Richard Phillips (21 Kasım 1778 - 11 Mayıs 1851), seçkin bir İngiliz kimyager. 1822'de Royal Society'nin üyesi oldu.

Phillips bir Quaker'dı ve Michael Faraday'ın arkadaşıydı.
- A Translation of the Pharmacopoeia of the Royal College of Physicians, of London, 1824 : with Notes and Illustrations. Phillips, London 1824 dijital kopya
- Translation of the Pharmacopoeia of the Royal College of Physicians of London 1836. 4. ed. Highley, London 1841 dijital kopya
- Translation of the Pharmacopoeia of the Royal College of Physicians of London, 1851. London : Highley, 1851. dijital kopya
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Richard Phillips 21 Kasim 1778 11 Mayis 1851 seckin bir Ingiliz kimyager 1822 de Royal Society nin uyesi oldu Richard Phillips Phillips bir Quaker di ve Michael Faraday in arkadasiydi CalismalariA Translation of the Pharmacopoeia of the Royal College of Physicians of London 1824 with Notes and Illustrations Phillips London 1824 dijital kopya Translation of the Pharmacopoeia of the Royal College of Physicians of London 1836 4 ed Highley London 1841 dijital kopya Translation of the Pharmacopoeia of the Royal College of Physicians of London 1851 London Highley 1851 dijital kopyaKaynakca makalesi Frank A J L James Phillips Richard 1778 1851 Oxford Dictionary of National Biography Oxford University Press 2004 online edn May 2006 1