Roy Porter (d. 31 Aralık 1946 - ö. 3 Mart 2002) tıp tarihi üzerine yapmış olduğu çalışmalarla tanınmış İngiliz tarihçidir. Londra'da doğmuş, büyümüş ve eğitim almıştır. 1993 yılında görevli olduğu üniversitede profesörlüğe yükselmiş, 2001 Eylülü'nde emekliye ayrılmış, birkaç ay sonra bir kalp krizi sonucu yaşamını yitirmiştir. 100'ün üzerinde kitabın yazımında veya editörlüğünde bulunmuştur. Porter, Londra Tarihi hakkında da büyük çaplı araştırmalar yürütmüştür.
Roy Porter | |
Doğum | 31 Aralık 1946 Londra, Birleşik Krallık |
Ölüm | 3 Mart 2002 (55 yaşında) , Birleşik Krallık |
Diğer ad(lar)ı | Roy Sydney Porter |
Meslek | Tarihçi, bilim tarihçisi |
Tanınma nedeni | Tıp tarihi |
Hayatı boyunca 4 kez evlenmiştir, ilk olarak Sue Limb ile (1970), sonra Jacqueline Rainfray ile (1983), sonra Dorothy Watkins ile (1987) ve son olarak Hannah Augstein ile evlenmiştir. Hayatının son zamanlarını ise Natsu Hattori ile geçirmiştir. Çok az uykuya ihtiyacı olduğu bilinmektedir.
Roy Porter birçok televizyon ve radyo programında yer almıştır. BBC Radyo 3' Nightwaves'in orijinal sunucusudur.
Bilim tarihi üzerine kitapları
- The Making of Geology: Earth Science in Britain, 1660–1815 (Cambridge ve New York, 1977; 1980'de tekrar basıldı.) ()
- The Earth Sciences: An Annotated Bibliography (New York ve Londra, 1983) ()
- Man Masters Nature: Twenty-Five Centuries of Science (1989)
- Porter, Roy, (Ed.) (2003). Eighteenth-Century Science. The Cambridge History of Science. 4. Cambridge University Press. ISBN .
Tıp tarihi üzerine kitapları
- The History of Medicine: Past, Present and Future (Uppsala, 1983)
- A Social History of Madness: Stories of the Insane (Londra, 1987; 1989; 1996) ()
- Disease, Medicine, and Society in England, 1550–1860 (Londra, 1987; Basingstoke, 1993; Cambridge, 1995) ()
- Mind-Forg'd Manacles: A History of Madness in England from the Restoration to the Regency (Londra, 1987; 1990) ()
- Health for Sale: Quackery in England, 1660–1850 (Manchester ve New York, 1989) ()
- Doctor of Society: Thomas Beddoes and the Sick Trade in Late Enlightenment England (Londra, 1991)
- The Greatest Benefit to Mankind: A Medical History of Humanity (Londra, 1997; 1999)
- Nicholas Venette: Conjugal Love (1983)
- Anatomy of Madness (1985)
- Disease, Medicine, and Society in England, 1550–1860 (1995)
- The Cambridge Illustrated History of Medicine (1996)
- A Social History of Madness: The World Through the Eyes of the Insane (1988)
- Bodies Politic: Disease, Death, and Doctors in Britain, 1650–1900 (2001)
- Madness: A Brief History (2002)
- Blood and Guts: A Short History of Medicine (2003)
- Flesh in the Age of Reason (2004)
- The Cambridge History of Medicine (2006)
- Madmen: A Social History of Madhouses, Mad-Doctors and Lunatics (2006)
Aydınlanma üzerine kitapları
- Edward Gibbon: Making History (London, 1988) ()
- The Enlightenment (Basingstoke, 1990; 2001)
- Enlightenment: Britain and the Creation of the Modern World (Londra, 2000) ()
- Published in the USA as The Creation of the Modern World: The Untold Story of the British Enlightenment (New York, 2000) ()
Sosyal tarih üzerine kitapları
- English Society in the Eighteenth Century (Londra, 1982; Harmondsworth, 1990) ()
- London: A Social History (Londra, 1994; 1996; 2000) ()
- The Rise and Fall of London's Town Centres: Lessons for the Future (Londra, 1996) ()
History Today Makaleleri
- "Under the influence": mesmerism in England (Eylül 1985)
- The Rise and Fall of the Age of Miracles (Kasım 1996)
- Bethlam/Bedlam: Methods of Madness? (Ekim 1997)
- Reading is Bad for your Health (Mart 1998)
- Matrix of modernity – Roy Porter discusses how the British Enlightenment paved the way for the creation of the modern world (Nisan 2001)
- The body politic: diseases and discourses – Roy Porter shows how 18th-century images of the medical profession flow over into the work of political caricaturists (Ekim 2001)
Eş-yazarı olduğu kitaplar
- Rape, ile birlikte (1986)
- Patient's Progress: Doctors and Doctoring in Eighteenth-Century England, Dorothy Porter ile birlikte (1989)
- The Facts of Life: The Creation of Sexual Knowledge in Britain, 1650–1950, Lesley A. Hall ile birlikte (1995)
- Gout: The Patrician Malady, ile birlikte (1998)
Editörü olduğu kitaplar
- The Ferment of Knowledge: Studies in the Historiography of Eighteenth-Century Science, ile birlikte (1980)
- Dictionary of the History of Science, W. F. Bynum ve E. J. Browne ile birlikte (1981)
- The Enlightenment in National Context, ile birlikte (1981)
- Contributed essay, 'The Enlightenment in England'
- The Anatomy of Madness: Essays in the History of Psychiatry, 3 cilt, W. F. Bynum ve Michael Shepherd ile birlikte (1985)
- Volume I: People and Ideas – contributed essay 'The Hunger of Imagination: approaching Samuel Johnson's melancholy'
- Revolution in History, ile birlikte (1986)
- Contributed essay, 'The scientific revolution: a spoke in the wheel?'
- Problems and Methods in the History of Medicine, Andrew Wear ile birlikte (1987)
- The Social History of Language, Peter Burke ile birlikte (1987)
- Drugs and Narcotics in History, ile birlikte (1988)
- Romanticism in National Context, ile birlikte (1988)
- Sexual Underworlds of the Enlightenment, ile birlikte (1988)
- The Dialectics of Friendship, Sylvana Tomaselli ile birlikte (1989)
- The Hospital in History, Lindsay Patricia Granshaw ile birlikte (1989)
- Exoticism in the Enlightenment, ile birlikte (1989)
- Fin de Siècle and its Legacy, ile birlikte (1990)
- The Popularization of Medicine, 1650–1850 (1992)
- The Renaissance in National Context, ile birlikte (1992)
- The Scientific Revolution in National Context, ile birlikte (1992)
- Consumption and the World of Goods, John Brewer ile birlikte (1993)
- Companion Encyclopedia of the History of Medicine, W. F. Bynum ile birlikte (1993)
- A Dictionary of Eighteenth-Century World History, Jeremy Black ile birlikte (1994)
- The Biographical History of Scientists (1994)
- Sexual Knowledge, Sexual Science: The History of Attitudes to Sexuality, ile birlikte (1994)
- Inventing Human Science: Eighteenth-Century Domains, Christopher Fox ve ile birlikte (1995)
- Languages and Jargons: Contributions Towards the Social History of Language, Peter Burke ile birlikte (1995)
- Pleasure in the Eighteenth Century, Marie Mulvey Roberts ile birlikte (1996)
- Nature and Society in Historical Context, ve Bo Gustafsson ile birlikte (1997)
- From Physico-Theology to Bio-Technology: Essays in the Social and Cultural History of Biosciences, Kurt Bayertz ile birlikte (1998)
- Also contributed essay 'Gout and quackery; or, banks and mountebanks'
- Toleration in Enlightenment Europe, Ole Peter Grell ile birlikte (2000)
- The Confinement of the Insane: International Perspectives, 1800–1965, David Wright ile birlikte (2003)
- Oxford Dictionary of Scientific Quotations, W. F. Bynum ile birlikte (2005)
Roy Porter hakkındaki kitaplar
- Remembering Roy Porter (2002, The Wellcome Trust)
- Medicine, Madness and Social History: Essays in Honour of Roy Porter (2007)
Ayrıca bakınız
- ^ "Professor Roy Porter". 4 Mart 2016 tarihinde kaynağından . Erişim tarihi: 17 Mart 2016.
- ^ "Professor Roy Porter". 29 Şubat 2016 tarihinde kaynağından . Erişim tarihi: 17 Mart 2016.
- ^ Griffiths, Joanna (9 Şubat 2002). "Review: Madness: A Brief History by Roy Porter". The Guardian. 11 Şubat 2021 tarihinde kaynağından . Erişim tarihi: 27 Haziran 2022.
- ^ Grob, Gerald N. (1 Mayıs 2003). "Review: Blood and Guts: A Short History of Medicine by Roy Porter". New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM). 348: 1823-1824. doi:10.1056/NEJM200305013481823.
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Roy Porter d 31 Aralik 1946 o 3 Mart 2002 tip tarihi uzerine yapmis oldugu calismalarla taninmis Ingiliz tarihcidir Londra da dogmus buyumus ve egitim almistir 1993 yilinda gorevli oldugu universitede profesorluge yukselmis 2001 Eylulu nde emekliye ayrilmis birkac ay sonra bir kalp krizi sonucu yasamini yitirmistir 100 un uzerinde kitabin yaziminda veya editorlugunde bulunmustur Porter Londra Tarihi hakkinda da buyuk capli arastirmalar yurutmustur Roy PorterDogum31 Aralik 1946 1946 12 31 Londra Birlesik KrallikOlum3 Mart 2002 55 yasinda Birlesik KrallikDiger ad lar iRoy Sydney PorterMeslekTarihci bilim tarihcisiTaninma nedeniTip tarihi Hayati boyunca 4 kez evlenmistir ilk olarak Sue Limb ile 1970 sonra Jacqueline Rainfray ile 1983 sonra Dorothy Watkins ile 1987 ve son olarak Hannah Augstein ile evlenmistir Hayatinin son zamanlarini ise Natsu Hattori ile gecirmistir Cok az uykuya ihtiyaci oldugu bilinmektedir Roy Porter bircok televizyon ve radyo programinda yer almistir BBC Radyo 3 Nightwaves in orijinal sunucusudur CalismalariBilim tarihi uzerine kitaplari The Making of Geology Earth Science in Britain 1660 1815 Cambridge ve New York 1977 1980 de tekrar basildi 9780521215213 The Earth Sciences An Annotated Bibliography New York ve Londra 1983 9780824092672 Man Masters Nature Twenty Five Centuries of Science 1989 978 0 8076 1233 0 Porter Roy Ed 2003 Eighteenth Century Science The Cambridge History of Science 4 Cambridge University Press ISBN 9780521572439 Tip tarihi uzerine kitaplari The History of Medicine Past Present and Future Uppsala 1983 A Social History of Madness Stories of the Insane Londra 1987 1989 1996 9780297792239 Disease Medicine and Society in England 1550 1860 Londra 1987 Basingstoke 1993 Cambridge 1995 9780333398654 Mind Forg d Manacles A History of Madness in England from the Restoration to the Regency Londra 1987 1990 9780485113242 Health for Sale Quackery in England 1660 1850 Manchester ve New York 1989 9780719019036 Doctor of Society Thomas Beddoes and the Sick Trade in Late Enlightenment England Londra 1991 The Greatest Benefit to Mankind A Medical History of Humanity Londra 1997 1999 978 0 393 04634 2 Nicholas Venette Conjugal Love 1983 978 0 86245 107 3 Anatomy of Madness 1985 978 0 317 19358 9 Disease Medicine and Society in England 1550 1860 1995 978 0 521 55262 2 The Cambridge Illustrated History of Medicine 1996 978 0 521 44211 4 A Social History of Madness The World Through the Eyes of the Insane 1988 978 1 55584 185 0 Bodies Politic Disease Death and Doctors in Britain 1650 1900 2001 978 0 8014 3953 7 Madness A Brief History 2002 978 0 19 280266 8 Blood and Guts A Short History of Medicine 2003 978 0 393 03762 3 Flesh in the Age of Reason 2004 978 0 393 05075 2 The Cambridge History of Medicine 2006 978 0 521 86426 8 Madmen A Social History of Madhouses Mad Doctors and Lunatics 2006 978 0 7524 3730 9Aydinlanma uzerine kitaplari Edward Gibbon Making History London 1988 9780297793373 The Enlightenment Basingstoke 1990 2001 Enlightenment Britain and the Creation of the Modern World Londra 2000 9780713991529 Published in the USA as The Creation of the Modern World The Untold Story of the British Enlightenment New York 2000 9780393048728 Sosyal tarih uzerine kitaplari English Society in the Eighteenth Century Londra 1982 Harmondsworth 1990 9780140220995 London A Social History Londra 1994 1996 2000 9780674538382 The Rise and Fall of London s Town Centres Lessons for the Future Londra 1996 9781899626250 History Today Makaleleri Under the influence mesmerism in England Eylul 1985 The Rise and Fall of the Age of Miracles Kasim 1996 Bethlam Bedlam Methods of Madness Ekim 1997 Reading is Bad for your Health Mart 1998 Matrix of modernity Roy Porter discusses how the British Enlightenment paved the way for the creation of the modern world Nisan 2001 The body politic diseases and discourses Roy Porter shows how 18th century images of the medical profession flow over into the work of political caricaturists Ekim 2001 Es yazari oldugu kitaplar Rape ile birlikte 1986 978 0 393 04634 2 Patient s Progress Doctors and Doctoring in Eighteenth Century England Dorothy Porter ile birlikte 1989 978 0 8047 1744 1 The Facts of Life The Creation of Sexual Knowledge in Britain 1650 1950 Lesley A Hall ile birlikte 1995 978 0 300 06221 2 Gout The Patrician Malady ile birlikte 1998 978 0 300 07386 7Editoru oldugu kitaplar The Ferment of Knowledge Studies in the Historiography of Eighteenth Century Science ile birlikte 1980 978 0 521 22599 1 Dictionary of the History of Science W F Bynum ve E J Browne ile birlikte 1981 978 0 691 08287 5 The Enlightenment in National Context ile birlikte 1981 978 0 521 23757 4 Contributed essay The Enlightenment in England The Anatomy of Madness Essays in the History of Psychiatry 3 cilt W F Bynum ve Michael Shepherd ile birlikte 1985 978 0 422 79430 5 Volume I People and Ideas contributed essay The Hunger of Imagination approaching Samuel Johnson s melancholy Revolution in History ile birlikte 1986 978 0 521 25978 1 Contributed essay The scientific revolution a spoke in the wheel Problems and Methods in the History of Medicine Andrew Wear ile birlikte 1987 978 0 7099 3687 9 The Social History of Language Peter Burke ile birlikte 1987 978 0 521 30158 9 Drugs and Narcotics in History ile birlikte 1988 978 0 521 43163 7 Romanticism in National Context ile birlikte 1988 978 0 521 32605 6 Sexual Underworlds of the Enlightenment ile birlikte 1988 978 0 8078 1782 7 The Dialectics of Friendship Sylvana Tomaselli ile birlikte 1989 978 0 415 01751 0 The Hospital in History Lindsay Patricia Granshaw ile birlikte 1989 978 0 415 00375 9 Exoticism in the Enlightenment ile birlikte 1989 978 0 7190 2677 5 Fin de Siecle and its Legacy ile birlikte 1990 978 0 521 34108 0 The Popularization of Medicine 1650 1850 1992 978 0 415 07217 5 The Renaissance in National Context ile birlikte 1992 978 0 521 36181 1 The Scientific Revolution in National Context ile birlikte 1992 978 0 521 39510 6 Consumption and the World of Goods John Brewer ile birlikte 1993 978 0 415 03712 9 Companion Encyclopedia of the History of Medicine W F Bynum ile birlikte 1993 978 0 415 04771 5 A Dictionary of Eighteenth Century World History Jeremy Black ile birlikte 1994 978 0 631 18068 5 The Biographical History of Scientists 1994 978 0 19 521083 5 Sexual Knowledge Sexual Science The History of Attitudes to Sexuality ile birlikte 1994 978 0 521 44434 7 Inventing Human Science Eighteenth Century Domains Christopher Fox ve ile birlikte 1995 978 0 520 20010 4 Languages and Jargons Contributions Towards the Social History of Language Peter Burke ile birlikte 1995 978 0 7456 1279 9 Pleasure in the Eighteenth Century Marie Mulvey Roberts ile birlikte 1996 978 0 8147 6644 6 Nature and Society in Historical Context ve Bo Gustafsson ile birlikte 1997 978 0 521 49530 1 From Physico Theology to Bio Technology Essays in the Social and Cultural History of Biosciences Kurt Bayertz ile birlikte 1998 978 9042005013 Also contributed essay Gout and quackery or banks and mountebanks Toleration in Enlightenment Europe Ole Peter Grell ile birlikte 2000 978 0 521 65196 7 The Confinement of the Insane International Perspectives 1800 1965 David Wright ile birlikte 2003 978 0 521 80206 2 Oxford Dictionary of Scientific Quotations W F Bynum ile birlikte 2005 978 0 19 858409 4Roy Porter hakkindaki kitaplar Remembering Roy Porter 2002 The Wellcome Trust Medicine Madness and Social History Essays in Honour of Roy Porter 2007 9780230525498Ayrica bakinizKan Revan IcindeKaynakca Professor Roy Porter 4 Mart 2016 tarihinde kaynagindan Erisim tarihi 17 Mart 2016 Professor Roy Porter 29 Subat 2016 tarihinde kaynagindan Erisim tarihi 17 Mart 2016 Griffiths Joanna 9 Subat 2002 Review Madness A Brief History by Roy Porter The Guardian 11 Subat 2021 tarihinde kaynagindan Erisim tarihi 27 Haziran 2022 Grob Gerald N 1 Mayis 2003 Review Blood and Guts A Short History of Medicine by Roy Porter New England Journal of Medicine NEJM 348 1823 1824 doi 10 1056 NEJM200305013481823