Pyrausta, Crambidae familyasına ait bir güve cinsidir. Cins, 1802'de Franz von Paula Schrank tarafından tanımlandı.
Pyrausta euryphaea | |||||||||||||||
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Pyrausta euryphaea | |||||||||||||||
Türler | |||||||||||||||
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Cins, aşağıdaki türleri içerir:
- Pyrausta acontialis (Staudinger, 1859)
- Pyrausta acrionalis (Walker, 1859)
- Pyrausta acrobasella Rebel, 1915
- Pyrausta adsocialis Zeller, 1852
- Pyrausta aerealis (Hübner, 1793)
- Pyrausta albescens Hampson, 1913
- Pyrausta albipedalis (Snellen, 1899)
- Pyrausta albogrisea Hampson, 1913
- Pyrausta alexandra Shodotova, 2010
- Pyrausta amatalis Rebel, 1903
- Pyrausta amboinalis (Pagenstecher, 1884)
- Pyrausta amelokalis (Viette, 1958)
- Pyrausta amiculatalis (Berg, 1876)
- Pyrausta anastasia Shodotova, 2010
- Pyrausta andrei Munroe, 1976
- Pyrausta ankaratralis Marion & Viette, 1956
- Pyrausta antisocialis Munroe, 1976
- Pyrausta apicalis (Hampson, 1913)
- Pyrausta approximalis (Guenée, 1854)
- Pyrausta arabica (Butler, 1884)
- Pyrausta arizonicalis Munroe, 1976
- Pyrausta armeniaca Slamka, 2013
- Pyrausta asopialis (Snellen, 1875)
- Pyrausta assutalis (Lederer, 1863)
- Pyrausta atrifusalis Hampson, 1903
- Pyrausta atropurpuralis (Grote, 1877)
- Pyrausta augustalis (C. Felder, R. Felder & Rogenhofer, 1875)
- Scopoli, 1763
- Pyrausta aurea (Hampson, 1913)
- Pyrausta babalis (Amsel, 1970)
- Pyrausta bambucivora (Moore, 1888)
- Pyrausta benenotata (Swinhoe, 1894)
- Pyrausta bicoloralis (Guenée, 1854)
- Pyrausta bicornutalis Amsel, 1956
- Pyrausta bieti Oberthür, 1886
- Pyrausta bilineaterminalis Maes, 2009
- Pyrausta bisignata (Butler, 1889)
- Pyrausta bitincta Meyrick, 1932
- Pyrausta borealis Packard, 1867
- Pyrausta bostralis (Hampson, 1919)
- Pyrausta bouveti Viette, 1981
- Pyrausta californicalis (Packard, 1873)
- (Oberthür, 1891)
- Pyrausta cardinalis (Guenée, 1854)
- Pyrausta carnifex (C. Felder, R. Felder & Rogenhofer, 1875)
- Pyrausta castalis Treitschke, 1829
- Pyrausta centralis Maes, 2009
- Pyrausta childrenalis (Boisduval, 1833)
- Pyrausta chilialis (C. Felder, R. Felder & Rogenhofer, 1875)
- Pyrausta chrysitis Butler, 1881
- Pyrausta chrysopygalis (Staudinger, 1900)
- Pyrausta chrysoterma Meyrick, 1933
- Pyrausta cingulata (Linnaeus, 1758)
- Pyrausta cinnamomealis (Wallengren, 1860)
- Pyrausta coactalis (Snellen, 1890)
- Pyrausta coccinea Warren, 1892
- Pyrausta coenalis Hampson, 1900
- Pyrausta comastis Meyrick, 1884
- Pyrausta contigualis South in Leech & South, 1901
- Pyrausta contristalis Caradja, 1932
- Pyrausta coracinalis Leraut, 1982
- Pyrausta corinthalis Barnes & McDunnough, 1914
- Pyrausta culminivola Caradja, 1939
- Pyrausta curvalis (Leech, 1889)
- Pyrausta dapalis (Grote, 1881)
- Pyrausta decetialis Druce, 1895
- Pyrausta deidamialis (Druce, 1895)
- Pyrausta delicatalis Caradja, 1916
- Pyrausta demantrialis (Druce, 1895)
- Pyrausta despicata (Scopoli, 1763)
- Pyrausta diatoma Hampson, 1913
- Pyrausta diplothaera Meyrick, 1936
- Pyrausta dissimulans Dyar, 1914
- Pyrausta distictalis Hampson, 1918
- Pyrausta draesekei Caradja, 1927
- Pyrausta ecteinalis Hampson, 1900
- Pyrausta elwesi (Staudinger, 1900)
- Pyrausta episcopalis (Herrich-Schäffer, 1871)
- Pyrausta euchromistes Dyar, 1918
- Pyrausta euergestalis (Amsel, 1954)
- Pyrausta euprepialis Hampson, 1903
- Pyrausta euralis Hampson, 1903
- Pyrausta euryphaea Meyrick, 1932
- Pyrausta facitalis (Berg, 1875)
- Pyrausta falcatalis Guenée, 1854
- Pyrausta ferrealis (Hampson, 1900)
- Pyrausta ferrifusalis (Hampson, 1893)
- Pyrausta fieldialis (Schaus, 1933)
- Pyrausta flavibrunnea Hampson, 1913
- Pyrausta flavibrunnealis Hampson, 1908
- Pyrausta flavicollalis Hampson, 1913
- Pyrausta flavidiscata Hampson, 1913
- Pyrausta flavimarginalis (Hampson, 1913)
- Pyrausta flavofascialis (Grote, 1882)
- Pyrausta flavipunctalis (Marion, 1954)
- Pyrausta fodinalis (Lederer, 1863)
- Pyrausta fuliginata Yamanaka, 1978
- Pyrausta fulvalis (Dognin, 1908)
- Pyrausta fulvilinealis Hampson, 1918
- Pyrausta fulvitinctalis Hampson, 1918
- Pyrausta furvicoloralis Hampson, 1900
- Pyrausta gazalis Hampson, 1913
- Pyrausta gemmiferalis (Zeller, 1852)
- Pyrausta generosa (Grote & Robinson, 1867)
- Pyrausta genialis South in Leech & South, 1901
- Pyrausta gentillalis Schaus, 1940
- Pyrausta germanalis (Herrich-Schäffer, 1871)
- Pyrausta gracilalis (Herrich-Schäffer, 1871)
- Pyrausta grisealis Maes, 2009
- Pyrausta griseocilialis South in Leech & South, 1901
- Pyrausta griseofumalis Hampson, 1900
- Pyrausta griveaudalis Viette, 1978
- Pyrausta grotei (Munroe, 1976)
- Pyrausta haemapastalis Hampson, 1908
- Pyrausta haematidalis Hampson, 1913
- Pyrausta hampsoni South in Leech & South, 1901
- Pyrausta heliacalis (C. Felder, R. Felder & Rogenhofer, 1875)
- Pyrausta heliothidia Hampson, 1913
- Pyrausta homonymalis (Walker, 1866)
- Pyrausta ictericalis (Snellen, 1895)
- Pyrausta idonealis (Herrich-Schäffer, 1871)
- Pyrausta ignealis (Hampson, 1899)
- Pyrausta ilithucialis (Walker, 1859)
- Pyrausta illiberalis (Hübner, 1823)
- Pyrausta infuscalis Hampson, 1918
- Pyrausta inglorialis (Hampson, 1900)
- Pyrausta inornatalis (Fernald, 1885)
- (Guenée, 1854)
- (Guenée, 1854)
- (Grote & Robinson, 1867)
- (Walker, 1869)
- (Dognin, 1905)
- Barnes & McDunnough, 1918
- (Sauber, 1899)
- Viette, 1989
- Munroe, 1976
- Viette, 1954
- Schaus, 1940
- Amsel, 1961
- (Grote & Robinson, 1867)
- South in Leech & South, 1901
- (Grote, 1881)
- (Butler, 1879)
- (Herrich-Schäffer, 1849)
- (Fernald, 1894)
- Clarke, 1965
- Oberthür, 1894
- South in Leech & South, 1901
- Gaede, 1916
- (Eversmann, 1852)
- Hampson, 1913
- Hampson, 1912
- Hampson, 1912
- Maes, 2009
- Hampson, 1903
- (Butler, 1883)
- Hampson, 1912
- Lopez & Beutelspacher, 1986
- (Dyar, 1908)
- South in Leech & South, 1901
- Caradja, 1932
- (Hulst, 1886)
- (Hulst, 1886)
- (Grote, 1878)
- Pyrausta nigrata Scopoli, 1763
- Y.S. Bae & Y.K. Kim, 2002
- (Grote, 1875)
- Yamanaka, 1978
- (Snellen, 1899)
- South in Leech & South, 1901
- Scopoli, 1763
- Caradja, 1938
- South in Leech & South, 1901
- Druce, 1899
- (Snellen, 1887)
- Walker, 1866
- Barnes & McDunnough, 1918
- Caradja, 1925
- (Meyrick, 1889)
- (Snellen, 1880)
- (Walker, 1859)
- Walker, 1859
- (Hübner, 1796)
- Hampson, 1900
- (Amsel, 1970)
- (Guenée, 1862)
- (Staudinger, 1879)
- Zerny in Osthelder, 1935
- Hampson, 1918
- (Staudinger, 1870)
- Amsel, 1970
- (Maassen)
- Hampson, 1898
- Maes, 2009
- (Packard, 1873)
- Caradja, 1932
- Viette, 1978
- (Hampson, 1899)
- Hampson, 1899
- (Hübner, 1818)
- Hampson, 1908
- Barnes & McDunnough, 1914
- Toll, 1948
- Haimbach, 1908
- Swinhoe, 1907
- Dyar, 1914
- (Snellen, 1875)
- (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775)
- South in Leech & South, 1901
- Dyar, 1914
- Saalmüller, 1880
- (Druce, 1895)
- Munroe, 1976
- Munroe, 1976
- (Hampson, 1895)
- South in Leech & South, 1901
- (Linnaeus, 1758)
- (Butler, 1883)
- South in Leech & South, 1901
- Hampson, 1899
- Barnes & McDunnough, 1918
- South in Leech & South, 1901
- (Dognin, 1908)
- (Sauber, 1899)
- Munroe, 1976
- (Walker, 1859)
- Hampson, 1913
- Munroe, 1976
- (Snellen, 1890)
- Hampson, 1913
- (Warren, 1896)
- Hübner, 1796
- (Sauber, 1899)
- South in Leech & South, 1901
- (Druce, 1895)
- Hampson, 1913
- (Linnaeus, 1767)
- (Amsel, 1970)
- Barnes & McDunnough, 1914
- (Hulst, 1886)
- (Packard, 1873)
- Gaede, 1917
- Munroe, 1976
- (Walker, 1866)
- Moore, 1888
- Guenée, 1854
- (Grote, 1877)
- Caradja, 1938
- (Walker, 1859)
- Hampson in Poulton, 1916
- (Sepp, 1855)
- Caradja in Caradja & Meyrick, 1937
- (Berg, 1899)
- (Snellen, 1880)
- (Warren, 1892)
- Caradja in Caradja & Meyrick, 1933
- Munroe, 1976
- (Guenée, 1854)
- (Guenée, 1854)
- (Herrich-Schäffer, 1871)
- Caradja, 1927
- (Sepp, 1882)
- (Oberthür, 1893)
- (Viette, 1960)
- Caradja, 1927
- Caradja, 1939
- (Grote, 1877)
- Hampson, 1913
- Wileman & South, 1917
- Hampson, 1899
- (Walker, 1859)
- Oberthür, 1886
- Lederer, 1863
- (Zeller, 1872)
- South in Leech & South, 1901
- (Staudinger, 1867)
- (Snellen, 1901)
- Dognin, 1908
- Hampson, 1899
- Caradja, 1927
- Barnes & McDunnough, 1918
- (Guenée, 1854)
- (Packard, 1873)
- Butler, 1881
- (C. Felder, R. Felder & Rogenhofer, 1875)
- (Snellen, 1875)
- (Mabille, 1880)
- (Snellen, 1875)
- Butler, 1882
- Hampson, 1918
- Duponchel, 1832
- (Grote, 1877)
- Schaus, 1940
- (Hampson, 1913)
- Caradja, 1916
- Barnes & McDunnough, 1918
Eski türler
Aşağıdaki türler daha önce bu cinse dahil edildi:
- Hampson, 1913
- Pyrausta aurea (Hampson, 1913)
- Meyrick, 1937
- Pyrausta delicatalis Caradja, 1916
- (Walker, 1859)
- Zerny, 1914
- (Lederer, 1863)
- Caradja, 1916
- (Walker, 1859)
- (Sauber, 1899)
- Viette, 1958
- T. B. Fletcher, 1910
- Koçak, 1987
- (Boisduval, 1833)
- (Walker, 1859)
- (Walker, 1859)
- Hampson, 1918
- Hampson, 1910
- Mabille, 1900
- (Amsel, 1970)
- Strand, 1918
- Meyrick, 1937
- Hampson, 1903
Belirsiz durumdakiler
- Pyrausta argyralis (O.-G. Costa, 1836), İtalya'dan Botys argyralis olarak tanımlandı.
- Pyrausta venalalis (Hulst, 1886), New York'tan Botys venalalis olarak tanımlandı.

Wikimedia Commons'ta Pyrausta (güve) ile ilgili ortam dosyaları bulunmaktadır. |
- Pitkin, Brian; Jenkins, Paul. . Butterflies and Moths of the World. Natural History Museum, London. 15 Ekim 2015 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi.
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Pyrausta Crambidae familyasina ait bir guve cinsidir Cins 1802 de Franz von Paula Schrank tarafindan tanimlandi Pyrausta euryphaeaPyrausta despicataBiyolojik siniflandirmaAlem AnimaliaSube ArthropodaSinif InsectaTakim LepidopteraFamilya CrambidaeCins Pyrausta Schrank 1802Tur P euryphaeaIkili adlandirmaPyrausta euryphaeaTurlerMetne bakinizSinonimlerAplographe Warren 1892 Autocosmia Warren 1892 Botys Latreille 1802 Botis Swainson 1821 Ostreophena Sodoffsky 1837 Ostreophana Sodoffsky 1837 Botis J L R Agassiz 1847 Heliaca Hubner 1806 Cindaphia Lederer 1863 Haematia Hubner 1818 Heliaca Hubner 1822 Heliaca Hubner 1818 Heliaca Hubner 1808 Herbula Guenee 1854 Hyaloscia Dognin 1908 Mardinia Amsel 1952 Panstegia Hubner 1825 Perilypa Hubner 1825 Porphyritis Hubner 1825 Proteroeca Meyrick 1884 Pyrausta Hubner 1825 Anthocrypta Warren 1892 Pyraustes Billberg 1820 Sciorista Warren 1890 Rattana Rose amp Pajni 1979 Syllythria Hubner 1825 Rhodaria Guenee 1845 Synchromia Guenee 1854 Tholeria Hubner 1823 Trigonuncus Amsel 1952TurlerCins asagidaki turleri icerir A Pyrausta acontialis Staudinger 1859 Pyrausta acrionalis Walker 1859 Pyrausta acrobasella Rebel 1915 Pyrausta adsocialis Zeller 1852 Pyrausta aerealis Hubner 1793 Pyrausta albescens Hampson 1913 Pyrausta albipedalis Snellen 1899 Pyrausta albogrisea Hampson 1913 Pyrausta alexandra Shodotova 2010 Pyrausta amatalis Rebel 1903 Pyrausta amboinalis Pagenstecher 1884 Pyrausta amelokalis Viette 1958 Pyrausta amiculatalis Berg 1876 Pyrausta anastasia Shodotova 2010 Pyrausta andrei Munroe 1976 Pyrausta ankaratralis Marion amp Viette 1956 Pyrausta antisocialis Munroe 1976 Pyrausta apicalis Hampson 1913 Pyrausta approximalis Guenee 1854 Pyrausta arabica Butler 1884 Pyrausta arizonicalis Munroe 1976 Pyrausta armeniaca Slamka 2013 Pyrausta asopialis Snellen 1875 Pyrausta assutalis Lederer 1863 Pyrausta atrifusalis Hampson 1903 Pyrausta atropurpuralis Grote 1877 Pyrausta augustalis C Felder R Felder amp Rogenhofer 1875 Scopoli 1763 Pyrausta aurea Hampson 1913 B C Pyrausta babalis Amsel 1970 Pyrausta bambucivora Moore 1888 Pyrausta benenotata Swinhoe 1894 Pyrausta bicoloralis Guenee 1854 Pyrausta bicornutalis Amsel 1956 Pyrausta bieti Oberthur 1886 Pyrausta bilineaterminalis Maes 2009 Pyrausta bisignata Butler 1889 Pyrausta bitincta Meyrick 1932 Pyrausta borealis Packard 1867 Pyrausta bostralis Hampson 1919 Pyrausta bouveti Viette 1981 Pyrausta californicalis Packard 1873 Oberthur 1891 Pyrausta cardinalis Guenee 1854 Pyrausta carnifex C Felder R Felder amp Rogenhofer 1875 Pyrausta castalis Treitschke 1829 Pyrausta centralis Maes 2009 Pyrausta childrenalis Boisduval 1833 Pyrausta chilialis C Felder R Felder amp Rogenhofer 1875 Pyrausta chrysitis Butler 1881 Pyrausta chrysopygalis Staudinger 1900 Pyrausta chrysoterma Meyrick 1933 Pyrausta cingulata Linnaeus 1758 Pyrausta cinnamomealis Wallengren 1860 Pyrausta coactalis Snellen 1890 Pyrausta coccinea Warren 1892 Pyrausta coenalis Hampson 1900 Pyrausta comastis Meyrick 1884 Pyrausta contigualis South in Leech amp South 1901 Pyrausta contristalis Caradja 1932 Pyrausta coracinalis Leraut 1982 Pyrausta corinthalis Barnes amp McDunnough 1914 Pyrausta culminivola Caradja 1939 Pyrausta curvalis Leech 1889 D F Pyrausta dapalis Grote 1881 Pyrausta decetialis Druce 1895 Pyrausta deidamialis Druce 1895 Pyrausta delicatalis Caradja 1916 Pyrausta demantrialis Druce 1895 Pyrausta despicata Scopoli 1763 Pyrausta diatoma Hampson 1913 Pyrausta diplothaera Meyrick 1936 Pyrausta dissimulans Dyar 1914 Pyrausta distictalis Hampson 1918 Pyrausta draesekei Caradja 1927 Pyrausta ecteinalis Hampson 1900 Pyrausta elwesi Staudinger 1900 Pyrausta episcopalis Herrich Schaffer 1871 Pyrausta euchromistes Dyar 1918 Pyrausta euergestalis Amsel 1954 Pyrausta euprepialis Hampson 1903 Pyrausta euralis Hampson 1903 Pyrausta euryphaea Meyrick 1932 Pyrausta facitalis Berg 1875 Pyrausta falcatalis Guenee 1854 Pyrausta ferrealis Hampson 1900 Pyrausta ferrifusalis Hampson 1893 Pyrausta fieldialis Schaus 1933 Pyrausta flavibrunnea Hampson 1913 Pyrausta flavibrunnealis Hampson 1908 Pyrausta flavicollalis Hampson 1913 Pyrausta flavidiscata Hampson 1913 Pyrausta flavimarginalis Hampson 1913 Pyrausta flavofascialis Grote 1882 Pyrausta flavipunctalis Marion 1954 Pyrausta fodinalis Lederer 1863 Pyrausta fuliginata Yamanaka 1978 Pyrausta fulvalis Dognin 1908 Pyrausta fulvilinealis Hampson 1918 Pyrausta fulvitinctalis Hampson 1918 Pyrausta furvicoloralis Hampson 1900 G K Pyrausta gazalis Hampson 1913 Pyrausta gemmiferalis Zeller 1852 Pyrausta generosa Grote amp Robinson 1867 Pyrausta genialis South in Leech amp South 1901 Pyrausta gentillalis Schaus 1940 Pyrausta germanalis Herrich Schaffer 1871 Pyrausta gracilalis Herrich Schaffer 1871 Pyrausta grisealis Maes 2009 Pyrausta griseocilialis South in Leech amp South 1901 Pyrausta griseofumalis Hampson 1900 Pyrausta griveaudalis Viette 1978 Pyrausta grotei Munroe 1976 Pyrausta haemapastalis Hampson 1908 Pyrausta haematidalis Hampson 1913 Pyrausta hampsoni South in Leech amp South 1901 Pyrausta heliacalis C Felder R Felder amp Rogenhofer 1875 Pyrausta heliothidia Hampson 1913 Pyrausta homonymalis Walker 1866 Pyrausta ictericalis Snellen 1895 Pyrausta idonealis Herrich Schaffer 1871 Pyrausta ignealis Hampson 1899 Pyrausta ilithucialis Walker 1859 Pyrausta illiberalis Hubner 1823 Pyrausta infuscalis Hampson 1918 Pyrausta inglorialis Hampson 1900 Pyrausta inornatalis Fernald 1885 Guenee 1854 Guenee 1854 Grote amp Robinson 1867 Walker 1869 Dognin 1905 Barnes amp McDunnough 1918 Sauber 1899 Viette 1989 Munroe 1976 L N Viette 1954 Schaus 1940 Amsel 1961 Grote amp Robinson 1867 South in Leech amp South 1901 Grote 1881 Butler 1879 Herrich Schaffer 1849 Fernald 1894 Clarke 1965 Oberthur 1894 South in Leech amp South 1901 Gaede 1916 Eversmann 1852 Hampson 1913 Hampson 1912 Hampson 1912 Maes 2009 Hampson 1903 Butler 1883 Hampson 1912 Lopez amp Beutelspacher 1986 Dyar 1908 South in Leech amp South 1901 Caradja 1932 Hulst 1886 Hulst 1886 Grote 1878 Pyrausta nigrata Scopoli 1763 Y S Bae amp Y K Kim 2002 Grote 1875 Yamanaka 1978 Snellen 1899 O P South in Leech amp South 1901 Scopoli 1763 Caradja 1938 South in Leech amp South 1901 Druce 1899 Snellen 1887 Walker 1866 Barnes amp McDunnough 1918 Caradja 1925 Meyrick 1889 Snellen 1880 Walker 1859 Walker 1859 Hubner 1796 Hampson 1900 Amsel 1970 Guenee 1862 Staudinger 1879 Zerny in Osthelder 1935 Hampson 1918 Staudinger 1870 Amsel 1970 Maassen Hampson 1898 Maes 2009 Packard 1873 Caradja 1932 Viette 1978 Hampson 1899 Hampson 1899 Hubner 1818 Hampson 1908 Barnes amp McDunnough 1914 Toll 1948 Haimbach 1908 Swinhoe 1907 Dyar 1914 Snellen 1875 Denis amp Schiffermuller 1775 South in Leech amp South 1901 Dyar 1914 Saalmuller 1880 Druce 1895 Munroe 1976 Munroe 1976 Hampson 1895 South in Leech amp South 1901 Linnaeus 1758 Butler 1883 South in Leech amp South 1901 Hampson 1899 Barnes amp McDunnough 1918 Q S South in Leech amp South 1901 Dognin 1908 Sauber 1899 Munroe 1976 Walker 1859 Hampson 1913 Munroe 1976 Snellen 1890 Hampson 1913 Warren 1896 Hubner 1796 Sauber 1899 South in Leech amp South 1901 Druce 1895 Hampson 1913 Linnaeus 1767 Amsel 1970 Barnes amp McDunnough 1914 Hulst 1886 Packard 1873 Gaede 1917 Munroe 1976 Walker 1866 Moore 1888 Guenee 1854 Grote 1877 Caradja 1938 Walker 1859 Hampson in Poulton 1916 Sepp 1855 Caradja in Caradja amp Meyrick 1937 Berg 1899 Snellen 1880 Warren 1892 Caradja in Caradja amp Meyrick 1933 Munroe 1976 Guenee 1854 Guenee 1854 Herrich Schaffer 1871 Caradja 1927 Sepp 1882 Oberthur 1893 Viette 1960 Caradja 1927 T Z Caradja 1939 Grote 1877 Hampson 1913 Wileman amp South 1917 Hampson 1899 Walker 1859 Oberthur 1886 Lederer 1863 Zeller 1872 South in Leech amp South 1901 Staudinger 1867 Snellen 1901 Dognin 1908 Hampson 1899 Caradja 1927 Barnes amp McDunnough 1918 Guenee 1854 Packard 1873 Butler 1881 C Felder R Felder amp Rogenhofer 1875 Snellen 1875 Mabille 1880 Snellen 1875 Butler 1882 Hampson 1918 Duponchel 1832 Grote 1877 Schaus 1940 Hampson 1913 Caradja 1916 Barnes amp McDunnough 1918Eski turlerAsagidaki turler daha once bu cinse dahil edildi Hampson 1913 Pyrausta aurea Hampson 1913 Meyrick 1937 Pyrausta delicatalis Caradja 1916 Walker 1859 Zerny 1914 Lederer 1863 Caradja 1916 Walker 1859 Sauber 1899 Viette 1958 T B Fletcher 1910 Kocak 1987 Boisduval 1833 Walker 1859 Walker 1859 Hampson 1918 Hampson 1910 Mabille 1900 Amsel 1970 Strand 1918 Meyrick 1937 Hampson 1903Belirsiz durumdakilerPyrausta argyralis O G Costa 1836 Italya dan Botys argyralis olarak tanimlandi Pyrausta venalalis Hulst 1886 New York tan Botys venalalis olarak tanimlandi KaynakcaVikitur de konuyla ilgili taksonomik bilgiler bulunur Pyrausta Wikimedia Commons ta Pyrausta guve ile ilgili ortam dosyalari bulunmaktadir a b Nuss M 2 Mart 2017 Global Information System on Pyraloidea 26 Subat 2011 tarihinde kaynagindan arsivlendi Erisim tarihi 26 Subat 2018 Pitkin Brian Jenkins Paul Butterflies and Moths of the World Natural History Museum London 15 Ekim 2015 tarihinde kaynagindan arsivlendi