Polynoidae, Phyllodocida takımına bağlı bir hayvan familyasıdır.
Polynoidae | |||||||||||
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Biyolojik sınıflandırma | |||||||||||
Polynoidae familyasına bağlı cinsler (2023):
- Adyte - Saint-Joseph, 1899
- Alentia - Malmgren, 1865
- Alentiana - Hartman, 1942
- Allmaniella - McIntosh, 1885
- Andresia - Prenant, 1924
- Antinoana - Hartman and Fauchald, 1971
- Antinoe - Kinberg, 1855
- Antinoella - Augener, 1928
- Arcteobia - Annenkova, 1937
- Arctonoe - Chamberlin, 1920
- Arctonoella - Buzhinskaja, 1967
- Australaugeneria - Pettibone, 1969
- Austrolaenilla - Bergstroem, 1916
- Barrukia - Bergstroem, 1916
- Bathyadmetella - Pettibone, 1967
- Bathymoorea - Pettibone, 1967
- Benhamipolynoe - Pettibone, 1970
- Bouchiria - Wesenberg-Lund, 1949
- Bylgides - Chamberlin, 1919
- Cervilia - Frickinger, 1916
- Chaetacanthus - Seidler, 1924
- Dilepidonotus - Hartman, 1967
- Drieschella - Augener and Pettibone in Pettibone, 1970
- Drieschia - Michaelsen, 1892
- Enipo - Malmgren, 1865
- Eucranta - Malmgren, 1865
- Eulagisca - McIntosh, 1885
- Eunoe - Malmgren, 1865
- Euphione - McIntosh, 1885
- Euphionella - Monro, 1936
- Frennia - Viguier, 1912
- Gastrolepidia - Schmarda, 1861
- Gattyana - McIntosh, 1900
- Gorekia - Bergstroem, 1916
- Grubeopolynoe - Pettibone, 1969
- Halosydna - Kinberg, 1855
- Halosydnella - Hartman, 1938
- Halosydnopsis - Uschakov and Wu, 1959
- Harmothoe - Kinberg, 1855
- Hartmania - Pettibone, 1955
- Hemilepidia - Schmarda, 1861
- Herdmanella - Darboux, 1899
- Hermadion - Kinberg, 1855
- Hermenia - Grube, 1856
- Hesperonoe - Chamberlin, 1919
- Heteropolynoe - Bidenkap, 1907
- Hololepida - Moore, 1905
- Hololepidella - Willey, 1905
- Hyperhalosydna - Augener, 1922
- Intoshella - Darboux, 1899
- Kermadecella - Darboux, 1899
- Lagisca - Malmgren, 1865
- Lepidasthenia - Malmgren, 1867
- Lepidastheniella - Monro, 1924
- Lepidofimbria - Hartman, 1967
- Lepidogyra - Hartman, 1967
- Lepidonotus - Leach, 1816
- Leucia - Malmgren, 1867
- Lucopia - Pillai, 1965
- Macellicephala - McIntosh, 1885
- Macellicephaloides - Uschakov, 1955
- Macelloides - Uschakov, 1957
- Malmgrenia - McIntosh, 1874
- Malmgreniella - Hartman, 1967
- Melaenis - Malmgren, 1865
- Nemidia - Malmgren, 1865
- Neohololepidella - Pettibone, 1969
- Paradyte - Pettibone, 1969
- Parahalosydna - Horst, 1915
- Parahololepidella - Pettibone, 1969
- Paralepidonotus - Horst, 1915
- Perolepis - Ehlers, 1908
- Phyllohartmania - Pettibone, 1961
- Phyllosheila - Pettibone, 1961
- Podarmus - Chamberlin, 1919
- Polyeunoa - McIntosh, 1885
- Polynoe - Savigny, 1818
- Polynoella - McIntosh, 1885
- Pottsiscalisetosus - Pettibone, 1969
- Pseudohalosydna - Fauvel, 1913
- Pseudopolynoe - Day, 1962
- Robertianella - McIntosh, 1885
- Scalisetosus - McIntosh, 1885
- Sheila - Monro, 1930
- Subadyte - Pettibone, 1969
- Telolepidasthenia - Augener and Pettibone in Pettibone, 1970
- Tenonia - Nichols, 1969
- Thormora - Baird, 1865
- Uncopolynoe - Hartmann-Schroeder, 1960
- Weberia - Horst, 1915
- ^ . 30 Ekim 2013 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. Erişim tarihi: 23 Mart 2022.
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Polynoidae Phyllodocida takimina bagli bir hayvan familyasidir PolynoidaeBiyolojik siniflandirmaAlem AnimaliaSube AnnelidaSinif PolychaetaTakim PhyllodocidaFamilya PolynoidaeTaksonomiPolynoidae familyasina bagli cinsler 2023 Adyte Saint Joseph 1899 Alentia Malmgren 1865 Alentiana Hartman 1942 Allmaniella McIntosh 1885 Andresia Prenant 1924 Antinoana Hartman and Fauchald 1971 Antinoe Kinberg 1855 Antinoella Augener 1928 Arcteobia Annenkova 1937 Arctonoe Chamberlin 1920 Arctonoella Buzhinskaja 1967 Australaugeneria Pettibone 1969 Austrolaenilla Bergstroem 1916 Barrukia Bergstroem 1916 Bathyadmetella Pettibone 1967 Bathymoorea Pettibone 1967 Benhamipolynoe Pettibone 1970 Bouchiria Wesenberg Lund 1949 Bylgides Chamberlin 1919 Cervilia Frickinger 1916 Chaetacanthus Seidler 1924 Dilepidonotus Hartman 1967 Drieschella Augener and Pettibone in Pettibone 1970 Drieschia Michaelsen 1892 Enipo Malmgren 1865 Eucranta Malmgren 1865 Eulagisca McIntosh 1885 Eunoe Malmgren 1865 Euphione McIntosh 1885 Euphionella Monro 1936 Frennia Viguier 1912 Gastrolepidia Schmarda 1861 Gattyana McIntosh 1900 Gorekia Bergstroem 1916 Grubeopolynoe Pettibone 1969 Halosydna Kinberg 1855 Halosydnella Hartman 1938 Halosydnopsis Uschakov and Wu 1959 Harmothoe Kinberg 1855 Hartmania Pettibone 1955 Hemilepidia Schmarda 1861 Herdmanella Darboux 1899 Hermadion Kinberg 1855 Hermenia Grube 1856 Hesperonoe Chamberlin 1919 Heteropolynoe Bidenkap 1907 Hololepida Moore 1905 Hololepidella Willey 1905 Hyperhalosydna Augener 1922 Intoshella Darboux 1899 Kermadecella Darboux 1899 Lagisca Malmgren 1865 Lepidasthenia Malmgren 1867 Lepidastheniella Monro 1924 Lepidofimbria Hartman 1967 Lepidogyra Hartman 1967 Lepidonotus Leach 1816 Leucia Malmgren 1867 Lucopia Pillai 1965 Macellicephala McIntosh 1885 Macellicephaloides Uschakov 1955 Macelloides Uschakov 1957 Malmgrenia McIntosh 1874 Malmgreniella Hartman 1967 Melaenis Malmgren 1865 Nemidia Malmgren 1865 Neohololepidella Pettibone 1969 Paradyte Pettibone 1969 Parahalosydna Horst 1915 Parahololepidella Pettibone 1969 Paralepidonotus Horst 1915 Perolepis Ehlers 1908 Phyllohartmania Pettibone 1961 Phyllosheila Pettibone 1961 Podarmus Chamberlin 1919 Polyeunoa McIntosh 1885 Polynoe Savigny 1818 Polynoella McIntosh 1885 Pottsiscalisetosus Pettibone 1969 Pseudohalosydna Fauvel 1913 Pseudopolynoe Day 1962 Robertianella McIntosh 1885 Scalisetosus McIntosh 1885 Sheila Monro 1930 Subadyte Pettibone 1969 Telolepidasthenia Augener and Pettibone in Pettibone 1970 Tenonia Nichols 1969 Thormora Baird 1865 Uncopolynoe Hartmann Schroeder 1960 Weberia Horst 1915Kaynakca 30 Ekim 2013 tarihinde kaynagindan arsivlendi Erisim tarihi 23 Mart 2022 Dis baglantilarWikimedia Commons ta Polynoidae ile ilgili coklu ortam belgeleri bulunur Vikitur de Polynoidae ile ilgili ayrintili taksonomik bilgiler bulunur Phyllodocida ile ilgili bu madde taslak seviyesindedir Madde icerigini genisleterek Vikipedi ye katki saglayabilirsiniz