Power of the Dragonflame, Rhapsody'nin 23 Nisan 2002 tarihinde yayınladığı beşinci stüdyo albümüdür.
- "In Tenebris" ("In Darkness") (1:29)
- "Knightrider of Doom" (3:57)
- "Power of the Dragonflame" (4:27)
- "The March of the Swordmaster" (5:04)
- "When Demons Awake" (6:47)
- "Agony Is My Name" (4:58)
- "Lamento Eroico" ("Heroic Cry") (4:39)
- "Steelgods of the Last Apocalypse" (5:49)
- "The Pride of the Tyrant" (4:53)
- "Rise from the Sea of Flames" (3:56)
- "Gargoyles, Angels of Darkness" (19:03)
- "Angeli di Pietra Mistica" ("Angels of Mystical Stone")
- "Warlords' Last Challenge"
- "...And the Legend Ends..."
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Power of the Dragonflame Rhapsody nin 23 Nisan 2002 tarihinde yayinladigi besinci studyo albumudur Sarkilar In Tenebris In Darkness 1 29 Knightrider of Doom 3 57 Power of the Dragonflame 4 27 The March of the Swordmaster 5 04 When Demons Awake 6 47 Agony Is My Name 4 58 Lamento Eroico Heroic Cry 4 39 Steelgods of the Last Apocalypse 5 49 The Pride of the Tyrant 4 53 Rise from the Sea of Flames 3 56 Gargoyles Angels of Darkness 19 03 Angeli di Pietra Mistica Angels of Mystical Stone Warlords Last Challenge And the Legend Ends 2000 li yillara ait bir muzik albumu ile ilgili bu madde taslak seviyesindedir Madde icerigini genisleterek Vikipedi ye katki saglayabilirsiniz