harmony of Pierre Boulez: Analysis of Le marteau sans maître". Ph.D. diss., Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
- Koblyakov, Lev. 1990. Pierre Boulez: A World of Harmony 27 Haziran 2014 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .. Contemporary Music Studies 2. Chur, Switzerland, and New York: Harwood Academic Publishers.
- Ligeti, György. 1960. "Pierre Boulez: Decision and Automatism in Structure Ia." Die Reihe 4 (Young Composers): 36–62. (Translated from the original German edition of 1958.)
- McNamee, Ann K. 1992. "Are Boulez and Stockhausen Ready for the Mainstream? A Review". Musical Quarterly 76, no. 2:283–91. |DOI:10.1093/mq/76.2.283
- Mosch, Ulrich. 1997. "Wahrnehmungsweisen serieller Musik". Musiktheorie 12:61–70.
- Mosch, Ulrich. 2004. Musikalisches Hören serieller Musik: Untersuchungen am Beispiel von Pierre Boulez' Le Marteau sans maître. Saarbrücken: Pfau-Verlag.
- Obrist, Hans Ulrich, and Philippe Parreno. 2008. "An Interview with Pierre Boulez". In Sound Unbound: Sampling Digital Music and Culture, edited by Paul D. Miller, a.k.a. , 361–74. Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press.
- Olivier, Philippe. 2005. Pierre Boulez: Le maître et son marteau. Collection points d'orgue. Paris: Hermann, éditeurs des sciences et des arts. .
- Orton, Richard, and . 2001. "Ondes martenot". The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, second edition, edited by and . London: Macmillan Publishers.
- . 1976. Boulez: Composer, Conductor, Enigma. New York: Schirmer Books. ; London: Cassell.
- Peyser, Joan. 1999. To Boulez and Beyond: Music in Europe Since the Rite of Spring, with a preface by . New York: Billboard Books. . Revised edition, Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press, 2008.
- Steenhuisen, Paul. 2009. "Interview with Pierre Boulez". In . Edmonton: University of Alberta Press.
- Südwestrundfunk. n.d. "Donaueschinger Musiktage: Programme seit 1921: Programm des Jahres 1961 24 Mayıs 2014 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .". SWR website (Accessed 26 May 2013).
- Vermeil, Jean. 1996. Conversations with Boulez: Thoughts on Conducting. Translated by Camille Nash, with a selection of programs conducted by Boulez and a discography by Paul Griffiths. Portland, Oregon: Amadeus Press.
Dış bağlantılar
Wikimedia Commons'ta Pierre Boulez ile ilgili ortam dosyaları bulunmaktadır. |
- AllMusic'te Pierre Boulez
- biography and works on the UE website (publisher)
- Pierre Boulez Interview with Andy Carvin, 1992 20 Kasım 2012 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .
- Pierre Boulez CompositionToday articles and review of works 11 Aralık 2013 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .
- Pierre Boulez Photographic portrait by Philippe Gontier 17 Mart 2014 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .
- Tommasini, Anthony, "Boulez Salutes Bits and Bytes With an Artistic Partnership". New York Times, 25 April 2005.
- Clements, Andrew and Service, Tom (compilers), "A master who worked with a very small hammer". The Guardian, 25 March 2005. 9 Mayıs 2008 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .
- , with Andrew Gerzso, 16 February 1986
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Pierre Boulez 26 Mart 1925 Montbrison Loire 5 Ocak 2016 Baden Baden Fransiz besteci koro sefi yazar ve piyanist Pierre Boulez 2004 Pierre Boulez 1968 BiyografisiIlk yillari Boulez 26 Mart 1925 te Fransa da dunyaya geldi Katolik olarak yetistirildi ancak sonradan ateist oldu Cocuklugunda piyano dersleri ve matematik dersleri almaya basladi Daha sonra Lyon da muzik egitimine devam etti Ardindan Paris Konservatuvari nda Olivier Messiaen ve Andree Vaurabourg un gozetiminde muzik kariyerine devam etti Secilmis eserleri 1946 Le visage nuptial soprano alto 1946 51 88 89 1947 48 Le soleil des eaux soprano solo mixed choir orchestra 1948 50 58 65 Livre pour quatuor string quartet 1948 49 rev 2011 12 1951 Livres I et II Le marteau sans maitre 1955 57 63 soprano ve orkestra 1957 89 Figures doubles prismes 1957 68 Eclat Multiples ensemble 1965 70 Domaines solo 1968 69 Domaines 1968 69 Cummings ist der Dichter 1974 75 Messagesquisse yedi cello 1976 77 Notations 1978 1999 1980 84 Dialogue de l ombre double 1982 85 Derive 1 1984 Derive 2 1988 2006 explosante fixe 1996 98 Dialogue de l ombre double 1985 1995 2 1998 Une page d ephemeride piano 2005 BibliyografiAnon 2008 Pierre Boulez Every Composer Chooses His Fathers In Talking to Kinky and Karlheinz 170 Musicians Get Vocal on the Music Show edited by Anni Heino 254 62 Sydney ABC Books ISBN 978 0 7333 2008 8 Barulich Frances 1988 Pierre Boulez by Dominique Jameux Pierre Boulez und sein Werk by Theo Hirsbrunner Pierre Boulez A Symposium edited by William Glock Orientations Collected Writings by Pierre Boulez edited and with an introduction by Jean Jacques Nattiez and translated by Martin Cooper Eclats Boulez edited by Claude Samuel with the collaboration of Jacqueline Muller Pierre Boulez Eine Festschrift zum 60 Geburtstag am 26 Marz 1985 edited by Josef Hausler Boulez in Bayreuth Boulez a Bayreuth Der Jahrhundert Ring The Centenary Ring Le Ring du centenaire Histoire d un Ring Entretiens sur la Tetralogie du centenaire Pierre Boulez Jeffrey Tate Jean Jacques Nattiez book review Notes 2nd series 45 no 1 September 48 52 Blaustein Susan 1989 The Survival of Aesthetics Books by Boulez Delio Rochberg Perspectives of New Music 27 no 1 Winter 272 303 Boulez Pierre 1971 Boulez on Music Today translate by Susan Bradshaw and Richard Rodney Bennett Cambridge Mass Harvard University Press ISBN 0 674 08006 8 London Faber ISBN 0 571 09420 1 Boulez Pierre 1981 Orientations Collected Writings collected and edited by Jean Jacques Nattiez translated by Martin Cooper Cambridge MA Harvard University Press ISBN 0 674 64376 3 New edition translated by Martin Cooper from the second French edition of Points de repere London and Boston Faber amp Faber 1986 ISBN 0 571 13811 X cased ISBN 0 571 13835 7 pbk Boulez Pierre 1986 Sonate que me veux tu 1960 In his Orientations Collected Writings translated by 143 154 London ISBN 0 571 14347 4 Boulez Pierre 1991a Schoenberg is Dead 1952 In his Stocktakings from an Apprenticeship collected and presented by Paule Thevenin translated by Stephen Walsh with an introduction by Robert Piencikowski 209 14 Oxford Clarendon Press New York Oxford University Press ISBN 0 19 311210 8 Boulez Pierre 1991b Possibly 1952 In his Stocktakings from an Apprenticeship collected and presented by Paule Thevenin translated by Stephen Walsh with an introduction by Robert Piencikowski 111 40 Oxford Clarendon Press New York Oxford University Press ISBN 0 19 311210 8 Boulez Pierre 1991c Alea 1957 In his Stocktakings from an Apprenticeship collected and presented by Paule Thevenin translated by Stephen Walsh with an introduction by Robert Piencikowski 26 38 Oxford Clarendon Press New York Oxford University Press ISBN 0 19 311210 8 Boulez Pierre 1995 Points de repere I Imaginer edited by Jean Jacques Nattiez and Sophie Galaise with the collaboration of Robert Piecikowski Musique passe present Paris Bourgois Boulez Pierre 2005a Points de repere II Regards sur autrui edited by Jean Jacques Nattiez and Sophie Galaise Musique passe present Paris Bourgois Boulez Pierre 2005b Points de repere III Lecons de musique Deux decennies d enseignement au College de France edited by Jean Jacques Nattiez preface by Jonathan Goldman foreword by Michel Fouculta Musique passe present Paris Bourgois Boulez Pierre and Dan Albertson 2007 ouvert encore Contemporary Music Review 26 nos 3 4 June August 339 40 Burnham Scott G Beethoven Ludwig van 19 Posthumous influence and reception iii Political reception Grove Music Online ed L Macy Subscription access Di Pietro Rocco 2001 Dialogues with Boulez Lanham Md The Scarecrow Press Inc ISBN 0 8108 3932 6 Ewen David 1971 Pierre Boulez In David Ewen Composers of Tomorrow s Music A Non technical Introduction to the Musical Avant garde Movement 78 93 New York Dodd Mead amp Co ISBN 0 396 06286 5 1973 Two Pianos Boulez Structures Book 2 The Musical Times 114 no 1562 April 390 Griffiths Paul 1995 Modern Music and After Directions Since 1945 London Oxford University Press ISBN 0 19 816578 1 cloth ISBN 0 19 816511 0 pbk 1971 A Clear View Musical Times 112 no 1540 June 557 Hayes Malcolm 1992 Review of Stocktakings from an Apprenticeship by Pierre Boulez Stephen Walsh Tempo new series no 180 Mar 1992 29 30 Heinemann Stephen 1993 Pitch Class Set Multiplication in Boulez s Le Marteau sans maitre DMA thesis Seattle University of Washington Heinemann Stephen 1998 Pitch Class Set Multiplication in Theory and Practice Music Theory Spectrum 20 no 1 Spring 72 96 accessed 17 June 2008 Hopkins G W and Paul Griffiths 2006 Pierre Boulez Grove Music Online ed L Macy Subscription access Humbertclaude Eric 1999 La Transcription dans Boulez et Murail de l oreille a l eveil Paris Harmattan ISBN 2 7384 8042 X Jameux Dominique 1991 Pierre Boulez translated by Susan Bradshaw Cambridge Mass Harvard University Press ISBN 0 674 66740 9 London Faber ISBN 0 571 13744 X Kimmelman Michael 2010 Boulez s Gentler Roar 11 Haziran 2015 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde New York Times 6 January Accessed 22 January 2013 Koblyakov Lev 1977 P Boulez Le marteau sans maitre Analysis of Pitch Structure Zeitschrift fur Musiktheorie 8 no 1 24 39 Koblyakov Lev 1981 The World of Harmony of Pierre Boulez Analysis of Le marteau sans maitre Ph D diss Hebrew University of Jerusalem Koblyakov Lev 1990 Pierre Boulez A World of Harmony 27 Haziran 2014 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Contemporary Music Studies 2 Chur Switzerland and New York Harwood Academic Publishers ISBN 3 7186 0422 1 Ligeti Gyorgy 1960 Pierre Boulez Decision and Automatism in Structure Ia Die Reihe 4 Young Composers 36 62 Translated from the original German edition of 1958 McNamee Ann K 1992 Are Boulez and Stockhausen Ready for the Mainstream A Review Musical Quarterly 76 no 2 283 91 DOI 10 1093 mq 76 2 283 Mosch Ulrich 1997 Wahrnehmungsweisen serieller Musik Musiktheorie 12 61 70 Mosch Ulrich 2004 Musikalisches Horen serieller Musik Untersuchungen am Beispiel von Pierre Boulez Le Marteau sans maitre Saarbrucken Pfau Verlag ISBN 3 89727 253 9 Obrist Hans Ulrich and Philippe Parreno 2008 An Interview with Pierre Boulez In Sound Unbound Sampling Digital Music and Culture edited by Paul D Miller a k a 361 74 Cambridge Mass MIT Press ISBN 978 0 262 63363 5 Olivier Philippe 2005 Pierre Boulez Le maitre et son marteau Collection points d orgue Paris Hermann editeurs des sciences et des arts ISBN 2 7056 6531 5 Orton Richard and 2001 Ondes martenot The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians second edition edited by and London Macmillan Publishers 1976 Boulez Composer Conductor Enigma New York Schirmer Books ISBN 0 02 871700 7 London Cassell ISBN 0 304 29901 4 Peyser Joan 1999 To Boulez and Beyond Music in Europe Since the Rite of Spring with a preface by New York Billboard Books ISBN 0 8230 7875 2 Revised edition Lanham MD Scarecrow Press 2008 ISBN 978 0 8108 5877 0 Steenhuisen Paul 2009 Interview with Pierre Boulez In Edmonton University of Alberta Press ISBN 978 0 88864 474 9 Sudwestrundfunk n d Donaueschinger Musiktage Programme seit 1921 Programm des Jahres 1961 24 Mayis 2014 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde SWR website Accessed 26 May 2013 Vermeil Jean 1996 Conversations with Boulez Thoughts on Conducting Translated by Camille Nash with a selection of programs conducted by Boulez and a discography by Paul Griffiths Portland Oregon Amadeus Press ISBN 1 57467 007 7Kaynakca Joan Peyser 1976 Boulez Composer Conductor Enigma Schirmer Books s 7 ISBN 978 0 02 871700 5 erisim tarihi kullanmak icin url gerekiyor yardim Inspired Minds 29 Kasim 2014 tarihinde kaynagindan arsivlendi Erisim tarihi 18 Agustos 2009 Dis baglantilarWikimedia Commons ta Pierre Boulez ile ilgili ortam dosyalari bulunmaktadir AllMusic te Pierre Boulez biography and works on the UE website publisher Pierre Boulez Interview with Andy Carvin 1992 20 Kasim 2012 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Pierre Boulez CompositionToday articles and review of works 11 Aralik 2013 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Pierre Boulez Photographic portrait by Philippe Gontier 17 Mart 2014 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Tommasini Anthony Boulez Salutes Bits and Bytes With an Artistic Partnership New York Times 25 April 2005 Clements Andrew and Service Tom compilers A master who worked with a very small hammer The Guardian 25 March 2005 9 Mayis 2008 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde with Andrew Gerzso 16 February 1986