Reg Gorman (d. 2 Ağustos 1937, Sidney, Yeni Güney Galler, Avustralya; ö. 5 Ağustos 2021, Melbourne, Victoria, Avustralya), Avustralyalı aktör ve komedyen.
Reg Gorman | |
Doğum | 2 Ağustos 1932 Sidney, Yeni Güney Galler, Avustralya |
Ölüm | 05 Ağustos 2021 (89 yaşında) Melbourne, Victoria, Avustralya |
Milliyet | Avustralyalı |
Meslek | Komedyen Oyuncu |
Tanınma nedeni | The Sullivans Neighbours Fergus McPhail |
Evlilik | Judith Roberts |
Çocuk(lar) | 3 |
Aile | Kate Gorman (kızı) Olivia Deeble (torunu) |
Resmî site | Gorman Works |
Yaşamı ve kariyeri
Gorman, 2 Ağustos 1937'de Sidney, Yeni Güney Galler, Avustralya'da doğdu. 1964'te başladığı oyunculuk kariyerini 2021 yılında ölümüne kadar sürdürdü. Yer aldığı The Sullivans, Neighbours ve Fergus McPhail adlı televizyon dizileriyle akıllarda kaldı.
Özel yaşamı ve ölümü
Avustralyalı kadın oyuncu Judith Roberts ile evli olup üç çocuğu vardı. Gorman, 5 Ağustos 2021'de Melbourne, Victoria, Avustralya'da kanser tedavisi gördüğü Alfred Hastanesi'nde 89 yaşında yaşamını yitirdi.
- Televizyon
- (2 episodes, 1964–1966)
- Contrabandits (2 episodes, 1967)
- (2 episodes, 1968–1969)
- (3 episodes, 1969)
- (1 episode, 1969)
- Woobinda, Animal Doctor (1 episode, 1969)
- (13 episodes, 1970–1971) as Darby Finnegan
- (1 episode, 1972)
- (2 episodes, 1972)
- (1 episode, 1972)
- (2 episodes, 1971–1973)
- (1 episode, 1974)
- Homicide (8 episodes, 1965–1976)
- (6 episodes, 1971–1976)
- (1976)
- The Bluestone Boys (1976)
- The Sullivans (1976–1983) as Jack Fletcher
- (1 episode, 1976)
- (1981)
- (1983)
- (1983)
- (1 episode, 1984)
- (4 episodes, 1984) as Bert Gibbs
- The Henderson Kids (4 episodes, 1985) as Kernow
- My Brother Tom (1986)
- A Matter of Convenience (1987)
- Jackal and Hide (1987) as Reg Hide
- (1990)
- (1 episode, 1994)
- (6 episodes, 1994) as Mr. Fowler
- (7 episodes, 1997) as Grandpa
- (1 episode, 1998)
- Neighbours (6 episodes, 1985–1999) as Wally Walters
- (2001)
- (4 episodes, 2000–2001) as Ken
- (2 episodes, 2001) as Bill
- (3 episodes, 1995–2001)
- (1 episode, 2002)
- (26 episodes, 2004) as Harry Patterson
- (1 episode, 2010)
- (1 episode, 2012) as Priest
- (4 episodes, 2012) as Ron
- Filmler
- Koya no toseinin () (1968) as Otto
- (1969)
- The Intruders (1969)
- (1970) as Bracken
- (1974)
- (1974) as Bookmaker
- (1975) as Constable Hector
- Inn of the Damned (1975)
- (1975) as TV Reporter
- Dusty (1983) as Watson
- The Bit Part (1987) as Scott
- (1987) as Wilkinson
- A Cry in the Dark (1988) as Mr. Whittaker
- A Date with Destiny (1990) as Grooper
- (1990) as Neighbour
- The Alive Tribe (1997) as Barfly
- (1999) as RSL Manager
- (2002) as Len
- Gusto (2003) as Old Man
- (2005) as Stan
- Guy in a Field (2006) as Father
- Five Moments of Infidelity (2006) as David
- Nero's (2009)
- (2009) as Roy
- (2010) as Joe Sparro
- The Pawn (2010) as Domenic Chaplan
- (2011) as Percy
- (2011) as Vern
- Animals (2012) as Richard Patterson
- Like It Was Yesterday (in ) as Arthur
- ^ J. Haynes and J.F. Archibald (2004). "The Dorsman Conquest". The Bulletin (6410–6418). 6 Ağustos 2021 tarihinde kaynağından . Erişim tarihi: 6 Ağustos 2021.
- ^ "About the Gormans". Gorman Works. 17 Mart 2012 tarihinde kaynağından . Erişim tarihi: 9 Mart 2012.
- ^ "Nation" (85–109). Nation Review. 1962. 6 Ağustos 2021 tarihinde kaynağından . Erişim tarihi: 6 Ağustos 2021.
- ^ Robin Oliver (12 Mart 2004). "Fergus McPhail". The Sydney Morning Herald. 24 Eylül 2015 tarihinde kaynağından . Erişim tarihi: 9 Mart 2012.
- ^ staff (18 Temmuz 2011). "g Gorman: Hanging on to Vaudeville". Australian Broadcasting Corporation. 21 Temmuz 2013 tarihinde kaynağından . Erişim tarihi: 9 Mart 2012.
- ^ Nick Place, Michael Roberts (2006). 50 Years of Television in Australia. Hardie Grant Publishing. s. 124. ISBN .
- ^ Knox, David. "Vale: Reg Gorman". TV Tonight (İngilizce). 6 Ağustos 2021 tarihinde kaynağından . Erişim tarihi: 6 Ağustos 2021.
- ^ "Vale: Reg Gorman, 'Neighbours' and 'The Sullivans' actor". IF Magazine (İngilizce). 6 Ağustos 2021. 6 Ağustos 2021 tarihinde kaynağından . Erişim tarihi: 6 Ağustos 2021.
Dış bağlantılar
- IMDb'de Reg Gorman
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Reg Gorman d 2 Agustos 1937 Sidney Yeni Guney Galler Avustralya o 5 Agustos 2021 Melbourne Victoria Avustralya Avustralyali aktor ve komedyen Reg GormanDogum2 Agustos 1932 1932 08 02 Sidney Yeni Guney Galler AvustralyaOlum05 Agustos 2021 89 yasinda Melbourne Victoria AvustralyaMilliyetAvustralyaliMeslekKomedyen OyuncuTaninma nedeniThe Sullivans Neighbours Fergus McPhailEvlilikJudith RobertsCocuk lar 3AileKate Gorman kizi Olivia Deeble torunu Resmi siteGorman WorksYasami ve kariyeriGorman 2 Agustos 1937 de Sidney Yeni Guney Galler Avustralya da dogdu 1964 te basladigi oyunculuk kariyerini 2021 yilinda olumune kadar surdurdu Yer aldigi The Sullivans Neighbours ve Fergus McPhail adli televizyon dizileriyle akillarda kaldi Ozel yasami ve olumuAvustralyali kadin oyuncu Judith Roberts ile evli olup uc cocugu vardi Gorman 5 Agustos 2021 de Melbourne Victoria Avustralya da kanser tedavisi gordugu Alfred Hastanesi nde 89 yasinda yasamini yitirdi FilmografiTelevizyon 2 episodes 1964 1966 Contrabandits 2 episodes 1967 2 episodes 1968 1969 3 episodes 1969 1 episode 1969 Woobinda Animal Doctor 1 episode 1969 13 episodes 1970 1971 as Darby Finnegan 1 episode 1972 2 episodes 1972 1 episode 1972 2 episodes 1971 1973 1 episode 1974 Homicide 8 episodes 1965 1976 6 episodes 1971 1976 1976 The Bluestone Boys 1976 The Sullivans 1976 1983 as Jack Fletcher 1 episode 1976 1981 1983 1983 1 episode 1984 4 episodes 1984 as Bert Gibbs The Henderson Kids 4 episodes 1985 as Kernow My Brother Tom 1986 A Matter of Convenience 1987 Jackal and Hide 1987 as Reg Hide 1990 1 episode 1994 6 episodes 1994 as Mr Fowler 7 episodes 1997 as Grandpa 1 episode 1998 Neighbours 6 episodes 1985 1999 as Wally Walters 2001 4 episodes 2000 2001 as Ken 2 episodes 2001 as Bill 3 episodes 1995 2001 1 episode 2002 26 episodes 2004 as Harry Patterson 1 episode 2010 1 episode 2012 as Priest 4 episodes 2012 as RonFilmlerKoya no toseinin 1968 as Otto 1969 The Intruders 1969 1970 as Bracken 1974 1974 as Bookmaker 1975 as Constable Hector Inn of the Damned 1975 1975 as TV Reporter Dusty 1983 as Watson The Bit Part 1987 as Scott 1987 as Wilkinson A Cry in the Dark 1988 as Mr Whittaker A Date with Destiny 1990 as Grooper 1990 as Neighbour The Alive Tribe 1997 as Barfly 1999 as RSL Manager 2002 as Len Gusto 2003 as Old Man 2005 as Stan Guy in a Field 2006 as Father Five Moments of Infidelity 2006 as David Nero s 2009 2009 as Roy 2010 as Joe Sparro The Pawn 2010 as Domenic Chaplan 2011 as Percy 2011 as Vern Animals 2012 as Richard Patterson Like It Was Yesterday in as ArthurKaynakca J Haynes and J F Archibald 2004 The Dorsman Conquest The Bulletin 6410 6418 6 Agustos 2021 tarihinde kaynagindan Erisim tarihi 6 Agustos 2021 About the Gormans Gorman Works 17 Mart 2012 tarihinde kaynagindan Erisim tarihi 9 Mart 2012 Nation 85 109 Nation Review 1962 6 Agustos 2021 tarihinde kaynagindan Erisim tarihi 6 Agustos 2021 Robin Oliver 12 Mart 2004 Fergus McPhail The Sydney Morning Herald 24 Eylul 2015 tarihinde kaynagindan Erisim tarihi 9 Mart 2012 staff 18 Temmuz 2011 g Gorman Hanging on to Vaudeville Australian Broadcasting Corporation 21 Temmuz 2013 tarihinde kaynagindan Erisim tarihi 9 Mart 2012 Nick Place Michael Roberts 2006 50 Years of Television in Australia Hardie Grant Publishing s 124 ISBN 1740663950 Knox David Vale Reg Gorman TV Tonight Ingilizce 6 Agustos 2021 tarihinde kaynagindan Erisim tarihi 6 Agustos 2021 Vale Reg Gorman Neighbours and The Sullivans actor IF Magazine Ingilizce 6 Agustos 2021 6 Agustos 2021 tarihinde kaynagindan Erisim tarihi 6 Agustos 2021 Dis baglantilarIMDb de Reg Gorman